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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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Does the DLC spoil other Fire Emblem games stories? If so, which ones do? I don't want to get spoiled via DLC, I'd rather play their respective games first.

More like just references to the characters and maps.

Storywise? No, it doesn't.

You'll only get the dialogue references if you've played them, but they are a "chuckle moment" at best.

It puts random character teams together, so it will not spoil any plot points. At all.

It's funny having them grouped by game when they'd immediately KILL EACH OTHER in story context.

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Actually Seliph (in his recruitment convo after LB3 if, you say you haven't heard of him) spoils the end of Cht.5 of FE4, which is arguably the biggest spoiler in the series.

Also, there are several units whose alignments in RaR 1/2 could be considered spoilers.

Oh, and I have a question: does anyone know the formula for how much Staves heal? I can't find it on the mainsite.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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I believe it is:

Tiny amount: (Mag/2) + 1 for Kneader

Small amount: (Mag/2) + 8 for Heal, Physic, and Fortify --> Tested

Medium amount: (Mag/2) + 15 for Mend and Catharsis --> Tested

and +1, +2, or +3 for weapon ranks C, B, A respectively.

No idea about the Balmwood Staff though.

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More like just references to the characters and maps.

Storywise? No, it doesn't.

You'll only get the dialogue references if you've played them, but they are a "chuckle moment" at best.

It puts random character teams together, so it will not spoil any plot points. At all.

It's funny having them grouped by game when they'd immediately KILL EACH OTHER in story context.

Oh, sounds like Paralogue 23 then for the most part. It's alright if I don't get them so long as they aren't things like "by the way, this guy is the ultimate bad guy of our game and he did that to this country" then I should be good.

Actually Seliph (in his recruitment convo after LB3 if, you say you haven't heard of him) spoils the end of Cht.5 of FE4, which is arguably the biggest spoiler in the series.

Also, there are several units whose alignments in RaR 1/2 could be considered spoilers.

Oh, and I have a question: does anyone know the formula for how much Staves heal? I can't find it on the mainsite.

Aw darn it. So it's for the most part Genealogy of the Holy War that has the spoilers in the DLCs?

Thank you guys very much, I've been holding off and avoiding looking at almost anything related to the DLC for quite a while now cause of this.

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Mostly FE4/5, yes (particularly 4). LB2 also blatantly states who the big bad of generation 1 is, although it's kind of obvious in-game anyway (though your mileage may vary).

Actually, there's a big pile of spoilers on who a lot of characters are. Best to just play the game first. CoY3 has spoilers for gen 2 as well. Basically if you don't know how the generation transition works, pretty much anything any of the 2nd gen characters say will be a spoiler.

The furthest spoilers for other games amount to is the Black Knight's battle model not wearing a helmet, but you'd have to be very observant to make out any similarity in his Awakening model with what he actually looks like in Tellius. Most other games have really obvious villains (Gharnef, Zephiel, Ashnard) and their final bosses aren't mentioned.

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Mostly FE4/5, yes (particularly 4). LB2 also blatantly states who the big bad of generation 1 is, although it's kind of obvious in-game anyway (though your mileage may vary).

Actually, there's a big pile of spoilers on who a lot of characters are. Best to just play the game first. CoY3 has spoilers for gen 2 as well. Basically if you don't know how the generation transition works, pretty much anything any of the 2nd gen characters say will be a spoiler.

The furthest spoilers for other games amount to is the Black Knight's battle model not wearing a helmet, but you'd have to be very observant to make out any similarity in his Awakening model with what he actually looks like in Tellius. Most other games have really obvious villains (Gharnef, Zephiel, Ashnard) and their final bosses aren't mentioned.

Hmm, alright I think I'll hold off on the DLC some more then. I'm almost done with Path of Radiance anyways (I think) then I'll figure out what to do from there. It'd suck to have them ruin the fun of the other games for me. Thanks again for all your help!

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Does the DLC spoil other Fire Emblem games stories? If so, which ones do? I don't want to get spoiled via DLC, I'd rather play their respective games first.

