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It means I'm not paying attention to you, or it could mean that you're not paying enough attention to the game. I know I'm not posting every other second, but I also know that I'm not the paragon of inactivity/spam.

You don't need to be suspicious of me for me to notice you; that's silly. And while you didn't spam, you posted without really scumhunting. I'm not saying I did a great job of that either, but I generally expect more from you, and instead of scumhunting, you did what you yourself labelled as a precursor to scumhunting. Also, you tried to get reactions from everyone who was on the Marth wagon, which implies you thought that there was the greatest likelihood of finding scum among them, which implies further that you found Marth as town. But then you say you now find Marth slightly scummy, except the reasons for why you think this are the exact same reasons why one might have found Marth scummy at the beginning. It's like you interpreted something as A, and then came back later and interpreted the exact same thing as B. Yes, opinions can change, but if your opinion is now that Marth might actually be scum, then doesn't that lessen the value of everything you've done up to this point?

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Okay, you opened with a reaction test that got us out of RVS pretty damn fast. Apparently some people have an issue with this and I don't understand those people. I don't agree, however, that the town should bullshit its way to meaningful discussion; we don't need the confusion. You went around telling a bunch of people to play properly and you were the third to vote Marth, I believe. You called bullshit on Marth when he announced his own shenanigans to be a reaction test, a stance I'll address when I actually get to Marth. I don't like how you essentially refused to post any reads for a fixed period of time then said "if I think I have made a solid case however you guys will know", it sounds kind of like you're trying to give yourself a free pass to sit back and be an active lurker, to use the term everyone around here seems to like all of a sudden, but since you're giving me pretty solid town vibes otherwise I'm willing to let it slide. The end of Night 1 sounds like a good time to dump it all, too.


You are the worst to ISO (not really because I'm good at this). I don't know why your first action was to put down an announced random vote on page seven. You explained it, but... I still don't really understand. You seem to like me, Blitz and Excellen to varying extents, but Eclipse's lack of content drew your vote. You then withdrew the vote after she posted more, and judging by your comments at the time I guess it was a reaction test. You see the Shinori wagon as opportunistic and you seem to have the opposite opinion to me on that subject. You then voted Kay for her minimal content despite how much there is to talk about, making two "post more content" votes from you. I'm not really sure what that means yet.


Your first post was fairly late, including the fourth vote on the Marth wagon to my recollection, but you've posted a lot since. You also called bullshit on Marth's reaction test, though I wish you'd make one post about someone else. Your points are sound though and it's not like you're ignoring everyone else. Still, there's kind of a problem when I can summarise your actions so far in like two lines.


You didn't like Excellen's early plan, at least until he revealed what he was doing. You jumped on Marth within five minutes. Since then you've replied to a whole bunch of posts, and later changed your mind on Marth, instead voting Bananas for jumping to conclusions or something, which I think is questionable and a bit weak. You completely misunderstood the Shinori wagon. I think maybe you don't entirely believe Shinori's claim? Be less defensive/defeatist.


saving marth for last

You subbed in for Helios, then voted BBM for active lurking. You ended up not liking BBM or Eclipse right from the start, and you used-to-maybe-still-do think Excellen and I are silly town. You didn't like the Marth wagon and you seemed as convinced as Kay that what he was doing was a reaction test. You don't like how Bizz hasn't been doing much or how Bananas opinions look too safe, and you called for a vig shot on Timp for active lurking and meta. Judging by the lack of bold, though, none of those statements were particularly important. You don't like Subieko's hollow scumhunting and have similar opinions on Bananas and Eclipse. List of unfavoured/favoured wagons and an Eclipse vote. You like Shinori to some unstated extent and Psych is obvtown somehow, explain these in more detail please. You're doing your thing so far but you haven't really been in the game long enough for me to get a read. Maybe this section was a waste of time.


