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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

The party gauge lock/draining stuff is definitly my least favorite part of the mode because there's no counter it outside of "kill whatever is causing it". The special Ardanian challenge in particular is a good example of how frusterating the mechanic is.

I dont know how I mount an offence without dying, either. And wearing the accessory to stop party gauge draining just messes with my setup, which is annoying. Any tips on how to get some good offence in?

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4 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I dont know how I mount an offence without dying, either. And wearing the accessory to stop party gauge draining just messes with my setup, which is annoying. Any tips on how to get some good offence in?

I didn't even know there were accessories for it. 

I haven't beaten those missions, at least not without cheesing with Custom. However, I think having the accessory where damage output increases with each Blade switch might be a good idea. I also think Shulk and Corbin are musts as the former can negate Awakening while the latter can negate Enrage, both of which can be very deadly since they stack. Oh and of course, have a healer, particular one with healing Arts and Specials. You can give Morag Elma, for example, to gain a healing Art on her while still keeping attack benefits (Obrona too but I don't remember if she's an Attack Blade).

Other than that, I don't really have any good tips. Although avoid Chain Attacks unless you have a Full Burst set up (and even then, hold on to it. You'll want it for the few times your party gauge isn't being screwed over).

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What is Vestaria?

Was not a section or thread about this game, so it has to do with FE, right? 


Anyways I played more FFF yesterday. Seems to be Neptunia x Xenoblade since something similar to blades exist which is cool. Still I have not quite got all mechanics yet. Fairyrizing seems like overlimit, but I am not exactly sure. And I do not understand how to use the furies properly. 

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6 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

Lemme guess - there's more to getting the extra ending than this, isn't there...

I think not, at the very least. I got the Extra Ending just by doing what I outlined in that post. But it could be that you need a specific normal ending to unlock the extra one. I'm not too sure of that myself, to be honest, as this was my first time actually getting that far.
Though I DID unlock the two extra bosses on my first playthrough where the normal ending I got was vastly different from the one I got this time around, which is why I think that the normal ending you get first doesn't really matter. I'd need to go back and replay the game to confirm it, though.

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Oh hey, Firework selling just has started. 

Means I better should evade stores today because Dutchman invasion is going to happen. 

In general wasting money for noise and dirt for the enviroment is just sad. 

I mean rockets might look nice, but there is so much useless stuff existing for New Year which just hurts more people and enviroment than it helps. 

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42 minutes ago, Zemuria said:

What is Vestaria?

It's a SRPG made by Kaga. Just got released yesterday on steam.


 And I do not understand how to use the furies properly. 

You can equip them like any other item, however, they level up and give stats and abilities


On other news, i am on Silver Snow Final Map atm


Rhea as final boss seems really really unfitting imo. Also, that Shambala Map was Kaga.


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38 minutes ago, Zemuria said:

What is Vestaria?

Was not a section or thread about this game, so it has to do with FE, right? 

Shouzou Kaga, the director of FEs 1-5 (and TearRing Saga and Berwick Saga), made the game as a little retirement project (he is 70 possibly) using a new piece of software called SRPG Maker.

The game has FE turn-based gameplay with the same general unit and weapon types, random growths, and all the usual things you'd expect from one. No supports, but permadeath and characters who aren't generic expendables carry over too of course. It doesn't have high production values being made as a totally free game in Japan (it's 19.99 USD in English b/c translation costs), but the gameplay should be at least decent. 

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@Shrimperor A little PSA about Three Houses for you:

Don't play Golden Deer next. Playing Church Route and Golden Deer one after the other is not a very good idea. I learned this the hard way. Reason being that

aside from two maps, they are virtually identical. You do get far more lore info than Silver Snow, though I suggest playing Blue Lions next to keep things fresh.

But of course, you do you. Don't want to tell you how to play your game, after all. 😄

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I would totally try to make an LP out of Vestaria if I had it. I do kinda have a bit of regret not waiting to use up my 200 MXN to buy it.

Although, I can wait. It's 10 USD here... and if it wasn't for that controversy thing, I might buy it full price for Kaga... hmm...

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At 186 MXN, it's pretty much half-price here compared to the US, heh.

Sometimes, games may be pricier here, *looks at Nintendo games on their online shops* ; but the rest are instead cheaper. I'm thankful for than on the general.

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8 hours ago, Armagon said:
I didn't even know there were accessories for it. 

I haven't beaten those missions, at least not without cheesing with Custom. However, I think having the accessory where damage output increases with each Blade switch might be a good idea. I also think Shulk and Corbin are musts as the former can negate Awakening while the latter can negate Enrage, both of which can be very deadly since they stack. Oh and of course, have a healer, particular one with healing Arts and Specials. You can give Morag Elma, for example, to gain a healing Art on her while still keeping attack benefits (Obrona too but I don't remember if she's an Attack Blade).

Other than that, I don't really have any good tips. Although avoid Chain Attacks unless you have a Full Burst set up (and even then, hold on to it. You'll want it for the few times your party gauge isn't being screwed over).

Yeah, you get them as a reward for beating one of them, sadly.

I was kinda hoping that I didn't have to rely on Corvin, as it feels kinda like a crutch since he's so amazing overall. As for healing, if I don't have the medal equipped, the one that heals when you get a critical hit, I don't survive very long. And if I go with a total tank setup, I run out of time, and end up failing anyways.

Getting a full burst setup is hard when sealing reinforcements is a necessity, unless you want to be overwhelmed quickly.

Is having Shulk as a blade on my allies better or are his visions better used if i'm the one in control?

