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Rate the Unit, Day 30: Mordecai

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Dat Rules (borrowed/stolen from Integrity)

- Ratings are assumed to be on Hard Mode (JP Maniac). And only hard mode!

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake.

- Every ranking phase ends when the next RTU thread is posted (at this point, it's hard to tell).

- I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.

- "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" or "Gives you Bronze Sword" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "she brings a Savior to the team" as an argument.

- BEXP is free to be used in any quantity on any character.

- Skills can be reassigned freely.

- No transfers.

- Anyone that has done a RD RTU withholds the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise.


Fiona: 1.20

Meg: 1.34

Vika: 2.40

Leonardo: 2.53

Lucia: 3.06

Tormod: 3.28

Brom: 3.56

Ilyana: 3.75

Nealuchi: 4.41

Tauroneo: 4.50

Black Knight: 4.60

Maurim: 4.72

Aran: 4.92

Laura: 5.13

Heather: 5.29

Edward: 6.31

Micaiah: 6.50

Marcia: 7.31

Zihark: 7.44

Nephenee: 7.74

Elincia: 8.21

Leanne: 8.38

Rafiel: 8.45

Jill: 8.46

Volug: 8.87

Sothe: 8.93

Nailah: 9.00

Nolan: 9.06

Haar: 9.91

I may not have FE10, but PKL requested someone to put up the next day, so I decided to keep it going. I believe Mordecai is after Lucia (as I'm reading from the FE wiki), so correct me if I'm wrong.

Anyway, tallying Lucia.

EDIT: 3.06.

Edited by Folgore Orange
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Base stats are pretty good. Growths besides HP and Luck are not so great. He's got some availability. When he transforms he goes boom! And gets pretty damn good. Pretty solid unit.

7/10+1 for being such a nice guy.


Edit: fail on my part. I was thinking of some else maybe? Mordecai was always pretty good

Edited by fuzz94
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8/10 (7 + 1 point bias). He can really tank physical hits transformed, and with Resolve... Look out.

Edited by Golden Cucco
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Godly defense transformed. To the point that a few lvl ups with defence will not kill him anytime soon unless loluncommonmage. Which means he is the perfect resolve candidate.

7 +1 point bias


Edited by SlayerX
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Base stats are not so great.

Uh, what? How is 32 defense not great? Same with 28 attack. Yeah, he needs to transform to get those bases, but since Nealuchi and Lethe can't use the Olivi Grass/Laguz Stones as well as he can, he's got a pretty good claim for them.

So yeah, Mordy is a pretty awesome tank for his entire existence, and probably the best non-royal laguz in the game. In 2-E, only five enemies are able to damage Mordy (and one is Ludveck). Mordy can run around and kill whatever and face no chance of death until he hits a Mage or runs out of transform juice.

8/10. His availability is about as high as Nephenee/Brom/Haar, and he's pretty solid with said availability.

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Among the best physical tanks in the game, with insane raw strength as well. High luck. His accuracy has never been a real problem for me. His weaknesses are speed, resistance, and the fact that he's a laguz. Mages are a problem, and what he can't OHKO he'll rarely kill, but he's still a solid unit.

7/10 including +1 bias for being so nice and so huge at the same time.

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I'm a little disappointed that the sub title for this thread wasn't MORDECAI (in a russian accent to boot)

Anyway i'm in agreement with everyone else, Mordecai is just solid. Some people give him a bad rap for being slow, (dat speed growth :<) but his defenses are so high that even if he gets doubled he's not taking much damage. Tank is a good fit for him; he can take a hit and dish one out too.


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Mordy is one of the better laguz in the game with the benefits of a slower depleting gauge and extremely tanky stats. He won't be as murdered when he loses his transformation, though he still doesn't want to be caught outside of tiger form unlike in POR where it wasn't so big of a deal. His growths have been murdered between games but his bases are still strong, especially when he joins. He's definitely doing a lot of work in 2-2 alongside Lucia, Neph, Brom, and Leanne, combat wise. He also still has Smite, which is awesome as usual. Overall he won't make it to endgame but he'll be a fairly solid unit otherwise.

I'll give him 6.5/10, and a +0.5 bias for 7/10.

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I read somewhere that even by part 4, even if hes doubled, his godly hp and base defence can soak up hits like a boss. That saying, even if he's not an endgame candidate, he's one of the the better laguz of the game.

He's really good for 2-2 and 2-E where he can plug up holes like the left staircase. He comes back for part 3, and he can be a good tank there. However, he soaks up exp due to him being a laguz., but he is fairly usable for the remainder of the game.

Uhh. 6.5/10+ 1 bias= 7.5/10

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Mordecai, nicest guy in all of Gallia.





Good availability.


Dat speed. :mellow:

Slow gauge.

Mordy is pretty awesome. His part 2 consists of him tanking the fuck out of everything. He can also maul the hell out of things too. He hits and hard. His HP coupled with dat defense means: "Yeah im Mordy and i aint dyin'!" Mages can spank him but unless they are fire mages and double, hes fine. His speed is super low though and the growth there is ehhh. Most guys in part 2 arent really doubling him in tiger form though. Regular Mordy form though..eeeh... But his defense can usually help him survive that stuff. His gauge is slow to filling so hes gonna be all "merr?" for a few turns before murder. (Laguz Stones really help him. He and Reyson are fighting over them.) Part 3, hes pretty much unchanged from part 2. His part 4 isnt bad either.

