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Most Overrated character?


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Well, FE6 Marcus definitely isn't as good as FE7 Marcus, but I find he's more necessary, because FE6 HM is more difficult for the most part and your units are, on the whole, worse.

IMO, Levin!Arthur is overrated in just about any sense- drafting has proved that Celice, Leaf, Lana, and Layleen are all more effective at cutting turns Gen 2 then he is, and if you don't really care about turns, Levin!Sety has better non-Move stats and a better skillset (although he's overrated too).

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Leaf. I love the guy and he can be amazing with training, but he needs resources in order to get anywhere (and people seem to think he's entitled to them for some reason).

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Leaf. I love the guy and he can be amazing with training, but he needs resources in order to get anywhere (and people seem to think he's entitled to them for some reason).

Which Leaf? Because FE5 Leaf is totally entitled to Life Ring + Speed Ring.

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Yeah, SM Sirius is also another decent choice and to be honest, I'd say that's probably his best melee class.

He's still overrated as all hell though.

Linde is also extremely overrated

Linde is a semi Glass Cannon. She can pack a punch with Aura, but her magic isn't that great and her HP is terribly low to the point she'll die from any ballista shot, or direct hit from anything that isn't magic.

Merric is kinda overrated too, I think. He only turned out good after I promoted him and his magic, speed and HP stopped sucking.

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For me, this is Florina. I mean, sure, she flies, has good speed, and a early join time but her defense pretty much will get her a 2 (sometimes 1 from a axe) K.O. That combined with the same old "Shy, small girl." personalty that isn't what I'd call rare in Fire Emblem just makes her kinda... bleh.

*stink eyes* A lot of the reason why people like to use Florina is because of utility and also because she can have claim to the Lyn Mode stat buffers. Srsly, giving her the Robe and the Ring from there makes Florina badass.

I gotta go with Haar to be honest, he is a very good unit but hes not godly like people say

Actually he is. So what if he cant double a lot of things, hes still a tank thats murdering nearly everything. His only problem is res and well...its not that big of a problem.

People going off about Soren.

Umm you know, i cant really speak for anyone else, but the reason i like him so much has little to do with his performance as a unit. He doesnt suck in either game but in FE10, he isnt as great as he was previously. (unless you really trick him out. And most people arent arsed.) I love Soren because hes one of the best written characters in the series as far as ive played.

Now to the overrated:

Nephenee. Shes pretty gr9 but people kinda go overboard with the love here. I see the appeal. Good, very balanced unit who happens to be a cute girl. But like, i just dont get the gushing.

Mia. Omfg. Mia. Shes not even all that great in FE9. She IS good in FE10. Ill give her that much cuz she gets spammy in that game. But her personality is very one-dimensional and annoying.

Ilyana is another one. Shes pretty decent in FE9, but personality wise, shes a lobster. In FE10, she flat out sucks.

Ephraim. Yeah i get it, a lord with great stats. He does have some beautiful stats. But his LEEROY JENKINS personality and flatness makes him seem kinda meh to me.

Ike. I like the dude, dont get me wrong! Hes among my favorite lords, but like, yeah. Hes got a bit too much love sometimes.

Swordmasters in general.

Seth. Again, i like Seth but holy shit.

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This is how most people answer "overrated" questions.

This is the only way to answer "overrated" questions when it comes to their personalities, I think... it's a strictly subjective question. You won't say your favorite character ever is overrated just because everyone else loves them, too. It would feel strange.

I have a bit of an issue when people talk about gameplay. It's not as nearly as subjective - anyone who has played FE8 somewhat efficiently knows how useful Seth is. It's a fact. The way I see it, I couldn't possibly say he's overrated when it comes to his value in battles - he's that good. You can only have an easier time using Seth. He as a character is super boring though and I think people get caught up in how good he is as a unit and overrate his personality as a result but this aspect is, like I said, completely subjective.

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I personally like Soren for his personality but I've never seen anyone hype his performance as a unit. Not seeing how he's overrated when everyone knows the mages have a hard time even getting to combat to do anything. No one really puts him above Ilyana or Tormod, and all three mages are not very good in Radiant Dawn with their awful speed caps and/or being underleveled.

I admit that Nephenee is overrated, even though she's my favourite foot unit. Her weapon level in FE9 is crap and she needs babying in FE10 part 2 to stay relevant come part 3.

I also think FE7 Marcus is a little overrated. Sure he can last the whole game, but there are so many exemplary units who join early and are easy to train. Hector may not have a horse but he's sturdy and has a solid EP in the early game, so I feel Marcus's role is somewhat diminished. By midgame it's easy to phase Marcus out in favour of Sain and Kent, one of whom may be a paladin from the Lyn Mode knight crest.

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Horace. I always saw him as a second Lorenz in 11, apparently he's usable. He's also a jerk.

