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Pokemon Adventures R/B/G/Y Mafia


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oh right one more thing I don't remember if I already mentioned

watcher =/= voyeur

this is something I don't understand

cam claimed watcher-voyeur, but if you read his flip, it said he was just voyeur. JB claimed watcher. The two are different, but yet it confused some people which reminds me of a past game (but I don't remember which one (it had something to do with people not reading flips properly))

so note this: read flips properly and look at the details, compared to alive people's claims, etc.

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Sometimes I forget I'm not in the draft subforum. Sharpy is pretty much the worst drafter ever. SB's reaction sums it up.

Did anyone actually disbelieve JB based on there apparently being another watcher? That'd be awful.

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Oh, lol...

I believed JB, but I had to try and deceive town by making a big case/hoo-ha on him and dumbing down the significance of his claim. I still don't understand how I got the JB lynch, though, because a lot more town members had wanted to go for either a Strawman or my lynch on that particular Day itself (Day 3).

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i don't think any town member believed me

partially because of all the characters pokemon fanclub chairman is the least significant so people thought it was a scum fakeclaim

hahaha _|_

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cam claimed watcher-voyeur, but if you read his flip, it said he was just voyeur. JB claimed watcher. The two are different, but yet it confused some people which reminds me of a past game (but I don't remember which one (it had something to do with people not reading flips properly))

FAYZ and the whole mason vs. neighborizer fiasco?

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i misread my own role so yeah

neko didn't send any actions in and i was insta-lynched for following up on my word ("i'm going to be a bit inactive for two irl days then i'll be able to play please don't lynch me") so yeah

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I even messaged Cam in role PM saying "You know you're Voyeur and not Watcher, right", or something to that effect. But yeah, there were some not very significant characters like Daisy and Fanclub President in this game because I wanted to give the scum good character fakeclaims since I was giving them shitty role fakeclaims. They got Green, Yellow, and Misty.

Edited by Thomas Raith
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  • 2 months later...

Postgame Part 1: Setup

The very first draft of this game I created focused a bit more on the Yellow portion of the manga rather than the R/G/B section as the final version did. It featured the Elite 4 as the SK instead of Mewtwo. They were a sort of JoaT SK, with each member of the E4 contributing to one of the extra abilities it had. And while it was an interesting role, I felt the set-up as a whole had something missing. It felt too cookie-cutter, and every role was one that had been used in dozens of mafia games. I wanted the game to be memorable, especially if I was going to have to wait for like 6 months before it even started.

So I scrapped that set-up, and I tried to think of something that really embodied Pokemon, and that embodied Pokemon Adventures. Finally, I decided to focus on a theme where the town started off weak, but became more powerful as the game went on, because Pokemon is a game where you train and become stronger, and as anyone who’s read the manga will testify to, a lot of its protagonists also start off pretty weak. This led to the Blaine, Mewtwo, and Red roles, and a lot of other roles then became based around those. There were still a lot of pretty standard roles in the setup, but I felt it was a lot more exciting than the previous set-up.


Professor Oak:

Dear Elieson, you are Professor Oak, the League Governor.


You were once an extremely powerful and respected trainer, but now spend your days in Pallet Town, researching the mysteries of pokemon.

Even though you are no longer a trainer, due to your work with pokemon, you are still universally respected in all regions across the world. Therefore, once, during the day, you may post in the thread, in bold, with <What in the world are you doing!? Stop immediately!>. Your influence will cause everyone to immediately stop what they are doing. This will cause the day phase to end immediately, without a lynch.

You win when all threats to the League are eliminated.

Not much to say or explain about this role. Just here to give the town a bit of extra lynch control that I thought they might need with 4 anti-town to begin with and 2 kills a night until the SK got converted, which might never have happened.

Nurse Joy:

Dear WREN Iris Jack SBarrow, you are Nurse Joy, the League Even-Night Doctor.