oh god, here we go. You start with an announced random vote when we're out of RVS already, and it wasn't long before you voted Blitz for a reason you proceeded to repeatedly refuse to disclose, regardless of votes being stacked against you. You've since said this was all a reaction test, but let's look a little closer. After a while, you told us to just think of it as an RVS vote. There are a few problems with this already - why didn't you decide to cash in on your reaction test at that point in time? This post also screams guy whose plan backfired and now he's trying to nullify the situation quietly, which even fits your meta according to some people. Why would you want us to think of it as an RVS vote, other than to erase your blunder from the record? Wouldn't us ignoring your vote run counter to the point of a reaction test? You soon returned to say what you did was "obviously" a reaction test - if it was so obvious in your opinion, why not go with something more subtle? "Obviously" also implies that you're trying to push the fault onto those of us who reacted. Again, why wait so long? Did you get the reaction test idea from Kay (you did)? Finally, you implied you did a "good amount of thinking" orchestrating all of this. Did you care to think about what the objective was, and how drawing the attention of the entire game to yourself was justified? Why did you post absolutely nothing about the results of your carefully planned test? Toss this case on top of Excellen's and Elieson's.

I'm quite convinced that you're lying out of your ass, and the worst part is I'm not even sure what this says about your alignment. I'll decide what to do with my vote and whatnot after I've responded to some of the newer posts, but I'm thinking you're a prime vig target.

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You don't need to be suspicious of me for me to notice you; that's silly. And while you didn't spam, you posted without really scumhunting. I'm not saying I did a great job of that either, but I generally expect more from you, and instead of scumhunting, you did what you yourself labelled as a precursor to scumhunting. Also, you tried to get reactions from everyone who was on the Marth wagon, which implies you thought that there was the greatest likelihood of finding scum among them, which implies further that you found Marth as town. But then you say you now find Marth slightly scummy, except the reasons for why you think this are the exact same reasons why one might have found Marth scummy at the beginning. It's like you interpreted something as A, and then came back later and interpreted the exact same thing as B. Yes, opinions can change, but if your opinion is now that Marth might actually be scum, then doesn't that lessen the value of everything you've done up to this point?

And yet somehow I was less memorable than Proto/Iris/Psych? Though I do admit that even though Psych isn't that memorable, he's doing a better job in this game than a lot of people.

The point of the Marth poke was precisely because Marth's play style is scummy to the point where it's getting on my nerves. By poking at people on his wagon, I figured I'd get a better read on whether it was several scummy players piling on what appeared to be an easy mislynch, or several town players calling out someone who's acting scummy. In this case, it was the latter; thus, Marth doesn't look as good. In the process, I've figured that Elieson, Naglfar, Excellen, and Shinori make for crappy lynch targets today, which is a lot more information that I had when the game first started.

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And yet somehow I was less memorable than Proto/Iris/Psych? Though I do admit that even though Psych isn't that memorable, he's doing a better job in this game than a lot of people.

Which is amazing. Anyway a lot of stuff is going on that doesn't seem to be resolving and I'm beginning to think we're going to No Lynch.

##Vote No Lynch

I think with what we have today and any night results we get tonight should help.

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Psych, we still have 24 (almost 23) hours. Why vote NL now? I'm fairly certain we can confirm a lynch target in 24 (almost 23) hours. There's enough being thrown around in the thread that we could determine a valid lynch target.

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Psych, we still have 24 (almost 23) hours. Why vote NL now? I'm fairly certain we can confirm a lynch target in 24 (almost 23) hours. There's enough being thrown around in the thread that we could determine a valid lynch target.

We need 13 votes for a lynch. There's almost no way we're getting that many people to agree on something.

Hell, we haven't even gotten close. The largest wagon we had was 5 people, so yeah, I think I'm correct when I say we're likely NLing today.

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I think that's for super majority only. I don't see anything in the rules that say, "A lynch requires X votes to go through, or no lynch occurs".

