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Honestly fashion armor and a cutscene viewer were my most wanted additions, anything in addition to those is a bonus. There are other features I would like but I can live without them.

I also finished watching the cutscenes for Xenosaga Episode II. It's even more of The Jr. Show featuring MOMO and Shion than Episode I, and KOS-MOS is even less relevant than she was in that game (even if she does get a motorcycle that can drive through space). Most of KOS-MOS's crossover appearances were after Episode III's release so I suppose that's enough time for her to get stuff done.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

@Interdimensional Observer @Lightchao42 @lightcosmo so a bunch of preview footage for XenoblaDE is being released right now. I'll link some of the videos if you want to see them but if you don't want to seen any footage, i'll recap.

Future Connected details (NO SPOILERS)

  • Appearently the ending of the main game is straight-up shown at the start of Future Connected so people who haven't played the mains story before really shouldn't touch Future Connected. GameXplain did upload the opening cutscene of Future Connected but it's an edited version as to not spoil the main game.
  • Combat for the most part is unchanged, even Melia seems to retain her Arts from the main game. Don't expect a Torna level of difference. The main difference in combat now is the Union Strikes, which replace Chain Attacks. Those Nopon adventurers from before are officially known as the Ponspectors and there are three kinds: red, blue and yellow. There are 12 of them in total. Red Ponspectors focus on attack, blue Ponspectors will heal and yellow Ponspectors apply status effects and debuffs. And this is reflected in the Union Strikes. The Red Comet deals major damage to one enemy. The Blue Caress heals and grants Regeneration and Debuff Immunity to the party and Yellow Chaos will apply Strength Down and force Daze to all enemies. You get to choose which Union Strike you want, much like Blade Specials during Chain Attacks in the Alrest games.
  • Union Attacks can also be extended the same way Chain Attacks can in the main game: through high tension. Unfortunately, that does mean that they may be inconsistent. 
  • The Bionis Shoulder is all one level on the map though the area itself has multiple altitudes. There appears to be a new "lower depths" section, for example (that wasn't present in the original).
  • Just like how Aux Cores came ready to go in Torna ~ The Golden Country, Gems in Future Connected come ready to be used. You still mine them like in the main game but there's no gem crafting.
  • Confirmed: Jenna Coleman has returned to voice Melia. LET'S GOOOO!
  • In terms of gameplay roles, Nene seems to fill the role of the tank while Keno fills the role of the healer.

General details (AGAIN, NO SPOILERS)

  • Item Spheres are back (God damn it)
    • However, items that you need for quests are highlighted now, so you know exactly when you get them.This also makes filling in the Collectepedia much easier.
    • But items needed for Colony 6 reconstruction can't be tracked. You're still on your own there. Looks like Colony 6 is staying as a heap of rubble because i refuse to waste seven hours of my life looking for Ice Cabbages.
  • Handheld preformance seems to be mostly in line with the Alrest games. The prolouge in particular seems to be kinda rough on handheld mode.
  • Melia's AI still sucks.
  • Remember when i said the Land of Challenge could be accessed from Colony 9? Turns out that's not the only place. There's another portal on the Bionis' Kneecap just after exiting Tephra Cave.
  • I have heard no mention of the Bonus EXP and Unique Monster tombstones. If they really have been left out, that's gonna be odd. Those were amazing QoL additions that the Alrest games had.
  • Multiple save files are still a thing.
  • Cutscene viewer confirmed.

Here's my sources, in case you want to watch them (both videos are from GameXplain).

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Whoa, alot of information. 

Melias VA coming back: that's good too hear. 

Her AI: not too surprised. Also dissapointed the artes arent changed or completely new.

Not sure on how I feel about the other things yet, but we'll see.

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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That'll add to a certain scene later in the game- "We must defend Colony 6 at all costs!" -when all you're defending is a mound of dirt.

That's what happened on my first playthrough haha.

2 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I also finished watching the cutscenes for Xenosaga Episode II. It's even more of The Jr. Show featuring MOMO and Shion than Episode I, and KOS-MOS is even less relevant than she was in that game (even if she does get a motorcycle that can drive through space). Most of KOS-MOS's crossover appearances were after Episode III's release so I suppose that's enough time for her to get stuff done.

The DS version of Episode II is rewritten to put Shion and KOS-MOS back in the spotlight but that one never made it out of Japan unfortunately.


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I can't sleep. F***ing hell.
Due to that, I tried continuing Xenoblade 2. Then I switched over to Three Houses after like... 20 minutes or so. And now I'm here while I brew some tea.
If you ever want to die of cuteness, switch the VO to Japanese and talk to Flayn, or for absolute death, watch her S-support with the Japanese VO turned on. The English version is already adorable as heck, but Japanese Flayn is the queen of adorable.

13 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

What should I play after Cold Steel III?

Persona 5 Royal, Tokyo Xanadu Ex or one of my seven not finished Atelier games?

I'd say try to finish games you started before starting a new one. And yes, I am sitting in a glass house on this one.
But if you do want to start a new game, then I can recommend Persona 5. While I don't know what exactly changed in Royal, I loved the original P5, and I personally consider it to be one of the best JRPGs.

7 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

Well, this theme was not the only nice surprise but also

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Musse's reveal of her identity.


She should've kept the long hair.

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Just now, Shrimperor said:


wtf is up with that weather.

a few days ago it was hot af at 24°C
now it's 7 lul

The weather is trolling us, I tell you.
It's all part of an elaborate scheme by the universe itself.


In MegaNep, equipped Purple Heart with the processor units that make her look like she did in Re;Birth 1 prior to her "upgrade". Is it weird that I got hit by nostalgia upon seeing it?
And on that note, I realized that next month, it will have been one year since I got into Neptunia. I think I'm gonna marathon the three Re;Birth games to celebrate even though there is really nothing to celebrate when you think about it rationally.

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"Who would post random stuff in a forum at 3 a.m.?"
Me: "Oh boy, 3 a.m.!"


1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh. I suppose it doesn't really get too hot quite often over there, I take it.

It has for the last few years. A summer day without temperatures not going over 30 degrees Celsius was close to a miracle. Though it admittedly wasn't as bad last year as it was two years ago.

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14 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

It has for the last few years. A summer day without temperatures not going over 30 degrees Celsius was close to a miracle. Though it admittedly wasn't as bad last year as it was two years ago.

38 it was usually

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Here in the Okanagan, -10 is cold and 35 is hot. Well, at least by my standards; I do feel comfortable in a t-shirt and shorts until roughly -4.

It's usually around 8 to 14 degrees 'round here, but you see folks wearing all sorts of stuff; I've seen people in sweaters, people in t-shirts and people rolling around in sleeping bags down the mountain. (Well, one person.)

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5 minutes ago, Benice said:

I do feel comfortable in a t-shirt and shorts until roughly -4.

I would die of frostbite if I did that. I bow to you for being able to do that.
Then again, I never wear shorts, no matter the weather.

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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I would die of frostbite if I did that. I bow to you for being able to do that.

I mean, I probably am actively dying of cold when I do that, I just don't feel it.

2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Then again, I never wear shorts, no matter the weather.


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