You are the nurse who runs the Pokemon Center in each town in all the regions of the world.

Your work in healing pokemon and helping them recover has taught you a great deal about bringing back both humans and pokemon from the very brink of death. Therefore, at night, you may reply to your role PM with <Night X: Heal USER>. If any attempts to kill USER are made, you will be on hand to heal their injuries and save them from death. However, your real job is to treat pokemon, not humans, so you will only be available to do this on every even night.

You win when all threats to the League are eliminated.

The doctor was made even-night because Prims thought that Doc+Watcher together were too OP. I understand his viewpoint, but in hindsight I would have still allowed the Doc to work every night, because if the SK hadn’t been converted as early as it was, town would have been in a LOT more trouble. And the mafia even had a Hitman to pierce Doc protection once, so I don’t think allowing the Doc to protect every night would have been bad.

Also, I chose even-night instead of odd-night because if the Watcher and Doc both used their abilities as often as possible, they would have both been working on the same night, ruining the purpose of making them limited in the first place.

Pokemon Fan Club President:

Dear Shatter, you are the Pokemon Fan Club President, the League Non-Consecutive Night Watcher.


You are the President of the Vermillion City Pokemon Fan Club, and an avid lover of Pokemon.

Initially, you simply discussed pokemon and read pokemon magazines with the members of your club, and hated pokemon battling. However, after Red saved your pokemon from the clutches of Team Rocket, you have begun watching pokemon battles- a hobby that has taught you to be as observant when watching people as well. Therefore, at night, you may reply to your role PM with <Night X: Watch USER>. You will watch USER very closely, and at the end of the night, will learn who visited USER during that night. However, you are an old man incapable of gallivanting out every night, and so must take a rest the night after you use your ability.

You win when all threats to the League are eliminated.

So the Watcher was made limited again because of Prims’s suggestion. I think keeping the Watcher every other night was probably a good decision, because quite honestly it’s a pretty powerful role that could have caught 2/3 of the scum pretty easily.


Dear NekoRex CT075, you are Brock, the League Voyeur.


You are the Gym Leader of Pewter City, and are a master of Rock pokemon.

You possess many different types of Rock pokemon, one of whom is Onix. Your Onix has the ability to burrow underground and follow a target. Therefore, every night, you may reply to your role PM with <Night X: Watch USER>. You will send your Onix to follow USER, and at the end of the night, will learn the roles of the players who visited USER during that night.

You win when all threats to the League are eliminated.

This role was originally a Tracker, in the first completed draft that I sent to Manix and then Prims. It got nerfed down mainly because the town was too strong in those initial drafts. A lot of people felt this role was too similar to the Watcher, but it’s not so similar. Watchers learn which people visited their target, while Voyeurs learn the roles that targeted their target. I’m actually kind of glad I chose this to replace Tracker and not something else, as a punishment to people who were rolespeccing too much (but I’ll get into that later with the player analysis).

Daisy Oak:

Dear Baldrick, you are Daisy Oak, the League Two-Shot Kill Checker.


You are Green’s older sister and Professor Oak’s granddaughter, as well a research assistant in his laboratory.

Your work as a researcher has made you particularly adept at digging up information about other people and discovering their background. Therefore, every night, you may reply to your role PM with <Night X: Research USER>. You will spend the night researching their history of violence, and by its end, will be able to determine whether or not they have the ability to kill another player in the game. However, since you have your real research to do as well, you only have the time to do this twice.

You win when all threats to the League are eliminated.

To clarify, this role DID get guilty reports on members of the mafia other than Giovanni.

This role was originally a more traditional Alliance Checker, but last-minute, Prims suggested to change it to a Kill Checker instead, which I thought was actually a really brilliant idea. The reason behind the change was because Prims felt that the Cop/Miller combo didn’t really work out properly. Millers were aware that they hindered the Cop, and claimed as soon as they could, and in a lot of cases, even became a pseudo-clear because of it.

