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Rate the Unit, Day 30: Geitz

Thor Odinson

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That's a little of a contraddiction there, with Lott's Spd. He wasn't slow, but rather average. Doesn't help that his Str sucks. He's kinda good because he grows quite durable.

The only GBA Knights with good Spd are Bors and Wendy. Oswin's Spd growths kinda sucks, but at least his base doesn't get him doubled by everything.

Yeah, good point.

Also, Pent is replaced by Prissy/Serra/Lucius staves wise

And Lucius/Canas/Erk combat wise

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Pent is the only magic unit to have good combat, epic staves, and passable enough durability to not die in 2 hits rolled into one. (not counting Athos because lolfinal)

None of those can claim to all three.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Remember when I said I wish Hawkeye was just a little faster (around 14 AS)? Here comes Geitz --- ta-da~

He comes in with base stats freakishly similar to a (trained) Wil's at that time, which aren't bad at all. In fact, he's like a combination of Wil and Bartre post-promo without the annoying bad/mediocre bases to work around, but with notably less availability. He doesn't have Hawkeye's durability (also, no 23 or 23x dominanace), but he's flexible as a unit, can double more reliably, and has enough durability to do his job. Also, HM bonuses and base B rank in bows and axes, which means access to killers and quick access to silver bows/axes.

I like him slightly more than Hawkeye, and he's my favorite prepromo not named Pent.


Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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I find it difficult getting Dart to his place and I know tier lists don't judge that but I do. He's a good replacement but not groundbreaking or necessary either. I'll give him a 4.5/10

*edit I meant 5/10 not 4/10 030..well I don't like him either so i'll change it to a 4.5/10 ;w;

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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I'll hazard a serious response this time around.

Very solid pre-promo. Quality bases, and B-rank bows means instant access to the Brave bow (and without real competition). @dondon: He never exists in efficiency play, but always exists in ranking play, so that might as well be a wash.

Numbers are arbitrary, but I'll go with an 8/10.

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I'd still prefer it if you gave explanations for you vote even though it does fall within the overall spectrum of votes (though quite on the lower end this time). At least quoting something would be nice if you don't want to repeat people.

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How come Wil seems to be more relevant than the other characters? It's like he can fit into any topic discussing characters better than him.

because just look at kot's posts

he's asking for it

He comes in with base stats freakishly similar to a (trained) Wil's at that time,

swing and a miss

did you know that daft punk wrote a song that compares geitz to wil

it's called harder, better, faster, stronger

actually i guess that could be said of like everyone relative to wil

Edited by dondon151
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How come Wil seems to be more relevant than the other characters? It's like he can fit into any topic discussing characters better than him.

In my defense, Rath was a bow user (and Wil only ever got mentioned when a convo about brave bow came into play) and Geitz's stats are literally almost identical to Wil's...and he comes with B bows. Characters like Hawkeye, Lucius, Erk, Ninian, Sain, Kent, etc...never hear a peep about Wil.

Although I can see where the statement comes from. It's not intentional. colon3.gif

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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and Geitz's stats are literally almost identical to Wil's

would you like for me to instruct you about the literal (haha) definition of "literally"


   /ˈlɪtərəli/ Show Spelled[lit-er-uh-lee] Show IPA


1. in the literal or strict sense: What does the word mean literally?

2. in a literal manner; word for word: to translate literally.

3. actually; without exaggeration or inaccuracy: The city was literally destroyed.

4. in effect; in substance; very nearly; virtually.

now which of wil's 12/1 stats are literally identical to geitz's bases

or actually which of wil's 20/1 stats are literally identical to geitz's bases

(correct answer is none of the important ones. except for spd in the case of 20/1 wil but something about that already isn't right as is)

Edited by dondon151
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Move is the only one of promoted Wil's stat that is literally identical to Geitz's. :P:

Geitz is solid. He doesn't have any real weaknesses, and prepromoted means you save a promotion item. Getting his chapter means not having to deal with OP Lloyd in FoW.


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Geitz. He's pretty hard to even reach to recruit in a ranked run.

He does however have a good position in the team if you want a decent axe user faster and stronger than Hawkeye. His growths are pretty decent as well.

Raven's rating: 65%

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and bonus points for meaning I didn't get Wallass

yeah, I went there

BUT OH WELL. He's like a competent Archer who isn't Louise, which would ordinarily penalize him for not being Louise but he's Geitz so IT'S OKAY.


but he's still a footsie


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