All the Einherjar DLCs (the ones numbered 1-3, plus Apotheosis and Infinite Regalia) will ask you at the end if you have heard of the character who you get. If you say no, it will spoil their story. If you say yes, no spoilers. I haven't played Future Past yet, and while they don't have Einherjar, they probably have Awakening spoilers. I don't know if the Challenge Pack maps have spoilers.

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Nah, most of them just say mundane things like what country they're from and what their ingame title is (Micaiah is the Priestess of Dawn, Marth is the Hero-King, etc). The only really spoilery ones are Leif (LB1), Seliph (LB3), and... Those are the only ones (they're also all of the FE4/5 characters...). Eirika(SB2) says something that's a spoiler in hindsight, but wouldn't affect your experience of her story. Some of them (Alm and Celica) even give the impression that the writer's knowledge of their tales was based on the back of the box and nothing more...

However, pretty much any map where units from FE4 are fielded, especially CoY3 and LB1/3 has at least someone who spills the beans on something (be it by their battle quote, weapon, or mere existence).

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Nah, most of them just say mundane things like what country they're from and what their ingame title is (Micaiah is the Priestess of Dawn, Marth is the Hero-King, etc). The only really spoilery ones are Leif (LB1), Seliph (LB3), and... Those are the only ones (they're also all of the FE4/5 characters...). Eirika(SB2) says something that's a spoiler in hindsight, but wouldn't affect your experience of her story. Some of them (Alm and Celica) even give the impression that the writer's knowledge of their tales was based on the back of the box and nothing more...

However, pretty much any map where units from FE4 are fielded, especially CoY3 and LB1/3 has at least someone who spills the beans on something (be it by their battle quote, weapon, or mere existence).

On that note, I consider Hardin something of a spoiler, given that anyone who played Shadow Dragon's liable to be left scratching their head.

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All the Einherjar DLCs (the ones numbered 1-3, plus Apotheosis and Infinite Regalia) will ask you at the end if you have heard of the character who you get. If you say no, it will spoil their story. If you say yes, no spoilers. I haven't played Future Past yet, and while they don't have Einherjar, they probably have Awakening spoilers. I don't know if the Challenge Pack maps have spoilers.

That would make sense, it'd be kind of silly if you said yes and they're like "Let me tell you anyways!". I mean, I've heard of their names before, just no idea exactly "who" they are. (Man a lot of the DLC uses past characters doesn't it?)

Nah, most of them just say mundane things like what country they're from and what their ingame title is (Micaiah is the Priestess of Dawn, Marth is the Hero-King, etc). The only really spoilery ones are Leif (LB1), Seliph (LB3), and... Those are the only ones (they're also all of the FE4/5 characters...). Eirika(SB2) says something that's a spoiler in hindsight, but wouldn't affect your experience of her story. Some of them (Alm and Celica) even give the impression that the writer's knowledge of their tales was based on the back of the box and nothing more...

However, pretty much any map where units from FE4 are fielded, especially CoY3 and LB1/3 has at least someone who spills the beans on something (be it by their battle quote, weapon, or mere existence).

Having Marth say he's the Hero-King doesn't bother me at all, since Awakening in its own story says so too. I wonder why FE4 and 5 seem to want to be spoilery while wherever Alm and Celica are from (Gaiden?) doesn't sound like it tells you much at all.

On that note, I consider Hardin something of a spoiler, given that anyone who played Shadow Dragon's liable to be left scratching their head.

Shadow Dragon is the start of Marth's story, right? So I should focus on FE 4, 5, and Shadow Dragon before I buy the DLC (though if I really want to be safe I just play them all)

Thanks for the answers guys, it helps!

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Well, most of the other games are safe because they don't have that much to spoil- the villain is usually pretty obvious if not your outright target from the start, and the final boss doesn't have much to do with the units who got included due to being sort of removed from the story. FE4/5 have much more complicated plots though with the big bad directly involved in the story, and they actually know the heroes so there's a lot more interaction. Jugdral is also pretty big on really important characters either pretending to be or actually thinking they are someone else, so there are a lot of potential identity spoilers.

