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19 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It would but (and i'm aware we don't know much as it was a canceled project) but size of that explorable field map would be way too small for Monolith Soft standards (i'm going off the minimap). If Monolith were to take that canceled Wii game and rework it, the fields would be a lot bigger. Maybe not Xenoblade-sized but bigger than the usual JRPG's field maps.

They sound like they would be big-ish already.


Also you would have a lot of party members on the field at once, with "walking on the field" type enemies where contact would initiate battle. Not unlike SoV.

Perhaps the concept was going to work like how SoV ended up being for its dungeons. Except whole game long.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

They sound like they would be big-ish already.


Mmmmmmmmmmmm ngl that still kinda feels like the usual JRPG field. I mean, maybe the concept art doesn't represent it well (it probably doesn't) but the paths seem pretty linear whereas Xenoblade worlds are wide (usually) and have lots to explore. In general, that's what the usual JRPG fields are like. Maybe they are long in terms of length but the width is usually pretty narrow and linear. You get what i mean? 

The map here seems more like something you'd see in the Trials of Mana remake, to use an example.

But considering this was a canceled project, i wouldn't think too deeply about it. Maybe it might resurface one day, maybe some of it made it into TMS. Who knows.

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Also you would have a lot of party members on the field at once, with "walking on the field" type enemies where contact would initiate battle. Not unlike SoV.

Perhaps the concept was going to work like how SoV ended up being for its dungeons. Except whole game long.

Well we know the concept for the SoV dungeons actually came from Fates' My Castle but you might be right that the initial idea came from this.

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4 hours ago, Armagon said:



Yeah, so i'm now convinced that Future Connected will have a similar length to Torna (15-20 hours for main story at least). They wouldn't make a new battle system if it was only gonna be like 5 hours long.

Maybe this also means that the Bionis Shoulder is bigger than what was left over on the Wii. I mean, we've already seen new segments to it that weren't there before.

@Interdimensional Observer @Lightchao42 @lightcosmo thoughts?

Hmm... wonder how big and informative the adventure is going to be then. And, they aren't limited to the Shoulder as the picture of Alcamoth indicated, they could cover a small handful of other places, even if the Shoulder is the core of this epilogue.

Retooling Melia maybe could be fun, I love her current setup of blending the roles of supportive and offensive "mage", but I'm always up for something new if it's good. Instead of buffing allies, how about her elementals turn into debuffing orbs that surround the enemy? A loose borrowing from XC2 Chain Attacks. -But she can stay the same and Shulk can get changed up, or the new characters will add a whole lot of new combat gimmicks, and perhaps Chain Attacks will undergo a modification 


4 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Looking more closely, I'm pretty sure that the High Entia in the rightmost image is Tyrea. Her fate was left open in the main game so it's not too unexpected for her role to be expanded on. Maybe she'll be the third party member?

Her "fate was left open"? She lived, despite an initial assumption she didn't, she merely went her own independent way after events. Given her minor connection to Melia as a stepsister IIRC, I could see Melia bumping into her again at Alcamoth- Tyrea has reason to want to go back there- and then for shared investigative interests, and maybe a bit of survival after a nasty encounter with a new threat, she reluctantly teams up for the time being.

The old artwork and ingame images Armagon posted look like oversized and excessively decorated Katars for weapons. Stabby fisticuffs (minus the inhuman flexibility of Voldo) will be different from what is in the XC1 maingame, and pleasing to the eye- if she keeps them.

But Tyrea, really? She isn't the 5-letter female I'd want playable. I yearn for an iron maiden.

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9 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Happy Birthday!

8 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Happy birthday from me, too, @Falcom Knight


6 hours ago, Armagon said:

@Falcom Knight happy birthday!

Thank you all!



once it get's out of school it gets alooooooooooooot better (before you head back to it again)

like, me during field studies: plays 10 hours non-stop

me during school segment: takes up to 5 days to get to next field study

It's not that I don't like the school segment, though it consumes so much time and I'm really excited for any story relevant events.

