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You quoted all the stuff from day 1 and didn't say anything about day 2.

Saying that everything I said was bullshit and not providing how any of it was bull shit is such a viable argument.

Frankly most of your post stinks.

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Bizz I think you should do more than just ask one person's opinions about one other person with those posts. It looks like half assed scumming around.

Even though she is pretty much 100% confirmed town.

So I actually had this feeling Prims was scum like always and I guess that was a huge misread, but I still feel alright enough about my other reads to keep parts of the post I didn't get to put up last day phase.

Even though you just said that biss the other mason is "scumming" around?


I like your kdanger opinion but [prims comment snipped because it was wrong and stupid]


this kind of dictioning around is why people think ur maf

That person flipped fool and is dead.

no that's not how it works lol

Actually that's how meta generally works. You look at how players have played in previous games and you apply it to how they are matching up to those past games. Obviously this isn't always correct but it's always good for a base guess until said person changes the way you think.

lol quit whining, that's a horrible excuse to stop hating on prims for town cred so you don't accidentally lynch your lover and we all know that everyone is completely aware that I'm better than all of you in every way except good looks, and in that department I still beat everyone who isn't Bizz (and maybe kdanger's hair).

Don't see a point in this part...

If you recall? You're working with something you don't know for sure? Then here, I'll clear it up for you. There are no null tells in mafia. I notoriously twist actual events in my life into excuses to help me creep through the game, even if shit's pretty horrible. Real mafia players use everything to their advantage.

get big son

I guess this is you admitting you are scum. GOOD TO KNOW.

quote name='Scumnori'

How was it bullshit? Explain. Use your words, be a big boy.

this is the thing I was talking about he's actually having tooth issues and he's actually going to abuse that to get out of being questioned later

Oh wait, I responded to those questions and I answered them anyway. I guess your theory was wrong.

mmm mm you deal with it honey /me limp wrist


lol since when do you care about protecting masons




Accidentally deleted the quote snapback info for this quote tag and I'm too lazy to look it up again, but I think Eli said this:

of course you can it's good for your team

So I guess you are assuming I'm scum then? Right. Explain again.

Epic way to start the game there, good job snikedanger.

So it looks like I'm anti-Eli and anti-Scumnori. Kdanger is apparently up there on my list too. I just woke up from an unexpectedly long nap so I've slept since then

And this is why I said you don't read really since Kdanger was fool and all that shit. Either that or you just choose to mention Kdanger multiple times even though they aren't in the game anymore.

I want you to explain your thought processes more. Read the bold in the above for my responses.

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Othin [3]: Elie, BBM, Manix

Manix [2]: Bizz, Mancer

13th [0]: Shinori

Shinori [0]: Othin

Rapier [1]: 13th

Elie [1]: Aleph

Aleph [1]: Shinori

You guys have a little over 49 hours left in the phase.

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This whole thing is awful aside from the first two lines, so I had to spend 10 minutes counting quote tags to get this done.

Bizz I think you should do more than just ask one person's opinions about one other person with those posts. It looks like half assed scumming around.

So I actually had this feeling Prims was scum like always and I guess that was a huge misread, but I still feel alright enough about my other reads to keep parts of the post I didn't get to put up last day phase.


Leder, on 20 January 2013 - 05:09 PM, said:

obviam sux and is really gay


I like your kdanger opinion but [prims comment snipped because it was wrong and stupid

ok cool thanks for that.


kdanger, on 20 January 2013 - 05:25 PM, said:

basically the same as the reasons other people put out previously.

this kind of dictioning around is why people think ur maf

What does this have to do with scumhunting right now?


Elieson, on 20 January 2013 - 06:56 PM, said:

Mancer: aleph acted like this once as scum so he is scummy.

no that's not how it works lol

Did you even read my post? That sentence you quoted was a summary of Mancer's case on you, which I found entirely weak, and extremely deserving of a vote. Learn to read thoroughly before bringing up stuff like this in the manner in which you did plzkthx.


Elieson, on 20 January 2013 - 06:56 PM, said:

Fine, you all once again think Prims is the mighty god of SF mafia, just because he responds, ok I'll humour you all by voting for someone I feel is less obviscum.

lol quit whining, that's a horrible excuse to stop hating on prims for town cred so you don't accidentally lynch your lover and we all know that everyone is completely aware that I'm better than all of you in every way except good looks, and in that department I still beat everyone who isn't Bizz (and maybe kdanger's hair).

I don't see how me unvoting my (at the time) Primary scumread could possibly even give me town cred. I may love Prims, but I explained why I thought his posting was scummy and while the claim changed my mind, I still found him scummy at the time.


