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[NOC] Volcanic Anonymafia - Game Over


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Since I don't see how Pocket and Paper will change their minds, it's 3 for Bored's lynch already, which seals his fate.

Considering I seldom see the use for those 4 hours with the sheer lack of overall activity, and the extension for the next day, I'd rather vote as well and move on.

Pedit: Sorry to waste your time, I had this page open for a bit. :/

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One last thing

Moeblobs With Hats thinks that Moeblobs With Hats should Moeblobs With Hats Moeblobs With Hats Moeblobs With Hats Moeblobs With Hats Moeblobs With Hats Moeblobs With Hats


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Good game, suckers.


Don't be a dick because you can win against people who are literally incapable of posting to save their lives

Edited by Paperblade
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Don't be a dick because you can win against people who are literally incapable of posting to save their lives

Wow geez, can't flaunt a win a little? Sorry for not leaving immediately for my meeting then.

I don't think I'll stick around since I said most of what I wanted in the QT anyway.

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Bored tried to convince the town away from him and toward Pocket Ace and Paperclip, but town had grown, well, bored of his excuses, and he was silently strung up.


Bored - Vanilla Townie - Lynched Day 5

"Man, we've been powering through these lurkers all game but none of them have flipped scum." said Pocket Ace. Moeblobs With Hats piped up in response. "Moeblobs With Hats thinks that Moeblobs With Hats should destroy the remaining two lurkers, they are obviously the enemies of Moeblobs With Hats!", said Moeblobs With Hats.

"Wait!", Paperclip responded. "I'm but an innocent paperclip who helps town with Microsoft Office! The true scums here... must be YOU!" His objections were lost on Failbaddon, though, who approved as Moeblobs picked up the departed Bored's gun, deciding Microsoft Office had no need for a mascot. "Wow, Moeblobs With Hats should have done that a long time ago!" Moeblobs Without Hats shouted.


Paperclip - Vanilla Townie - Endgamed Day 5

Failbaddon was stunned to learn that the inactive Paperclip really was an ordinary townsperson. "I don't believe this! Man, fuck this game, first I sub into some Warhammer meme I don't understand, and now it turns out all the lurkers were town. I'm out." "Sorry, but I can't allow you to escape." interrupted scum's secret weapon, the Pocket Ace. Having no arms to defend himself with, Failbaddon was slaughtered just like the villagers before him.


Failbaddon - Vanilla Townie - Endgamed Day 5

"Moeblobs With Hats thinks that this was too easy! It's like nobody other than us even posted. Whatever, Moeblobs With Hats is going back to talking about catgirl anime on IRC."

"Yeah, this game sucked and was a huge gay, much like Prims' flavor. I'm qualified to criticize other people's sense of humor because I unironically lurk memebase. Anyway, whatever happened to Mormegil?"

"Mormegil? Is that me? Wait, was I in this game? What does a Mafia Goon even do?"

And so, nothing was left of the town but a pile of the villagers' bodies, and a sharply-dressed young lady with a gun in her pocket pointing a broken rapier toward the sunlight.


Moeblobs With Hats - Mafia Goon - Won Day 5


Pocket Ace - Mafia Goon - Won Day 5

The scumteam of Moeblobs With Hats, Mormegil and Pocket Ace has won the game! Congratulations!

Edited by Priam
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Wow geez, can't flaunt a win a little? Sorry for not leaving immediately for my meeting then.

I don't think I'll stick around since I said most of what I wanted in the QT anyway.

Your post reads "GG noobs get better" when there was literally a modkill then a mislynch because people who are online every day and posting plenty in another game don't give enough of a shit to post in this game ever.

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Scum QT

Graveyard QT

tl;dr postgame:

Balcerzak - Did an excellent job looking obvtown, unfortunately that tends to get you shot N1 in set-ups with no docs. Also, you guessing that enigma was Rein after she subbed out D1 with no content was the highlight of D1 for me.

BBM - Holy shit you pretty much carried this game. Nobody really figured you out until you started slipping near the end or until I actually told them. Even though town kind of sucked you did an excellent job of blending in that I think would've gotten you far even in a game with less lurkers. Definitely scum MVP.

Boron - Please consider what I said over PM from a gameplay standpoint as well as an emotional one; those sort of back-and-forths like Pasadena / Moeblobs tend to only serve to wear down both sides and distract the town rather than actually persuading anybody one way or another. I don't really blame you since NNR was basically pushing you into it and this isn't a situation you've been in before, but it's worth keeping in mind for future mafias. Sorry this game was shitty for you, in any case.

Elieson - Barely even did anything the entire game. What the fuck, man.