Though by doing an optional quest in St. Arkh I met a very familar face


from Crossbell which was like a really cool easteregg for me. Movitates me to do optional quests even more.

There also a few things I like about this game more:

  • fishing
  • brave orders 

Actually I'm playing on hard and funnily and I have done better (thanks to the OP brave orders) so far than on easy against the second boss in Einhel Keep.


Even though the day is almost over.

I was more than glad seriously.


Is it weird how I check the calendar every day to see who's birthday it is?

Earlier when more of my online friends used the forum, yes.

Nowadays, I don't.

And seriously I was a bit embarrassed when someone congratulated me.

Though I take it as a hint to check the calender more often now.

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5 hours ago, Armagon said:



Yeah, so i'm now convinced that Future Connected will have a similar length to Torna (15-20 hours for main story at least). They wouldn't make a new battle system if it was only gonna be like 5 hours long.

Maybe this also means that the Bionis Shoulder is bigger than what was left over on the Wii. I mean, we've already seen new segments to it that weren't there before.

@Interdimensional Observer @Lightchao42 @lightcosmo thoughts?

They are definitely planning something huge, considering that they totally revamped Shulk and Melias designs, I think they might be going for a totally new feel for the game, which I hope is the case. The sky is the limit as amazing as Torna was, as well! 

Obviously they are going for a new feel, but I think they are gonna go above and beyond, which is super exciting!

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48 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Retooling Melia maybe could be fun, I love her current setup of blending the roles of supportive and offensive "mage", but I'm always up for something new if it's good. Instead of buffing allies, how about her elementals turn into debuffing orbs that surround the enemy? A loose borrowing from XC2 Chain Attacks.

That could be an interesting possibility. Riki was usually the debuffer of the party, as he had a lot of status effect Arts but with him likely not in Future Connected, some of that could be passed on to Melia.

48 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But Tyrea, really? She isn't the 5-letter female I'd want playable. I yearn for an iron maiden.

Well, we're actually not sure if she's playable. It seems she actually will have a decently major role this time at least but what that is remains to be seem.

Oh btw, here's a higher-res image



And of the download card



Strangely, the download size states 15.1 GB when the eShop said it was 13 GB. Maybe the 13 GB was tentative? Xenoblade 2 with all the DLC downloaded is 16 GB for comparison.

29 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

They are definitely planning something huge, considering that they totally revamped Shulk and Melias designs, I think they might be going for a totally new feel for the game, which I hope is the case

I already had that feeling before, but this new stuff further strengthens that. Monolith Soft has been going above and beyond so i was expecting Future Connected to be decently-sized ever since the March 26th trailer. 

I'm more excited for this than the main story lmao. But that's understandable, as it's completely brand new content.

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8 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Honestly, no joke, exactly this xD
like, School part just drags on so much

It's even worse than CS1 cosidering they added 2 Mecha battles to the school loop. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.


I have to agree.
While I don't necessarily mind a little downtime in my games, the school part gets repetitive really quickly. Part of it is the frankly boring layout and aesthetic of the school itself. Another part is that it's the same as it was in CS1, where this game already draws many, many, many inspirations from (like, up until the first field study, it's practically the same game). And a third part is me going "just get to the next interesting part already, please!"
The town's kinda nice, though. Even though I completely forgot its name already. XP

8 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

It's been five days since i finished Chapter 1 now
I am still at Free day chapter 2 lol

I know that feeling.
It took me about a week to motivate myself to continue playing the game after Chapter 3.

8 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Also Musse Memes still goin strong haha

I'm half-proud, half-embarrassed of having contributed to that. XD

6 hours ago, Armagon said:
Lesson of the day: never mess with Nepgya.

Life lessons with Armagon and DragonFlames.

