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We're getting ridiculous here, and something has to give.

FIRST UP, if you're in a draft for a particular game, I do not want to see you hosting another draft for the same game. Even signing up for it is pushing my sanity, but we'll start low.

Once you've accomplished that, remember your sodding backlog. DTE exists halfway for this purpose. Open all the tabs and CTRL-F a few of your past names. Did you know that Kopfjager has FOUR uncleared FE8 drafts that all fit on roughly a page of my screen? That does not look pleasing to me.

Thirdly, for the love of fuck, if your draft title is going to be SELF-AWARE about how it shouldn't be started (and I don't mean like Cam's cheeky "this is a bad idea" because it's experimental; I mean the rash of "integ is going to kill us lollll") don't start it. I know you lot have more self-control than that.

HOSTS AND GOOD PEOPLE I LIKE like Horace, I want to encourage you to feel free to enforce this mandate. If somebody you know has a fuckload of drafts (especially for one game) lined up to do and they try to sign up for yours, just say no. Somebody has to intervene sometime, and I'm frankly getting sick of logging more new drafts than clears.

Now I'm going to go to school.


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I've got 3 fe10 drafts at p3-p4

3-6 GBA ones in lategame.

Ok, looks like my free time today will be spent doing some GBA fe.

Also, I think a lot of this is because of the auctions.

Addicting auctions.

Is it ok if I just post the final TC for several drafts?

Since I wasn't keeping a log of them?

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You're allowed to post turn counts as you go along ^^, it's not that secret!

I support the Anti-starting-silly-drafts-and-not-completing-each-and-starting-several movement! Together, we shall be known as... oh dear. While it's fine starting lots of drafts, not even touching them and moving on to another isn't very nice. It clutters up the drafting sub-forum and makes more work for poor Integrity.

I'm not going to call any names, but there are some people who don't even finish the drafts they start :P.

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I know I am vastly behind, but in the 7 drafts I've signed up for, 4 GBA are within the final 1/4 of the game (the others are feds Drafts/superdrafts, and I'm still trudging away at those).

I'm not signing up for any more, since I can't even complete my runs that I'd like to do for myself.

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If it's anything, I rejected Sharpoon from my FE8 infantry draft for this reason and I feel guilty about not starting the two drafts I'm in (Ghosting for FE11 doesn't count, I knew from the start I was never obligated to play through it for real) for the same reason. I do have a semi-legitimate reason for one of them though and I'll be starting the other soon.

But yeah, I'll try my best to enforce this when I do my thing (even though I'm new and not terribly significant).

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We're getting ridiculous here, and something has to give.

FIRST UP, if you're in a draft for a particular game, I do not want to see you hosting another draft for the same game. Even signing up for it is pushing my sanity, but we'll start low.

Once you've accomplished that, remember your sodding backlog. DTE exists halfway for this purpose. Open all the tabs and CTRL-F a few of your past names. Did you know that Kopfjager has FOUR uncleared FE8 drafts that all fit on roughly a page of my screen? That does not look pleasing to me.

Thirdly, for the love of fuck, if your draft title is going to be SELF-AWARE about how it shouldn't be started (and I don't mean like Cam's cheeky "this is a bad idea" because it's experimental; I mean the rash of "integ is going to kill us lollll") don't start it. I know you lot have more self-control than that.

HOSTS AND GOOD PEOPLE I LIKE like Horace, I want to encourage you to feel free to enforce this mandate. If somebody you know has a fuckload of drafts (especially for one game) lined up to do and they try to sign up for yours, just say no. Somebody has to intervene sometime, and I'm frankly getting sick of logging more new drafts than clears.

Now I'm going to go to school.


I am actually agreeing with everything. My Integ is going to kill us draft was actually not because it was a new draft, but how it was an auction. But I always think of new drafts, and I'm obsessive and it never leaves my head unless I make them.

But as you see, I am willing to merely host it so others have a chance to play. I had seen you were kind of disappointed how Crash forgot to let you in, so I made an Infantry draft I had no desire to play as a draft.

If I start any more drafts, I will try to keep an eye on who is in them.

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Actually, Crash, you're most of what inspired me to propose my solution with your stand-up performance in Infantry Draft 1.