Helios - Your insight was fine but you rarely posted and got lynched because people just assumed you were bussing for reasons I don't understand. Having to prod you a lot was lame (just like it was with everybody else), don't know what else to say.

Iris - Was disappointed you had to sub out since I was looking forward to you playing again, but shit happens, I guess. No harm done, though.

Kay - I have zero advice to give you regarding your play this game other than "post more", though I guess you were a late / busy sub. Still, you hit the modkill timer D3 and would've died had I not gone "whatever it's Kay and it's the weekend so she's probably V/LA".

Mancer - I know IRL is a thing, but you had time to post in Folgore Mafia and like I said in the graveyard I seriously would've preferred "Hi guys I'm too busy for a real post but this guy seems scummy on a skim ##Vote: Gut Read" to modkilling you, which disrupts the flow of the game even more than having a lurker. This is assuming you would've had time to play again after D2, though.

Manix - I thought your lynch was ridiculous; obviously anybody who gets run up ED1 is going to mostly be focusing on the players voting them when those players comprise a majority of the posters. Your Moeblobs case was pretty solid but came too late in the day, unfortunately.

NekoRex - Same thing I said to Boron about back-and-forths. Remember, you want to convince town that your scumread is scum, not convince your scumread they're scum. I basically expected you'd know better, which is why I figured you were only arguing so hard to get under her skin. I don't think you were that awful early on in terms of etiquette, but like I said to eclipse in SF2 postgame, if you're making the game insufferable for somebody else, it's probably worth toning down whatever you're doing. Even if you're scum.

Paperblade - The hero the town deserved. Good call on Mormegil, was not surprised at all you didn't survive to D3. Also you being more active than half the game despite only being a tentative sign-up was a serious what the fuck.

Rapier - Your scumplay wasn't really as bad as you claimed, but your D1 was pretty weak due to the prodvotes instead of legit scumhunting, and while you improved on future days it wasn't enough to ward off the lynch. Best advice I can give you is to think about what got you lynched and adjust your play accordingly.

SB - I was way too gracious here, next time your only post by the end of D2 is filler I'm force-subbing you out.

scorri - You seemed really different this game; don't know if that was because it was anon or you had real life problems or what. Try to use less words in the future on ED1 - nobody wants to read huge walls of text that early in the game, even if that's frustrating to you as the poster. Not saying you have to talk less, but being concise with what you say is a mafia virtue. Also, you should've voted Pocket Ace late D5 when nobody hammered you.

Snike - This is the third game in a row you've subbed out of before N2. Congratulations on being Rein Tier.

Xinnidy - <Prims> also when did xinnidy randomly get good at noc after one game of OC, one game of subbing in and flailing and one game where i thought he was scum

<Prims> >N2 NK

<Paperblade> lol

<Prims> >subs in for Snike and Rapier thinks he's a better player

<Prims> >saves own slot

<Paperblade> rofl

<Paperblade> idk

<Paperblade> this should be your postgame for him in uh

<Paperblade> Volcanic

<Prims> ctrl+f replace him with her so nobody is offended or notices the difference and yeah

I think you were basically the best townie alive D3, but you basically let the other players control your vote. Having a solid case on Moeblobs doesn't mean anything when you're not trying to get him lynched. Same goes for Pocket Ace D5. You're improving a lot at NOC, though, so good job!

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player identities for people who can't context:

Invisible - Manix

Space Marine - Balcerzak

Senbonzakura - MancerNecro

Brian Kibler - Paperblade

enigma - Iris / Kay

Flaming Hot - Elieson

Frank Lucas - Helios

Pasadena - Boron

Bored - scorri

Paperclip - Serious Bananas

Failbaddon - Snike / Xinnidy

Mormegil - Rapier

Moeblobs With Hats - NekoRex

Pocket Ace - BBM

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I kinda wish college didn't hit me hard these past two weeks because fuck this nerd life.

Kinda hoped I had more time to dedicate to this game past day 3 but oh well. :/

All I knew was that

Paperclip > SB

Mormegil > Rapier

I thought that Pasadena was Levity and Bored was Boron. oops.

Didn't even care about guessing the rest.

Also impersonating a gentleman while typing is all sorts of fun~

And I really don't care if you call me a he or a she.

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Boron - Please consider what I said over PM from a gameplay standpoint as well as an emotional one; those sort of back-and-forths like Pasadena / Moeblobs tend to only serve to wear down both sides and distract the town rather than actually persuading anybody one way or another. I don't really blame you since NNR was basically pushing you into it and this isn't a situation you've been in before, but it's worth keeping in mind for future mafias. Sorry this game was shitty for you, in any case.

