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So here’s a way to take roles that are otherwise somewhat weak, Tracker and Watcher,

sb directed me to this and i instantly went "what the actual fuck"

who in their right mind thinks watcher is "weak"

it's probably the strongest info role outside of cops in confirmed accurate result setups

bonus points for being a soft protective role

Edited by Manix
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actually so okay, i want some opinions on a similar topic then:

in a closed setup where investigation results aren't accurate, what do you think some of the strongest town roles (single role, no multiroles/joat's/modifiers) would be? some of the weakest?

use discretion on the weak roles, like don't use blatantly non-town roles like tailor/kidnapper etc (basically anything that is outright negative utility for town shouldn't be considered imo)

Edited by Manix
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Strongest would be Question Asker/Sensor/Doctor/Bomb. Weakest depends more on the set-up than anything else. If naiive/paranoid/insane cops are a thing then being given cop would be a bastard. If not then announcer or something minor like that. Don't think it would change much, if anything at all. When considering strongest/weakest roles godfathers/millers and ninjas are put into consideration.

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QA/Sensor are strong as hell, and Cop/Watcher are pretty good too.

Weakest is stuff like Announcer. Empowerer is pretty weak too I guess, but it has a function. Ascetic can be a pretty detrimental role if it's on it's own too.

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actually so okay, i want some opinions on a similar topic then:

in a closed setup where investigation results aren't accurate, what do you think some of the strongest town roles (single role, no multiroles/joat's/modifiers) would be? some of the weakest?

use discretion on the weak roles, like don't use blatantly non-town roles like tailor/kidnapper etc (basically anything that is outright negative utility for town shouldn't be considered imo)

Strongest: I'd probably go with public dayvig. Forces a flip and discussion about it.

Weakest: My style of courier (courier can't claim who they are). It's private, one-way, and visits (so if the target is killed by a ninja, and a watcher is on the victim, the courier is SOL).

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On the watcher/tracker thing: I can see why some people might consider both of them weaker roles. Watcher is definitely stronger than tracker though and can be OP in some setups, but weaker in setups without straight protection (like doctor).

it mostly depends on the rest of the setup I think tbh

Edited by The Best SK
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Watcher is only weak if you compare it to lolOP roles like Cop/Sensor.

Watcher gets really good with stuff like Watcher/Doc combos though yeah.

Edited by Conqueror
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