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That one class that's always been reliable for you...


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Axe infantry and Sages have been reliable for me too, but FE6's making me reconsider that for axe users (even if I like Lot, Gonzales and Geese, they have serious flaws compared to Dart and the other guys Folgore Green mentioned, though that's also a matter of low hit axes). Sages are weak at the start, but as long as they can heal (*glares at Calill and Bastian*), they are reliable to me.

Overall, I think the one that has always been reliable is my namesake, the mercenary/hero. From the games I've played (5-12), all of mine have turned up great and helped protect everyone without consistently dying.

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Peg knights. Always ramcaps speed and skill, and usually str/res blessed for some unknown reason.


Edited by Elieson
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There is always a good one that I like in pretty much every FE game. They get to places fast and can always yield swords and lances (and in FE6 even get S in the entire weapon triangle).

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Cavaliers, because they can rescue, use lances and swords, they oftenly have good HP, def and str to survive and they have high movement and more reliability than a Pegasus Knight/Wyvern Knight and no issues with def/res respectively.

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Dracos and Pallies.

Also healer. Need to bring an extra character in FEDS for something but they suck at fighting or just aren't trained? Reclass to cleric! :P

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Peg knights. Always ramcaps speed and skill, and usually str/res blessed for some unknown reason.


This pretty much. Especially Florina. She always turns out AMAZINGLY AWESOME. I wonder why...

Bad Elie. My Florina.

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My Pegasus Knights always seem to get a early STR level or two, which just makes them into flying death early on. Lots of PK blessing from everyone here.

Aside from 6, Generals have never let me down when I go tell them to hold the rine somewhere. Mages, Wyvern lords, lancereaver spam it doesn't matter because the rine will hold(triple if Hector counts that's not even fair).

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I'm changing to this:

Always the Valkyries. And often Pegasus Knights.

Also, I like cavaliers.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Any unpromoted, bow-locked dude on a horse. Dunno why they always end up pulling through, but I'm not complaining!

Edited by eclipse
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Well, I haven't played FE6 yet, but FE7 Rath is the only nomad in that game and he's never failed me yet. He's been awesome, slightly more awesome than usual, and not as awesome as usual, but still always great for me. I do give him the Afa's Drops, but +5% to your growths isn't supposed to make THAT much of a difference.

Mages/sages as well, although a bit less consistently. Especially on FE7. If I'm using both Erk and Nino, at least one of them turns out good. Tormod is awesome in both FE9 and FE10, with a little BEXP. Lute usually turns out well for me as well. Usually.

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Magic wielding units are pretty reliable. Might be that I give them a little more attention, but along with Myrmidons (and Soldiers in 9/10) they're usually the focus of my groups, and they turn out pretty well. Rutger in 6 was particularly reliable, though not a mage, remember him essentially plowing through wave after wave of reinforcements one time. Lugh was reliable in 6 too. It being the game where things went wrong most often, I notice the units in it a little better.

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