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Integrity joins the judging fad


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My mother was talking to me recently about the prospect of her and my dad maybe retiring out to the UK some vague time in the future. I'm being honest when I say my first thought was "oh sweet, then when I visit them I could go meet raven." That's how cool a dude you are to me.

Not to mention out of everybody in SKYPE PARTOPIA, you have the single best voice hands-down.

Well, that's pretty awesome.

First pint's on me.

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who the fuck are you

Like, I've seen your posts around places, but I have no idea who you are really.

Eh, no one does.

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We have a funny relationship, bud. You vary drastically from day to day on my scale from mediocre to amazing. Sometimes, you really sorta annoy me for a reason I really cannot place my finger on, but just as many times you're a really pleasant guy. Despite my ambivalence towards you, I still respect you quite deeply because I imagine you are a spectacular father, which allows my bias to kick in. So all-in-all, you're a quirky guy who sometimes gets on my nerves and is sometimes fun, but you just boil down to a good, solid dude.

I always figured your name began with an E from something I vaguely recall you saying once, like ...Eli.

That was, for sure, the highlight of my day. Hell, week.

I'm glad that you can honestly say that I irk you from time to time...means that my hunches of you from day to day are generally spot on.

Solid. :)

Thank you Integ.

But c'mon, no wacky photos?

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am i seriously the only guy who knows esme

um, kitty witty knows me too but that's still only 2 people.

that's alright, though, I don't mind.

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Initially, golly did I think you were a prick. The only thing that stopped me from utterly lambasting you (with baaaad wooooords ooooooh) in that Meg debacle was the fact that you seemed like an intelligent enough dude, even if you were dead-out wrong. So instead, I decided to at least try to be polite about it. I don't know how well I succeeded, but I'm not judging myself here.


You seem to have become more self-aware of late, which has done wonders for you in my esteem. I'm not sure if I'll readily say I like you (and you're still dead wrong about some things), but I've certainly moved far more towards ambivalence than I initially was. Never thought I'd say this after that first impression, but keep up the good work.


seriously the only time I ever talked to you was that fe10 draft like 18 months ago

you're just a guy, just on the lower end of average


You're in basically the same boat as Hikarusa here. I still don't know you particularly well, but from what I've seen you're a fairly dependable dude. I don't mind you. Hell, given the option to talk to you or most of the new IP.chat crew I'd choose you in a flash. So that makes you upper-echelon at least.


You're the more dramatic version of KoT. You were just a massive sodding fuckup way back in the days when you'd just signed up, and I feel no shame telling you that's exactly what I thought of you.

You've either integrated or matured significantly since then, and I'd say now you're a good friend. Out of everybody on SF, if I had to choose somebody to live next door to IRL, you'd be pretty high up on my list.


hahaha i don't care if you asked for this fucker

You're great, man. You have one of the best senses of humor I've found in anywhere. I wish I went to school with you, or just had a little you sitting on my shoulder saying random bullshit through my lectures.

Man, my grades would PLUMMET if that happened.


You're the other competent KF Medic and HOLY SHIT I APPRECIATE THAT. Good medic means like +5 to my points thing.

You're just above Hikarusa's camp. You seem like a pretty spectacular dude, I just need to actually talk to you more sometime.


It makes me sorry that you share my sister's birthday.


hey sexy

You have a big problem: you take shit too far. Your bitching about everything is funny, and then it stops being funny. The problem is, at that switchoff point, you don't stop - you just keep on keeping on like you were before. Most of the time I like you a whole hell of a lot, but if you're just trolling learn when it's too much, and if you're serious ...get over it, man.


I really don't have a solid read on you, man. For all the two or three times we've interacted directly, you seem like a solid enough fellow, if nothing spectacular.


You're vaguely okay. I dunno. The more I see of you, the generally ...less I like you, oddly. We'll see what the future holds.


I like you quite a lot. You're actually a less extreme form of KoT: back in the day, I treated you as some sort of pariah because frankly your Tinny obsession was fucking creepy. Now, you've become more mellow and more self-aware and I can actually bring myself to enjoy your company, 'cause you're a pretty funny dude. On the other hand, it might just be that you contain it to Forum Games but fuck Forum Games, it's the same to me either way 'cause I'll never see it.


I got nothing. I've had some vague interactions with you pertaining to drafts, and you're good about reporting things. That's it.


<3 you man. You got swagger, but not in an irritating way. You're just there and you fucking dare anybody to challenge it. And if they do? Man, you just take it and laugh it off. You don't get worked up about little shit - hell, you don't get worked up at all. You're the best.

stopping here because I'm tired and this is conveniently split by my last post. anyway, the next two people know exactly what I think so the suspense isn't so great

Edited by Integrity
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You're in basically the same boat as Hikarusa here. I still don't know you particularly well, but from what I've seen you're a fairly dependable dude. I don't mind you. Hell, given the option to talk to you or most of the new IP.chat crew I'd choose you in a flash. So that makes you upper-echelon at least.

Hope to see you around more, Integ.

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Come, Integrity. Let us dance.

You asked me in such a wonderful fashion I'm going to put you in out of order.

Seriously, I use this for everything. Killing Floor, Fleshpound? Let's dance, motherfucker. L4D2, Tank? Axe out, let's dance. I guess it all comes from Company of Heroes, cause one of the Sherman tank's lines is a wonderful rolling "Let's dance."



I seriously do like you. I cannot point to a single incident in which you've given a noteworthy performance before me, but every time I see you I like you. Your only fault is that you kiss your fucking PSP while you're playing it (how else do you explain the volume) but considering you're a joy to talk to (and bear with my commentary [there are four enemies!]) I'll not only overlook it but actually give you points for it.

Solid A, man.

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