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time to investigate!


I shall get to writing this very soon.

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Introducing the C-Rangers, a group that I found while on a Google escapade!

CR Fala!


CR Holsety!


CR Tordo!


CR Narga!


CR Loptousu!


Why is Julia evil? Why is Julius in a dress? Why is Arthur Holsety instead of Sety? Why is Azel with Gen2 characters? Why Teeny instead of Ishtar? Who knows? Who cares!

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Time to bring this back from the second page.

In unrelated news, the second part to my most recent story: I'M WORKING ON IT!!!

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I threatened I would, here's a "Bizarre" Folgore Spin-off. Manly Bizarrin' Jogore Rangers!

In a castle far far away, an evil figure laughed menacingly. Surrounded by his loyal servants, all kneeling before him, he announced his evil plans;

"It is time, I have almost regained all of my strength... the fools! I shall destroy them all!"

The portliest servant raised his head.

"But master, your plan is marvelous, but your enemy is formidable... I fear for your safety..."

However, he didn't have a chance to finish his ramblings... his master grasped at the air, his mystical powers choking his servant.

"Do not worry, Hol Horace... go eat your cookies... I have a new advantage... or rather, he has an old disadvantage... ha ha ha..."


"What? My steering braid's broken? But I don't have any braids!"

Jotimp Jogore sighed, her grandfather would be the end of her, it amazed her that he hadn't gotten himself killed in his youth. Apparently once a fine hero, her grandfather, Joshin Jogore, had declined in recent years. He was rather hard of hearing and was convinced that microwaves were out to take over the world.

"I tell you, Jotimp, those new fangled appliances are no good. Back in my day, we did things by hand! Why, could a microwave save the world three times over?" Joshin grumbled, desperately clinging onto his long gone youth.

Jotimp heard the door open, ignoring her grandfather's ramblings. Her brother, Jorros had returned late from school... again. Timp huffed, her brother was always late back... which left her to keep her grandfather out of trouble.

"Don't tell me, Jorros, the bullies again? You need to stand up for yourself! Remember that girl who took my JoJo merchandise? I showed her who's boss!"

Jorros knew very well what happened to her. That same girl hadn't left her house in four years, terrified that she'd run into Jotimp again. He'd like to stand up to his bullies, but he wasn't big or strong and that put him at a disadvantage when fighting Shounen manga bullies. His sister may have been tiny, but she was known as the toughest girl... no, force at school.

"I tried! They're so big and tough, if I was like grandpa when he was young, maybe I'd stand a chance..." Jorros whined. He'd always listened to his grandfather's stories, listening in admiration... well that's if they were true, the old man could just be senile.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see his grandfather making a dash for the kitchen, more specifically the cookie jar. Before Jorros could react, his sister leapt across the room, blocking the old man's path.

"No, grandpa! Those are the cookies Ms. Saku made for us! You can have one after..." Jotimp started, but then she remembered her grandfather's hearing predicament... and he probably wouldn't have listened even if he could hear her. It was going to be a long evening.


The next day at school was dull. Jotimp had managed to get her brother's lunch money back from the bullies, and got through all her classes. However, there was one striking difference to her day. As her and Jorros were approaching the school gates, a strange, rather handsome man seemed to be waiting for them. Jorros was ready to run, but his sister was almost entranced by his gaze. He approahced them, he was an incredibly tall and muscular fellow, something Jotimp had picked up right away.

"Hello, I am Abdmare." he said whilst flexing his biceps. "I believe you're Joshin Jogore's grandchildren. It is urgent that I meet with him... you can take me to him, can't you?"

Jorros wasn't too sure, it seemed oddly suspicious that somebody would actually want to talk to his grandfather, let alone go see him.

"I dunno, Jotimp, this guy seems a litt-..."

But it was too late, his macho was too much and she was already taking him there. Jorros sighed, this couldn't be good.


After the short walk home, the siblings had offered their guest a seat with Joshin. They were ready to leave them to it, but Abdmare urged them to stay.

"No, you two should stay. It corcerns both of you too. Recently, I have been detecting evil energies recently. I fear that the evil one known as Camdio may have returned to this world. He's gaining power, and soon he'll be stronger than ever"

Joshin suddenly leapt up, hearing the name of his mortal enemy could have easily shaved 30 years off of his soul.

"I see, so Camdio still lives. Blast, I thought I'd defeated him once and for all. I'm not as spry as I used to be. How are we going to defeat him?" Joshin enquired. He'd stopped Camdio before, but could he really do it at the age of who-knows-what?

Jotimp and Jorros were stunned. From the sounds of it, their grandpa actually had been fighting the forces of evil. They thought most of it had been made up,

"Don't worry, Joshin. Recently, it seems everyone linked to Camdio has acquired a strange new power... here is mine, do not be alarmed... MAGICIAN'S BREAD!"