And although people always say “Oh that could be mafia faking a Miller claim”, how many times have we actually seen mafia claim Miller? Claiming it right away is too risky because someone who doesn’t log on until after you might be the real Miller, and if you wait for everyone to post before claiming, then people might begin wondering why you didn’t claim in your very first post. The only games in which I’ve actually seen mafia fakeclaim Miller were Trainwreck, and that was because it was Trainwreck and people didn’t discount the idea of there being multiple Millers, and SF2, where it was given as a fake.

On the other hand, you can tell the Miller they’re not allowed to claim, or not even tell them they’re Miller, but IMO that ventures into bastard mod territory, which this game wasn’t supposed to. The only time I’ve seen a Miller that wasn’t allowed to claim, where I approved of the decision, was Naruto, where the Miller was an Oracle who actually benefited from keeping his mouth shut about being a Miller. And not telling the Miller they’re Miller at all only really works in open setups.

So in comes Kill Cop! The beauty of this role, I felt, was in how it slightly counterbalanced the SK convert. It’s actually a bit more effective against SKs than a regular Alliance Cop, because it prevents the SK from claiming Survivor or some other ITP role. However, AFTER the SK is converted, and Blaine becomes a Vig, the town effectively gains a Miller, and it’s a Miller that probably won’t claim because it would give a high priority target to the mafia for free.

In hindsight, I think that it probably could have used a third shot (though as things played out, it wouldn’t have made a difference). But overall, I really liked this role and I think it’d be cool if people used it more make me a kill cop in my next game plz.


Dear Scorri, you are Erika, the League Hooker.


You are the Gym Leader of Celadon City, and are a master of Grass pokemon.

As a master of Grass pokemon, most of your pokemon are experts at using Sleep Powder. Therefore, at night, you may reply to your role PM with <Night X: Have Vileplume put USER to sleep>. Your Vileplume will use Sleep Powder on USER, and prevent them from carrying out their actions that night.

You win when all threats to the League are eliminated.

Standard role is standard. IMO Hooker is a good offensive role for the town to have.


Dear j00, you are Blue, the League Jack of all Trades.


You are a girl searching for revenge against the people who kidnapped you when you were a child. There are no dirty tricks you will not employ in your path to this goal. Despite this, you still have a sense of justice.

One of your primary pokemon is Ditto, who has the ability to transform into any other pokemon in the world. This gives you great versatility in your various misdemeanours, and you therefore have several abilities you can use.

Once, during the night, you may reply to your role PM with <Night X: Have Ditto safeguard USER>. Ditto will transform into a Ninetales, and use Safeguard to protect USER from all non-fatal actions that target them that night.

Once, during the night, you may reply to your role PM with <Night X: Have Ditto redirect USER1’s actions to USER2>. Ditto will transform into a Wobbuffet, and use Counter and Mirror Coat to deflect all of USER1’s actions towards USER2.

Once, during the night, you may reply to your role PM with <Night X: Have Ditto encourage USER>. Ditto will transform into a Clefairy, and cheer on USER, enabling them to use their role twice the next night.

You win when all threats to the League are eliminated.

This was basically where I put all the utility roles, really. Also thought it made a nice contrast to the Red role in that it started off with its abilities but lost them, while Red started off with no abilities but gained them. The motivate could also really help the Red role in unlocking its final ability.


Dear Shinori, you are Bill, the League Role Swapper.


You are a genius inventor, and are the creator of the Pokemon Storage System.

The invention you are currently working on is a Pokemon Transfer System. It is a prototype, however, and needs to be tested. Therefore, every night, you may reply to your role PM with <Night X: Swap USER1 and USER2’s pokemon>. You will convince USER1 and USER2 to test your prototype for you, but since it is slightly faulty, for that night, their roles will be swapped, instead of their pokemon. This cannot affect kills or killing roles, however, and both USER1 and USER2 must have active roles that they choose to use that night.