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2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

@DragonFlamesThat's the plan. Will do BL then Golden Memes

But honestly, will take a break first, play something else (probably action oriented), do some real life stuff before i return to FE16

That's probably a good call, as well. It lets you avoid getting burnt out.

I'm exclusively calling the Golden Deer the Golden Memes now. That is just too good to pass up. XD

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As far as the XC2 DLC goes, I'm struggling the most with,


The Elma: REdux mission.

My first move is to seal reinforcements, cause if you dont, it's over. Then I swap to Corvin to tank, until the smash combos hit me, then it's pretty much a loss at that point. 

I have him going with an ultimate shield setup which only goes so far. 

I spoiled the mission name in case. I wasn't sure.

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I've started playing Civilization VI, the one game I got for Xmas to venture beyond my usual gaming boundaries. 

The tutorials are barely useful, the massive amount of information I have to learn is crushingly overwhelming, I restarted like three times within 100 turns until after reading online expand expand expand! is the key to the earlygame, and did just that. Now I'm approaching turn 200 on a standard-sized map I made as easy as possible to learn the basics by playing, moving towards attempting a religious victory with me now trying to convert Spain from its chosen Judaism (the sad irony) to my Buddhism.

The game is so slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!

My 4 Spd Gilbert was faster than this game is. IDK if I'm doing anything wrong that'd seriously speed it up (I probably am), but it truly is glacial.

...And yet, the grind is getting addictive. The Civilization bug, of becoming insanely drawn to gradual development of your realm, blind to the passage of IRL time, is setting in. It's dangerous. 

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...It all makes sense now! Byleth is a male CPU! *angry Neptunia Fanbase noises*



Honestly though, Flayn's S-support is hilarious. Best thing since grilled Fish. Worth playing the Church route for that alone xD

So, as you might've guessed, i just finished Silver Snow. While i did enjoy it, i will say i liked it a bit less than Crimson Flower, mainly due to 2 Big Story OOFs i will speak about later, but first, let's start what i liked:

  • Seteth and Flayn easily make the route for me. And even though the game doesn't treat them as such (you don't get game over when Seteth 'dies'), they are the 'lord' and 'Companion' of this route (Akin to Edel/Hubie, Joe/Hilda, Edgeitri/DuscurDude). Seteth is the biggest bro, and his and Flayn's  insights and views were always interesting. Seteth is fair, even to his enemies, even to Edelgard who he acknowledges as a good ruler during the route. Flayn interacting with the cast was always a treat, especially when you get to know she wants to have human companions and fight alongside them, like her Father and Mother did. Poor Seteth got robbed from the lord role. Honestly, i might've enjoyed Seteth + Flayn post time skip a bit more than  Edel + Hubie.
  • You get to see all the suffering Edelgard caused with her big war, and the results of it. You don't really get to see that in CF.
  • You get more time to customize your units and build support, allowing me to get more out of the Story
  • This route did feel alot like playing a classic fe, going against a big ass Empire and stuff

Now, let's view the oofs, including the 2 big oofs

  • Reunion Chapter.... Look, i don't mind low man chapters much, but not against ~40 freaking units that are all super op with high AS. What the hell, IS? Also, why give us only 3 Keys in a Chapter with 4 Chests? Am i suppossed to see the future?
  • Rhea should've been playable after we saved her
  • Big OOF #1: Dimitri and Claude being off screen'd. While i don't mind Dimitri much since it seems his job is getting rekt in every route anyway, Claude dissapearing and never appearing again made me go ''wat?''. Although i can guess he dissapeared to Almyra like in CF if you spare him, i would've still liked to see him in some way, since we were making an alliance with the alliance. I was hoping to see some more GD characters and stuff. With the lords all ded, we control Fodlan. Too convenient, way too convenient.
  • Big OOF #2: Rhea final boss. Like, why? After all we did to save her, she goes mad? Honestly, the whole final chapter feels tacked on just so we can have a dragon final boss because Fire Emblem needs them. Rhea should've been playable as i said and maybe the lord after we save her (with her rescue happening a bit earlier ), and we get her cool Seiros look we see in CF as enemy Boss. Shambala map could've worked as final map with some added stuff. It already reminded me alot of FE5 final map anyway, alot. Just add more towers and make the boss room a bit thougher so you can't reach him in the same turn you open the door. Maybe add a turn limit or something with nuke missiles nuking you and gg'ing if you didn't clear before turn limit. That's the biggest thing i am iffy about in this route, Rhea being final boss. Unneeded.
  • With Rhea dead... Why didn't Byleth change back and lose his Crest like in CF? or didn't she die? If so, Why doesn't the game tell us anything? The last cutscene implies she died after Byleth held into her after she retransformed back. ''You're here, Mother'' and closing the eyes hmm. 

And now i have even more questions that i hope will get answered in the other routes xD

Still, CF and SS were both enjoyable, even if not completely satisfying, let's see of the other routes can fill that.... after a break, even if my curiousty makes me want to start the game now xD

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14 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

As for healing, if I don't have the medal equipped, the one that heals when you get a critical hit, I don't survive very long

Well Rex should always have that. If you have the free Melee Myhtra aux cord, that's even better. Crithra is one of the best builds in the game. Spin to win.

14 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Is having Shulk as a blade on my allies better or are his visions better used if i'm the one in control?

Considering Overdrive can be activated as long as Elma is on the field, I'm pretty sure Shulk's Visions also activate if he's on the field. Doesn't require you to be the one in control.


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