Suddenly, a large man sporting a rather tasty looking sandwich came into view. The Jogores couldn't believe their eyes. It soon faded.

"Now, try for yourselves... I can make a rather tasty sandwhich with my "stand", what about you three?"

After a couple of seconds of introspection, Joshin and Jotimp had got it.



Behind Jotimp appeared an incredibly muscular man, wearing only speedos. Written on them was "Mr. World". He winked at Jotimp, Jotimp was happy to have him at her service. Joshin was accompanied by a floating teapot... which didn't seem quite as impressive as his grandaughters.

"Uh, Joross...." Abdmare asked. "Where's yours?"

Edited by Admiral Shin
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CAUTION: Crappy Folgore-lore; it's made of CRACK and POOP; with a hint of salmiakki and burnt scones.

It was a silly day in Serenes Forest; and this time... It's not in the battlefield between Lord Zeddmare and his incompetent minions against the Folgores; but this time, the battlefield takes place... IN THE STUDIO; yes right down in the Serenes Grand Studio; wherein Tangerine is the supreme director herself... The fruitiest director in history; that is!

That morning; Wherein Zeddmare and his crazy henchmen bunch came; alongside the Folgores within the studio premises; Ms. Tangerine yelled out...

"Alright, you crazies... Gather up! I had you all called cause Serenes' TV networks need new gimmicks to attract in viewers; the other subscribers have like switched sides from watching our awesome shows into those creepy BDSM stuff that some German watch!"

"Vhat?? I don't watch those!" Said a certain blonde German behind Ms. Tangerine.

"Oh, yes you do!" Said one of the random Serenes TV crew members.

Camdar raised his hand... incompetently.... "Say, Ms. Tangerine; what will happen if we turn down?"

"Simple... I'll turn you all into citrus fruits or maybe... INTO VEGETABLES!!" She said with a strict emphasis!

*cue scare chord*

While everyone is horrified from the fate that they might face from Ms. Tangerine and are trembling; Lord Zeddmare who is unusually flexing out his manliness plots out his next plan, and Apopeclipse; after hearing the fruits and vegetables part that Ms. Tangerine blurted out of her mouth; starts to laugh uncontrollably... while a certain Russian keeps on unleashing out his purple aura of DOOM.

"Tee hee~!"


"Tee hee~!"


"AGGGHHH! I think we're summoning the devil!" Someone in the crowd screamed as he's freaked out from Apopeclipse and Russia's madness mantras.

Anyways, let's skip this crappy beginning part and get to business; hm? While in the studio, Ms. Tangerine stated the rules around the workplace and called in many professional photographers and video artists to help in making Serenes TV more awesome than Prussia! YES WAY AWESOME THAN PRUSSIA, YA HEAR ME!

"Vhat!??! Vhat do you mean some crappy TV station is more awesome than the awesome ME?!?" Prussia yelled out...

"STFU! Just quit bitching, you're so ANNOYING!" Serra screamed out; and whacked the man with a staff; and knocked him to sleep.

Alright, off to the first commercial...

"Lights... Camera.... Action!" is what Ms. Tangerine blurted out of her mouth.

"Totally annoyed of your stinking boat? Can't even set sail properly?" Ike appears and suddenly makes a sadfais and nods..

"Does your boat even had to risk getting the bad visitors?" Cue Sothe, Sealand, Folgore Green and VIvi Orunitia running on the boat deck; creating all sorts of mess and doodling on sleeping people's faces.

"Even your guests on the boat even had to make you so displeased that you'd wish you made them walk the plank?" England appears in a pirate costume and makes an evil laugh; while he takes pleasure in making people walk the plank.

"You don't need to panic anymore; cause you're getting the best quality boats; or if you're the opulent hype, a yacht; or maybe even a free ride on the most luxurious ferry if ever the RNG Goddess favors it" Anna shows up in luxurious clothes and makes a flying kiss to the screen and starts to speak.

"Like call me; that's 2-114-SHIP; I repeat 2-114-SHIP; I bet you wanted a nice ride out in the sea; huh? Or maybe do one of your silly German sparkle parties! Under one condition, though... You better have the cash or else I'll screw up your RNG and ruin your game forever!"

The commercial ends; and Ms. Tangerine is at least satistfied... "Whew, at least Anna was this excellent; the rest of you are so not fabulous!"


The next commercial was the show wherein Apopeclipse and Russia are gonna be a love team... For the network's new show called "You Kol'd me; I'll Tee hee~!", although majority are not happy with it; since... well... the two make an "interesting" combination.

