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Valentine's Day


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What does everyone think of Valentine's Day?

I've grown rather curious about hearing people's opinions of the holiday due to realizing that there seems to be two opposing sides.

There is the couple side that likes Valentine's Day, and then there are the single people who approach the topic of Valentine's Day quite bitterly (Claiming all relationships fail/don't last, people in relationships are annoying/stupid/etc, the holiday is stupid and has no significance, it's a day to make singles feel bad about themselves, etc...).

There are also of course the people who claim to simply not care, but the amount of people who genuinely mean that is scarce.

I personally used to feel a bit lonely on Valentine's Day, but after I found Mr. Right my opinion on it has changed and I find it to be quite the enjoyable holiday now.

On another note--What do you plan to do for Valentine's Day?

Edited by Sumia
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I used to view it as an ill omen of a day for me, I have had alot of bad experiences in my past on or near the day. But over the years I've found an appreciation for it, its a reminder of love in general, even if you are single you still have the people who genuinely care about you and you them like family and close friends. If I may make a lame pun, its a lovely day.

I currently have no plans for it.

Edited by Maverick Hunter Jedi
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I plan to hope against all hope that my special someone will find a way for us to spend some time together... and failing that, that she decides that it isn't worthwhile to be getting intimate with someone else.

Next year will be better.

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and then there are the single people who approach the topic of Valentine's Day quite bitterly (Claiming all relationships fail/don't last, people in relationships are annoying/stupid/etc, the holiday is stupid and has no significance, it's a day to make singles feel bad about themselves, etc...).

I would ask that you not make blanket statements like this. It is quite annoying and gives a very erroneous impression that people can't choose to be single or are bitter about being single. This is untrue. I am single. I have been my entire life. And it has been of my own choosing.

As for Valentine's Day itself, I have no opinion on it. I am asexual, nor do people around me make a big deal about it.

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I didn't mind the holiday when I was single~ Sure in high school I would feel quite lonely seeing everybody around me giving each other flowers or chocolate or stuffed animals (and even people who were just friends would do that, but I was too shy to have any of those either x3), but it didn't make me hate the day the way it seems to be for many other single people XD

The other thing people complain about is why should people focus on love more on the one day than the other days, but I dunno, I don't see a problem with making a day in honour of love~

The day doesn't really do any harm so I don't see why people need to make an effort to complain about how it's a pointless celebration so it shouldn't exist. I just think of it as a cute, happy day~ well, for the couples at least

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I would ask that you not make blanket statements like this. It is quite annoying and gives a very erroneous impression that people can't choose to be single or are bitter about being single. This is untrue. I am single. I have been my entire life. And it has been of my own choosing.

As for Valentine's Day itself, I have no opinion on it. I am asexual, nor do people around me make a big deal about it.

She didn't say all single people are bitter, just that there are two sides of people with opinions about Valentine's Day. That statement didn't include you.

No need to get hostile. This isn't the first time you did for no apparent reason.

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I didn't mind the holiday when I was single~ Sure in high school I would feel quite lonely seeing everybody around me giving each other flowers or chocolate or stuffed animals (and even people who were just friends would do that, but I was too shy to have any of those either x3), but it didn't make me hate the day the way it seems to be for many other single people XD

The other thing people complain about is why should people focus on love more on the one day than the other days, but I dunno, I don't see a problem with making a day in honour of love~

The day doesn't really do any harm so I don't see why people need to make an effort to complain about how it's a pointless celebration so it shouldn't exist. I just think of it as a cute, happy day~ well, for the couples at least

Speaking as a shy person myself I completely relate to your post.. Except for the fact I'm still single haha ^^;

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She didn't say all single people are bitter, just that there are two sides of people with opinions about Valentine's Day. That statement didn't include you.

No need to get hostile. This isn't the first time you did for no apparent reason.

I was not hostile in my response. If you think that is hostile, then you haven't seen true hostility yet. Her intent or not, the way she phrased herself can sound that way to some people. Such is language, and I feel it fair enough that I point it out if that is how I end up interpreting it.

I don't get hostile for no apparent reason. You simply choose to not see it.

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I'm mega busy every Thursday with school so Valentine's won't be as romantic as it has been in previous years where my boyfriend used to send me big bouquets of my favourite flowers (when we only knew each other over RO), or when he cooks something special (the last 3 years). Generally I enjoy taking time out of my day to spend with the person I love the most outside of my family. I used to dislike Valentine's when I was in elementary school/high school because it was painfully clear that I was an unpopular person, and also cinnamon hearts make me ultra sick and clammy and feverish and nauseated, but I never HATED Valentine's. I generally find something to enjoy every year even during the years where it wasn't "good".

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Speaking as a shy person myself I completely relate to your post.. Except for the fact I'm still single haha ^^;

Awwwwww well hopefully that won't have to last too much longer for you =D It can be kind of sad being single but I think it's at least much better than the people who get into many relationships early on in their life. All those break ups would be super hard on me =< I'd prefer that it goes slowly so I can have time to make sure that I'll get into a very fitting relationship!