How to fix Mordy's problems with speed? BEXP helps especially if hes hitting some caps already. Speedwing helps a bit too. A satori sign is a good idea because Roar can destroy and he wont have to double. If his speed got better, hes not a bad Endgame pick. But its kind of a gamble there. (My last Mordy capped speed. I only gave him one speedwing. usually that doesnt make him cap. Hmmm..)

Overall, probably my favorite non-royal laguz.

7/10. 8/10 bias because i love Mordy.

Edited by Florina
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Very good base stats and Laguz themselves got a good buff this time around. That being said I still don't like dealing the the gauge and he isn't as present as I would like. He doesn't manage to stand out as well against his later kin (though better than some other laguz for certain) and he isn't as vital/powerful as other laguz.

7/10. No bias.

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* Begins in Part 2: Chapter 2

+ Pretty good physical unit... has HP, Str and Def... a kitty tank.

- His speed, can be a problem in the final stages...

- Gauge problem... =(

Score 6/10

Edited by Enex
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A mobile tank that cannot double nor use ranged weapons. He will be eating up funds (if you have to buy laguz/olivi grass) and resources in Olivi Grass and Laguz stones to be put to good use. Uhh... He doesn't really suffer from terrain cost like horses do. Plenty of people already mentioned his availability.


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Like Brom he's able to clog up point in part 2 only he does it with better stats but needs to eat to stay transformed. (and he lacks any 2-range)

In part 3 he returns and is still tanky with a good single hit. If you know how to do it properly resolve can make him attack fast too for great Player Phase fighting while on the EP he would have to tank 1-range enemies preferably.


+Good Stats.

+Resolves like a boss.

+More then enough availability.


-Poor speed almost forces resolve.

-Forced 1-range.

-Transformation gauge.

-Not so great endgame.

-Not a green taigarrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


Edited by Silith
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With all said, i'd put just that mordy is still behind ranulf / ulki / janaff / skrimir into getting that cool position on a non-royal laguz run (not talking about grifca as i consider him a royal). So yea it takes a bit more points from him.

I'd say 6/10 going to 7 cause he is the coolest laguz ever, even rebuilding crimea x)

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Using Mordecai - a simple recipe:

- Powder some Olivi Grass in his inventory

- Maybe have an Herb / Vulnerary too

- Present to him the gift of Resolve in his Skills

- Have enemies attack him

- Watch madness unfold when he transforms

Mordecai actually isn't terrible once you get how to "set him up". The basic key is getting him cranked to Resolve range before he transforms. He's so fucking durable, defensively, that he's not going to mind taking hits later on. 32 Def is so high that most enemies aren't even going to come close to denting him, let alone maybe do single digit damage tops. If you really want to get creative, you could even try Wrath on him for a while, since most enemies will roughly 5-6HKO him. Once he's transformed, we're looking at 38 Atk backed by (hopefully) 27 AS. I'm not... sure... how Resolve works here so please correct me if I'm wrong (I don't know if it takes the base Speed after transformation or before. If it's before, it only jumps to 23). Still, 27 AS will cover for a good amount of time, but sadly it's going to peter out a bit once Part 4 rolls around. He can maybe get away with the Generals and some of the Warriors, but enemies like Halberdiers are a little more reliant on him proccing Spd. If he procs Spd, and my Resolve calculations are correct, he'll have 30 AS; just enough to really decimate the floor... for 4-1. The part that sucks is that he has a shittacular 15% Spd growth. Not very appealing, is it? He's too far away for the Satori Sign really (Level 16 out of 30... yeah...), so I wouldn't expect him to get it to help his offense. You could drop a Speedwing, but he's just a "little" too mediocre to really make use of it.

As for other bonuses, Mordecai has a decent Mov stat to keep up with the army once transformed. His Water affinity is pretty nice, too, since it sports +0.5 Atk and Def for each level. Then there's Smite, though I guess that could always be given to someone else. Still, his Con allows him to Shove / Smite most foot units except weird ones like Gatrie, but no one cares enough anyway. Actually, he can Shove / Smite Tibarn if you want Mordecai to, which is kind of cool.

He has some strengths, and his weaknesses can be worked around. Don't expect high praise from Mordecai, but his base stats allow him to get the job done. Pity that he lacks 1-2 range and Canto, though.


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Very good base stats and Laguz themselves got a good buff this time around.

That is, unless they were cats, which got nerfed.

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I'm not... sure... how Resolve works here so please correct me if I'm wrong (I don't know if it takes the base Speed after transformation or before. If it's before, it only jumps to 23).

Base Mordecai has 27 Spd when in Resolve range. This lets him double everything in Part 3 except Swordmasters. Resolve Mordecai can also double most foes in 4-P. If Mordecai procs Spd, he'll have 30 Spd which lets him double almost everything in 4-1, 4-2, and 4-3 (and 4-E-1, but don't bring Mordecai to Endgame). Mordecai can easily get to level 22 or 23 by the end of Part 3, so he has a decent chance of having 10->30 AS going into Part 4. Still, I prefer to send him to the desert anyway, so he also has 4-P to proc Spd.

Not really. Cats can still use Olivi Grass, unlike in FE9. If anything, they were buffed in this game.

Disagree. Lethe is much worse in FE10. Ranulf is better, but only because he has better availability.

Edited by aku chi
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