"Uhh... I must object; but you two might scare people with your constant chanting and laughing" Apparently, Folgore Orange objected out of the blue...

"I agree, aru! You're even scaring the PANDAS! Even the pandas left at home!" China seconded... (But wait, how did the Kolkolkol and Tee-hee sound waves reached the Pandas at China's home?)

"What do you mean we're not a good combination, I bet Miss Apopeclipse, makes a good partner, da?" ^J^

"Tee hee~! Tee hee~! Tee hee~!"

"Would you like to become one with Russia, da?"

"Tee hee~!"


Ms. Tangerine suddenly makes a big facepalm; but insists to say... "This project is continued; however you two... COULD YOU STOP Kolkolkol-ing and laughing too much? It's scaring the entire studio crew!!!" She points at the studio crew all afraid and trembling from the presence of Apopeclipse and Russia; in particular... The Skittles and the Baltic Trio who are now hugging each other out of fear; except for Tomas... cause he has the EPIC WIN badge on him.

Ms. Tangerine then stood up; and annoyingly approaches the prepared coffee by the food table and mutters... "I can't believe I'm stuck with a weird crew and a bunch of oddballs; but nevertheless, we must make Serenes TV awesome!" All of a sudden, a poke? Oh, someone groped her!

"Ohonhonhon! You seem to be stressed, my lady?" A French man approached the rather annoyed woman... "Perhaps I can comfort you for a bit?" On this part... He makes the rape face; ugh...

"Bitch please!" Suddenly, she pulled off one of her Magical Bitchslaps with Pink Glitter and turned the Frenchman into a... Cauliflower?!?!

A huge shadow suddenly loomed over the Vegetable Frenchman and the Annoyed Director... "RAWR BRAAAWWRR RAWWWRRRR!" (Translation: I like to eat cauliflowers), the shadow was none other than Frostysaurus Rex; who gives France the "I WILL EAT YOU" glare.

"MON DIEU!" France starts to jump away from the large monster...

"RAWWWRRR RAWWRRR BRAAWR RAWRR UROAR!" (Translation: I'll freeze you and then I'll eat you!")

Somewhere in the dark, though... Lord Zeddmare is flexing in a manly way; and talks to Camdar.

"Camdar" Zeddmare said...

"What is it, my manly highness?" He replied...

"Little of what these idiots know is that we are secretly using this TV studio in order to boost our plans; and not to mention; Promote our incompetence; it must be spread. The Folgores won't even know what hit em'!" Zeddmare stated as he flexes more... "And.... after that...."

Suddenly someone butted in their conversation... "Ve~! I am a fan of your lair... I showed it to Japan; and I said it's the most perfect butt I've ever seen! He even took a picture of it; can I have your autographs written on the picture he took?"

The two conversing villains suddenly made a facepalm; and we're horrified over what they saw over the picture... It's Italy in front of the buttlair; without his clothes and is about to do a Get Down Dance and muttered the words....

"What... The... Fuck...."

Anyways, whilst in the midst of these weirdness; there are some stupid stuff that are yet to be revealed; and that will show up in the next chapter... which is filled with Rubber Ducks, Folgores in SPAAACE; and a monster becoming a hero's BFF; and a tomato sauce commercial where Camdar is forced to wear a pink apron; and of course... DEATH... DEATH by what?

DEATH by burnt scones... dun dun dun!

"Whoa... Whoa... Death by Burnt Bread? You've gotta be kidding me!" Folgore Blue yelled out...

"What the hell did you just said, you bloody wanker!" the Brit responded to the Folgore's statement.

"RAAWRRR RAAWRR??" (Translation: Does it taste like poop?)

England makes a facepalm and mopes in his emo corner...


Camdar : I am Camdar, tell me who you are; or else I'll strike you down with my incompetence! *readies a copy of Loki's staff of DOOM*

Canada: I'm Canada...

Camdar: Who?

Canada: I'm Canada...

Camdar: What?? I can't understand you. *trollface* Tell me who you are!!

Canada: M-MAPLE HOCKEY!! *smacks Camdar with a Hockey Stick out of RAGE*

Camdar: A-aaack! *gets KO'd*

Lord Zeddmare: *facepalms* Camdar... Your terror skills are still incompetent!

Edited by Frostbite
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ZM walked into the empty HQ of the Folgore Rangers, surprised seeing it so...deserted. "No one's been here in days..." he said to himself, flipping on the light switch. Greeting him was the table the group usually sat us for meetings, and the colorful chairs surrounding it; red, yellow, blue, green, pink, black, and white.

The Orange FR turned to see the orange chair nearby, but not as big as the others. He sighed, knowing being a replacement Folgore didn't grant him the same luxury as the others. He didn't mind, though. He just wanted the HQ to become active again.

