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Regarding Amelia

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One thing, though - and a lot of LTC or even efficiency players don't take this into account (at least, not that I know of), and I understand why - is that Amelia as a Paladin will tend to be comparable with Seth, and getting Franze, Kyle, or even Forde to max Paladin will be more efficient than grinding Amelia is.

Given the effort to results ratio, I'll concede that compared to the others, Amelia isn't really worth it as a Paladin.

But if you instead make her a General, then she really shines as one awesome killing machine. For starters, her only competition in the General arena is Gilliam (for the main story, anyway) and while Gilliam will tend to have higher HP and DEF and sometimes STR, Amelia tends to have a lot more of everything else. Gilliam might be able to tank a few more hits, but Amelia will almost never get hit in the first place, and even if it isn't maxed out like Gilliam's as a General her DEF still tends to get pretty high. Thus, her vastly superior dodging ability - combined with her only slightly inferior HP and DEF - actually make her a much better tank than Gilliam. All that extra SPD also comes into play with offense - Gilliam might do a bit more damage per hit, but Amelia will reliably hit twice each battle, effectively doing more damage per turn overall.

In summation: Paladin Amelia = good unit but not time-efficient compared to everyone else.

General Amelia = nigh-immortal Goddess of Destruction.

As I see it, though, the payoff that results from going General doesn't even begin to make up for going through two tiers of 4 move lance-lock, and thus I prefer Paladin Amelia. Also, at least one of Amelia's better support partners is mounted.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I'm going to be PERFECTLY honest with you, I have actually never used Amelia ever, and it's for one simple reason: she's simply too fucking weak and underleveled at base to be even slightly useful in any sort of efficient run. When I use units in any Fire Emblem game, I expect them to be able to kill things at base with little to no support doing so. Amelia requires so much babying it'd be easier to solo the game with unpromoted Moulder(that's a massive exaggeration, but it gives you an idea on how bad Amelia is.) And what makes this even worse is that her(and by extension, Ross and Ewan's)growths are among the worst in FE8, and when leveled up fully, you'll find that she isn't significantly better than any of the other cavs.

Hell, here's a comparison between her and Seth, assuming we take the cav/pally route for Amelia:

Amelia   	20/20  46 21 25 25 30 17 14 09 Franz A/Neimi B
Seth 		--/20  47 24 22 21 18 19 14 11 Eirika A/Franz B

As you can see, the two of them are very comparable, though Seth wins out. As one can clearly see, Seth has a strength lead over Amelia, as well as a slight concrete durability lead. Yes, Amelia is faster, but big fuckity whoop. Seth's 21 AS still doubles almost everything in this game anyway, and he's doing it with more attack(not only from being flat out stronger, but his support bonuses widen the gap considering he has an +atk affinity and she doesn't. Not that supports have any meaning in efficient play, just pointing them out so he can laugh at her even harder) The other thing that Seth has over Amelia, and one that she can't take away from him is that he didn't need an insane amount of spoonfeeding to get good, because he was already broken to start with.

Also, don't go the knight route with Amelia. You are just hurting yourself more than you need to(and you are already shooting yourself in the head with an AK-47 by using Amelia in the first place.) That and Gilliam does the whole knight thing better, since he actually has something called defense.

Edited by James the Hero
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Even with the Valni tower I have trouble raising Amelia. She can't hit with a javelin so you have to set up kills for her only, while Ross and Ewan can actually chip from 2 range (giving the kill exp to someone else even, since they earn good enough exp just from attacking). She's the only one I have never been able to get to second tier, and I have done the tower & ruin about twice each. (lol, still haven't got Lyon)

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Hell, here's a comparison between her and Seth, assuming we take the cav/pally route for Amelia:

Amelia   	20/20  46 21 25 25 30 17 14 09 Franz A/Neimi B
Seth 		--/20  47 24 22 21 18 19 14 11 Eirika A/Franz B

Bolded: why? Unless we're talking about drafts (which is a completely different kettle of fish, since most of the units in the game are arbitarily denied to you), Amelia will never be deployed in an efficient run, because she'll always be a liability and not worth the cost of a deployment slot. And outside of efficiency, the extra move is worth far less than precious points of str and def. If we're going to talk about Amelia's performance, we should assume casual play since she's so obviously worthless in efficient play there's nothing to discuss.

And if we're going to consider their highest average stats, let's actually compare the highest stats.