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We need 13 votes for a lynch. There's almost no way we're getting that many people to agree on something.

You don't need 13 votes for a lynch, you need 13 votes for an instant lynch. Any majority will do after the day ends regularly.

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Okay. I have read through the thread up to this point but have not performed post analysis on the last 5 or so pages.

I had to reinstall my computer and now the wireless adapter is giving me shenanigans so the only internet connection I have right now is at work, where I obviously won't be spending a lot of time playing mafia. I hoping I'll get the internet issue fixed today, or hopefully get the SIM for my new smartphone so I'll have internet on that to keep me updated.

So without further ado and without any reason given for any of them:

Lynches I would currently support, in random order: proto, marth, serious bananas

Lynches I might consider supporting depending on post analysis: eclipse, Kay, tinyImp/folgore pink,

People I don't care about or don't know anything about yet: subieko, iris, psych, prims, strawman, flint, BBM, shinori, elieson

people leaning town: bizz, naglfar, manix

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I liked your overall post Elie, but there was something I didn't

If Blitz was actual scum, he's gonna change his activity and posting habits and verbage and crap. And we'd notice, too.

I know I am town, but how do you confirm it?


In this part of the post, you are saying if I were actually scum as if I am dead or have been scanned last night (which didn't take place)therefore we have this.

How do you know I am not actual (as you phrased it) scum, the same night action thing applies to you too (as it does to Marth) and once again, I doubt my role info will given to you and even if it did, you should not know what my role is cause I know I didn't mention it in anyways.

Care to explain further?

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Other scumspects include Straw, for his ridiculously late RVS vote

Hm, so you find me scummy for one thing I did in my first post that I explained(albeit probably not in the most effective way) and have zero opinions on anything else I have said all game...

That list also strikes me as odd considering you put tons of effort into your opinion and explanation of your vote and suspicions on Marth, yet when it comes to others you seem just focus on one specific action or post out of everything they've done. Doesn't seem like they have nearly the thought or importance that your thought process over Marth does. More specifically, it looks like you quickly found little tings to point out to make it look like you weren't just tunneling on Marth.


You are the worst to ISO (not really because I'm good at this). I don't know why your first action was to put down an announced random vote on page seven. You explained it, but... I still don't really understand. You seem to like me, Blitz and Excellen to varying extents, but Eclipse's lack of content drew your vote. You then withdrew the vote after she posted more, and judging by your comments at the time I guess it was a reaction test. You see the Shinori wagon as opportunistic and you seem to have the opposite opinion to me on that subject. You then voted Kay for her minimal content despite how much there is to talk about, making two "post more content" votes from you. I'm not really sure what that means yet.

Fair enough. My random votes aren't pro-town and they serve no purpose of getting others talking or any of that other crap. I'm a timid voter. So if I pop in and make a dumb random vote at the beginning(or the beginning for me since I woke up 7 pages into the game) it does this: I become aware that that vote is not my true opinion and I feel the need to read, make strong opinions, post them, and get to a point to where I can make a realvote so I no longer have a dumb random vote out there. It helps me, thats all it does and thats why I made it. Hopefully that explanation made more sense.

Also, I only intended the Eclipse and Kay votes to halfway be "post more content" votes. The other half was because I legitimately found the way they had been posting suspicious and wanted to find out if there was a reason behind that or if they were scummy for it.

That being said Kay never really addressed my opinion/question on her and I would appreciate it if she did.

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Psych, have you lost your mind? I'm the guy that always supports No Lynch at Day One (remember Draft Minimafia?) and even I think it's a really stupid idea. We have so many lynch options right now, that No Lynch would be the stupidest move atm. I probably might have voted for you for bringing up such a ridiculous idea, but well, we have better people to lynch than you right now (further proving my point).