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Proof of Ein Silver Rose being a Loli itself!

Gender: F, Age: 12, Hair: Medium Gray, Weapon: Bazooka, Accs: Cat ears

Just in case we need stupid plot material.

Also, I love how people love Cam.

He's truely akin to what he likes.

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It was morning in the city of Serenes Forest when the Folgore Rangers awoke to the sound of screaming. Ever the leader, Shin bolted up from the couch he had fallen asleep on and stumbled in the direction of the living room. "Rangers, assemble!" he called, letting out a yawn. "It's ... cursin' time!"

Darros, Banzai, Deranger, and ZM shuffled in after him shortly -- all of them looking tired and half-awake. After returning from the Buttlair in the wake of a successful rescue, the team had decided to crash at Imp's place for the night because they were too exhausted to leave. Already accounted for were Harpoon and Richter, both of who were still asleep. Eliedon watched the group from his tube with an amused expression on his face. Imp, 13th, and Refa-5 were nowhere to be found.

"Wake up!" Shin yelled at Harpoon and Richter. "Someone's in trouble, and we have to save them! And where are Imp and 13th?!"

"Calm down already, I'm here," 13th said, walking into the living room with a steaming cup of coffee in his hands. "Oh, and ... I don't suggest you go into the kitchen anytime soon," he added. "Refa-5 is in there. With the toaster."

"What's going on?" Richter asked. He had his pillow pressed against his ears, to block out the sound of his leader screaming at him.

"It's way too early in the morning for this," Deranger muttered.

"Hey ..." ZM looked around the room. "Aren't we missing someone?"

"Yes!" Shin flailed his arms. "Where's Imp?! We need ... to become the Folgore Rangers," he finished as a big yawn cut him off mid-sentence.

"I heard a scream," Darros said. "You guys heard it too, right?"

"All I could hear was the sound of our 'great' leader raising a ruckus," Banzai retorted.

13th took a sip of his coffee. "Well, I talked to Imp just a few minutes ago," he spoke up. "She was in her room, looking at Jojo stuff on her computer again. In fact ... that scream kind of sounded like her, I think."

Just then, Imp came barreling into the living room ... waving her arms wildly and babbling incoherently. She was still dressed in her pajamas and her hair was unbrushed, but she seemed not to care about her appearance or the impression she was giving off.

"You guys -- you guys -- you guys --" she stammered.

"What is it, Imp?" Shin grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. "Impy! Take a deep breath and tell us what's wrong? Is it Horita Repulsa?"

"Zeddmare's back again, isn't he?" ZM groaned.

"Why is Imp acting all spastic?" Harpoon, who had been awoken only by the sound of Imp running down the stairs, questioned.

"It's here!" she shouted in Shin's face. "The first-ever Serenes Forest anime store! Today is its opening day!"

For about a minute or so, the room was filled with dead silence. Imp stared at the other Folgores; the other Folgores stared at Imp. It was Banzai who finally broke the silence. "You woke us all up because Serenes Forest is opening an anime store," he deadpanned.

"But Banzai!" Imp protested. "It's going to have Jojo stuff! I need to go there now and buy a Jotaro figure!"

"You scared us all!" Darros huffed. "We thought that something bad had happened!"

Richter groaned and lay back down on the floor, pulling the covers of his sleeping bag over his head. 13th sipped his coffee, suddenly interested in the wall behind him.

"We just got back from space," Deranger said. "We're all too tired to be up at this time."

Imp gave an awkward laugh. "I, uh, I'm sorry," she apologized. "But we could all use a day off after a stressful mission like yesterday's, right?"

"No!" Shin cried. "No more Jojo stuff! You're going to be spoiling things for me all day long!"

"Shin's scared of spoilers!" Harpoon teased.

"Now, now, Rangers ... settle down," came the deep voice of Eliedon, quieting the group immediately. "I believe a day of relaxation would do you all well. But Folgore Pink ... do let your companions get their sleep first."

"Yeah, I didn't mean to wake you all up," she said, giggling sheepishly. "But I want to get there early! The grand opening is at noon!"

"Well, it's nine-thirty in the morning right now," ZM stated, looking at the clock hanging above Eliedon's tube. "Surely we don't have to go out anytime soon?"

"It'll take us about thirty minutes to get to downtown Serenes Forest by car," 13th said. "We won't have to leave for another two hours."

"Okay! Then it's settled!" Imp clapped her hands. "We're heading out to the anime store no later than eleven-thirty, got that?! Oh, and come with us, Shin ... please? I won't spoil anything for you, promise!"


Meanwhile, up in the Buttlair, Camdar had failed yet again. The lackey was sweating bullets in response to the stony glares that Zeddmare and Horita were giving him. He hadn't the slightest idea what he had done wrong this time -- he had followed Master Horita's directions exactly! So what could be the problem?