Elieson, on 20 January 2013 - 08:24 PM, said:

And emotion is a null tell iirc

If you recall? You're working with something you don't know for sure? Then here, I'll clear it up for you. There are no null tells in mafia. I notoriously twist actual events in my life into excuses to help me creep through the game, even if shit's pretty horrible. Real mafia players use everything to their advantage.

get big son

I'm working with something that apparently I thought was true, and was bring told may not be. As far as I have been told by just about every person who has played Mafia here on SF, Emotion is a Null-Tell. So when I said IIRC, I was kind of being sarcastic, because last time I checked, it was sort of a credo around these parts


Shinori, on 21 January 2013 - 12:44 AM, said:


Side note, I have a MASSIVE tooth ache and I'm most likely getting my wisdom teeth removed sometime very soon.

this is the thing I was talking about he's actually having tooth issues and he's actually going to abuse that to get out of being questioned later

Ok thanks for that


Prims, on 21 January 2013 - 03:22 PM, said:

I am not happy about [...] Obviam being gay for me

mmm mm you deal with it honey /me limp wrist

Thanks for this too


Psych, on 21 January 2013 - 04:23 PM, said:

Basically I don't like this but ugh mason claims.

lol since when do you care about protecting masons



What does this even mean?

Accidentally deleted the quote snapback info for this quote tag and I'm too lazy to look it up again, but I think Eli said this:


Shinori/Prims!Masons...ahhhhhh ok I guess I can but that.

of course you can it's good for your team

Uhh, ok? Confirmed townies are generally good to have on my side, as it gives me a clear person to trust and not have to worry about in case I'm stuck in a position where my original opinions start jumping back at me. Though now at least I can trust Bizz and bring Shinori back to the table of consideration, as the whole mason gambit thing was dispatched quickly and amicably enough that even Bizz isn't tearing into Shinori over it.

Epic way to start the game there, good job snikedanger.

So it looks like I'm anti-Eli and anti-Scumnori. Kdanger is apparently up there on my list too. I just woke up from an unexpectedly long nap so I've slept since then

I hope you feel better after your longer-than-normal catnap. Now, if you don't mind bringing something relevant and meaningful to the table, since you've basically misrepped me, said something which was a waste of space towards Shinori put the moves on Bizzu and Psych, and for some reason, replied to Kiryn and Prims when they're not even in the game anymore.

And why is Shinori even on your scumdar? All you did was complain about your wisdom teeth.

So I'm still not sure where you're contributing or even acknowledging what has happened in this game. Maybe someone else can point it out for me. Did you even read anything beyond Kiryn winning? It honestly doesn't look like you did.

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##Vote: Aleph

Your post is full of absolutely nothing.

If you aren't even going to read the thread before you post just sub out.

I pretty much agree with this post. Obviam didn't contribute anything much at all.

I remember someone asking me about 13th. I can't remember anything 13th's said so far that was logical (ie something other than suspecting a cleared townie). So I don't know if that's 13th being derp or what, but I wouldn't vote for him yet.

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OK, so after reading Day 1, I find that I don't like the way Bizz is acting. While she has been active and contributing, unlike my predecessor, I don't think something fits right. I also don't believe her mason claim in the slightest, and think Shinori is a more believeable mason claim. I also don't like how Elie has been acting, as he has felt very,,, wishy-washy, especially compared to how he normally plays.

But for now, I dislike the way Rapier has been playing. Or more, his lack of playing. He made a handful of jokeposts, as well as votes I can't tell if he's serious or not. With that said, I want him to be more active.

And as I couldn't find the points that Shinori made against Rein, I'd like to know what those were, if you would.

##Vote: Rapier

I likely missed it. I still don't believe Bizz's claim. Something seems to convenient about her claiming after Prims dying.

Unless Rapier claims Mason when he comes back, or flips mason, there really isn't any reason to disbelieve Bizz. Are you even considering that since just about everyone else has posted (Well at the time, Aleph hadn't), that it's probably a trustworthy thing, especially when Shinori admitted to not being a Mason himself?

I'm not even sure how I'm being wishy-washy. Except for my Prims thing (which I can see now and admit was excessive tunneling, because I was overwhelmed), I've been pretty set on my feelings involving my primary scumreads (which in case you were unaware, include Mancer and Othin).

If you and Aleph both have and actual reads to provide, it'd be very appreciated. Otherwise, you're just sucking your name into a slot and probably coasting along with a daily "don't modkill me" post or two.

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I'm not saying she isn't Mason, I believe that she is the mason. But she might have something she's lying about, especially since we've had games here before where two lovers would become a wolf when one would die.


@Bizz I am not sure at the moment, but Othin is giving me vibes and I would say Elieson is starting to ping my radar as well.

Psych wat is this I don't even. Are you specc'ing that Bizz is a Mason/Something that becomes a threat to town when her other half dies? I can't even begin to fathom where this is coming into your head from.