You win when all threats to the League are eliminated.

This was actually a really powerful role, with several uses. Firstly, it could target claimed PRs such as the Kill Cop so that even if the mafia Kidnapped them, someone would still be able to use the ability, so town could still get info. Secondly, if it targeted the Kidnapper, and to a lesser extent, the Rolecop, it could basically also catch scum, because the person with whom the Kidnapper was switched would out what happened. Plus I thought it worked great with flavour.


Dear Helios, you are Red, the League Pokemon Trainer.


You are a boy whose dream is to become the strongest trainer in the world, with the help of your pokemon.

You have just begun your journeys in the vast world of pokemon, and as such, have no abilities yet. However, at night, you may reply to your role PM with <Night X: Battle User>. If USER is a trainer of sufficient capabilities, this battle will teach you something about how better to use your pokemon. Thus, for every two trainers of such calibre that you battle (up to a maximum of six), you will earn a role.

You win when all threats to the League are eliminated.

So, we get to the roles around which the game was based. How this one worked is that Red could target someone each night, and if that person was a strong trainer, he’d gain an experience point, I suppose. For every two experience points he unlocked, he’d gain a new ability, which he could use in conjunction with just visiting someone for experience, although one extra ability couldn’t be used in conjunction with another. This ability would also grant him experience.

The three abilities that the role could gain, were, in order, Neighbourizer, Self-Protect, and Rolecop.

What I thought was cool with this role was its ability to snowball. Once it gained Neighbourizer, it could potentially gain Self-Protect the very next night, and Rolecop the one after. Assuming that Red didn’t die, getting Neighbourizer was pretty likely, and after getting Self-Protect, you basically had a choice between protecting yourself to survive longer and trying to get the last ability ASAP.

The role was sort of designed as a JoaT that had to work for its abilities instead of starting off with them, but had them permanently instead of temporarily once they were unlocked. Although not the primary purpose, it could also be used as a kind of weak Flavour Cop, which is why if Helios hadn’t specifically asked for Red, I was going to roll it among the people whom I knew had read the manga. It couldn’t catch scum, but it could get clears, since nobody on the mafia classified as a weak trainer. The downside of using it for this, of course, was that it couldn’t gain its abilities then.

For reference, the strong trainers were: Brock, Professor Oak, Erika, Blaine, Blue, Giovanni, Sabrina, and Surge. Mewtwo did not count as a strong trainer (on account of not being a trainer) and neither did Daisy, Nurse Joy, Bill, or the Fan Club President.


Dear Kay, you are Blaine, the League Coroner Guesser.


You are the Gym Leader of Cinnabar Island, and a master of Fire pokemon.

You were once allied with Team Rocket, but a meeting with Red caused you to change your moral compass and leave them. During your time with Team Rocket, your main job was to genetically engineer a pokemon killing machine from the DNA of Mew. By fusing together your DNA with that of Mew’s, you succeeded in creating Mewtwo. However, Mewtwo escaped, and due to the genetic bond you two share, blames you for his pain and misery. You know that if left unchecked, Mewtwo has the power to destroy the world. Therefore, every night, you may reply to your role PM with <Night X: Check USER>. You will visit USER, and if they happen to be Mewtwo, you will be able to stop his murderous rampage. But you must be wary- Mewtwo is looking for you as well.

Additionally, due to your work as a scientist, you are extremely adept at analyzing the remains of even the most unrecognizable corpses. Therefore, if the body of a player killed at night cannot be identified by the rest of the town, you will devote part of the next night to identifying the user, and will automatically learn their role PM.

You win when all threats to the League are eliminated.

So, this was basically the counter-SK role. I didn’t feel like it was a slap to the SK putting it in because Mewtwo himself didn’t learn the identities of the people he janned, and claiming Coroner might have also led to Mewtwo killing Blaine and winning. Plus if Blaine did indeed guess Mewtwo’s identity correctly, Mewtwo just got recruited into the town.

