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It's not at all. It's physical at 1 range (and based off strength) and magical at 2 (based of magic). Test it if you don't think so.


C13 can die in a hole on H5. That is all. Props for beating it (probably again).

Actually, Levin sword targets res and is fueled by mag at both melee range and long range. I know this because I had Abel attack a levin sword hero in the final map at melee range(he had 10 atk and A swords, which was downgraded to 6 when you use a lance agaisnt him), and the hero tinked Abel's 6 res.

Just letting you know.

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Actually, Levin sword targets res and is fueled by mag at both melee range and long range. I know this because I had Abel attack a levin sword hero in the final map at melee range(he had 10 atk and A swords, which was downgraded to 6 when you use a lance agaisnt him), and the hero tinked Abel's 6 res.

Just letting you know.

Really? Hmm. Maybe my memory is a bit shoddy then. :/

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I seem to remember Levin Swords sucking doing the same at both ranges, too.

I remember this because I was surprised by FE4's physical-magical swords because it was the first time I'd seen it.

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Yeah, Levin swords generally suck ass, and da125 is right about the damage calculation. They're usually better off being sold, but I'm lazy and I like giving one to Marth in case he wants to chip something without dying.

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Levin Swords are my weapon of choice against ballista.

Also, if you don't feel like warpskipping, you can pass the Thunderbolt down to Jake, and watch the boss collapse like a wet noodle (Jake and another competent unit should be enough to KO the boss in one turn. . .on H2, Jake did 30 damage with Thunderbolt, out of the boss's 32 HP).

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Anyway, added a poll up top, and yes I am allowed to vote in my own poll because

[spoiler=Chapter 14]


Learn to hate these guys, because if you don't kill them, they WILL make your life hell.


Because I am stupid and didn't bring a thief or buy a bridge key in chapter 10 (you'll see why later), I burn a master key use on the bridge here. Not that it really matters.

Also, I spelt "Horsekiller" wrong, oops


You typically don't want to go this way to the village with Marth since these guys really have Silver Longbows.

Also random thought, archers are my most hated enemy type in every fire emblem game ever

and mages


Beck and Jake can take care of this guy pretty easily (over time, with Hoistflamme and/or Stonehoist)


Cue Horace's master plan of having the enemy thieves fetch him the treasure so he doesn't have to lug around level 3 Julian!


Sorry I skipped half of the chapter, I killed 4 knights a couple cavs and some poor archer that tried to kill Marth.

Anyway, I head through this door to the south, as there are some annoying pegasus knight reinforcements with forged javelins (probably) that show up after Palla and Catria, and I didn't want to have to deal with them.


Palla is useable because she has flight, good promotion gains and B Lances. Note the word useable. Her speed growth actually kinda hurts in H5.


C Lances is still decent, although she has a 3 level deficit to her sister, which stings a bit. Catria has some better growths better (ie speed), which may or may not make her the better choice. I prefer Palla personally.




Buy some of these, they're handy in the next chapter.


ok so after everything was dead except like the thieves and the sniper, the thieves didn't grab the treasure and suicided on Shiida, so I ran around the map with Marth collecting the village, then the chests, for a ridiculously efficient clear. I could have had this done by like turn 8 or something, but Thoron and buillion and Silver Card were too nice to pass up.

ok I actually finished the chapter now guys

Edited by General Horace
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Those two doofuses Shin and Integrity are leading the Catria charge, you guys suck

I'll leave the poll up until 5pm PST.

ok what the hell guys why is the poll tied

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Catria is sexier than Palla most of the time. I am disappointed.

Please, Catria's haircut is so stupid, it takes away from her appeal. Give me Paola's/Sheeda's any day of the week.

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ok I'm not gonna lie guys

If Catria had won, I would have switched their places in the poll, so Palla would have won anyway

so you're a cheater huh

do you cheat in drafts too

horace I am disappointed

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