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Mystery of Paris.

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What if Ashunera thought Ike was so awesome for being the one to help destroy her judgemental self she just magically spawned a kid that had his DNA and somehow people figured that out? Eh? Eh?

Wtf? Lol, that is the most weirdest thing I heard.

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Wtf? Lol, that is the most weirdest thing I heard.

Well this topic does tend to encourage random and weird theories getting thrown around with no evidence to back them up.

(Yes I am aware the person who you responded to was kidding but there are still people in this topic who post shit with no evidence and cling to it).

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What if Ashunera thought Ike was so awesome for being the one to help destroy her judgemental self she just magically spawned a kid that had his DNA and somehow people figured that out? Eh? Eh?

Everyone knows she can't do that. But what she can do is make Ike immortal and unaging, but still able to grow his hair and beard. Paris has to be Ike, just not telling people he is Ike because he doesn't want the attention. THERE IS NO OTHER POSSIBILITY!

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He trades it for immunity from all melee weapons.

Don't forget his sexalicious awkward gear collar.

Also, I figured out why he changed his appearance, to get away from Aimee. 'cause Ike know you don't stick your dick crazy.

Edited by bottlegnomes
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Eliwood bears hardly any resemblance to Roland, although Roland is his great-great-etc.-grandfather.

I don't think Paris' resemblance to Ike means much.

Considering Paris is a giant, walking Ike reference, I'd like to think it does mean something. tongue.gif

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I think the collar is part of the Hero outfit.

Yeah, it is part of the Hero design..

I'm curious though.. will the in-game model have the cape that Paris has? Cause that'd be totally badass. All kinds of levels of badass.

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Yeah, it is part of the Hero design..

Huh, didn't notice. Then again, besides those two, there aren't any other heroes that start as heroes.

I'm curious though.. will the in-game model have the cape that Paris has? Cause that'd be totally badass. All kinds of levels of badass.


From the looks of it, he does, but it's a bit unclear.

Edited by bottlegnomes
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Like, seriously. I need it so I can change my avatar to him pronto.

And, knowing the artist, you know that the pose will be awesome!

Maybe Ike was into fat chicks and he was pissed because no one was fat in his army so he left to find some.

Okay, i've never played the GC FE games, but I could SWEAR there was a derpy fat chick somewhere in there.......


AHA! I knew it!


Edited by LegendaryHero0
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Ike Paris looks pretty cool. Kinda depressing to have that mystery out of the way, but he still looks pretty awesome, and being Ike's decendant, this guy is sure to be a favorite with people.. Now I'm wondering..

Does anyone know this guy's stats? Like, is he pretty good at the start or just a throwaway unit? I think I read somewhere that he Comes with Ragnell, so that can't be bad.

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Ike Paris looks pretty cool. Kinda depressing to have that mystery out of the way, but he still looks pretty awesome, and being Ike's decendant, this guy is sure to be a favorite with people.. Now I'm wondering..

Does anyone know this guy's stats? Like, is he pretty good at the start or just a throwaway unit? I think I read somewhere that he Comes with Ragnell, so that can't be bad.

From earlier in the topic:

Lv.20 Hero

HP 74, STR40, MAG 3, SKL44, SPD38, LUCK35, DEF39, RES25, Sword A, Axe B

Initial items: Ragnell, Tomahawk

Skills: Sword Slayer, Lance Slayer, Axe Slayer, Luna, Sol

Reclass: Myrmidon, Fighter, Mercenary

Mods: STR+3, MAG-2, SKL+1, DEF+2, RES-2

Like the majority of the non-main cast, his growths are unknown.

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