So far, I'm leaning towards Subieko for the lynch. Subieko does indeed sound like someone trying too hard not to antagonize anybody (I can't remember who brought that up, but I agree with it), which sounds very much like what a Mafia member would do. Particularly one that lacks the experience to ensure that they play the same way for either alignment. I'm against a Clipsey! lynch right now, and I think Blues is Town so I definitely don't want him lynched. Actually, my top three suspicious people are Subieko > Excellen > Shinori. We probably shouldn't lynch Shinori because Redirector is awesome.

##Unvote: Shinori

##Vote: Subieko

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From what I'm seeing, Subieko seems to be a fairly high priority lynch target. brb, ISO'ing Subi to determine if it's a good idea or not

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Given that it's a new page and there were a few changes at least...


[3] Subieko - Iris, eclipse, Proto

[0] Naglfar - eclipse, Blitz

[0] Iris - Subieko

[2] San - Shinori, Strawman

[0] Helios - Subieko, Psych

[1] SeriousBananas - Manix, Subieko

[2] eclipse - Prims, BBM Bluedoom, Strawman

[0] Cap'n Flint - Naglfar, Bluedoom, Serious Bananas

[0] BigBangMeteor - Manix, Prims, Psych

[1] Psych - San, Blitz, Subieko, StSS

[2] Shinori - Naglfar, Subieko, Folgore Pink, Blitz, Proto

[0] Daigoji Excellen - Psych, Blitz, Manix, eclipse

[1] Elieson - Blitz, eclipse

[1] Manix - Bizz, Psych, Excellen, eclipse

[2] Bluedoom - Elieson, Excellen, Manix, Shinori, Naglfar

[1] No Lynch - Psych

Not voting - Folgore Pink, Bluedoom, Serious Bananas

If I listed something wrong, please let me know.

Day ends in 20 hours, 42 minutes. Remember to choose a stage for the night in your Role PMs.

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Psych, have you lost your mind? I'm the guy that always supports No Lynch at Day One (remember Draft Minimafia?) and even I think it's a really stupid idea. We have so many lynch options right now, that No Lynch would be the stupidest move atm. I probably might have voted for you for bringing up such a ridiculous idea, but well, we have better people to lynch than you right now (further proving my point).

So far, I'm leaning towards Subieko for the lynch. Subieko does indeed sound like someone trying too hard not to antagonize anybody (I can't remember who brought that up, but I agree with it), which sounds very much like what a Mafia member would do. Particularly one that lacks the experience to ensure that they play the same way for either alignment. I'm against a Clipsey! lynch right now, and I think Blues is Town so I definitely don't want him lynched. Actually, my top three suspicious people are Subieko > Excellen > Shinori. We probably shouldn't lynch Shinori because Redirector is awesome.

##Unvote: Shinori

##Vote: Subieko

Tell me why your opinions run counter-current to mine.

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From what I'm seeing, Subieko seems to be a fairly high priority lynch target. brb, ISO'ing Subi to determine if it's a good idea or not

Okay, I'm done ISO'ing Subi, and to be honest, I'm not feeling it completely. She hasn't addressed a lot (namely, Marth's Blitz vote, SB, Clipsey and Shinori, when there is also clearly more that could be talked about), but she has made some fairly good points in those areas. And she hasn't been around for a bit (about 18 hours), so that doesn't help either.

I feel like that her next post will show me what I need to know. But I should note, she isn't quite acting the same as CPM (where she was scum). Now I'm not completely sure if that's because she's town or wisened scum. :/

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Clarification on what she addressed: What I listed is what she addressed, not what she didn't. Because I can see people jumping in to tell me that I'm wrong. Yay grammar failure.