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Not to rolespec too hard or anything but we just had a game-ending jester so why would we also have a wolf-lover.

Bigger post coming in the next hour

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(I'm working a bit slowly because I'm having trouble concentrating atm, sorry for that)

All right so I'm going to try and organize this a little bit. For clarity, Prims and I can still communicate in the mason thread. I cannot directly quote anything that he has said after his death, but I can still paraphrase in my own words, and anything that he said in the quicktopic before his death can be quoted. I kind of want to color code it so that Prims's thoughts are in red and mine aren't, but I'm not sure if I can do that and I've been asking Scorri too many questions

Prims thinks that Shinori's reaction to Obviam's post didn't seem very genuine. IMO I did like Elie's response better but personally I don't feel that it's worth it to attack Obviam right now. Prims thought his Elie vote felt town anyway, and I do see where he's coming from; the big issue with Obviam's post is really how dated it is. He tends to read the thread and comment on everything in strict order as thoughts come to him so since he's been completely absent he's going to catch up at his own pace.

I think that if Obviam is scum it's better to vig him than lynch him. I think he might become a super great opportunity for an easy scum mislynch, though, and apart from his lack of content he just doesn't seem as likely to flip scum as, say, 13th or Manix. His Elie vote felt valid to me too, anyhow.

As for the Othin lynch Prims says he wouldn't mind one but overall a 13th, Elie, or Manix lynch may be a better choice today

ALTHOUGH I still do not like this post:

Apparently my one great insight isn't acceptable here and you all let the universe get destroyed regardless. :awesome:

This is actually pretty classic lazy scum, and I wasn't even feeling that bad about Othin until this. If he doesn't improve from this I may advocate his lynch today instead.

I already pretty much explained why a 13th lynch would be a good idea based on my breakdown of his post. Real Manix Case is taking a while but it should be complete soon.

@Mancer, it's weird that you dropped Elie case after being so sure he was scum D1.

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Psych wat is this I don't even. Are you specc'ing that Bizz is a Mason/Something that becomes a threat to town when her other half dies? I can't even begin to fathom where this is coming into your head from.

Remember SF Mafia Mafia 2?

At any rate, Psych, isn't that the only game it happened in?

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Remember SF Mafia Mafia 2?

At any rate, Psych, isn't that the only game it happened in?

more to the point, they were lovers and not masons

completely different things

elie needs to address the whole "hasn't talked about me all game" problem because of the same reasons i posted here. like it's really weird that you haven't even mentioned me once

(sidenote: i'm well aware that aleph/rapier haven't either but they aren't as active)

Also I do dislike manix as well at the moment.

why? want to explain? (even if it's just a "similar reasons as X")

it feels like you're kinda going along with the flow with this statement which is a little sus

I was voting you because Bizz was basically cleared and said she wanted you lynched soooooo

i already pointed out that you never voted me at all

and you're saying stuff about sheeping a (pretty much confirmed) clear

remind me how that's a good thing when said clear isn't an investigative role? you need to build your own thoughts

i don't like how you're approaching this at all

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I dislike you but I'd much rather deal with aleph or 13th instead. If you want reasons, you seem different and I don't mean meta wise.

You writing style is different your making me feel weird and that's gut feeling like. You also haven't been too memorable to me specifically.

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You writing style is different your making me feel weird and that's gut feeling like. You also haven't been too memorable to me specifically.

actually this is part of what bothers me so much about you too and it's driving me insane

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You writing style is different your making me feel weird and that's gut feeling like. You also haven't been too memorable to me specifically.


actually this is part of what bothers me so much about you too and it's driving me insane

I'm typing different? COOL.

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I'm still mad the mafia killed Prims N1 that wasn't supposed to happen and it feels like too many people aren't trying hard enough this game or we're too scattered in our opinions

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I should have actually assumed that scum would have called that bluff.

Either that or maybe it was an sk or a vig who called the bluff. I don't know.

I actually want to assume any protective role targeted levy cause she seemed mostly town. And because Prims claimed commuting. ;/

Which really makes me wonder why they didn't target me. Like seriously. If he claimed commuting mason with me why didn't scum target me and not him? It only makes me think they had either inspected him or had inspected Levy and killed him in a way to get suspicion onto me and force levy to claim.

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Or alternatively they have a strongman but I'm sorry, I think I'm rolepeccing too much.

At any rate I was pretty sure you would die but noo they had to go for Prims and now I'm a lonely mason

This is all your fault, Shinori

Actually ##Unvote

##Vote: 13th

Prims and I were both pretty confident in who we thought the scumteam was and then 13th happened. I'm kind of getting a little antsy; I know I'm not done with the Manix material yet but it seems way too hard to convince you guys to lynch him

I think that between 13th and Othin 13th is way more scummy

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