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Draft Mafia Round 2: AnonyDraft gameOver


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i kind of don't really follow mafia games scumscumnori

I'm also not really sure how Prims managed to guess so many people right lol.

prims = #1 sf mafia stalker

btw the bird in your avatar is totes awesome

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oh yeah



And I would have gotten away with it too. Unless Prims's n3 redirect was going to be on himself...

Fuck, I kinda wanted to shoot him n2 but I didn't say anything.

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of course scorri lost

eclipse was on the other team

one of them had to lose


I really didn't think FLC was Eclipse- she normally has more of a humor. Or were you trying to be different on purpose?

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FLC was pretty obvious Clipsey, imo

I swear, everyone that I knew, their posts always had a certain tone

that voice in my head when reading applies certain voices to people's posts

and this applies in normal games as well

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FLC was pretty obvious Clipsey, imo

I swear, everyone that I knew, their posts always had a certain tone

that voice in my head when reading applies certain voices to people's posts

and this applies in normal games as well

This man. I feel the same way.

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I honestly expected you guys to go for Prims over me N1, because I was the more obvious Doc target, which is why I targeted him (although I wouldn't really have found much out anyways, because Voyeur sux). Also your choice of Moonside/Rapier N2 as your N2 target was strange- I can understand why you guys might not have gone after Prims, but I don't think Moonside/Rapier was really townie enough to warrant targeting him over Bear. Honestly I thought Moonside was scum for most of D2.

But yeah, Prims for MVP.

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i thought moonside was gonna get shot cuz the phoenix wright bgms looked like investigative role breadcrumbs. also he was third on navo's wagon two days in a row.

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Gee fucking whiz, Snike, way to tunnel. Also way to examine the difference between town mindset vs. scum mindset.

Prims, don't ever pull that dayvig stunt again (both of them). I think I bitched about it to Elie enough.

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also i don't feel too bad about the flc vig because i was not looking forward to arguing over how awful of a target you picked as town (now that it's postgame: seriously, why did you target caliban?) and probably not being convinced, and it stopped scorri from pulling a surprise lylo dayvig plus got snike to not tunnel. it was definitely not a good move and you have every right to bitch about it, but imo it worked out surprisingly well in the end

edit: idk this post was vague

what im saying is: the dayvig push was horrible play yeah but i dont care cuz you were annoying d1 and i didn't want to argue with you. tough

like everything you posted while arguing me contained ~pro-town fluff~ or gameplay theory i disagreed with and it was enough that i seriously considered you likely scum even when i was townreading you

i might have been less frustrated if i didn't think you were shinori trying to piss me off at first

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also i don't feel too bad about the flc vig because i was not looking forward to arguing over how awful of a target you picked as town (now that it's postgame: seriously, why did you target caliban?) and probably not being convinced, and it stopped scorri from pulling a surprise lylo dayvig plus got snike to not tunnel. it was definitely not a good move and you have every right to bitch about it, but imo it worked out surprisingly well in the end

edit: idk this post was vague

what im saying is: the dayvig push was horrible play yeah but i dont care cuz you were annoying d1 and i didn't want to argue with you. tough

like everything you posted while arguing me contained ~pro-town fluff~ or gameplay theory i disagreed with and it was enough that i seriously considered you likely scum even when i was townreading you

i might have been less frustrated if i didn't think you were shinori trying to piss me off at first

The only reason why I don't feel bad is because the dayvig was mafia, and that wasn't a bad play on their end (what was bad was not following that up with enough of a case to get you lynched; the alternate, funny scenario would be to sac the dayvig while buddying hard with me to effectively paralyze the town for two days straight). That wasn't fluff, that's something for you to think about (objectively, then tell me how stupid it sounds). All you did was announce that you weren't the dayvig two hours into the game (claiming anything that early is fucking stupid, full stop). BTW, the other reason why I was pissed was because you pulled the exact same shit in SSBUM, and look at how well that turned out. However, I couldn't fully chew you out about it, because our dear hosts didn't do the individual player analysis yet, so I blame them for that more than you.

Once again, your emotions got in the way, even though I've screamed that emotions were a null tell how many times? If you don't want me to be "annoying", then don't do stupid shit (even as a joke, because I intentionally kill my sense of humor during RVS). That extends to all of you; I'm far less forgiving if you repeat the same mistakes.

EDIT: Oh, right. This would be my first game ever where the martyr role didn't draw kills.

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sidekick and martyr are different things, the role pm even outrighted stated sidekick wouldn't redirect kills

Once again, your emotions got in the way, even though I've screamed that emotions were a null tell how many times? If you don't want me to be "annoying", then don't do stupid shit (even as a joke, because I intentionally kill my sense of humor during RVS). That extends to all of you; I'm far less forgiving if you repeat the same mistakes.

this is total bullshit, and you basically acknowleged that the anti-town sentiments originate from you there too. if acting like a dick on purpose causes to you to fail a obvious reaction test then this is not my fault. instead of complaining about the people attacking you, you should stop intentionally acting a way that makes people want you dead regardless of alignment

you are literally playing in a way that riles people up on purpose, then blaming them for getting riled up. that's fucking dumb

also i thought about your gameplay theory and it was retarded for the reasons i covered and i didn't come to any conclusions other than that you were probably scum smokescreening so yeah

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