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Rate the Unit, Day 37: Nino

Thor Odinson

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**Grabs popcorn**

Laddie, I'm gonna sit this one out.

Defend her the best you can.

And, I see dondon coming around the corner.

This will most likely turn out with:

Three crying

Two angry

Some confused

Many amused

And no winners...

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If that is their honest opinions and they honestly believe 9.9 is what Nino is worthy of because she is an "awesome unit if you take time to train her", then let it be. She does turn into a pretty awesome unit, even on HHM she can hold her own after some initial babying and if you're on casual play. Not everyone plays for ranks or efficiency, some people play casually, in which case Nino is pretty awesome. Many others will be voting below a 5 anyway so meh, who really cares about a couple of 9s? Plus PeppyHare has been voting reliably in most (all?) of these Rate the Unit things, why suddenly disregard this one just because it defies what is considered the "norm"? Don't go shooting down the casual player's honest opinions. Get over it.

The problem is, she joins when CoD is right around the corner, and as we all know, HHM CoD is a mage-fest, which is unfortunate for Nino.

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Nino does not take a whole playthrough to train, that is a pretty big over-exaggeration. Feeding her some kills of Paladins in the 27x chapter can help immensely to survival in later chapters, especially in the magic-heavy chapters.

Either way my advice would be to stop taking this opinion so seriously, even if it is "wrong". What Marcus' average score is may not necessarily be the score the person gave Marcus. You know, maybe they think Nino is better than Marcus, which is an opinion and can't really be changed no matter how much you try to argue your point and something that's not worth trying to argue in the first place because it's an opinion, which is what all these topics are about in the first place.

The total scores will average out to a rather low score anyway, and omitting higher (and justified in the scorer's eyes) scores is just...pointless, and beside the point of these topics. I'd be interested in Elieson's opinion on this matter, since he started it.

Anyway must go now, laters.

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Not everyone plays for ranks or efficiency, some people play casually, in which case Nino is pretty awesome.

Nino is almost as terrible in casual because 'casual', at least to me, still implies 'will not sit around waiting for some dumbass loli to slowly accrue kills'. Casual is about beating the game in the end.

And if these 9.9s push her over Wil I will cry.

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If those 9.9s are counted, count this:


Are you basing your rating of her based on what you think her average should be instead of what you actually think of her?

On the general note of what people rating, other than specifying LHM and HHM as the base, the only other thing this topic says is "rank". I didn't see anything stopping anyone from, say, rating a unit solely on personality.

Edited by deranger
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Nino is terrible. Comes too late at level 5 UNPROMOTED. She gets like, OHKO'd by everything forever. And will never be able to catch up in efficiency. Even in casual play, she will make you spend hours of your life to train her.

-1/10 If I could. 0/10.

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I really dislike being like this in general, but jeez not everyone plays efficiency/LTC/anything. If they like Nino that much due to her growths then all power to them, doesn't mean you need to jump on them when they disagree >_>

takin these ratings threads so serious

Even in casual play she's not really worthwhile because the effort in training her heavily outweighs the benefits. If you want to use Nino then that's cool, more power to you (I've done it before so it can't be the most difficult thing in the world) but if someone was about to play FE for the first time and wanted some recommendations on characters to ease them into the game Nino wouldn't be near the top of my list.

Edited by tiff
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ok been looking on the web and at my own personal stats. yes it annoys me how she comes late in game. first my own stats, in blazing sword i don't stats growth items (with the exception of boots) she has really great stats and is incredibly useful for the last level with bolting and excalbur. on the net been looking at a few sites and they agree that she comes in late and is a pain to train. however with or without afa's drops she is the best sage in the game. now we are all intitled to our views of her so i don't mind what you give her. oh and a few people have pointed out that she also gets jaffar and a fell contract.

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There's a difference between simply not playing LTC, and spending so long on that the game could probably be beaten twice in that timeframe. There still needs to be a sort of standard in judging how well a character contributes (why don't I just give all my favourite characters a 10/10 then if I wanna grind them to 20/20? 10/10 to Farina for raping the shit out of CoD for me right now go), and there is no way you can justify a 9.9 for anything that Nino ever brings to the team. There's rating her a bit higher than the norm, and even if she got a slightly above average vote that actually acknowledges all of her problems but brings to light her "good" points more, it might be justifiable. Something close to Marcus's rating? That's just ridiculous.