Amelia   	20/20  49 23 25 25 30 21 13 09 Franz A/Neimi B
Seth 		--/20  47 24 22 21 18 19 14 11 Eirika A/Franz B

Seth is winning res by 0.65 and strength by 0.05, and Amelia is winning everything else (and I'd argue skill and luck are actually significant since you really don't want to have a fatal miss or get critted on the last floor of the Ruins.)

Edited by Minor Baldo
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There's no enemy data for the ruins, but there's these guys...

Lvl 10 Dracozombies: 80-81 HP, 22 Atk, 16-17 Skl, 7 Spd, 7-8 Lck, 30-31 Def, 15-16 Res

Wretched Air: 32 Atk, 135-138 Hit, 21-22 Avoid, 8 Crit

...from Final. Hitting the dracozombies is almost certainly a nonissue assuming the difference in avoid isn't completely ridiculous, and getting hit by a crit will almost certainly never happen to either of them. Get real.

What's more, you have unlimited statboosters available to you at that point.

Edited by Strider
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Skill and luck are overkill, but are really pretty insignificant. HP, speed and defense are really only up by 2 (CON difference)

I'm pretty sure that no matter how efficiently you play, Seth's +3 move still tips that comparison in his favor. Moving further is still a great advantage even if you don't care about quick clears.

Edited by Silvercrow
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Using Seth is boring.

Compare the two all you want, but it's more fulfilling to raise a unit yourself instead of just clearing the game no problem from stage one just because you can.

That's a pretty purely subjective statement there that you're passing off as fact, mate.

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Using Seth is boring.

Compare the two all you want, but it's more fulfilling to raise a unit yourself instead of just clearing the game no problem from stage one just because you can.

INstant easy mode inducing unit from the get-go or a shitty Loli that turns average-ish.

Taking the Insta-EM button Paladin, because everyone else wants that knight crest.

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In a casual run, Amelia is quite fun to use because doing so implements a slight challenge to the game as opposed to curbstomping it with Seth or other op units like Franz.

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Using Seth is boring.

Compare the two all you want, but it's more fulfilling to raise a unit yourself instead of just clearing the game no problem from stage one just because you can.

I dunno man

I find it far more fun to go on killing rampages without having to irritatingly baby a unit to reach that level when there's far easier options for me to massacre things with

Opinions man

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Personally, if I'm going to spend time raising a terrible unit to a decent one, that unit had better come early enough that there isn't much competition or actually be significantly bettter than the competition. Amelia fulfils neither role.

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In a casual run, Amelia is quite fun to use because doing so implements a slight challenge to the game as opposed to curbstomping it with Seth or other op units like Franz.

Arr. Plus i like lady paladins. So a lot of the time, i use her for shits and giggles. Besides, its not like this game is difficult anyway. I can see why people dont like Amelia or wouldnt use her, but ehhh. I like her so i use her. I prefer over Ewan. EEWWWWan.

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I use her as a General. Way too many Paladins/potential Paladins in the game.

Also, the stat boosters may be unlimited but they aren't cheap and getting a lot of money very easily is kind of dependent on luck.

And as much as I love Seth and his utter pwnage, I like training units more.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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I enjoy using General Amelia. Her small body in that hulking armour gives the impression that she's piloting a mecha.

I am too easily amused.

We need fanart of this.


And regarding Amelia I like using her on casual runs. Just for fun and all

Edited by Jediwaki Kuno
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I still prefer Paladin!Amelia during casual play because she'd be easier to train Valni-less, and I don't really care about higher stats when she's fucking killing everything regardless.


She should always be either a Paladin or a Great Knight. General's bad movement is just to darn bad for her.

As I see it, though, the payoff that results from going General doesn't even begin to make up for going through two tiers of 4 move lance-lock, and thus I prefer Paladin Amelia. Also, at least one of Amelia's better support partners is mounted.


No one would want to go through the trouble with Lagdou Ruins/cheats to get more Swiftsoles either.

Also, don't go the knight route with Amelia. You are just hurting yourself more than you need to(and you are already shooting yourself in the head with an AK-47 by using Amelia in the first place.)

During this stage (Control) rampage...I'd say, yes. That class is that bad of a choice for her.

That and Gilliam does the whole knight thing better, since he actually has something called defense.

Truely that is the case. Plus the class General has worse Speed cap.

Edited by Winona
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