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I thought I was getting that Baldrick targeted Shinori and got no result. But it also appears he said that was completely wrong and that he finds Wren suspicious. And then Mancer vote/unvote that isn't in any context. Is anyone understanding this better than I am?

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Mancer won't be around for a while btw... he says he should be back by phase end. Same with Boron.

And also, because of ~stuff~, 2/3 of my subs were forced to drop out, so I really need subs right now.


i'll sub i guess

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Isn't a protown thing to claim being hooked?

When the hooker is unknown, it's more protown. Warning the town that there is a hooker is useful, but in this case, it would basically just be claiming active role+suspected by Scorri. If one doesn't trust Mancer, there's not much benefit.

Wait, Baldrick, I'm confused. Did you target yourself, Shinori or the both of you?

Vote yourself if you targeted only yourself, Shinori if you targeted only him, me if you targeted both yourself and Shinori, j00 if I've completely misunderstood?

JB, why are you asking if he targeted himself? Can you actually think of a reason why he would do that, or is it just to disprove it for certain?

[spoiler=Asking for confirmation of the meaning of all Baldrick's posts, since people are coming up with some really dumb misunderstandings and I want it cleared up pronto. This seems long and kinda unnecessary, but I feel like it would be more organized to straighten it out this way]

Finally, one thing I assume is that when Bal makes his valiant return, that if he scored a positive result on someone in particular, that he'll end up voting for X player. In fact, I strongly suggest that Baldrick read this and only vote for a player if he did indeed score a positive, and should simply do a quick Selfvote-Unvote just to let us know if he didn't come up with any results.

##Vote: Baldrick


No guilty result.

Not sure if negative/no result, could Baldrick vote/unvote the person he targeted?

##Vote: Baldrick


I'm thinking this was a "no results" claim, as opposed to an inno.

Well. I know for a fact that baldrick didn't doc anyone last night. I also know that scorri didn't roleblock someone last night.

I'm not sure if baldrick got flavor on this or not but if he understands how my role is provable or is proved could you just vote someone that isn't me?

##Vote: Shinori


I'm certain that this was a denial of understanding Shinori's role being provable, and I don't like how Shinori seemed to be fishing for another interpretation.

Well I'm not getting your role so I don't think Baldrick would have done last night either?

Baldrick, can you vote/unvote me if you got a clear result and vote/unvote yourself if you didn't get a result?

##Vote: Baldrick


Confirmation of no result.

##Vote: Wren


Not sure what this was. Will get to it later.

Baldrick, are you trying to tell us something?

Vote/Unvote yourself if you are, Vote/Unvote me if you're not.

##Vote: Baldrick


Yes, the Wren vote is a communication attempt.

Wait, Baldrick, I'm confused. Did you target yourself, Shinori or the both of you?

Vote yourself if you targeted only yourself, Shinori if you targeted only him, me if you targeted both yourself and Shinori, j00 if I've completely misunderstood?

##Vote: j00


##Vote: j00


JB is misunderstanding Baldrick (well duh, JB, why on earth would he target himself?), I'm guessing the repetition was for emphasis? (Vote Strawman after the other two votes if so, vote Helios if not. No point denying the entire analysis over this guess.)

Baldrick, you saying you think Wren's the one who silenced you, or do you just find him scummy and want a discussion on him? Or something else entirely?

Vote Wren if you think he's a silencer, me if you find him scummy and yourself if you mean something else entirely.

This wasn't replied to. (Vote and unvote j00 after the other votes if so, vote and unvote Mancer if not. Again, more efficient not to deny the rest of the analysis over this.)

@ Baldrick

Is this related to his actions/claims yesterday (vote/unvote wren) or today (vote/unvote yourself)?

I don't like Wren's claims, his timing has been convenient, he's disappeared again and his gambit was poorly done. But no one has CC'd him, so I'm not sure what to think anymore.

##Vote: Baldrick


Baldrick voted Wren for something that happened today.

Baldrick claimed Hook?

Vote/Unvote me if yes, Baldrick, Vote/Unvote yourself if no.

##Vote: Baldrick


Not claiming hooked.

Baldrick I just need to verify because I'm a little confused. Did you target yourself? vote/unvote yourself if you did.

Vote me if you targeted anyone else.

##Vote: Shinori


Confirming that Baldrick did not target himself with an info role.