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oh god, here we go. You start with an announced random vote when we're out of RVS already, and it wasn't long before you voted Blitz for a reason you proceeded to repeatedly refuse to disclose, regardless of votes being stacked against you. You've since said this was all a reaction test, but let's look a little closer. After a while, you told us to just think of it as an RVS vote. There are a few problems with this already - why didn't you decide to cash in on your reaction test at that point in time? This post also screams guy whose plan backfired and now he's trying to nullify the situation quietly, which even fits your meta according to some people. Why would you want us to think of it as an RVS vote, other than to erase your blunder from the record? Wouldn't us ignoring your vote run counter to the point of a reaction test? You soon returned to say what you did was "obviously" a reaction test - if it was so obvious in your opinion, why not go with something more subtle? "Obviously" also implies that you're trying to push the fault onto those of us who reacted. Again, why wait so long? Did you get the reaction test idea from Kay (you did)? Finally, you implied you did a "good amount of thinking" orchestrating all of this. Did you care to think about what the objective was, and how drawing the attention of the entire game to yourself was justified? Why did you post absolutely nothing about the results of your carefully planned test? Toss this case on top of Excellen's and Elieson's.

I'm quite convinced that you're lying out of your ass, and the worst part is I'm not even sure what this says about your alignment. I'll decide what to do with my vote and whatnot after I've responded to some of the newer posts, but I'm thinking you're a prime vig target.

Why did I tell you to think of it as an RVS vote? Because I was annoyed and with all the " Oh shit you don't have reasoning" and decided to be sarcastic. Besides, it would help you guys accept I'm not scummy, right? :rolleyes:

My blunder? Really? Yes I did not think of other consequences, like wasting town's time, but it did make players post stuff which may or may not seem scummy, right? Its not that I had thought of this right before hand- when votes starting going on me and you started pressuring me I decided " Fuck it, let them do what they want, Maybe I'll find someone scummier outta a wagon."

For the last time, Fuckin Hell I have a life. Unlike before I don't have as much online frequency, I cannot magically appear when you want me to. AND WHY THE HECK WILL I SAY I DID A REACTION TEST WHEN BLITZ DIDN'T EVEN APPEAR ONLINE YET?

Was it well-planned? No. Did it give me an idea on who might be scum? Well not concrete, but I do see some scummy people. Why didn't I post anything? because as long as I WAS online, you didn't post a single thing. And why was I waiting on you and a few others? Because most of you bothered to say anything else except either defend me or accuse me. Also I did post that I got a thing from Blitz which was not very helpful and the dude's kinda inactive, so I can't do anything. Did I have any objective? Well I first was only planning to see on how Blitzy reacted to it and maybe try to determine if he was more scummy or not. Then the rest I mentioned above in my post.

Anyway I'm going to move on to who I'm going to vote and who're all the people who look scummy.

Ok, back from sleeping and beating Kid Icarus: Uprising.

Everyone turned the Marth wagon into a mountain from a molehill. I had said that he was probably pressure voting for information, and that's what he did.

I'm not wary of Excellen anymore, either, so this pretty much pits me back at square one in terms of reads.

...Well, I'd like to say that, but Shinori is playing very sloppily right now. Since I'm always beaten to the punch when I start catching onto some things I find strange, pretty much what Subieko said is what I'm talking about. This in particular:

Pretty much, once the Marth wagon had cooled down and everyone was pointing fingers, accusing everyone that bandwagoned/echoed to be maf, a few people started saying that it was probably nothing. I'm sorry, but Marth plays a really shitty game in the beginning. He'll say something moronic and then everyone thinks it's scummy (myself included), and then he flips town and everyone else flips shit.

I understand why it's pertinent to go after anyone you think is scummy, especially if you think that you have a clear read on D1, since we want to get rid of the maf before the maf gets rid of us. However, when people started to calm down, you still went after Marth. You then started flip-flopping because nobody else was going after Marth. You were saying that he had secret info, but you read what he said wrong. To my knowledge, he didn't even imply that he had info.

Then you went after Kay after barely any provocation, and now it seems like you're sweating bullets. Why do you want everyone's opinions on you?

##Vote: Shinori.

It's pretty clear at this point why I'm voting for you, I hope.

