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Tangerine's Ultimate Judgement Thread


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*also fox is not allowed to post here

I disagree with this vehemently.

While we're on the subject, you are comforting and charming, outward and in. You seem a bit timid, but it's kind of adorable. You let people get to you too easily which honestly is kind of ridiculous. You look good in a moustache and, if I had to guess, a top hat as well. You put on airs that you are haughty and abusive of your supposed power but are in fact meek, restrained and susceptible. In summary, you are merely fox food.

Edited by Aleph
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This thread is a hoax. I see no judging, only unfulfilled promises from the fruit. :mellow:

Hey, I am getting around to it, don't get mad at me for being busy >:O.

I just put thought into them instead of 2 sentence ones!

You should join the Skype party chat! :D

And me, I guess!

I don't think I am welcome there, otherwise I'd have been already :P:.

While we're on the subject, you are comforting and charming, outward and in. You seem a bit timid, but it's kind of adorable. You let people get to you too easily which honestly is kind of ridiculous. You look good in a moustache and, if I had to guess, a top hat as well. You put on airs that you are haughty and abusive of your supposed power but are in fact meek, restrained and susceptible. In summary, you are merely fox food.

Hey this is my judgement thread mister >:O.

Edited by Tangerine
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Let's play the "get the people I don't know much at all out of the way" game! In this game I will do one of three things:

1. Detail my first impression of you/what I've seen in the past.

2. Make things up about you.

3. Not say much, since I don't know you much! So you get what I imagine you as instead.


I always mix you up with Sho.M, probably because you both have annoying name gimmicks >:(.

I don't know a whole lot about you, but the couple times we have talked you seem like a decent enough person. But I seem to recall you doing some pretty awkward stuff when you joined. SO TAKE THAT AS YOU WILL.

Judgement: ivh9jq_th.jpg (No opinion either way. Should talk more!)

Try me!

For some reason I feel like I should know you more than I actually do.

You play a lot of forum games so you probably have way too much time on your hands! When I think of you, I think of an awful Sherlock Holmes cosplayer. I am fond of awful cosplaying, so it's not all a bad thing. You should consider dressing up as Faye from Cowboy Bebop and posting pictures.

Judgement: ivh9jq_th.jpg (No opinion either way. Should talk more!)

If you want. I don't mind.

Huh, you joined before me and I don't think we've ever talked. Yep... uh....you are 17 and like Pokemon?!

Judgement: ivh9jq_th.jpg (No opinion either way. Should talk more!)

Go ham

Well I dunno anything about you, but you are polite and seem to get along with a few members at least. That makes you OK in my book!

Judgement: ivh9jq_th.jpg (No opinion either way. Should talk more!)


Farm cow throwing up gang signs and moo slang. Other than that, I don't think we even visit the same parts of the forum! Card games.

Judgement: ivh9jq_th.jpg (No opinion either way. Should talk more!)


Well you kinda annoyed me when you first joined, and since then I haven't seen many of your posts so I dunno if you're different now or what. I seem to recall you having an extremely obnoxious posting gimmick as well. Other than that, I dunno much about you.

Judgement: :<_<T: (You've got some work to do mister >:(!)

Get at me, G!

I don't know you that much, but you did do a few things that got on my nerves when you joined. You always used to try to tease me when I had no idea who you were >:O. It came off as weird/creepy. Also you used to post in what seemed like every spriters' threads asking to use their stuff, and that got me complaints so I was annoyed then too! But you don't seem like a bad person or anything, just a little awkward if anything! Plus you seem to have improved your social skills since then (at least online), so you are on the road to redemption! Keep doing what you're doing.

Judgement: :<_<T: (You've got some work to do mister >:(!)

I'd post, but there's like 50 people in line here.

You are pretty friendly, and I haven't had any issues with you. We've talked a few times in chat, but I don't think I knew you when you first joined so I don't have much to comment on there (and you are forgiven if you were awful :P:). You seem to get along with the community, and you have a good head on your shoulders!

Judgement: ivh9jq_th.jpg (No opinion either way. Should talk more!)

Not much judging in this one eh.

Fuck'n fruit...

Hey shut up you dingleberries, I am working here :(:! I got a ton of people! Cut me some slack :(.

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