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Characters You're Sick of Hearing Praise About


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Eugh, starting to see some real hate in these comments. There's a difference between disliking/being fed up with hyped characters and outright attacking them for personal biases. Besides, one person's pet peeve could be another person's like or guilty pleasure. Anyways.../rant

I don't have many personally, and I haven't been on the internet enough to get sick of anyone. Closest though would be any huge praise for POR Volke and Sothe that thinks they can fight.

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3-13 Archer is overrated.


But on the topic on hand...

Hector oh god Hector.

I also find the Trainees so painfully overrated by the casual fanbase. They must realize these guys blow, it's impossible not to. But alas, they can't.


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As for casual runs, if you're willing to give the Hero Sword to Lackhe, you are certainly able to give one to Delmud. I mean regardless of the style of play, its not even a contest that Delmud is better with the Hero Sword. If Delmud lacks Pursuit, he gets actually good offense and since he's mounted, he'll make better use of it. If Delmud has Pursuit, he'll have just as much offense as Lakche with it, but with 2 move and canto. Either way, Delmud certainly shitstomps her with it and Lackhe doesn't even need it to have good offense. Just give her a Silver Blade or Silver Sword.

Except for Lakche's my favorite female character ever so I'm not letting her leave Hero Sword unless it's a draft run. Delmud can get the other one, for all I cares. I never said he can't get one. I do give him the other one whether his dad is Beowulf or Fin. It's just that Lex!Delmud will not, under any circumstance, get Hero Sword in C6. That is all.

Don't dictate what I should do in my runs. I know very well what the strengths and weaknesses of each character are. I just favor female characters who can kill things with sharp shiny pointy objects and Lakche does that, so she'll get my favouritism and I could give less of a shit about a guy who's not even that attractive.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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All Est characters are overrated. I mean seriously every time I hear "train Est she will be better than your mom" or "Nino kicks ass, all you need is some leveling and you get a god!" My face is always likeunsure.gif

Edited by Racer
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I'm sick of hearing praise about any FE character and FE game in general. Especially those characters who have epic lines such as "......" or something along the line of vengeance or wanting to be stronger but they have a pretty face so it's okay only not really. Also characters like Ilyana and Florina who IS feels that their little quirk is enough for their character to warrant no actual explanation as to why they are the way they are because they are there to be cute and only that.

/is bitter towards FE in general >8[

This was the best post.

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Except for Lakche's my favorite female character ever so I'm not letting her leave Hero Sword unless it's a draft run.

Ok that's great, but it's not unreasonable for Delmud to have the second Hero Sword.

Delmud can get the other one, for all I cares. I never said he can't get one. I do give him the other one whether his dad is Beowulf or Fin. It's just that Lex!Delmud will not, under any circumstance, get Hero Sword in C6. That is all.

You should've specified what you meant then. The way you worded your post, it sounded more like he's not getting the Hero Sword ever.

Don't dictate what I should do in my runs. I know very well what the strengths and weaknesses of each character are. I just favor female characters who can kill things with sharp shiny pointy objects and Lakche does that, so she'll get my favouritism and I could give less of a shit about a guy who's not even that attractive.

The hell? When did I ever say you were not allowed to give a Hero Sword to Lakche and you must give the Hero Sword to Delmud?

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That being said, it doesn't actually bother me if people wants to hype characters, since everyone has a different definition as what constitutes to them as a likable character. As long as they don't try to convince me that their character of choice is a must-use, that is.

Yes, I find it rather silly that people get genuinely upset because certain fictional characters are popular.

I do also like her because she looks like she can actually, you know, fight. Not like every other chick bar a few exceptions who looks like either a supermodel except shorter or a loli.

Which category does Xane fall into?

i guess my issue is why bother with Nephenee when you can put those resources into Marica or Jill can get an more useful result
Because you want to? Nephenee's perfectly useable, and noone's arguing that she should be a top tier character.
I guess i get a little sick of Marcus love. I mean, hes pretty great in the beginning but just...after a while, he gets the bench. I see why people dig him but yeah, personally, hes not that awesome to me. Pent love....yeahhhhh...Hes great! Dont get me wrong! I love his character and hes a cool unit but sometimes his fandom gets...loud.
I like Marcus and Pent because they're more experienced characters, rather than just...well, people who can't legally drink alchohol. But that's just me. Also, the first time people see Pent is when he practically annihilates an entire army by himself, and really you can't help but love him after that.
I still think Marcus is underrated. Everyone is still under the impression that he has to hit the bench at some point in the game.
Why would people who use prepromotes do that?
SethI'm a stat-junky, compare his stats to any other unit's stats at the same level, he's not that good.he was my worst unit on my cavaliers/paladins only PT.
What Edited by Refa
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As long as they don't try to convince me that their character of choice is a must-use, that is.