"Camdar, you incompetent loon!" Horita shouted. "Why, in the name of drafting, would you bring me these two? Why can't you do anything right?!"

"But Master," Camdar protested. "You told me that any two denizens of Serenes Forest would suffice! You never said that there was someone you didn't want!"

Horita fumed, but he couldn't argue against those words -- he had never specified to Camdar that Zak and Marth were not his first choices, ever. But it should've at least been implied. Behind Camdar floated a large transparent bubble that trapped the two troublemakers inside. Not that the bubble being inescapable would've mattered, as neither Zak nor Marth seemed to be aware of their situation anyway.

"Hey Zak, these bananas are good, aren't they?" Marth said, his mouth full of the fruit. "Weren't we lucky, to find a bunch of bananas just sitting there in the middle of the road!"

"Yeah, they are," Zak agreed, swallowing the last bite of his banana. "Save some for me! Give it here!"

Zeddmare and Horita merely stared at the two as they continued to stuff their mouths with bananas. Only they could have fallen for such an idiotic trap. And only Camdar could've thought that such an idiotic trap would even work in the first place.

"You are an embarrassment, Camdar," Horita grumbled. "You, ugh ... just -- just go!" he snapped.

The lackey wasted no time in doing just that, although he got his wings stuck in the doorframe on the way out.

"Lord Zeddmare, I am deeply apologetic for Camdar's incompetence," Horita rushed to say. "I should've known better than to give him such a task. I will go down to Serenes Forest myself and find two more denizens to replace these two idiots --"

"That is not necessary," Zeddmare interrupted, his voice echoing through the Buttlair. "Even the two fools before me shall suffice. Now, Horita, the devices that I created using the energies from Folgores Blue and Green ... give them to me. Now."

Horita complied, placing the two objects into Zeddmare's palms. The overlord walked over to Zak and Marth with a triumphant smirk on his face. "Soon," he muttered. "With my new weapons, the Folgore Rangers will soon meet their match ... and their end."

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And now for something completely different.

It was an ordinary day in the city of Serenes Forest. The denizens were going about their business as usual and the Folgore Rangers were enjoying a peaceful, stress-free week. Nearly a month had passed since Horita Repulsa's most recent attempt to conquer Serenes Forest, which had given the Folgores plenty of spare time. They had all but forgotten that their greatest enemy was still plotting against them, despite the warnings from their wise leader Eliedon.

Doku, Darros, Imp, Harpoon, Boron, Banzai, ZM, Richter, and 13th were at the juice bar, hanging out with some of their fellow denizens. Shin, ZM, and Richter watched Harpoon as he downed mug after mug of tangerine juice. The lucky Folgore had challenged Zak and Marth to a drinking contest. The two troublemakers had accepted without second thought. Marth was passed out on the counter, his sixth tankard still clutched in his hands. Harpoon and Zak were both on their eighth drink.

Imp and Integrigirl sat at a table in the corner of the bar - as far away from Doku as they could get - talking about Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Boron glowered at her cup of juice, muttering to herself about how fast her drafting backlog had built up. 13th sipped at his cranberry juice as he leaned back in his chair, staring at the wall and deep in thought. Banzai's mug remained untouched in front of him. He was too engrossed in his reading to care about the antics of his fellow Folgores. Darros sighed because he had no one to talk to and was feeling ignored.

Such was the life of normalcy that the Folgore Rangers had become accustomed to, without the constant threat of having their beloved Serenes Forest destroyed. It was all about to end.


Eliedon always seemed to know when Serenes Forest was under attack, even without having to witness it for himself. But, being a floating head in a tube, there was nothing he could do to stop it himself. None of the Folgores were answering their communicators either. The wise one was at his wit's end. What was he to do?

"Refa-5," he called to the humanoid robot. "You must stall Horita while I attempt to reach Folgore Red. We cannot allow him to continue treating Serenes Forest however he wants to."

"But, uh, Eliedon! I'm sure the Folgores have it under control!" Refa-5 was sweating bullets. He didn't want to have to distract Horita Repulsa on his own. "Why not just send Deranger and Esme instead?"

"They have both done their duty," Eliedon replied wearily. "I would hate to force them into this situation. But if I cannot contact Doku and the others, I may have to summon them instead. But for now, Refa-5, go. You must stop Horita Repulsa!"

"Y-yeah, sure ..." Refa-5 muttered vulgarities unhappily under his breath as he trudged out of Imp's wine cellar.