Thank you for saying what others have said, and trying to justify your vote on Shinori. Unfortunately you're trying too hard, both you and Subieko, and trying to pull off posts that will incriminate someone is stupid. ##Vote: Folgore Pink

The Subieko post in the same page reeks of suspicion too. She too seems to be trying too hard to get Shinori lynched, and I don't support it in anyway. Yeah Shinori did not look great but I don't think he needs to be lynched, considering his claim and all the stuff he posted after my post.

Elieson also is suspicious to me. All I can say is you're tunneling me, which I don't like. Not much to say, but you don't look good because of that, to me at least.

Finally eclipse giving SB the lenience does not look too good for me. Sure this is SB's second game, but in SFM he wasn't THIS aggressive when it came to suspecting players. Last time he just went with everyone's opinion of me( where I was the doc and was thoght of as scum for agreeing with Scum!BBM, to those curious.) This time, he's agreeing with other players, but his first post against me looked like he was trying to incriminate me. Not looking good at all. If we do end up lynching him, and he flips scum, I might have to think more about eclipse.

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okay quick thoughts on the plausible lynch targets for today

Shinori: Seems like a relatively unpopular wagon, still really jittery and he recently claimed. The fact that he did makes me hesitate, and I'll need some time to decide whether or not I believe his claim. If I don't, he's a future lynch target... if I do, he still may be a future lynch target. There's not much in the role he claimed that's indicative of alignment.

Subieko: I don't really get this. In her most recent post, she was throwing accusations left and right. Where did the idea that she's trying not to get on anyone's bad side come from? Her earlier posts were timid, and she could stand to weigh in on more issues, but she appears to be trying. I think lynching her at this point would be preemptive.

Marth: Like I said earlier, vig shot.

Eclipse: Eh, I don't know about this. She's less proactive than I seem to recall, but lynching her solely on meta doesn't sit right with me.

Kay: Her posts just feel hollow. This is already scummy on its own, and correct me if I'm wrong but I think this is what scum!Kay does. She has very few opinions, her vote is currently being put to use trying to get Psych to talk more, and she's "extremely suspicious" of Shinori but apparently that's not enough to support his lynch. I think this is the only wagon I'm comfortable supporting at this point in time, so:


##Vote: Kay

I may have forgotten about one or two possible lynches but if I have they're probably not notable in my eyes anyway

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I really should clarify my scumspects piece. Those that I included in it (Straw, SB, etc) are people I'm still reading into, and have not yet developed a more town opinion on yet. I'm not calling a scumteam yet; I'm just pointing out things that grabbed my attention as scummy (or at least less than town), and those were the primary things that caught my eye. To a lesser extent, I'm also rereading into the Manix, Subi and Pink cases.

Tunnelling? Well sure, I'm focusing a lot on Marth. However, he is the scummiest player as far as I'm concerned. And I'm voting for him because of that. I'm backing up my vote on him as strongly as I am because a vote needs ti be justified, and Marth has such an overwhelming majority of antitown and scummy posts compared to the rest. If I wasn't so strongly certain that he was scum, I probably wouldn't have voted for him. And there can only be one lynch per day, so I'm justifying my point for today's only possible lynch.

As for Blitz's question,

I liked your overall post Elie, but there was something I didn't

I know I am town, but how do you confirm it?


In this part of the post, you are saying if I were actually scum as if I am dead or have been scanned last night (which didn't take place)therefore we have this.

How do you know I am not actual (as you phrased it) scum, the same night action thing applies to you too (as it does to Marth) and once again, I doubt my role info will given to you and even if it did, you should not know what my role is cause I know I didn't mention it in anyways.

Care to explain further?

I have no idea if you are scum or not. I didn't hint at any indication of knowing anything about your role, I just said you would change your behavior if you were being percieved as scum. Most people do this, as the other option is to keep doing the same thing which brought negative attention to you in the first place.

If you are somehow proven to be scum (only via a cop or oracle scan or other info revealing role, or death of course), well then, I'll start saying that you are without a doubt, scum, and not just acting scummy.