Believe me, I listened to a lot of what you and eclipse said after D2. I was angry at myself after the fact for letting Moeblobs' words get to me so badly. I should have dropped it and tried to scum hunt, although it's a bit difficult when he was like the only other person really active at that time and he was constantly tunneling me to practically the exclusion of everyone else. I like the game idea and the setup, the only shitty thing was the fight on D2 and the activity. (I was also legitimately busy starting D3 up until I was shot, so I apologize about my own terrible activity as well.)

And NekoRex, I've cooled off a lot since D2 and I'm not nearly as mad since you did turn out to be scum. But even when you're scum, there's a difference between emotional appeal and driving the person you're arguing against to tears. I can't tell whether the specific wording you chose was due to your RP or not, but some of the things you said hit me as a person, not as a player. I've said things in my last game as scum that I am not proud of and I still feel terrible about it. It's an awful way to play, making someone feel bad as a person and not a player (and once again, I apologize, Helios, for THAT game).

[3/22/13 4:45:20 PM] SB: I don't think we could've won tbh

[3/22/13 4:45:29 PM] SB: I would have been lynched if we didn't lynch scorri

[3/22/13 4:45:32 PM] Xinnidy: I shouldn't have him let go with backing away

[3/22/13 4:45:41 PM] Boron: I was dead, lol

[3/22/13 4:45:47 PM] Xinnidy: after I claimed mormegil buddied

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I would have felt a lot better about this game if it weren't for the D2 modkill and the terrible LYLO. Also, I pretty much would have voted when I voted whether I'd been mafia or town, because quite honestly nobody was doing shit and I got pissed.

gg I guess, but it honestly felt undeserved even though I know I played well.

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In sorry my activity was beyond awful. It started with te inability to log into my Anon account reliably, and before I knew it I was 39 pages behind, struggling with IRL issues.

More to come later, at work, but I owe Prims a real game

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Yeah I don't really regret my play at all, I was pretty well sold I was playing extremely solid.

I guess part of that reason is this game is the ego boost I needed to "get" back into Mafia, the other part is this is my second scum game in like a year, and considering the first one got me in a Double Scum Wagon on D1, with me on the losing end, which makes this my best scum game in a year.

Manix/invisible: I'm going to disagree with you. My case on you was definitely not a votepark in my eyes, and I will argue the reason why in this game and any future game I'm put in the same situation.

I've been in the exact same scenario as town, where some player made really scummy posts, and then stopped posting, leaving me with nothing to comment on towards them. As in this scenario, I kept my vote on them while pursuing a player who turned out to be much more active (Spoiler: It was also a Pasadena clone).

As you would expect it to go, I got called out on my "votepark" because I had literally nothing else I could say until the player I had a vote on came back, and by then I was on a competing wagon with them.

Near the end, that player claimed cop while I was vanilla, which only lost me more credibility, enough that I actually ragequit, because I had to leave before deadline.I never stopped perusing (voting) the lurker I was locked in combat with, though.

In the end the "cop" ended up killing themselves from the pressure. He flipped scum. (He wasn't a cop either)

The moral of the story is that Less Content DOES NOT equate to a poor scumread. I can't push a lynch on a player that simply isn't there, otherwise I'd just be tunneling pointlessly while everyone else got interactions. I'm going to be forced sometimes to back and forth with somebody else if I have to wait for them to return, but that doesn't mean I should have to drop another player if I seemingly have more reasons to vote somebody else. Obviously a player who posts a lot has more oppurtunites to fuck up, that doesn't make them necessarily more scummy then a lurker who made one or two horrible, awful posts (after RVS) then only comes back during deadline to continue to screw up.

I was extremely confident in my fake reads up until D3, when I was forced to start perusing other players, but by then I don't think it mattered how strong I played, as long as I looked townie and made other players look like scum.

I guess I don't really know the difference between "convincing the town that a player is scum" and "convincing a player that he himself is scum". I play really aggressively which I don't consider too bad, although I guess it has a tendency to get me lynched? I don't claim to be the best at Mafia either. Especially considering this game was one I actually felt good about after a long run of games I considered really awful for me.

Pasadena/Boron: Shit man, you got offended over that comment? I wouldn't have known, I sometimes throw around metaphorical bullshit like that I don't consider insulting, I have to convince myself that somebody is scum too, not just the town, or else I can't be confident I'm hunting down scum, and having insults thrown I guess is a side effect of that effort. I honestly thought you were cheesed over my PR. To be perfectly clear, I at no point was ever actually being all that serious about anything other then pushing scumreads, I was just attacking what I believed to be really scum play. Not the first time I've done that and the player has come out obvtown as a result regardless :/

Kind of odd, this is the second game in awhile I played really well in that I took pretty much nothing too seriously, and I even managed to avoid my Prone To Rage attitude.

Fuck, I should start taking Mafia less seriously more often.

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