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Midnight Crew Mafia


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Hey assholes can we maybe not modkill ourselves so much in the future? 13th was terrible, Rapier was terrible for trying to tactical modkill, Obviam was slightly less terrible since I don't think he should've been modkilled but he still should've known better and I was pretty annoyed since he was the martyr and did that right as I pinned him as super obvtown.

Seriously not even gonna bother playing/hosting on SF anymore if we keep having issues with subs and modkills.

Edited by Prims
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Btw scorri, town has technically not win cause we lynched kdanger and lost to the English alliance. Just saying.

Town got second place.


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Town won. You went to an alt universe where there was no Snowman. Aka I'm being nice, now deal with it.

I wouldn't mind you being un-nice given how bad I've played, but oh well.

Thanks for a fun game =D.

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I think Xinnidy did pretty well for being subbed in halfway through the game. Just keep at it and you'll be master scum hunter in no time. :P

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I was actually very afraid that Levity would side with Manix but apparently I was convincing enough for a first-time NOCer.

I still don't know what the hell am I doing but I like when my assumptions are correct. 8)

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I might have lived anther day?


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this is why town roleblockers are ridic strong lategame at 4/1

also doc/rev martyr/roleblocker possibly a little strong, but town's investigation was only tracker/voyeur anyway so shrug

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Other stuff:

  • Next time Elie makes no sense in a game we're policy lynching him for playing to his scum!meta.
  • can you guys try not to handwave stuff so much? At least explain why you disagree with a case. D2 was just awful and I am still super salty about it; I made a comprehensive case on Manix which ended up being totally true (lol hard pushing lynchproof claim over his scumbuddy) but everybody just said they didn't find him scummy and didn't want to push him. Only one side of the mason hydra could post which just made things more frustrating for me. 13th's cop claim being fake should've also been really obvious.
  • Don't try and speculate about scumteams publicly in-thread unless you're basing it on somebody who has already flipped scum. This especially goes for Mancer, who spent way too much time on baseless speculation - also, expecting somebody to flip town isn't a scumslip (but lining up lynches following a flip is kinda scummy so yeah). He was a lot more obvtown than in past games at least so good on him for that.
  • Rapier lern 2 fucking play. It's like you get a blow to the head between every mafia game you join and it causes you to forget basic rules and roles and it baffles me to no end.
  • 3 scum is the standard size for 13 player games, anybody who expected 4 scum should feel really silly, especially after a scumgov flipped.
  • Set-up was neat but felt kinda townsided. I would've just made the martyr and BP vanilla, they felt excessive, especially given how great Masons are (even moreso with deadtalk). Also, Fool is a bastard role.
  • Obviam why are you so gay

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also doc/rev martyr/roleblocker possibly a little strong, but town's investigation was only tracker/voyeur anyway so shrug

You forgot the Double Innocent Childs With Undead OC.

Edited by Prims
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You forgot the Double Innocent Childs With Undead OC.

oh yeah

having a clear that i couldn't do anything about also sucked

Edited by Manix
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from scumchat, slightly edited (re: scum numbers)

let's consider 5 mafia (which is also impossible in flavor but let's roll with it)

that would make it 7/5/1, giving town an almighty... one mislynch if you consider townsiding fool. however consider that if town mislynches d1 and scum kills a non-fool, then it's 5/5/1 and it's mafia/fool joint. ie: town has an almighty zero mislynches if it's 5 mafia which makes it D1 possible MYLO in a 13p game

even with n0 actions scum just have to have a majority of their members claim guilty results and they could easily push a mislynch in the confusion.

4 scum is a little better, although it means it's 8/4/1 which gives town one mislynch by the same logic. one mislynch in 13p is honestly not great for balance.

two mislynches in 13p is generally good, which is what this game had.

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