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Midnight Crew Mafia


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hey let's just hammer now, i don't really think there's much else we can do. i just really hope rapier and 13th aren't both town....

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You all once again gather around Elieson. "You claimed to be a member of the Midnight Crew!" "Yeah, why shouldn't we lynch you?" "What? No, that was a joke, really, I'm Doze!" But you refuse to listen. As you get ready to lynch him, you decide instead to just toss him in the Prospitian jail. Once in there, he starts to sing. His song is echoed by others around you, but before you can figure out who they are, the song ends and you go about your business.

Elieson has been lynched. He was:

Dear Elieson, you are Spades Slick, Midnight Crew Governor.

You are the leader of the Midnight Crew. You don't really like anything, but you especially hate clocks and will take any opportunity presented to you to destroy one. You don't really plan out any strategy and you have no tolerance for Weird Time Shit.

Once in this game, you may respond to this role pm with Day X: Beat town with my Horse Hitcher. Everyone will be too busy protecting themselves from your blows to bother lynching someone, and so there will be a no lynch.

You are allied with The Midnight Crew. You win when you eliminate all threats.

You may also talk to the rest of your crew here.

N3 will end at 8PM EST Monday Jan 28th.

Rapier and 13th have until the end of the night phase to post in their role PMs that they're still interested in playing. If they don't, I will take 24 hours into D4 to try and find subs or they will be modkilled.

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6. This game begins on N0, so have fun~! No talking at night, unless I tell you otherwise.

Aleph has been modkilled. He was:

Dear Aleph, you are Quarters, Felt Reverse Martyr.

You were once a part of the team's muscle. However, you were killed before this whole thing started. But then you reappeared again later on. Man, who even knows. All this Weird Time Shit, even I have a hard time keeping track of it. You have a collection of quarters that have different pool ball images on them. If you flip one, you will summon the Felt member who corresponds with that pool ball. You can also use this power to swap two players. If someone flips their own coin and they get their number, they will die.

Every night, you may respond to this role PM with Night X: Flip <player>'s coin. You will exchange places with <player>, causing any action that should have targeted them to target you instead. Any actions that targeted you will still do so though.

You are allied with The Felt. You win when all threats are eliminated.

Yes, I am aware that the post had no game content in it, but the game had been warned twice to not post at night and the rules state to not post at night, so honestly I don't care if this seems harsh.

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You return in the morning from your various deeds in the night to find two of your members missing. You start looking and first you find what appears to be an explosion. Looking closer, you find the charred remains of Othin's role PM. Gingerly taking it, you read the following:

Dear Othin, you are Trace, Felt Tracker.

You are the the team's elite infiltrator. You have several times snuck into the The Midnight Crew's secret hideout. You use Weird Time Shit to be able to see and interact with people's past trails, making it easy for you to figure out who has been where. However, it also makes it easy for people to know where you will be since you're following where they were.

Every night, you may reply to this role PM with Night X: Follow <player>'s Past Trail. You will thus be able to see who all they visited that night, but not what they did.

You are allied with The Felt. You win when all threats are eliminated.

You look as hard as you can to try and find 13th, but no matter what you do, you can't find him. After using some of the The Weird Time Shit at your disposal, you figure out that 13th has been punched clear into next week. Well, he will not be around for the rest of the game.

13th has been modkilled for missing more than a night/day phase without reason. He was:

Dear Strider, you are Diamonds Droog, Midnight Crew Role Cop.

You are the tall, intimidating member of this group. Although you sometimes have some anger issues (I mean, come on. Who doesn't?) you are probably the most cunning of the group and use this to your advantage in your fight against the Felt. You are the best at dealing with their Weird Time Shit.

Each night, you may respond to this role PM with Night X: Threaten <player> with my Ultra-Violence Cuestick. They will be so scared that they will willingly tell you what their role is.

You are allied with The Midnight Crew. You win when you eliminate all threats.

You are allied with yourself. You win if you are the last one alive.

You may also talk to the rest of your crew here.

It is now D4. Phase will end at noon EST on Friday Feb 1.

For clarification, there have been two types of modkills here. Aleph can still win if the town wins due to his actions breaking a rule but not affecting the game majorly. However, 13th has lost and cannot win the game no matter what.

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So I'm just gonna go ahead and put this out there now that it's revealed that rein/13th was scum and that the scum team knows my role.

I'm the town doctor, Stitch. This is why I kind of panicked and went crazy when 13th outed that he was cop and had weirdly inspected me.

Currently I'm suspicious of Mancer the most but the sites been down for a while so I'm gonna actually reread because I don't remember everything perfectly.

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It actually occurred to me that they might not have inspected me and thats why they never killed me. either that or they expected 13th to die and were trying to apply pressure to me. Either way my claim is already out there now so whatever.

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