Amidst the rubble that was once the juice bar, the transformed Folgore Rangers glared down their enemy. After a long absence, Horita had finally returned to Serenes Forest, accompanied by his underlings Camdar and Apopeclipse ... and Shojor. Doku and Imp looked absolutely murderous at the sight of their former emo-banged robot ally. Shojor had betrayed them all in the last battle with Horita, which had been a heavy blow to the Folgores' morale.

"Sho ..." Imp growled, her hands clenching into fists. "How dare you show your face to us again! You traitor!"

"Now, now, don't be like that." Sho wagged his finger at her. "It was nothing personal. Horita Repulsa just offered me a better deal. ... And a chance to get away from that Refa-5." Sho shuddered.

"Horita!" Doku shouted. "I've been waiting for this opportunity. You're going down!"

"You can't defeat me, are you serious?" Horita laughed.

"And so ends our peaceful existence," Richter groaned. "I knew it was too good to last."

"Ah, what are you talking about?" Harpoon grinned. "This is great! Finally, a little excitement in our lives."

"You're an idiot," Boron muttered.

"So, uh, Camdar ..." Darros eyed the lackey warily. "You're not Radmac ... right?"

"You fool!" Camdar bellowed. "I don't know what you're talking about, but I shall destroy you anyway!"

"Because you are the paragon of competence, no?" Banzai sneered.

Camdar began flailing his arms around and shouting about insolence and destruction. 13th and Banzai ignored him. They were more concerned with Zak and Marth, who had transformed into Dark Folgores Teal and Navy. The two good-for-nothings had received an infusion of Folgore Green and Folgore Blue's powers from Zeddmare, which granted them Folgore power but put them under direct control of the Forces of Evil. Luckily for the Folgore Rangers, it was only a temporary boost and neither Zak nor Marth would have any recollection of events that took place during that time.

"Tee-hee!" Apopeclipse giggled. "Did you Folgores miss me?"

"Not at all," Doku muttered, shuddering at the memory of what Apopeclipse had done to them in their first battle against her. "But we know how to deal with you now!"

"You're all going down," ZM agreed. "We won't let you win! Prepare yourself, Horita!"

"No! Get back, all of you!" Doku shouted. "He's my enemy! You ... I will stop you ... right here, right now!" With an enraged cry, Doku charged at Horita despite his team yelling at him to stop.

"We'll see about that!" Horita let out a menacing laugh, then he raised his staff in the air. "Feel my power!"

A bright flash of light emanated from the gem mounted on Horita's staff ... and then, the Folgores collapsed to the ground as they shouted out in pain. A sudden, burning sensation had gripped them all. Doku tried to stand, but the pain was too much. He was lying mere feet from his enemy, unable to do anything more other than say, "Curse ... you, Horita ..."

"Go ahead, curse me ... just like you always do -- because that is all you can do," Horita said. "You lose. I win."

"I don't think so, Horita Repulsa!"

The sound of wind chimes filled the air, restoring energy to the Folgore Rangers and allowing them to move again. A badly drawn shield was flung at Horita, distracting him so that Doku could put enough distance between them. A fist punched through the debris that had been the juice bar, clearing it away. Esme, Deranger, and Integrigirl were ready for action.

"Hi guys!" Esme exclaimed, waving cheerfully to the group. "I can't believe I get to fight with you all again!"

"Looks like you could use some help, Imp and Boron!" Integrigirl piped up. "Don't worry, I've got your backs!"

"I'm here, too," Deranger said.

"Good to have you all here," 13th responded, letting out a sigh of relief. "We could use the help."

Darros gave a nervous laugh. "I guess we're all a little rusty ... that was a long vacation, you know?"

"Esme!" ZM and Harpoon shouted. "Welcome back!"

"All right, Integrigirl!" Imp cheered. "Let's defeat these guys with the power of Jojo --"

"No! Spoilers!"

"Deranger?" Boron asked. "I thought you were going to be busy ..."

"Well, I can't just ignore my duty as a Folgore Ranger," he said. "Besides, my splicing skills are much improved. I can help."

"This reunion is very touching," Banzai growled, as he created a wall of text to shield everyone from an oncoming lightning bolt, "but we are in the middle of a situation."

"Help us out here! Banzai and I can't hold them off forever!" Richter yelled.

"Oh, uh, right!" Doku cleared his throat. "Rangers ... it's cursin' time!"

Immediately, the Folgores and their allies split off into teams. Doku, Darros, and 13th ganged up on Horita. Boron and Deranger decided to take on Camdar. Imp and Integrigirl challenged Shojor to a fight. Banzai and Richter were locked in a fierce battle against Zak and Marth. ZM, Esme, and Harpoon surrounded Apopeclipse.

"NAME-CHANGING POWERS!" Darros shouted. "Change to 'Hawk King Tibarn'!"