##Vote: MancerNecro


Again, unsure of this.

Okay, Baldrick. For the actual assessments of what you meant, as opposed to interpreting the Wren and Mancer votes, vote and unvote Boron if I was correct, me if I wasn't. We can narrow stuff down from there. There were a couple of times I was particularly unsure about what you were replying to, I listed people to vote for to deny those assumptions specifically, so as to make it less likely that we'll have to figure out exactly what I got wrong.

After that, in the same post, vote and unvote Shatter if you meant Wren/Mancer just were too inactive and needed to post, vote and unvote Elieson if you were trying to point out something they did in a post, vote and unvote Cam if you meant something else. Hopefully after that someone can help me think of more possible theories.

Another thing, Baldrick, when you're replying to something in the future, vote/unvote the person who you're replying to, if they posted a bunch of questions to you, vote/unvote them repeatedly for questions after the first (for example, if I ask you two things, you vote/unvote me once to signify that you're answering my first question, then vote/unvote for your answer, then vote/unvote me two times, then vote/unvote for your answer, etc.) Also, BBM told me you would be allowed to use colors, so make your "replying to X" votes blue to clarify what they are, if you're voting someone to say they're scummy, make those votes red.

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##Vote: Baldrick


##Vote: Baldrick


##Vote: Shinori


##Vote: Baldrick


##Vote: Wren


##Vote: Baldrick


##Vote: j00


##Vote: Helios


##Vote: j00


##Vote: Baldrick


##Vote: Kay


##Vote: MancerNecro


##Vote: Shinori


##Vote: Cam


##Vote: MancerNecro


##Vote: Elieson


##Vote: Wren



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True, but I don't really see why scum would need a killcop over the average rolecop or something. Agreed that he didn't look super townie preclaim but this isn't the first time a town PR looked bad before he claimed, so he could just be playing badtown. I also don't really see a killcop being a fakeclaim since that's not really a common role that you'd think of. If anything Boron, you should know about claiming a unique role that has to do with a game. Based on what we know about people's roles, town!Baldrick makes the most sense as a silence target. I think scum finds his role as a threat and therefore silenced him.

This seems like a stretch to me. Obviously killcop, especially limited-use killcop, would be a really underpowered mafia role, but you can't assume he's clear or anything based on that. Just because it would be a weird fakeclaim doesn't exclude the possibility. If he could be badtown, he could be badscum too. Besides, while it wouldn't be a great scum role, I can see it being something tacked on to another role as an afterthought. If he was, say, killcop/ninja/janitor, it's a reasonable claim, if a bit odd.

I could go on about this, but degenerating into rolespec shouldn't be needed to convince you that you shouldn't be too sure of his towniness just because of his claim. Not that I think he's particularly scummy, he's just not clear either.

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JB, why are you asking if he targeted himself? Can you actually think of a reason why he would do that, or is it just to disprove it for certain?

I was confused by everything and derping around a lot. My bad.

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Since most of the phase has passed and no one has reported results other than Baldrick (targeted Shinori, no result if I'm interpreting it right), I'm assuming most results are confusing. Both Mancer and Shinori wants to know if anyone was hooked and Shinori claims scorri didn't hook anyone. I'm starting to wonder if there was some sort of mass hooking/redirecting or something. Maybe a lightning rod?

Didn't want to out this myself since I've got similarily confusing results, but Wren's disappeared and no one's claimed CC'd.

I had a one-shot redirect I used on WREN redirecting to Elieson because I though he might be a target as he was proven lynch proof and seemed town. If Elieson dies, Wren was lying, if not, okay then.

But the result I got was that WREN got redirected to Baldrick. I have no idea how that happened. Elieson could be a nexus, Baldrick a lightning rod, scum could have a redirector with higher priority than me, I dunno.

Anyway, as we know, Baldrick got silenced and Wren claimed that he did and could not do anything last night.

Wren could be the silencer, or Baldrick could simply have been targeted by someone else. This is in any case worth a discussion, and could make sense in context of other results. It doesn't tell me much at least.

Wren's claim, timing and subsequent disappearance are all very scummy, but other than Baldrick voting Wren, there hasn't been any CCs or crumbing or suspicions thrown that suggest he isn't a doctor. If he doesn't appear, I'll find it suspicious enough to assume he is the silencer, but I'd like some more input from him. I don't wanna end up lynching the doctor.