I was not hostile in my response. If you think that is hostile, then you haven't seen true hostility yet. Her intent or not, the way she phrased herself can sound that way to some people. Such is language, and I feel it fair enough that I point it out if that is how I end up interpreting it.

I don't get hostile for no apparent reason. You simply choose to not see it.

Hostile might be an exaggerated way to put it, but your response was at least a little angry... Well in your words you were "annoyed"

Personally I didn't take it the way you did at all, but maybe that's just me...

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The only love I have for Valentine's Day has been Family Love. We usually go out to eat at some place to "celebrate" the day. Among my friends we don't bother with it, and as for the last kind... nah, I deliberately leave it as having none of it.

So overall, it's not quite a big day for me.

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I was not hostile in my response. If you think that is hostile, then you haven't seen true hostility yet. Her intent or not, the way she phrased herself can sound that way to some people. Such is language, and I feel it fair enough that I point it out if that is how I end up interpreting it.

I don't get hostile for no apparent reason. You simply choose to not see it.

Actually, if someone does take it as that it seems like they are either nitpicking or stumbling over the keyword of "seems" in my post.

"Seems to be" implies that I'm speaking of the majority in general, but am not strictly limiting it to everyone.

So if someone somehow manages to get the wrong idea, then I apologize.

All I've done was state the most common two sides and ask to hear more opinions, which is in no way offensive in my honest opinion.

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There is the couple side that likes Valentine's Day, and then there are the single people who approach the topic of Valentine's Day quite bitterly (Claiming all relationships fail/don't last, people in relationships are annoying/stupid/etc, the holiday is stupid and has no significance, it's a day to make singles feel bad about themselves, etc...).

There are also of course the people who claim to simply not care, but the amount of people who genuinely mean that is scarce.

I'm one of those 'don't care' types. That's how I feel about virtually all holidays though, not just this one. I've grown up being forced to do certain things or buy certain things for people on these days and so I built up a dislike for them. Now that I'm older, it's more of me just treating them like normal days instead of outright avoiding anything to do with them. I personally prefer to be more spontaneous; if I'm waiting for valentine's day to do something special for someone, then I probably won't do it before or after that day, even if the timing would've been better. Nothing happening this year, though.

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Actually, if someone does take it as that it seems like they are either nitpicking or stumbling over the keyword of "seems" in my post.

"Seems to be" implies that I'm speaking of the majority in general, but am not strictly limiting it to everyone.

So if someone somehow manages to get the wrong idea, then I apologize.

All I've done was state the most common two sides and ask to hear more opinions, which is in no way offensive in my honest opinion.

I tend to interpret things differently or maybe read into them more than things should be. I don't think it was your intent to state it that way, but the way you phrased it genuinely sounded to me like you were saying single people were bitter. I apologize if I sounded upset with you or anything. I have my reasons for being defensive over what I had interpreted your statement as, but that is neither here nor there.

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Well, it leaves out things like singles who like the candy or couples whose relationships are rocky and have to look forward to it, or a bunch of other things.

Me? I'll be happy if I wake up tomorrow and am able to eat properly. My stomach's been a mess all week.

(in other words, it's Just Another Day)

Edited by eclipse
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I'd much rather surprise my girlfriend with roses any other given day in the year and be spontaneous in my relationship instead of following the masses. That being said, I have nothing against it, but i'm no going out of my way to be exxtra loveydovey.

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What do I think of V-day? Lots of free chocolate. It's not terribly important to me otherwise, just a day I get free munchies to put in my fridge for when I want sugar >:D.

I don't give anyone else chocolate though, that would be counter-productive.

Edited by Tangerine
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Well it isn't a holiday where I live buuuut I don't know? I actually forgot such a day existed xD

Regardless I got a holiday today for sad reasons actually (i.e a teacher in school died so they're having prayer service)

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Valentines day? Got school, then I've got to go to a competition after school, so I wouldn't be able to celebrate it much. Besides, I'm not really in a cheery mood to actually celebrate it. If a certain person gives me a card, then maybe I will, but I'm honestly not getting my hopes up.

@OP, kawai Reimu you got there.

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I've always thought of it as a pretty innocent holiday even during the times when I've been single. I've never really celebrated it with anything special, nor did I get my fiance a card or a gift. We did say "Happy Valentine's Day" to each other when we woke up, but that was it. I sent my daughter off to school with a pack of cards and some candy to give out, because the school recommended that everyone does. This was done in my elementary school as well, and is a common, again innocent practice. Personally I don't believe there needs to be a special day of the year devoted to love, since I express my love for my fiance every day. However, I take no objection to an innocent holiday where children exchange greetings and candy, nor do I mind if other couples prefer to take the day more seriously.

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