Originally, however, it was more of a 1v1 because Blaine guessing correctly would lead to Mewtwo losing, him winning, and both being removed from the game. I thought them merging and becoming a hydra Vig was way cooler though, both with regards to flavour and role.


Dear Paperblade, you are Mewtwo, the Independent Serial Killer.


You were the result of one of Team Rocket’s science projects as they attempted to duplicate a genetically engineer a killing machine from the DNA of Mew. You were created successfully by Blaine, their head scientist, by combining his DNA with that of Mew’s. You endured much pain and misery before you were able to escape Team Rocket’s clutches and flee into the wilderness.

You blame the entire world for your suffering, but especially Blaine, who was the mastermind behind your creation. You want nothing but to destroy the entire world and make them suffer as much as you. Therefore, at night, you may reply to your role PM with <Night X: Obliterate USER with Psywave>. You will unleash the full extent of your wrath upon USER, and completely annihilate them. As such, when you are done, nobody, not even you, will know who exactly was killed. Additionally, if your kill is successful, any other actions that targeted USER that night will fail. Also, if you kill Blaine, your genetic bond will alert you to the identity of your target, and killing him will earn you some respite from your anger.

You win when you are the last player alive. Alternatively, you win if you kill Blaine.

To sum up his abilities, he automatically Janitored all his targets, and didn’t even learn their identities himself. Upon a successful kill, he also Safeguarded his target. So he couldn’t get through the Doc, but he had protection against the Watcher. And he won if he killed Blaine before Blaine guessed him. As far as priority went though, Blaine had the upper hand if they targeted each other the same phase (this also meant that he didn’t kill anyone on the night of his recruitment, which ended up being N1).

Blaine and Mewtwo:

Dear Kay and Paperblade, you are Blaine and Mewtwo, the League Non-Consecutive Night Vigilante.


After you caught Mewtwo, you were able to calm his rage, and have fused together. You now train and fight together to help your brethren and atone for your past sins. Therefore, at night, you may reply to your role PM with <Night X: Unleash Mewtwo on USER>. You will unleash Mewtwo, who will easily defeat and kill USER. However, since your training together has begun only recently, being separated from each other for an extended amount of time is very difficult and the night after you do this, you must both rest to recover your power.

In addition, since you both reside in the body of Blaine, he is the only one that can communicate to the outside world. However, you may communicate with each other as much as you want.

You win when all threats to the League are eliminated.

After Blaine and Mewtwo merged, only Blaine could speak in-thread, but they got unlimited OC with each other, and could kill someone every other night. Mewtwo originally didn’t get perma-kidnapped after getting recruited either, but Prims thought that was too OP or something idk. IIRC Paper saw the reasoning for it as well, though he got frustrated at parts because of Kay’s inactivity.



Dear Sawslothducksaucestrawman, you are Giovanni, the Team Rocket Bulletproof Godfather Hitman.


You are the Gym Leader of Viridian City, and are a master of Earth pokemon. You are also the leader of Team Rocket.

Every generation, from the people of Viridian City, one person inherits the powers of the Viridian Forest, to heal any pokemon and be able to communicate with them. You are one such person. These abilities, together with your long training, have made you one of the strongest trainers in Kanto. Therefore, once, during the night, you may reply to your role PM with <Night X: Battle USER>. You will unleash the full extent of your powers, and if you are sent to take the factional kill that night, nothing will be able to protect your target, and any investigative reports that might otherwise notice you will not.

In addition to this, due to your strength, the first time you are targeted at night by a killing ability, you will ward off your attacker.

Because you have been missing from your gym from quite some time now, unlike the other Gym Leaders who are part of Team Rocket, your affiliation is not well known. Therefore, any investigation reports will believe that you are allied with the town and have no ability to kill anyone.

You win when Team Rocket achieves parity with the rest of the players.