In the same way Shin is just a second Dayan! Except Shin costs turns so he's terribru!


I find that Lyn is overrated, if not in her actual combat ability then her character. I think Soren, Ilyana, and trainees also fall under this.

Edit: Oh, right, Nephenee and Mia too. They're both good in FE10, but in FE9 really annoying to raise.

Edited by Ryuji-kun
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Horace. I always saw him as a second Lorenz in 11, apparently he's usable. He's also a jerk.

In the same way Shin is just a second Dayan! Except Shin costs turns so he's terribru!


Also, you guys are a riot.

I admit that Nephenee is overrated, even though she's my favourite foot unit. Her weapon level in FE9 is crap and she needs babying in FE10 part 2 to stay relevant come part 3.


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This is the only way to answer "overrated" questions when it comes to their personalities, I think... it's a strictly subjective question. You won't say your favorite character ever is overrated just because everyone else loves them, too. It would feel strange.

But if it's strictly subjective, "overrated" doesn't even make sense. You can't be "correct" in how much you do or do not like something. If it's more something like a group of people feeling a character is well-written and original and you don't think the character is well-written or original, that is a better context for the word "overrated" because personal feelings don't/shouldn't come into it.

You hit the nail on gameplay. And that is why I don't think any character in this series is (currently) overrated. There have been issues like that in the past with characters like Lilina, and people still overrate characters at times, but for the most part, everyone is where they deserve to be or close enough that it's not worth mentioning.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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I think the problem is that there are a lot of characters who people treat as a god even when, while they are good, possibly even the best, they aren't anywhere near as essential as people appear to think.

For example, many years ago I did a playthrough of FE8. That time, for whatever reason, I did not use Seth. Would using him have made the game easier? Sure. But at the same time I had absolutely no problems at all playing through the game without him. I've played FE9 twice now without touching Titania. Is she good? Yes. But, once again, I had no problems when I didn't use her at all. In fact I recall my runs without Titania being smoother on the whole than the ones with her. Maybe it's just a fluke of how I play, or maybe I was using her wrong, but to me Titania has never been anywhere near the top-tier character people place her as in the tier lists. Upper mid or higher? Sure. Top? Not to me.

Also, I forgot about him, but I also think Stefan is mega-overrated in both character and gameplay. He's a nobody swordsman who appears out of nowhere, has horrible luck, isn't a terribly exceptional swordsman except for his high level, and had a horrible character with no development at all. If it were up to me he'd be in low tier.

Edited by Snowy_One
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Also, I forgot about him, but I also think Stefan is mega-overrated in both character and gameplay. He's a nobody swordsman who appears out of nowhere, has horrible luck, isn't a terribly exceptional swordsman except for his high level, and had a horrible character with no development at all. If it were up to me he'd be in low tier.

With the other swordmasters? Cause he's pretty much them with less luck and for free.

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But if it's strictly subjective, "overrated" doesn't even make sense. You can't be "correct" in how much you do or do not like something. If it's more something like a group of people feeling a character is well-written and original and you don't think the character is well-written or original, that is a better context for the word "overrated" because personal feelings don't/shouldn't come into it.

I actually agree that "overrated" isn't the best word to use. Even when people argue if a character is well-written, different tastes on writing shape their opinions (it is easier than just discussing personalities though). However, there probably isn't a better word to use in subjects like this and people couldn't be arsed to type "Which character has the biggest difference between how much you like them and how much people like them?", so overrated and underrated it is. :newyears:

With that said, I don't think mages are "overrated". Other than Soren I don't see them getting a lot of love.

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I find that mages in general get overrated. Particularly Lute and Soren if you want examples.

You could only go downhill from Asvel, god of wind.

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But if it's strictly subjective, "overrated" doesn't even make sense. You can't be "correct" in how much you do or do not like something. If it's more something like a group of people feeling a character is well-written and original and you don't think the character is well-written or original, that is a better context for the word "overrated" because personal feelings don't/shouldn't come into it.

You have a great point. Still, let's just say that admitting Nephenee's flaws is NOT one of the things most of her fans do often, and Soren... I'm not convinced that he's that much better than any of the other mages at all.

Also, would "overhyped" be a better word for topics like these?

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It somewhat amuse me a bit to see people are complaining about (FE4)Leaf but not about Lachesis. I suppose C in staff changes everything. Though in my opinion being a staff bot actually more expensive than being a fighter (and personally Leaf is more easier to train than her). /shrugs

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It somewhat amuse me a bit to see people are complaining about (FE4)Leaf but not about Lachesis. I suppose C in staff changes everything. Though in my opinion being a staff bot actually more expensive than being a fighter (and personally Leaf is more easier to train than her). /shrugs

Do people even say that Lachesis is any good? I have heard plenty of good things about Leaf but I can't recall anything about Lachesis.

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