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Hahaha Blazer you don't have to be a genius to be good at hacking, though I'm not saying the guys you mentioned are idiots at all. You gotta wonder how their social lives are too lol. Plus how is that considered wasting one's time? What's better, watching Jersey Shore (assuming you live in the US lol) or doing something moderately mentally stimulating like finding out new ASM codes? Plus they (hopefully) have a lot of years ahead of them witness the not so entertaining parts of life.

I'm only 18!

But I'm not nearly as smarticalz D=

Is 18 considered young here?

Also if Cam was older than 14 he would be in Calculus class and understand all my fangasms about Linear Differential Equations instead of silly school-restricted elementary stuff that's not the beauty of Calculus

But he doesn't

so I am aloooone

Haha when I was in high school there was a 14 year old freshman in AP Calc class who tried to show everyone up. He was smart, but too arrogant. Poor kid didn't have a life though; only got to play CoD on weekends if he was lucky.

I took Calc 2 last year, but I don't know how much I remember from it. I think Calc won't help me until I become a better programmer though.

Hey, at least you aren't changing one child's pullups while reciting the quadratic formula to your other child.

Do kids still need to know that? I figured everyone started using the calculator programs to do it for them lol.

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Nobody here is old, not even the thirty-something-year-olds. Come back when you guys are pushing 45. Then I'll accept you as old.

Haha, for real! I think because a lot of our members are kids they think anyone over 25 is old :P:.

The working prime is 30-35 years old, and the athletic prime is anywhere from 25-32. Of course genetics are a factor for when your actual prime is, but those are your best years on average!

Edited by Tangerine
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I find it weird to see a lot of people younger than me, as I was always the small one growing up

Yeah, seriously Tangerine. How could you rain on the parade like that? That's my job. :(:

you're not sirius

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you're not sirius

I'd say it's both of them, actually =b

So wait did Mumu pick this up from Sirius then? Because while I remember him being around, I don't remember much of how Charlie used to act, if he did change over time...

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They are pretty similar. Both <3 fruit, both get depressed about themselves, both "rain on parades", and both are alcoholics (though only sirius drives while drunk, Mumu just posts)! They could be brothers. Or twins. Or combined.




Manlie (lol?)




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They are pretty similar. Both <3 fruit, both get depressed about themselves, both "rain on parades", and both are alcoholics (though only sirius drives while drunk, Mumu just posts)! They could be brothers. Or twins. Or combined.




Manlie (lol?)




Teehee Manlie XD

But personally the big big word that took 3 seconds for me to read would have to be my favorite~

Oh no edit!

I like Sirooni too

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Teehee Manlie XD

But personally the big big word that took 3 seconds for me to read would have to be my favorite~

Oh no edit!

I like Sirooni too

I can assure you that they will like none of them.

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They are pretty similar. Both <3 fruit, both get depressed about themselves, both "rain on parades", and both are alcoholics (though only sirius drives while drunk, Mumu just posts)! They could be brothers. Or twins. Or combined.

I was mostly referring to how he always blames me when our team is losing

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Which one will they like the least? ;D

Mumu will just make a blanket statement saying that he hates all of them (and probably me).

Manman will probably dedicate an hour or so to analyzing the pros and cons of each, ultimately picking the one that annoys Mumu the most/he finds funniest. I'd guess one of the last two, or Manlie.

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To regard back to Blazer's post: Treeki was 13 (12?) when he created the editor for New Super Mario Bros. He's done countless things since then, including creating the New Super Mario Bros. program Reggie.

Kids these day and their tecnologies :awesome:

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See, I nailed the ones Sirius will like the most.


Sirooni sounds the prettiest and Latoonius sounds the goofiest.

So then based on that which would provide the most entertaining reaction? XD

Or wait but that's just my opinion...

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Mumu's reaction was already pretty good.

Dunno what Sirius' will be. He probably won't post, post just to laugh at Mumu, or post and say he doesn't care. I would guess he will post and focus on the alcoholic comment, and laugh at Mumu in passing. (but not now that I've guessed that)

Also this thread got hijacked by old people shenanigans.

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Insert stupid teeny "Why do you want to know this?" here.

Insert stupid teeny "We are all curious" and follow it with a stupid teeny "lulz"

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