Unfortunately, I'm capable of none of those, and your activity has given me neither a likely scum read nor a likely town read. That's why I said if.

Reading more, but also posting from my phone. This took me about 30 minutes to make, bah phone posting.

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IMPORTANT: my internet just died, and I won't have access again until Friday afternoon. Unless I can get to a net cafe or something tomorrow, I'll be gone until Friday. And I will definitely not be here for deadline. After that I'll be active again though. Sorry about this guys, I'm so bummed about missing deadline. :(

It's really not surprising that Bananas reacted calmly to your vote, he was under relatively little scrutiny and your aggressiveness was Fluttershy Tier (You're mafia! I-I think...). Then you got distracted and voted for somebody else. You need to think about what you really want to achieve with your vote. You were kind of defensive early on too. You have a habit of overusing "imo" and negating your own points which isn't helping you make people take you seriously. It's not hard to imagine that you're scum trying to play it safe.

I'm not a very aggressive person irl and tend to be even less so if I'm uncertain, and I was wavering on whether SB was scum or making mistakes due to newness. However I changed my vote because I felt I had gotten enough out of SB and my vote was no longer useful there. I suppose I should try to be more confident, but my reads are pretty weak right now. But yeah it's a fair point that I'm probably being too cautious.

I dislike this, because it's factually incorrect. First, I am a she. Second, look at the final quote here, and tell me how you managed to mix up Bananas and Marth. I don't mind assertions, but I do mind when they're incorrect, in an effort to paint someone scummy.

Okay I did not explain myself clearly enough then. You said that Manix using past tense in saying that he didn't know other people would Marth after he, Manix, did was a slipup; however it is not, because it happened in the past. At the time he made the Marth vote, he didn't know others would follow suit; now that it's happened, obviously he knows it happened. So it doesn't make sense to say that him saying that means he thought he could control other people's voting.

What I said about SB was not in reference to your post; I was referring to Manix's post. You said Manix was echoing, but he posted some things about SB that others had not posted up to that point. So, it is not true that he was only echoing and did not have his own reasoning for voting SB.

Does that clarify what I meant? I'm not sure where you think I mixed up SB and Marth.

Guys, slow down with the Shinori business. Why is he getting flak for the voting to have a question answered when I did it too? Why aren't you going after me in the same way? Heck, Nags even did it, and why is he getting a free pass? I hate double standards...

My reason for voting Shinori is not that he wanted a question answered, it's that his talk about Marth is contradictory: he says about the question, but he also proposed scenarios of how Marth is scum. And so far in responding to me, he's avoided actually answering my question of whether he thinks Marth is scum. He's also tunneling quite a bit, and his responses have used anger to cover defensiveness.

I'm not sure what to think about the claim; Redirector is quite a good role, but it can be a scum role as well as a Town role. However scum claiming fairly early in the phase with no one asking them to seems risky, and Shinori did this in Higurashi as well. Redirector is provable though so I would rather not lynch him today and see how he looks tomorrow.

Iris: you say you were concerned about Shinori but I don't recall you mentioning him before. You seem to be tunneling on me a little; what do you think of everyone else?

Subieko why did you drop your Helios vote completely without even -mentioning- him if he hadn't posted anything substantial. That was incredibly voteparky.

I thought I did mention him, but maybe I forgot. He still hadn't shown up and I felt like my vote was being a bit useless, so I decided to move it to someone who was around and being scummy, since that was more likely to get info.

To address the votes on me: I don't know how it is I'm 'trying to get on people's good sides' or whatnot. I'm posting what I think, but I don't have a lot of strong reads at this point, so I may seem too passive I guess. As for stuff I haven't addressed, I've been focusing only on things I had a relevant/meaningful opinion about. If I haven't addressed it, I either had nothing to say about it or wasn't sure what I thought about it yet.