Gaiden, maybe the writers never played it, or more likely they played it and were confused by the story (it's kind of strange). It also has all of one plot twist per hero, so there's not too much to spoil. Shadow Dragon is the start of Marth's story, but the plot is pretty straightforward and nothing really surprising happens in the main story (except Camus, but he's pretty tight-lipped in the DLC). The deal with Hardin is that he's a playable unit and a fairly major good guy in Shadow Dragon, but in Mystery's Spotpass section he looks obviously evil and is a huge grouch. This can be confusing to say the least if you've played SD before Awakening but haven't played Mystery and weren't aware that he got promoted to villain there.

And it's OK to focus only on FE4, 5 is a sidestory that occurs during the first bit of FE4's second generation and gives many characters extra depth, but all the spoilers in it mostly relate to the end of FE4's first half so if you play FE4 you'll be pretty much safe from any FE5 stuff.

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Something about StreetPass teams has been bugging me since last night, and I didn't feel like it was worth making a new topic about.

But say you run into a StreetPass team made by someone who's running either Robin/Panne, Robin/Yarne, Robin/Nowi, Robin/Tiki, or Robin/Nah, and his/her Morgan ISN'T in Taguel or Manakete. Do the rules that apply to your Morgan under the same conditions also apply to the StreetPass team's Morgan? (And by that, I mean: Would a StreetPass team's Morgan still be weak to Beastbane, Beast Killers, and Rapiers as Panne's daughter or grandson? And would that same Morgan still be weak to Wyrmsbane, Wyrmslayers, and Falchion, as Tiki's daughter, Nowi's daughter, or Nowi's granddaughter?)

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And the reason why I ask is because I think I saw something that suggested otherwise (specifically Yarne!Morgan as a Dread Fighter, not having a beast weakness listed on his stat screen), and I want some confirmation.

Hopefully, I'll run into that same team soon (or one with either Nowi!Morgan, Nah!Morgan, Tiki!Morgan, or Panne!Morgan), so I can illustrate what I'm asking.

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If it was an ORO, it was probably a glitch. Those teams are known to do bizarre things.

Considering that I could see what pairs the StreetPass team's creator, the team in question doesn't strike me as randomly generated.
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Do higher level weapons give more WEXP or does it not make a difference?

It doesn't make a difference. And for that matter, neither does double attacking.

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Well, most of the other games are safe because they don't have that much to spoil- the villain is usually pretty obvious if not your outright target from the start, and the final boss doesn't have much to do with the units who got included due to being sort of removed from the story. FE4/5 have much more complicated plots though with the big bad directly involved in the story, and they actually know the heroes so there's a lot more interaction. Jugdral is also pretty big on really important characters either pretending to be or actually thinking they are someone else, so there are a lot of potential identity spoilers.

Gaiden, maybe the writers never played it, or more likely they played it and were confused by the story (it's kind of strange). It also has all of one plot twist per hero, so there's not too much to spoil. Shadow Dragon is the start of Marth's story, but the plot is pretty straightforward and nothing really surprising happens in the main story (except Camus, but he's pretty tight-lipped in the DLC). The deal with Hardin is that he's a playable unit and a fairly major good guy in Shadow Dragon, but in Mystery's Spotpass section he looks obviously evil and is a huge grouch. This can be confusing to say the least if you've played SD before Awakening but haven't played Mystery and weren't aware that he got promoted to villain there.

And it's OK to focus only on FE4, 5 is a sidestory that occurs during the first bit of FE4's second generation and gives many characters extra depth, but all the spoilers in it mostly relate to the end of FE4's first half so if you play FE4 you'll be pretty much safe from any FE5 stuff.

Sounds like FE4's story has more in it or is more complex, so that makes sense that avoiding spoilers would be hard from what you've told me. Gaiden sounds fantastic solely by calling it strange, strange is up my alley. As for Hardin, I can see how that'd be confusing (still sounds confusing and I don't even know what the guy even did) but I understand what you mean.

FE4 and finishing PoR before the DLC it is then. I'm glad I asked, that would've sucked to have a bunch spoiled by DLC. Thanks for answering my questions.

