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This is something all of you need to see.

Caliban of Sycorax

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NoHomophobes.com is a website where they count the number of times someone uses the word "faggot", "dyke", or the phrases "no homo" or "so gay" in a Tweet. The site has been up since June 15, and the numbers are ALARMING at how many people use these hateful words without thinking.

These words are hateful against people of the LGBTQ community, and they have hateful meanings behind them. The word "faggot", for one--people always joke about how the word "fag" is merely a "pile of sticks". Which is true. However, the "pile of sticks" refers to the kindling used when the church burned people alive--homosexuals included.

Please, spread the word around about this. People need to know how many times hateful words are thrown around in common language. These words have an impact on us. I don't know a gay man who hasn't been called a faggot, or a lesbian who hasn't been called a dyke. These words are not everyday words. They are discriminatory and hateful.

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most people i know don't use them with the intention of hating on gays or anything, and it's really *not* that deep. Changing a couple words and the way they're used doesn't stop or hinder discrimination, I would think

EDIT: How is "No Homo" homophobic? I can kind of see it but I've never EVER met a gay person that was offended by "no homo"

Edited by Lord Raven
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Regardless of intent, homosexuality is a very touchy subject with a lot of people, and the word you feel is your "label" being used as a negative is pretty clearly offensive. Besides, English has no shortage of negative words to use instead.

Edited by Rewjeo
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Regardless of intent, homosexuality is a very touchy subject with a lot of people, and the word you feel is your "label" being used as a negative is pretty clearly offensive. Besides, English has no shortage of negative words to use instead.

i bet that you cannot find me a contextually perfect synonym for any of these words

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EDIT: How is "No Homo" homophobic? I can kind of see it but I've never EVER met a gay person that was offended by "no homo"

If you say "I love you, bro--no homo" you're basically giving a big fuck you to gay people because it means you're saying "hey well I'm very fond of you and I want to tell you that but if I don't say "no homo" then I'm just going to look bad". It usually gets to me more than "faggot" or "so gay". I can handle faggot when it's used in contexts like "lol what a faggot" and "this is so fuckin' gay" when they're used outside of talking about gay people because they're words without intent. I dunno why I have these weird double standards but I only ever find faggot offensive when strangers call me one and they're making a deliberate jab at my sexuality. Blah blah blah it's not like people will actually change.

oh this just about sums it up:

I personally don't find them offensive unless they were directed at me maliciously.

Edited by Agro
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I don't use the term "no homo" for the same reason that I've never called anyone "brosef", but there's nothing offensive about it. Similarly, calling something "so gay" is not meant as an insult to homosexuals and therefore should not be taken as such. There's nothing more annoying than an overly sensitive killjoy.

But I don't use those other two words.

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Uh, mind telling me what "so gay" is supposed to imply?

That being said, I don't know too many women who haven't been called a bitch. Hateful labels are just that, but to get rid of those, you'll have to change people's attitudes first.

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If you say "I love you, bro--no homo" you're basically giving a big fuck you to gay people because it means you're saying "hey well I'm very fond of you and I want to tell you that but if I don't say "no homo" then I'm just going to look bad".

or it's, you know, an expression of strictly platonic love

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"That's so gay" is an equivelent to saying something like "that's so stupid" or "that's so lame", implying that being gay is a bad thing like being lame or stupid.

"No homo" implies that you have to clarify any same-sex affection, because the assumption is that being gay is bad.

The implication is always there with words and phrases like these, whether or not you meant for it to be.

Edited by frat_tastic
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I think those numbers are a bit inflated. It appears these tweets are not checked for content. I looked at the tweets shown for a minute or so, and a quite few of them were saying "the usage of (insert word being recorded here) needs to stop". That's a good thing. This doesn't mean I'm brushing it off as nothing; I still saw a lot people using it in a bad way.