For now


##Vote: WREN

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WREN's actions got redirected to Baldrick would be more accurate. I also asked BBM, who clarified that all potential actions got redirected. It doesn't actually prove that Wren did anything.

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alright i'm here

i'll be sort of scarce over the next (irl) day or two but once i get back to school i should be around more often

right now i've been kind of following but not really; i'll reread on my phone later

could someone please sum up for me

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NekoRex (1): Kay

Shatter/JB (1): Shinori

Shinori (2): Elieson, Boron

Baldrick (1): WREN

MancerNecro (1): JBCWK

Strawman (1): Helios

Boron (1): Baldrick

WREN (1): j00

Not Voting (3): Camtech, Mancer, Strawman

With 12 players present, it takes 5 votes to lynch at deadline and 7 to hammer. You have slightly less than 9 hours left in the phase, which ends at 11 PM EST today.

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Okay, I'm here for now but I won't be able to participate very well for the next few days.

Anyway, this is ... an interesting turn of events. I wonder if Baldrick wasn't the original silencer target in this case ...

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You know what I currently have the most votes on me I'll go ahead and claim.

I'm bill, the role swapper. I swap two peoples roles and they proceed to target their original targets for that night with their new role.

I swapped scorri and baldrick last night.

I meant to swap someone that wasn't baldrick and fucked up and wasn't thinking properly and did baldrick instead of who I intended to use it on.

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No it means he is still his role. It just swapped their roles for the one night. Now they are still their normal roles. It swaps their roles for the night.

So if i did it to a cop and a roleblocker:

Cop targets person A for inspect.

Roleblocker targets Person B for blocking.

I swap their abilities.

Cop would now block person A and roleblocker would inspect person B. But only for that night.

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Fuck me in the face life threw me a curveball. I woke up to a close friend of our family calling me at 4am reporting the passing of his mom. Fun day. She's in NY so I can only deal with that so much from TX.

I've been playing catchup though and trying to keep up, but if someone wants to sub in for me I wouldn't complain. I won't let BBM down and drop out completely, but j just wasn't expecting that.

Ok I do actually have some content to post though. First regarding the claims.

I think Mancer needs to out his results on Scorri if he did do something to her because based off what I've been putting together it sounds like he might have some useful info.

I am a plain old gov, One-Shot. I'm Vanilla Oak now.

Shinori, role swapper. Can you clarify if the role swap is announced to the players that you targetted?

Wait a sec.

Baldrick. You said you got no result (well implied it). Shinori turned you into a Hooker unbeknownst to us all. I'd ask you to clarify how you got no result on your scan if you are indeed a kill-cop. I'm on my phone so if someone could backtrAck to his votes that implies his target/claim and double check this nonsense, I think we may be in a one-one situation.

##Unvote (I forget if I'm voting)

I'm beginning to consider strongly that he was silenced to give himself town cred.

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Baldrick. Green vote on the person you TARGETTED. Make the Unvote orange if successful, leave it green if failed.

Then underlined red vote on your strongest scumspect. Plain red votes on other people you want our attention on.

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Uggghhhhh got a PM from BBM saying it was a mod mistake. Intention was Elieson, and it would have gone through, but BBM somehow read it as Baldrick.

In other words, I did not get redirected or messed with. BBM please confirm the mod mistake in-thread.

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Baldrick targeted Shinori, and if Shinori switched his and scorri's roles and Baldrick ended up hooking him, it had to fail or there would be this paradox here

@ Helios

Wren claimed he could only doc on even nights, but my result only said any actions would have been redirected, not that there necessarily was an action

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Baldrick (1): WREN

Boron (1): Baldrick

MancerNecro (1): JBCWK

NekoRex (1): Kay

Shatter/JB (1): Shinori

Shinori (1): Boron

Strawman (1): Helios

WREN (1): j00

Not Voting (4): Camtech, Elieson, Mancer, Strawman

With 12 players present, it takes 5 votes to lynch at deadline and 7 to hammer. You have slightly less than 4 hours left in the phase, which ends at 11 PM EST today.

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Ugh ...

BBM, can we have an extension or something? I think everyone has been hit with the inactivity stick to some degree for whatever reason. And even if we can miraculously get enough people to show up near phase end, I don't want a repeat of D1 universal loss threat.

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