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@Lightchao42 @lightcosmo @Interdimensional Observer more XenoblaDE info dropped today, two of which are some great QoL updates. We already knew about the quest markers and how you can set quests as priority but


Whereas before you could only see NPC times, now you can see NPC times, what items they can trade, where to find the NPCs, etc. No more looking through the Wiki. The other big update is


You can check your progress on Colony 6 reconstruction and see what you need to advance to the next level whenever you want. Very convinent. Also it's H I M.

Now hopefully we get confirmation that the item spheres have been replaced with Xenoblade 2's collection points.

In other news, while we knew about fashion gear, the example they used when talking about was shirtless Dunban, because of course they did. Even Soraya Saga was kinda amused at how Western Xenoblade fans like shirtless Dunban so much.

Btw, is it alright if i keep tagging you guys when talking about these info drops? I won't do it for every info drop (like how when they just showed the new character renders) but for stuff like this, i think you guys would've like to know, given how.......arcahic the original Xenoblade 1 could be at times.

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Character Development








4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Whereas before you could only see NPC times, now you can see NPC times, what items they can trade, where to find the NPCs, etc.

Hey Falcom

Copy this please.

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14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Btw, is it alright if i keep tagging you guys when talking about these info drops? I won't do it for every info drop (like how when they just showed the new character renders) but for stuff like this, i think you guys would've like to know, given how.......arcahic the original Xenoblade 1 could be at times.

I don't mind either way, but regardless we can be the Four Horsemen of the Xenopocalypse.

I appreciate the quality-of-life updates, as some of these things kept me from fully getting into XC like I did with XC2. Now we just need bonus experience and a cutscene viewer and I'll be good.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Her "fate was left open"? She lived, despite an initial assumption she didn't, she merely went her own independent way after events.

I know Tyrea lived, "fate was left open" meant that we don't see what happened to her after her quest, not even during the ending. Dunban says their paths might cross again afterwards, which is why I'm not too surprised by her being in Future Connected.

8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But Tyrea, really? She isn't the 5-letter female I'd want playable. I yearn for an iron maiden.

Alvis isn't female though. It wouldn't really fit with the plot but I can dream.


I seem to have settled into the tread of alternating between Animal Crossing and Final Fantasy VII while waiting for XCDE. I caught a coelacanth only six days into the former, which I suppose is comparable to learning Beta even if I can't annihilate the game with it. I'm liking the museum's redesign, and especially the "hall of evolution" fossil exhibit. Though it implies that ornithischians are more closely related to pterosaurs than they are to saurischians, literally unplayable.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

@Lightchao42 @lightcosmo @Interdimensional Observer more XenoblaDE info dropped today, two of which are some great QoL updates. We already knew about the quest markers and how you can set quests as priority but


Whereas before you could only see NPC times, now you can see NPC times, what items they can trade, where to find the NPCs, etc. No more looking through the Wiki. The other big update is


You can check your progress on Colony 6 reconstruction and see what you need to advance to the next level whenever you want. Very convinent. Also it's H I M.

Now hopefully we get confirmation that the item spheres have been replaced with Xenoblade 2's collection points.

In other news, while we knew about fashion gear, the example they used when talking about was shirtless Dunban, because of course they did. Even Soraya Saga was kinda amused at how Western Xenoblade fans like shirtless Dunban so much.

Btw, is it alright if i keep tagging you guys when talking about these info drops? I won't do it for every info drop (like how when they just showed the new character renders) but for stuff like this, i think you guys would've like to know, given how.......arcahic the original Xenoblade 1 could be at times.

Okay, the idea to see what they can trade was needed so much!

The colony 6 update is also very nice, no complaints there. Fashion gear stuff is always good to see!

Sure keep tagging me, it keeps me updated! 😀

Also, did Colony 6 always have an Ether Planter? Huh, I don't remember that.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

I already had that feeling before, but this new stuff further strengthens that. Monolith Soft has been going above and beyond so i was expecting Future Connected to be decently-sized ever since the March 26th trailer. 

