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Rate the Unit, Day 39: Geoffrey

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Dat Rules (stolen/borrowed from Integrity)

- Ratings are assumed to be on Hard Mode+Fixed Mode.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake.

- Every ranking phase ends whenever I get out of bed, between 0700 and 0800 EST. Do the math for your timezone, Brits.

- I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.

- "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "she brings the sonic sword" or any other justification as an argument.

- BEXP is free to be used in any quantity on any character.

- Rating a unit too low because you think its overrated will make me throw away your vote without mercy public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif.

- I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise.


Rolf: 1.15

Sothe: 2.03

Lucia: 2.23

Brom: 2.32

Bastian: 2.49

Tauroneo: 2.85

Shinon: 3.00

Janaff: 3.32

Ulki: 3.59

Ranulf: 3.93

Devdan: 4.11

Volke : 4.82

Ilyana: 4.98

Soren: 5.15

Rhys: 5.31

Gatrie: 5.46

Mia: 5.71

Muarim: 6.19

Mist: 6.41

Mordecai: 6.55

Makalov: 6.59

Tormod: 6.62

Zihark: 6.65

Haar: 6.73

Lethe: 6.75

Nephenee: 6.79

Callil: 7.21

Stefan: 7.40

Astrid: 7.76

Boyd: 8.29

Ike: 8.57

Tanith: 9.08

Oscar: 9.08

Kieran: 9.23

Jill: 9.31

Marcia: 9.36

Reyson: 9.79

Titania: 9.91

I'll tally Bastian's score later, I don't have much time.

Edited by Folgore Orange
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That starting HP and defense is awesome. Unfortunately, his strength and speed aren't quite as good, but he has good growths in both, Paragon, and Knight Ward access, so its not too hard to fix. And of course, he has a horse which is a big deal in FE9. He's definitely much better than scrubs like Lucia and Haar.


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He's still on a horse, so the only problem I have with him is his availability (and his first chapter being Ch.25 but whatever).


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I don't know if Geoffrey is even that much better than Haar.

First off, Haar has been around longer and was usable at base. Secondly, Geoffrey's Spd lead is a bit minor. IIRC, 19 Spd helps him double... I think the Snipers. And then there's the Paladins if you work with his 85% Spd growth (Knight Ward). He also lacks flight, which kind of hurts him in Chapter 25. Geoffrey even has a minor Str disadvantage in comparison to Haar, so even there are times where he's not always getting the Brave Lance. It is speaking at base, though, and obviously Geoffrey has Paragon, BEXP, and Knight Ward. He can be rammed to beat bosses, but he doesn't suddenly beat Haar by miles upon miles like you're making it out to be.

Geoffrey is pretty solid, though. The two things that stands as huge advantages are Paragon and his growths + bases being pretty high. If you ram him to max level, he has enough AS to double Bertram, and has 42.5 Atk to boot with a Silver Lance forge.

I can't really think of a numerical rating for him, though. I guess I would give Haar a 6/10, so maybe 6.5/10 for Geoffrey.

Edited by Colonel M
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He's only got four chapters of use to him, which is his biggest downfall. His stats aren't terribly impressive either even when he's leveled up. Had he joined earlier he might get a seven or so, but between meh-ish stats and a late joining, there isn't a lot going for him. Sure, he has Paragon and it rocks, but he's simply not terribly amazing and may not have the time to really put Paragon to good use.

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I'd say that Geoffrey was a pretty good filler unit. Comparatively he is weaker than any other trained cavalier (and Titania) but his bases, growths, paragon which ensures its easier to level him up and Knight's Ward (giving him an overkill SPD growth) which makes him well placed in the game. Of course, baring the fact that as a unit he is where he should be, that doesn't make him wonderful or anything. He has issues with terrain, his combat isn't perfect, his weapon selection is good but not the best. All the way around, this late game paladin is worth a 5 out of 10.