I don't think no homo is implying homosexual love is negative. Sometimes I say no hetero when I give a girl a compliment. The implication I'm getting from that phrase is that when guys say flattering things, it's assumed they wanna get into your pants. That assumption does have some justification, I think. How often do you see heterosexual guys say things like "I love you", "You look really attractive today", "You smell nice", etc., to a woman unless they're interested in them? In my experience it's not too common. With women it's not assumed that they wanna jump your bones when they give a compliment... I think that explains why they don't use it as much. Maybe I'm observing the wrong type of people. idk

edit: it got deleted, nvm xP

Edited by Momentai~
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"No homo" implies that you have to clarify any same-sex affection, because the assumption is that being gay is bad.

This is just silly. "No homo" implies you have to clarify any same-sex affection because we, as human beings, have trouble determining what our relationships are in general. I use the phrase "not in that way" to say the same thing to guys and girls.

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This is just silly. "No homo" implies you have to clarify any same-sex affection because we, as human beings, have trouble determining what our relationships are in general. I use the phrase "not in that way" to say the same thing to guys and girls.

People say "no homo" because they don't want people to think they are gay. People don't want them to think they are gay because being gay is viewed so negatively by a lot of people. Thus, people say "no homo" because they don't want people to think less of them for being gay.

Yes, not everyone who says "no homo" feels that being gay is a bad thing, but that doesn't change what most people mean when they say it.

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If you say "I love you, bro--no homo" you're basically giving a big fuck you to gay people because it means you're saying "hey well I'm very fond of you and I want to tell you that but if I don't say "no homo" then I'm just going to look bad".

You're not giving a big fuck you to gay people by clarifying your sexuality to stop from creating an awkward feeling. They are not saying that being gay is bad, they are saying that the statement they gave isn't sexually charged.

The majority of uses of the terms listed are generally ironic in the first place. In any event, if the thing you're distressed about when I or anyone else calls someone a faggot is that someone tangentially related to the term I'm using might feel offended, then I think you're missing the mark. I suppose there'd be an argument if I were purposely using it disparagingly toward homosexuals, but otherwise it's simply a word used to disparagingly refer to a person, similar to "fucker" or "jackass". I'm more of the opposite opinion when it comes to the use of these words; when you socially "lock" a word away, it forever carries the stigma you attach to it. "Nigger" as used in the white community is the most hateful term I can think of, perhaps along with "cunt," mostly because of the caution and racial links it has. Note how it has evolved over the decades in the African American community to be used in multiple manners.

The word's not going to disappear, at least not in your lifetime. Might as well change it.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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This is just silly. "No homo" implies you have to clarify any same-sex affection because we, as human beings, have trouble determining what our relationships are in general. I use the phrase "not in that way" to say the same thing to guys and girls.

Saying "no homo" versus "not in that way" are actually two different things. Or that's what it looks like to me.

"Not in that way" is saying and only saying "don't worry I'm not trying to hit on you" while saying "no homo" not only is saying "I'm not trying to hit on you" but is also saying "don't worry I'm not gay" which is treating that as a negative.

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You're not giving a big fuck you to gay people by clarifying your sexuality to stop from creating an awkward feeling. They are not saying that being gay is bad, they are saying that the statement they gave isn't sexually charged.

So... when someone says "no homo", he's denying his friends' ability to determine whether he's actually gay or not, which are probably the same people who're the first to get to know about it everytime he bangs another girl?

I really think that this clarification is unnecessary most of the time.

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i use these pejorative words out of the proper context all the time and i do not feel any malevolence towards homosexual people

pretty much this, faggot is fun to say, sorry

although i have cut down on the "that's gay" comments(I don't think I even say that anymore)

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A fag is a cigarette. So shut the fuck up.

But a faggot isn't a cigarette. The site checks for the use of the word faggot.

pretty much this, faggot is fun to say, sorry

Cool. Yeah. You also have never been called a faggot, I presume.

Okay, I get that not everyone understands why words are taken so seriously. Let me put it into context.

What if I were to substitute faggot and dyke with nigger and chink? Cunt and retard? I'd be treated much more negatively than if I were to say faggot.

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