I'm more excited for this than the main story lmao. But that's understandable, as it's completely brand new content.

Well, everything just feels like it has so much love and effort put into it, which is amazing!

Also, I can agree with this 100%!

Edited by lightcosmo
Apparantly i can't spell okay
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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Hey Falcom

Copy this please.

For Ys, i'm guessing?

Cause like, Trails doesn't really need it thanks to how detailed the notebook is+the quest markers.

1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

I don't mind either way, but regardless we can be the Four Horsemen of the Xenopocalypse.

That's got a nice ring to it haha. I'd say the Four Testaments of the Xenopocalypse, to get that Xenosaga reference in (and there are four Testaments, who are 100% inspired by the Four Horsemen) but it doesn't roll off as nicely.

1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

I appreciate the quality-of-life updates, as some of these things kept me from fully getting into XC like I did with XC2. Now we just need bonus experience and a cutscene viewer and I'll be good.

Same. Ideally, The level penalties will also be gone. I don't think the official Twitter will reveal that but with the quests getting big QoL, gaining EXP from them won't be nearly as annoying.

39 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Also, did Colony 6 always have an Ether Planter? Huh, I don't remember that.

Ether Planter?

I mean, it is right above the Ether Mines.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ether Planter?

I mean, it is right above the Ether Mines.

In the last picture there, In the bottom right it says, "Ether Planter", and I couldn't remember where that was.

I haven't done Colony 6 in a while, it was a bit tedious to have to talk to Juju every time I wanted to know what I needed to get, ending in me not doing that.

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Pre-purchased XC for Switch, and grabbed Overcooked 2 (sans DLCs) last night. And then I saw the upcoming Brigandine game demo available on the eShop.

Be still, my beating heart.

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1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

In the last picture there, In the bottom right it says, "Ether Planter", and I couldn't remember where that was.

I looked it up


1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

haven't done Colony 6 in a while, it was a bit tedious to have to talk to Juju every time I wanted to know what I needed to get, ending in me not doing that.

What I found more tedious was how rare some of the items were. It's why I really want collection points.


I saw this on Twitter and 


If this is true, remember when I said that I didn't agree with the motive? Yeah, I take it back. I now both understand and agree with the motive (again, if true). An incredibly selfless act.

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I can't even do Cold Steel III on easy...

I failed on chest spiders who outturned me and used to speed down on me the entire time.

The difficulty is ridiculous.

My team gets 2RKO'ed at worst and has nothing to prevent status ailments and debuffs.

Yeah, I know a reflect brave order exists, but it's not like I can use it over and over again.


PS: I could beat the main story spiders on normal, but don't ask me how...

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6 out of 10 Crossbellans like Rean....

Wow, propaganda sure works fast in Zemuria. Imagine liking one of the main Heroes of the Country that occupies you


Falcom. Please.

In Liberl people still hated the empire even 10 years after the war, and now you want to tell me Crossbellans suddeny like Rean.

Yeah, i know why, but an occupier is an occupier lol.

10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:


Magic Loli stronk

Also, MegaNep Armor break Mechanic > CS3. Makes positioning important atleast.


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27 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Magic Loli stronk

Who needs Next Form when you have a Magic Loli?


Jk, I love the Next Forms.

27 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Also, MegaNep Armor break Mechanic > CS3. Makes positioning important atleast.

There was at least some semblance of logic behind that, with you needing to attack the enemy from a specific direction to break their parts, the only hard part is getting to move your characters in such a way that they can do that, especially in Affimojas' case, where you have to attack him from behind to damage his cape. And he always positions himself in such a way that this becomes very hard to do (which is actually pretty smart boss design, I think).

Positioning in Neptunia feels more impactful in general, especially the part where you do bonus damage and get increased hit chance when you attack enemies from certain directions.

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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Positioning in Neptunia feels more impactful in general, especially the part where you do bonus damage and get increased hit chance when you attack enemies from certain directions.

Combination attacks also needed positioning and formation

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