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He doesn't dodge well. Low Luck. But his Paragon skill makes up for his joining time. Fix his weakspot in Luck (Bonus EXP); and u will have yourself an Ok Pallie. He should support Callil. As Elincia's support which is Heaven isn't a good affinity for him.


Edited by リンダ
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He doesn't dodge well. Low Luck.

(Snicker.) As if a unit with 21 base Def, a good Def growth, and the ability to equip the Knight Ward for +2 Def needs to worry about dodging.

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Well I gave Haar a 6.5, and Geof is basically mildly faster Haar without wings and with less availability, so 6.25+1 bias=7.25

As for Geof himself, he doesn't have much trouble doubling, especially with a few bexp+KW levels. Leveling him is also incredibly easy thanks to paragon. He also has a sexy 21 base defense and a nice 45% growth, so he's fairly durable, though mages will hurt him and his HP is nothing spectacular. His biggest problem, aside from availability, is meh strength, but fortunately he's got auto A in lances so he can use silver forges from the get go. He can also use the brave lance decently, though there are better candidates, and he has access to killer bows at base to help with wyvern lords as well as the laguz bow, for what it's worth. All in all, a solid late game filler unit that doesn't need much, if anything, to contribute decently.

Edited by bottlegnomes
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Geoffrey is solid. Paragon. Nice bases. Auto A lances. His problem is availability. And you all know i value availability more than the average guy :p. 4.5/10

Edited by PKL
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I'm surprised. A 5.5 for a unit with only a few chapters of existence? Ah well, I would complain, but I'll get insulted and called a moron again.

Well you are kind of complaining but...

...To be fair, Geoffrey does have a couple perks if you're willing to plow the BEXP and a Silver forge. He does have some performance issues in two chapters, but he kind of (I hint kind of) has an easy way to take out some of the tougher bosses (27s and 28s) . Granted, the Pegasi handle Bertram a little better than Geoffrey, but I digress.

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Geoffrey, knight of Crimea. Has a thing for Elincia.



Brave Lance.



Can be pretty much redundant at this point.


Ok its no secret, i find this guy to be quite assy. I do not like him in either game. Here, he's a little cooler but really, i dont see the point unless you are going for super Paladin Zerg Rush. (Or you just really like him.) He does have Paragon but its not like hes at a super low level anyway. If i remember correctly, hes like at level 11 when he joins. Hes also got a Brave lance. (thats not staying on him.) Paladins are pretty gr9mazing in this game anyway but i really dont think Geoffrey is that awesome. The other guys on your team are gonna do it better.

4/10. 3/10 bias because i just...as a unit, i always thought Geoffrey stunk to high heaven.

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I'm surprised. A 5.5 for a unit with only a few chapters of existence? Ah well, I would complain, but I'll get insulted and called a moron again.

The reason Lucia got so low is because she absolutely sucks and blows during her short-lived existence where Geoffrey only sucks a little bit.

5/10 from me. Paragon allows for easy BEXP leveling if you want, knight ward, high movement, instant silver lances, very durable, only problem is that he's a little slow but a speedwing will help that (though why you still have one at this point is beyond me).

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-9 movement, canto

-decent base stats

-KW access


-low availability

-a little redundant

Geoffrey is a great filler unit. Because of paragon, he can easily catch up to the rest of the team without too much of an investment. If any fliers or pallys were passed on he will definitely be able to make some contributions to the team.

4/10 - He is the paladin version of Lucia/Bastion and completes the trio of high LV units with lackluster base stats. However, 9 movement, canto, paragon, and KW access make him pretty good.

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Posting from my phone so I can't make my usual list. Geoffrey is not nearly as good as a trained pally of your choosing but at this point his defence will never let you down and his speed will never desert you with knight ward growth. Bows work out decently since he can use a killer off the bat to take out dracos. He has paragon making him easy to dump bexp into. His join time sucks but he is definitely the best of Elincia's knights and does well in the endgame chapter with a small bexp dump.

6/10 with bias included for his sweet longing for Elincia.

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