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How I see members here: Past and Present - Now with Integrity -


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@Lumi, you are in the states? Holy catfood! I honestly thought indonesia...

Well, Indonesia is still a part of Asia and I'm Asian so it's not that far off :P

Chinese, though. Moved to the states when I was 8.

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do me

Such filthy, blatant solicitation.

I like your style.


What, what? Get at me; just get at me.


get at me.

Edited by Aleph
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Kaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii¡¡¡¡¡¡™: LOOOOUUUUUDDDDDDD player of MMOs, mostly rocking shit up on PK servers. 18, & obviously male.

Idfk what any of that means

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Merc Raven: 16 and I thought you were another gfaqs noob, illiterate and objective. Now, I know you play the trombone, like I do, and you are now in my circle of jazz~


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The joke is that he needs English education.

The issue is that English majors are for people who are GOOD at English, and he'd never be able to make use of such a curriculum. Pretty self-defeating...

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Added Raven and Aleph. Sry, I'm updating as fast as I can. Doesn't help that I'm at work, updating from my phone.

I'm just doing these placeholders. No one will remain empty, please don't mind then. It's just so I can keep organized and update as I go.

Stolipin: I still don't know if you are a dude or not. I envision you smelling strongly of rich cologne and being an eccentric painter, and dressing like an actor from the Scrooge movies.

CrashAlpha: that annoying kid from the back row in middle school.

I still kinda think that, but now I think HS, and secretly, curly haired and longing fot affection.

Derp Striker: I didn't know you existed until you started mathing in my RtU threads when I first started them. I more picture you as...that lead kid from"The Sandlot"

Darros: everyone gave me high expectations for you, especially integ. Now that I know you, a bit at least, those expectations were met. Yup, you are a guy that enjoys making things waaaay more complicated than they need to be, and tend to get distracted and behind schedule easily.

Helios: I envision you as a perpetual novice, like the novice class in Ragnarok Online. No specialties, no clear goal...just, like a common villager

Othin: Elitist. That is all. Oh, and 21.,

Edited by Elieson
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Raven (not a merc): another raven fanboy, until I chatted with you in ipchat. now, I don't think your actually like him. Are you a younger brother? Also, Vulcan Raven.

That is a huge compliment btw.

I'm not a younger brother, no. Not sure what would've given you that impression lol.

And I'm not angry all the time to be like Raven. But I can get very annoyed and show a rougher side to me on rare occasions. I do actually like Raven as a character, even though I don't openly show it all of the time.

And everyone knows Vulcan Raven is a great character.

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Anyone has spare pants? I laughed hard to the point where I literally lost my shit.

XD I have denim leggings~

Eli Sho is most definitely not an English Major~ It's like what Aleph said! =D

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XD I have denim leggings~

Eli Sho is most definitely not an English Major~ It's like what Aleph said! =D

R u srs...?

And updatee dirk and Crash alpha

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R u srs...?

And updatee dirk and Crash alpha

Yup yup yup!

That's why Sho's laughing several posts back.

Sounds positively fabulous and Flamingly gay at the same time (not too hard to find combination)


I'm really tiny and you very likely will not fit in them~

Edited by Freohr Datia
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You forget one thing. Freohr my dear. Im drug addict in rehab so Im very very skinny :P:

So they should make good shorts.

Shame its still winter here...

Also I'm not the type of guy who refuses when invited in someones pants if you know what I mean

Edited by Sho.M.the.English.Major
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