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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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Ok, so I think I may have messed up with Paralogue 12. I married my Avatar to Cordelia, and as a result, Morgan is red-haired, starts as a Pegasus Knight, and inherited the skills Galeforce and Ignis. This isn't much of a problem, as she's usually able to dodge a couple hits every so often. But the real problem is that I can't actually reach her. My Avatar is a Dark Knight, Cordelia is a Hero, and Chrom is a Paladin, and none of them can run over water. Morgan always attacks anything that comes even remotely close to her, and because she uses Galeforce, she always moves somewhere else. It's impossible to catch up to her, and I've had to reset four times because she goes after the boss and gets killed.

Anybody got any advice for how to deal with this?

Rescue staff, then recruit?

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Ok, so I think I may have messed up with Paralogue 12. I married my Avatar to Cordelia, and as a result, Morgan is red-haired, starts as a Pegasus Knight, and inherited the skills Galeforce and Ignis. This isn't much of a problem, as she's usually able to dodge a couple hits every so often. But the real problem is that I can't actually reach her. My Avatar is a Dark Knight, Cordelia is a Hero, and Chrom is a Paladin, and none of them can run over water. Morgan always attacks anything that comes even remotely close to her, and because she uses Galeforce, she always moves somewhere else. It's impossible to catch up to her, and I've had to reset four times because she goes after the boss and gets killed.

Anybody got any advice for how to deal with this?

It sounded like you put Morgan on auto or you simply have very horrible timing... mellow.gif

I agree with shadowofchaos's suggestion.

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Ok, so I think I may have messed up with Paralogue 12. I married my Avatar to Cordelia, and as a result, Morgan is red-haired, starts as a Pegasus Knight, and inherited the skills Galeforce and Ignis. This isn't much of a problem, as she's usually able to dodge a couple hits every so often. But the real problem is that I can't actually reach her. My Avatar is a Dark Knight, Cordelia is a Hero, and Chrom is a Paladin, and none of them can run over water. Morgan always attacks anything that comes even remotely close to her, and because she uses Galeforce, she always moves somewhere else. It's impossible to catch up to her, and I've had to reset four times because she goes after the boss and gets killed.

Anybody got any advice for how to deal with this?

Any flying class, pair the Avatar or Chrom up with them, fly over, switch, and talk. That's how I do it.

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Just bring any flier. Have one of them jump on the flier and go directly to Morgan to recruit her Turn 1; you'll switch MU or whoever else to the front to recruit Morgan, so you can just leave them there and not have to worry about the flier getting attacked if they aren't trained.

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eh...so once i attended a streetpass meet and my map was filled with so much people i mistakenly dismissed some, including a friend that i see regularly. now his team never appears in my game anymore, and i think its cause i dismissed him... is that really the cause, and is there any remedy?.....

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eh...so once i attended a streetpass meet and my map was filled with so much people i mistakenly dismissed some, including a friend that i see regularly. now his team never appears in my game anymore, and i think its cause i dismissed him... is that really the cause, and is there any remedy?.....

If your friend recently included Spotpass or DLC characters on their team, they might be appearing as a randomly generated team.

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hmm i havent gotten him or any random gen teams at all after i dismissed him that day tho.. (like i get my sister pretty regularly, and today i met up with said friend with sister and i only got her team :c )

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If you are planning on maxing out any avatar unit, do the asset and flaw really matter in the long run???

They determine your stat caps.


hmm i havent gotten him or any random gen teams at all after i dismissed him that day tho.. (like i get my sister pretty regularly, and today i met up with said friend with sister and i only got her team :c )

Did you try closing both of the 3DSs to sleep mode for about 10 minutes?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Do we ever get bugfixes as, like, SpotPass stuff? I wanna use Bonus Characters in my StreetPass team :X

Perhaps if we can get Nintendo's attention ^^

i remember seeing it awhile ago but i dont see it anymore but what is kroms growth rates as demon fighter

Dread Fighter growths are unknown.

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now for spotpass characters that glitch streetpass teams is it just the extra 120 or does that include the bonus map characters too? also is it just dlc characters that cause teams to glitch or skills/classes too? Is their a way to be able to know if iv been getting glitched streetpass teams or not?

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Counter is probably the best of the Male exclusive skills and I don't believe Henry has anything more desirable other than Lifetaker if you want to do something silly like Lifetaker + Galeforce. She's hitting unpromoted caps so there's no reason to not grab her, imo.

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Should I recruit her NOW, or have Henry pass down something other than Counter?

Im guessing Henry ended up a Warrior (lol wut). Personally, i would have passed down Vengeance but thats just me. Seeing how Cynthia has all dem green numbers and Galeforce, get her now. Plus Counter could come in handy for her. Like the guy above said, she cant usually get Counter so why not let her keep it?

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Ah, alright. Guess I'll do it, then; I kind of wondered how useful Counter would be for my units since they're not expendable like enemy Warriors. Thanks!

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