I'll be missing for the rest of the phase, so I'll get my other thoughts down now: after ISOing BBM, he's been hanging back quite a bit and not doing much; defended Marth several times, made comments here and there, but he's been rather passive. Suspicious of him. Folgore Pink is posting very little, but I don't remember other games with her so I don't know if that's normal. It's not good that she still has so few opinions so late in the phase though. Iris seems to have few opinions so far. Need to get up to date on everyone else but I don't have time to do a readthrough right now.

I won't be here again until after deadline, so I'd rather not park my vote with so much time left. ##Unvote.

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Why did I tell you to think of it as an RVS vote? Because I was annoyed and with all the " Oh shit you don't have reasoning" and decided to be sarcastic. Besides, it would help you guys accept I'm not scummy, right? :rolleyes:

being text-sarcastic in a game in which it's nice to be clearly understood isn't the best idea ever also I don't know if I believe you, and no I for one was not helped to accept anything

My blunder? Really? Yes I did not think of other consequences, like wasting town's time, but it did make players post stuff which may or may not seem scummy, right? Its not that I had thought of this right before hand- when votes starting going on me and you started pressuring me I decided " Fuck it, let them do what they want, Maybe I'll find someone scummier outta a wagon."

so did you?

For the last time, Fuckin Hell I have a life. Unlike before I don't have as much online frequency, I cannot magically appear when you want me to. AND WHY THE HECK WILL I SAY I DID A REACTION TEST WHEN BLITZ DIDN'T EVEN APPEAR ONLINE YET?

calm the fuck down I didn't say you should have done any of those things, if you mean you did pick the first available opportunity for your plan then that's great, say it directly and with less caps

Was it well-planned? No. Did it give me an idea on who might be scum? Well not concrete, but I do see some scummy people. Why didn't I post anything? because as long as I WAS online, you didn't post a single thing. And why was I waiting on you and a few others? Because most of you bothered to say anything else except either defend me or accuse me. Also I did post that I got a thing from Blitz which was not very helpful and the dude's kinda inactive, so I can't do anything. Did I have any objective? Well I first was only planning to see on how Blitzy reacted to it and maybe try to determine if he was more scummy or not. Then the rest I mentioned above in my post.

see this actually sort of makes sense, if only people wouldn't react to my accusations with such rage

Thank you for saying what others have said, and trying to justify your vote on Shinori. Unfortunately you're trying too hard, both you and Subieko, and trying to pull off posts that will incriminate someone is stupid. ##Vote: Folgore Pink

I don't really understand what you mean here.

The Subieko post in the same page reeks of suspicion too. She too seems to be trying too hard to get Shinori lynched, and I don't support it in anyway. Yeah Shinori did not look great but I don't think he needs to be lynched, considering his claim and all the stuff he posted after my post.

Nor this. This seems to be more "I don't agree with Subieko's opinions" than "Subieko's methods are suspicious".

Elieson also is suspicious to me. All I can say is you're tunneling me, which I don't like. Not much to say, but you don't look good because of that, to me at least.

yeah this is a thing too

Finally eclipse giving SB the lenience does not look too good for me. Sure this is SB's second game, but in SFM he wasn't THIS aggressive when it came to suspecting players. Last time he just went with everyone's opinion of me( where I was the doc and was thoght of as scum for agreeing with Scum!BBM, to those curious.) This time, he's agreeing with other players, but his first post against me looked like he was trying to incriminate me. Not looking good at all. If we do end up lynching him, and he flips scum, I might have to think more about eclipse.

so eclipse is scummy because bananas is scummy because meta of a player whose playstyle isn't properly developed yet


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How can I tell you why when I had no control over it?

What I said to you was meant as a less than sublte notion that I wanted you to tell me the reasons behind your suspicions

As for Marth, when I said about you what I said I thought I had clearly implied I wanted you to give me the goddamn results of your so-called, self-proclaimed reaction test.

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