What I mean by new drafts is the bog-standard, normal-rules drafts. I don't even mean auctions in particular - I know of my own eeeeeeeevil bias against auction drafts and compensate for it - just the regular variety of draft that people are already part of and not finishing. I try to never stifle creativity in rules (even if I have a bad habit to grumble at the rash of character drafts of ye gone days) as long as the implications are adequately thought out (crash) rather than just haphazardly slapped together (darros). So Infantry drafts, Gen 2 drafts, those silly one-off experiments, I don't mind. What I mind is people just saying "let's have another draft for no reason" and getting on it instead of doing what they have.

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I'm not going to call any names, but there are some people who don't even finish the drafts they start :P.

*cough cough*

In my own defense, FE4 is getting to be really-

oh wait no names ERP HERP NOTHING

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I posted in an FE8 draft thread that i would not continue until someone else started. Especially because I see someone like Wen posting in a million other FE8 drafts before the auction draft HE started. I back this announcement.

Although, I still have an old FE10 draft to complete on top of SFDTT. But that was back in August, and SFDTT is obviously a higher priority.

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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I posted in an FE8 draft thread that i would not continue until someone else started. Especially because I see someone like Wen posting in a million other FE8 drafts before the auction draft HE started. I back this announcement.

This is a big thing. I hate joining drafts and then have nobody else start.

But I totally agree with this announcement. I have a pretty large backlog (that i've been actively trying to get rid of) myself, but the drafts I've joined as of late have been more or less completed within like a week of the day I joined, so it's not like it's growing or anything.

Also, I was looking back on my backlog (which is actually massive, I can't escape it myself) a whopping 14 of 18 drafts have a grand total of ZERO clears, which is really a factor of how fun it is to play drafts. The best drafts are the ones that are constantly updated, like Cam, Shin and I in the FE4 portion of SFDTT. We all finished around the same time, it was fun!

While my backlog my be massive, feel free to deny me entry unless I counted wrong, i've also completed 29 drafts as well.

Edited by General Horace
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Especially when I was denied by someone who had twice as many drafts going or so... gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

I have three logs written down, forgotten to type them, i'll get to that, and I'm working on my other drafts. ;)

Just to join in with the rest to show off, which is actually pretty terrible to do...

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The only drafts that I need to get around to is the Tellius Draft #3 and SFDTT. And the FE11 generics draft. RD takes an asslong time to finish, but I promise I'll finish them. I'll finish the generics draft ASAP.

Could you like make this thread into a collection of what drafts people need to finish? I think that might help.

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I only have an FE5 and an FE10 draft currently participating in, and the FE5 one I'm almost done, which BTW, needs to be added to the General Drafting thread.

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In my defense, my compy died, so no FE6/7 until then. I'm doing my FE12 backlog when I get the game (soon). I'll. . .figure something out for that Tellius draft, and a FE9 one I need to restart.

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I'd like to participate in a draft (I'm new here, as some of you know), but I'm going to wait until most of the other drafts looked cleared out before I start any on my own. You guys really do have a bad habit of not completely finishing drafts ...

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I encourage Silver Harpoon to stop joining every draft ever created, he probably has more than me now. At least I keep track where I left off to finish them when I get the time. No offense, mang. And to 13th as well reguarding FE7/8 drafts. He should have that same drafting spirit he does for FE11 reguarding these games.

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I encourage Silver Harpoon to stop joining every draft ever created, he probably has more than me now. At least I keep track where I left off to finish them when I get the time. No offense, mang. And to 13th as well reguarding FE7/8 drafts. He should have that same drafting spirit he does for FE11 reguarding these games.

The thing is, you all know I actually try. I provide Chapter-by-Chapter logs of my drafts. They don't always end up done, but I don't be lazy and just post final turncounts. For all we know, that could be numbers pulled from the player's butt.

I don't always finish, but I try. Its better than not trying at all.

In other words, I regret joining the FE6 auctions. Those are something I regret. But all the FE7 and FE8 ones? Not a single regret. I have fun with them, even if I don't finish or get a good TC.

And on my not finishing, I am actively going back to do them. I finished one yesterday. I have several started.

FE7... not quite as many done, but that game gets boring come Battle Before Dawn. But I have them written down. Every one of them.

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