"Take this, Horita Repulsa!" Doku threw a punch at his face.

"Your pathetic punches cannot hurt me!" Horita snapped, shoving his staff into Doku's stomach and winding him. He then stepped out of the way of Darros' dive-bomb attack and fired a lightning bolt at him. "Your tricks are useless, Folgore Blue!"

Darros, who was in transformed laguz form, let out a squawk of frustration and flew in circles over Horita. 13th used his bad driving powers to telekinetically pick up a car and throw it at Horita. It was quickly reduced to a pile of smoldering ashes.

"Curse you, Horita! Stop destroying Serenes Forest property!" Doku yelled.

"Never!" Horita fired a laser beam from his staff at Doku, who dodged it by jumping to the right.

"I will not forgive you for your betrayal, Sho!" Imp shouted. "I am steamroller-dropping mad!" She raised her arms above her head and a steamroller materialized into existence. "DIE!" She dropped it onto her former ally.

"Nice going Impy," Integrigirl said to her friend. "You got him!"

Imp was about to respond, but the sound of a hairdryer cut her off. Sho melted his way out of the steamroller with his super-powered hairdryer, without a single scratch. "Is that really all you've got?" He looked downright bored.

"AAAAH! I'M GONNA -- NAIL PUNCH!" Imp screamed, as she and Integrigirl pounded their fists into Sho's robotic body.

"Oh please," Sho muttered, as he easily blocked their blows. "Neither of you are a challenge."

"That's what you think, Shoo-Shoo!" Integrigirl shouted as she removed the golden bracelet around her wrist. "Take this! SUPER PRETTY PHANTOM SPECTRAL BEAM ATTACK!" she called out, flinging the bracelet at Sho. It struck him squarely in the face and sent him sprawling to the ground.

"Direct hit!" Imp cheered. "Eat that!"

Sho slowly got back to his feet, an irritated look on his face. Integrigirl's bracelet had reduced the length of his fabulous emo bangs by a few millimeters. "Oh, it is on now," he growled.

"Camdar ... I've been looking forward to a rematch," Deranger said, as he and the incompetent lackey stared each other down.

"You're that guy I beat with my hacking powers." Camdar scoffed. "Ha! You're not worth my time! I'll just destroy you!"

"I'm not the same as I was back then." Deranger shifted into a fighter's stance. "And I won't lose to you this time."

"SILENCE!" Camdar bellowed. "I'll show you! Power of life hacking -- system crash!"

"Ugh ...!" Deranger fell to his knees, grimacing. "I ... I can't move ...!"

"Ha! You haven't improved one bit!" Camdar taunted, as he approached the second Folgore Yellow. "My life hacking cannot be beaten -- ack!" The villain staggered back, screaming and covering his face. "What was that!?" he yelled.

"Lithium in a jar," Boron said, helping her companion back to his feet. "It blew up in your face."

"Even if your life hacking abilities cannot be beaten, I won't make the mistake of trying to fight you myself ever again," Deranger said. "And I don't need the power of artistic vision to do THIS!" He punched Camdar in the face, knocking him out with one blow.

"What do you know, he fell for it ... just like you said he would," Boron remarked. "I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. This is Camdar we're talking about, after all."

"Power of bad luck!" Zak shouted. A random meteorite came falling out of the sky and struck Banzai in the head. It was merely the size of a chicken egg and so did not do more than annoy him, but Zak laughed obnoxiously anyway. "Fear my power!"

Richter groaned. "That's not impressive," he muttered, releasing a dark magic spell in Marth's direction. "Banzai, how are we supposed to defeat these fools without hurting them?"

"When we fought them previously, their transformation did not last for long," Banzai said, brushing off meteorite dust from his hair. "Just make sure not to let their attacks touch you."

"Easier said than done," Richter complained. Barely dodging an attack from a Marth clone, he pounded its face in with a dark magic-infused punch and vaporized it.

"Oh yeah, tough guy?" Marth hollered. "I can just create as many clones as I want! Beat that!"

Banzai was not impressed. "You are a simpleton," he muttered, taking out a dictionary and shouting the longest words in it at the two good-for-nothings.

ZM, Harpoon, and Esme were not having much luck against Apopeclipse. For an armless laughing thing with a Spinda head for a body, she was extremely agile. Harpoon and Esme poured their powers of luck and enthusiasm into ZM so that he could fight at his absolute best level, but even that was not enough. ZM huffed in frustration as he nocked another arrow into his bow.

"Come on, ZM, I'm giving you all the luck I have," Harpoon said. "Don't put it all to waste!"

"There's only so much I can do with luck," ZM retorted. "She's just too good!"

"Oh, don't be like that!" Esme exclaimed. "All you need is to keep trying! We can't let her win!"