Actually EXP gain is pretty fast for a char like Nino, so nobody is playing so slow that the game can be beaten twice over :newyears: Level 10+ promotion isn't too hard to get for her (especially because we don't miss out on boots in this game if we promote her) and 28x is filled with a bunch of shittastic units with AS low enough for her to double after a level up.

And who cares? It's their rating and they're not playing the same standards as you. lol i doubt i was ranking on the same standard as you with my 1/10, because different ratings implies different standards. People are playing favorites and i dont see any reason for you to care just because you aren't playing favorites in your ratings.

ratings are real serious

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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character ranking topics r srs bsns.

If you're going to make an underage latejoining mage with great growths, you make them like this:


as this one actually has weapon ranks to fall back on. You do not make them like this:


.5/10, good as bait for Bolting.

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ok been looking on the web and at my own personal stats. yes it annoys me how she comes late in game. first my own stats, in blazing sword i don't stats growth items (with the exception of boots) she has really great stats and is incredibly useful for the last level with bolting and excalbur. on the net been looking at a few sites and they agree that she comes in late and is a pain to train. however with or without afa's drops she is the best sage in the game. now we are all intitled to our views of her so i don't mind what you give her. oh and a few people have pointed out that she also gets jaffar and a fell contract.

I'm almost certain she doesn't get credit for either Jaffar or for BBD's sidestory.
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I'm back.

I was really harsh on Dart for requiring training at a point where I just don't want to be bothered with units that need sheltering. Looking back, I should have been a bit nicer.

I have a really slow playstyle but using Nino is just too much of a hassle. What do you even get out of it? By the time she's reached the potential that everyone loves banging on about you have half a chapter left in the game. AT MOST. With favouritism she can be quite good then but why bother when Erk and Lucius (and maybe Canas) have been "good enough" for the entire game. And Pent has been ready for endgame since you got him. That's already more magic users than you'll ever need, so why should I frustrate myself by adding another, incredibly weak one to the team?

Side note: I haven't even played HHM. Keeping her out of the way in EHM when she was forced was enough work for me. I'm not going to hamper my fun by using her and giving her special treatment.


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ok been looking on the web and at my own personal stats. yes it annoys me how she comes late in game. first my own stats, in blazing sword i don't stats growth items (with the exception of boots) she has really great stats and is incredibly useful for the last level with bolting and excalbur. on the net been looking at a few sites and they agree that she comes in late and is a pain to train. however with or without afa's drops she is the best sage in the game. now we are all intitled to our views of her so i don't mind what you give her. oh and a few people have pointed out that she also gets jaffar and a fell contract.

Bold: Except she isn't. Not... even... close. The best sage in the game is a nice hunk of man we call Pent.

Besides, I consider the payoff not nearly enough to be worth the effort.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Fair, I'll let Elieson decide as well. I just don't think they should completely ignore her issues.

If I could multiquote on my phone, I would. Thank you (and Raven/Razer/Railgunz...I'm just gonna call you Ra) for considering my opinion, as the thread starter.

Honestly, if xblade thinks that in casual play, Nino's 20/20 stats are that great, that they outshine the contributions of basically every other unit, including mounts, then let him. Obviously that is how he plays, and we rate units the way we play, let it be LTC, Ranked, Draft, or otherwise.

We can't forget that there is a community of casual players out there, that need to be respected and heard, because that, for sure, is how we lose respect from novice players.

It is hard to swallow, even for me. I would rather not count that rating, but he is fighting to justify it, and fighting hard. I, for one, am glad to see that. I can't justify that even in casual plays, max-lvling units isn't fun. I used to play like that...then I learned to enjoy analyzing the game...every feature, ever stat, evey growth, so much that i printed out a FE11 unit +class growth chart and taped it to my wall.

Xblade fought for that 9.9. I disagree with it, quite strongly actually, but he acknowledges Nino's limitations, and still, has the ability to enjoy playing with her on the team. I say let it be.

Unjustified unit ratings go down the drain, but if it means that much to someone, let it in.

Casual play is a play style.

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