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Sounds like FE4's story has more in it or is more complex, so that makes sense that avoiding spoilers would be hard from what you've told me. Gaiden sounds fantastic solely by calling it strange, strange is up my alley. As for Hardin, I can see how that'd be confusing (still sounds confusing and I don't even know what the guy even did) but I understand what you mean.

FE4 and finishing PoR before the DLC it is then. I'm glad I asked, that would've sucked to have a bunch spoiled by DLC. Thanks for answering my questions.

No problem.

Gaiden is strange in a Black Sheep kind of way. Maybe you'll like it, maybe you won't. FE4 is definitely the broadest story, and it's more based on politics than evil dragon hunting (at the start, at least), so plot twists tend to come a little more frequently. To put things in perspective, here's a brief summary of the Prologue (and a comparison to FE8's) (all this is from the first two minutes of the game, so no spoilers):

FE4: Border town from major empire is invaded by barbarians from a northern country. Empire retaliates by sending its army to invade the barbarian's country. The hero's father is a Duke in the empire and leads his army off to fight for the empire. Then, a neighboring friendly nation near the hero breaks its truce with the empire and invades while the empire's army is on the opposite side of the continent, and the hero rolls out with his personal guard to retake the border castle.

FE8: Major friendly empire suddenly breaks it's truce with the hero's nation. The hero escapes with her Paladin and goes to seek asylum in a nearby other nation, and they are beset by local brigands.

And FE8 has the second most complex political plot of any FE (counting 4 and 5 as the same) (well, maybe Tellius. They're about equal). Awakening's prologue is just "good guys fight bandits".

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  • 2 weeks later...

No problem.

Gaiden is strange in a Black Sheep kind of way. Maybe you'll like it, maybe you won't. FE4 is definitely the broadest story, and it's more based on politics than evil dragon hunting (at the start, at least), so plot twists tend to come a little more frequently. To put things in perspective, here's a brief summary of the Prologue (and a comparison to FE8's) (all this is from the first two minutes of the game, so no spoilers):

FE4: Border town from major empire is invaded by barbarians from a northern country. Empire retaliates by sending its army to invade the barbarian's country. The hero's father is a Duke in the empire and leads his army off to fight for the empire. Then, a neighboring friendly nation near the hero breaks its truce with the empire and invades while the empire's army is on the opposite side of the continent, and the hero rolls out with his personal guard to retake the border castle.

FE8: Major friendly empire suddenly breaks it's truce with the hero's nation. The hero escapes with her Paladin and goes to seek asylum in a nearby other nation, and they are beset by local brigands.

And FE8 has the second most complex political plot of any FE (counting 4 and 5 as the same) (well, maybe Tellius. They're about equal). Awakening's prologue is just "good guys fight bandits".

I'd ask "how so?" concerning Gaiden as a black sheep but I feel like I'd derail this thread into an explanation of all the plots for the entire series lol. All I can really say is, damn the rest of the series seem a lot more complex, I know PoR is at least acting like that for me.

I thought Awakenings Prologue was the dream sequence with Validar and the intensity of seeing Chrom die by your hands. Was the bandits fighting still part of the Prologue too?

To keep on topic I'll ask a very newbie question to you guys: Can a healer heal themselves? I swear there's a class E staff that I could give to, say Lissa, so she can heal herself if no one's available but I can never test it. They usually die on me or I clear the map before then so I'm just curious.

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The staff that you're referring to (Balmwood Staff) does in fact heal its user, but it doesn't give the user any EXP so I'd say it's more like a better Vulnerary.

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The staff that you're referring to (Balmwood Staff) does in fact heal its user, but it doesn't give the user any EXP so I'd say it's more like a better Vulnerary.

I knew it! I thought I was just making stuff up in my head that there was one. Why wouldn't it give EXP? I'd guess it'd be too spammy, then again Rescue is kind of spammy for leveling up healers. Thanks for the quick answer!

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I dunno, you should ask IS! Also to clarify, it does still give EXP for healing OTHER units, just not if the user "uses" it on themself (the way to heal yourself is to use it as an item, not a staff so it's not exactly intuitive haha).

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