"Tee-hee!" Apopeclipse shouted. "I'm just getting warmed up! Be careful, boys, I'm coming for you!" The spiral marks on her stomach began to spin in a counterclockwise direction, and a horde of paper-thin soldiers popped into existence.

"We can take them!" Harpoon yelled. "These guys are easy picking!" A random anvil fell from the sky and squashed several of the soldiers. "You see? Come on, Esme, we can take them!"

"Right!" Esme shook his wind chime, which blew up five or six soldiers. "ZM, leave these guys to us! You just focus on Apopeclipse!"

"Y-yeah ... sure ..." ZM swallowed hard and raised his bow. Apopeclipse was in plain sight, but he didn't have a clear shot at her due to the paper-thin soldiers in front of her. But Esme and Harpoon were slowing whittling the army down to size until -- yes! ZM had the perfect shot and the perfect opportunity. He let the arrow fly straight and true, and it struck Apopeclipse directly in the center of her spiral. ZM inwardly celebrated when his enemy let out a loud screech.

"ENOUGH!" she bellowed, drawing everyone's attentions to her. "You Folgores are starting to annoy me. You'll regret that!"

Apopeclipse's spiral began to spin again, rotating at a faster rate than it did before. Then ... pure, white energy exploded out from the center of the spiral and shot out straight and true. ZM narrowly avoided it as it barreled towards him, but Harpoon and Esme were not so lucky and took a direct hit. Horita shoved his opponents into the path of the light while evading it himself. Boron shoved Deranger out of the way but was unable to do so herself. Integrigirl reached for Imp's arm to drag her away from the beam, but was too late to save her. Banzai and Richter were nowhere near its trajectory and remained unharmed.

Once the white energy had died down ... Banzai, Richter, Deranger, and Integrigirl were horrified to find their companions missing. Horita and his followers had regrouped -- and Camdar had regained consciousness -- all of them looking very smug.

"No!" Integrigirl cried out. "What have you done with our friends!"

"This can't ... be happening ..." Richter muttered, shellshocked. "No ..."

"Where are they?" Banzai demanded. "Start talking. Now!"

"I would forget about your 'friends' if I were you," Horita taunted. "They won't escape the parallel universe that Apopeclipse has trapped them in. All that stands between me and the destruction of Serenes Forest is you fools."

"Ha! You Folgores aren't so tough!" Camdar agreed.

"Quiet, Camdar!" Horita snapped at him through gritted teeth. "You got yourself knocked unconscious, need I remind you?"

"But Master Horita --"

"This is bad," Deranger said to his remaining companions, as Camdar began to argue with Horita. "We can't hold them all off on our own."

"Don't worry, I'll call my brother Integriman, he will help us," Integrigirl said. "And RaveMaster and Kiku, too!"

"No, it won't be enough ..." Richter sighed. "We were having so much trouble already ... three more people won't be enough."

"Well, we will have to do whatever we can in that case," Banzai spoke up. "Our numbers are too small. We will have to pull back for now. Integrigirl, make sure to summon backup. We will need whoever is willing to help."


The world around him was pitch black. Doku groaned as he pushed himself off the ground, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. Where were the others? Above all else, he had to find his team. It took several minutes of searching, but he was able to reunite with his fellow Folgores ... well, all who had been hit by Apopeclipse's attack, at least.

"So it's just us, then?" Darros asked. "Everyone else got away safely?"

"I would assume so," 13th said, surveying his surroundings. "At least we all ended up in the same place."

"Guys ... I'm freaking out, I don't like this," Imp muttered. "I ... I think I'm ... going to have an anxiety attack ..."

"No!" Doku yelled, running over to her. "Don't say that! We're all here with you!"

"But how do we get out of here?" Boron complained.

"Come on, gang, don't lose hope!" Esme told them. "We're the Folgore Rangers! We'll find a way out of this mess!"

"Yeah, guys ... all we need is a little luck -- oh, what's this?" Harpoon reached down to pick up an object that had scuffed against his foot. "Look! I found a flashlight!" He turned it on. "Ah, that's better!"

Not a second after those words had left his mouth, Harpoon's flashlight fizzled out and left the group in darkness again. Then, a light was switched on and the entire dimension was bathed in light. The Folgores quickly realized that they were standing behind a starting line, the floor beneath them a grid of large squares that were at least three meters in length. A scoreboard loomed above them, with all of their names written clearly on it and their colors too.

"And so ... it begins," came a disembodied voice from out of nowhere. "Will you be able to escape? Come. Try your best ... or stay here forever."

Edited by Seoyeon
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There is a lack of me in these tales.

That was quite enjoyable nonetheless.

Don't worry Breezy, you'll make an appearance in my latest story!

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