Yeah. It goes the other way too like, "OMG I CANT BELIEVE YOU USE [insert character here]! HE/SHE IS ASS! AUGH! YER DOING WRONG!" Its like "bite me?"

I like Marcus and Pent because they're more experienced characters, rather than just...well, people who can't legally drink alchohol. But that's just me. Also, the first time people see Pent is when he practically annihilates an entire army by himself, and really you can't help but love him after that.

Oh i really dig Marcus as a character. I think hes pretty damn awesome like that. As a unit, like i said, in my runs, really great in the beginning, but not so great after a while. A lot of the time he still gets deployed but more for utility reasons.

Yeah...i also remember the first time i ever saw Pent. I was like "whos this white haired hottie and...wtf...hes...destroying everything in sight!!!" I do still use him sometimes. Its not like im all "Ewww prepromotes!" Its more like "Oh i...uhm...i already have an established team...sorry mate." Cuz a lot of the time, i plan out who im gonna use for a particular run.

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I heard some people praise Aran because he makes HM easy but his growths are shit. He's staying with those stats for the rest of the game, how is anyone fine with that?

His growths really aren't too bad (they are pretty spectacular, considering it's ridiculous strength, good skill and good durability), and his spd is fixed by BEXP in tier 2. The only reason he's staying with those stats for the rest of the game is because... well, he's shit for other reasons entirely.
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He's not really "Godlike" in NM because NM isn't so hard that you need a tank (even if there is plenty of EXP). If HM can be beaten without Aran then surely enough NM can be more easily beaten without Aran.

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Shitty characters being overrated like Nino don't bother me, because they're usually by people who don't understand what they're talking about and it's easy to just ignore or laugh at them.

It's when the respected people in the FE community - usually the debaters - overrate certain characters does it annoy me, because the casual community is very quick to believe them.

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I heard some people praise Aran because he makes HM easy but his growths are shit. He's staying with those stats for the rest of the game, how is anyone fine with that?

I'm not sure what you're talking about. Aran's growths are very good. For example, his growths are better than or equal to Haar's in every area except luck. In comparison to Nephenee, Aran is exchanging 30% SPD for 5%HP, 40%STR, 5%SKL, and 35%DEF.

What's more of an issue are his base stats, but base stats are an issue for every tier 1 character in FE10.

His growths really aren't too bad (they are pretty spectacular, considering it's ridiculous strength, good skill and good durability), and his spd is fixed by BEXP in tier 2. The only reason he's staying with those stats for the rest of the game is because... well, he's shit for other reasons entirely.

70% DEF isn't just "good", it's "tied for the best in the entire game", and that's with Renning who only has 4 levels to grow.

Edited by Anouleth
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Shin (I don't feel as extreme on him as I do most of the others I mentioned, but I hate the Sacae maps in FE6 with the rage of an angry god).

That hurt.

I've never really been a fan of Dieck. His bases are nice but I've never had any luck with him. It might have been just bad fortune, although his speed has always failed me.

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It's when the respected people in the FE community - usually the debaters - overrate certain characters does it annoy me, because the casual community is very quick to believe them.

I can't help but feel that this statement is generally untrue.
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I can't help but feel that this statement is generally untrue.

How many people QQed again when Sheeda jumped to Top Tier...? How many people still don't believe the debating community about Mia's worth in FE9 and FE10? And just how many people outside of SF really believe that Levin!Arthur>Levin!Sety?

Oh and PS:

i save my BEXP for Jill/Marica/Makalov, thus the "Makalov Fanboy" in my name.

Don't whine about her "horrible start" if you're not even willing to pay her rather meager start-up cost.

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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I think I'm sick of the Swordtwins really. They bring WTF offense to the table sure, but they do so in an environment where it's easy to match that level of offense while having mounts or staves or something extra in return.

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