Basically, the mafia’s way of countering the town’s strongest PRs. Returned unable to kill on Kill Cop reports, and would have returned BPV on Rolecop reports if Red got there. Had a one-shot ability to get through the Doc as well, which in hindsight might not have been entirely necessary after the Doc got nerfed down to being able to act only every other night. Also had a BPV for protection from Mewtwo, in both his Independent and Town incarnations.


Dear Taewoo, you are Sabrina, the Team Rocket Rolecop.


You are the Gym Leader of Saffron City, and are a master of Psychic pokemon. You are also a member of the Team Rocket Triad.

Not only are your pokemon psychic, but you yourself also possess psychic powers. Even from a young age, you demonstrated telekinetic abilities, and your powers have only grown with time. Therefore, at night, you may reply to your role PM with <Night X: Read USER’s mind>. You will delve into USER’s mind without their knowledge, and decipher their role PM.

You win when Team Rocket achieves parity with the rest of the players.

Standard scum info role. I have to sort of apologize to the mafia team here. In the role PM, I say that I give them the entire role PM of the target, but for the first two nights, I only gave them the role name. After they inspected Paperblade N1 and learnt that he was the Non-Consecutive Night Vigilante on account of Blaine having higher priority, they were getting ready to claim Vig, which would have been pretty disastrous. They also inspected Helios N2 and got nothing from Pokemon Trainer at all, until I realized that I’d said I’d give them the entire role PM, and told them both Paperblade and Helios’s full roles.

Lt. Surge:

Dear MancerNecro, you are Lt. Surge, the Team Rocket Kidnapper.


You are the Gym Leader of Vermillion City, and are a master of Electric pokemon. You are also a member of the Team Rocket Triad.

Your mastery of electric pokemon has allowed you, with much practice and experience, to discover the maximum amount of electricity that the human body can withstand without dying. Therefore, at night, you may reply to your role PM with <Night X: Electrocute USER>. You will have your pokemon electrocute USER, which will render them so disabled that they will be unable to carry out their actions that night. In addition, the following day, they will not be able to post in the thread at all, except to vote.

You win when Team Rocket achieves parity with the rest of the players.

Hook + Silence for the next day. Another way of countering the town’s strongest roles, and probably the mafia’s most powerful offence. The idea behind the kidnapped being able to vote in-thread but say nothing else was only so that there would be no lag between the person voting and the next votals. So I have to apologize to the mafia here again, because the town completely broke that mechanic in ways I didn’t expect, and I felt that stopping the town would have been altering the role. In future, I’d limit how often the kidnapped person was allowed to vote, or better yet, never have a silencing role ever again.

Aaaaand that’s Part 1. Part 2, player analysis, might come either sometime on the weekend or never, depending on how useful I think my comments will be more than three months after the game.

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the actual write-ups are good but postgame happened too late after the game to care. really, why bother with player analysis when everybody has probably improved since this game and it's no longer fresh in anybody's minds?

i dunno why people waste their time on this shit, postgame is not a good tradition

just like how this was not a good game even though the set-up was gr9 sorry bbm ;_;

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Yeah, the game wasn't that great. I probably won't do Part 2 but I thought I might as well talk about the setup because I really did like it. Also I started writing it right after the game ended and I thought I might as well finish it.

This is probably all I'll say as far as players go, as it's still relevant:

rip strawman ;_;

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You guys do realize that the only reason I claimed miller in Trainwreck was because I died if I got scanned by cop, right? Claiming miller means that an alliance cop won't waste their time on me and if they scan me anyway I die so no difference. Might as well claim SOMETHING to keep the cop off me, right? (I was trying to decide between claiming miller and PGO.)

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And that plays into my point further. Most people don't want to fake Miller because it's really too risky otherwise. Your role + it being Trainwreck was why it wasn't as risky.

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strawman is probably still alive since his profile changed to "last online: private", meaning somebody logged into his account as anonymous even though he didn't post

there may be hope for his life yet :>

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