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Imagine Yourself as a Parent


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I would cry... but out of sorrow, since I never plan on having children, I don't particularly enjoy children, and I don't think I am fit to be a mother.

B-b-but... that's sad! *insert sad face*

Children are so cute... and enjoyable... usually.

And, c'mon, you supervise thousands of members here on Serenes Forest! Surely you can do a much easier similar task... raising a child...

Although... childbirth can be pretty painful... and sickening... I wouldn't want to feel nauseous all the time... or feel the pain... all that pain... :(

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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I think I would make a horrible parent... I'm super lazy... which immediately sounds bad enough =<

But then I tend to have short patience with some kids... I can't blame them how they're young and do not understand some things, but no matter what age, I get too disgusted with anybody that takes pleasure in the thought of violence... yet kids are still young and I feel like they don't grasp the concept too well. Yet I still can't help but get super upset about it anyway. And besides violence, there's when the kids only act for themselves and are inconsiderate about how they upset somebody else. But they can get taught to be more considerate, they wouldn't entirely understand at first and I shouldn't expect them to...

I don't want to get that upset at my own kid ;n;

I just will have to hope that I can be a good enough influence... And I have to learn to be patient about those kinds of things =< Hopefully I can teach myself to mainly focus on all the other more fun and nice things that can come from raising kids~ And I'll have to quit being lazyyyyyyy D=

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I like kids, but I don't think I can be a parent. I can barely take care of myself. Not to mention I don't think I have the tolerance to deal with kids for an extended period of time. Also, I have a real hatred of the way a lot of kids of today are turning out, so if my kid ended up being one a high school jock of a cheerleader or some "punk" kid or something else I hated, well ... I don't know how I would react. If I'm going to be a parent, I'm better off waiting until I'm more mature.

On a slightly unrelated note, I'm asexual so I'd probably adopt kids instead of having my own.

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I like kids, but I don't think I can be a parent. I can barely take care of myself. Not to mention I don't think I have the tolerance to deal with kids for an extended period of time. Also, I have a real hatred of the way a lot of kids of today are turning out, so if my kid ended up being one a high school jock of a cheerleader or some "punk" kid or something else I hated, well ... I don't know how I would react. If I'm going to be a parent, I'm better off waiting until I'm more mature.

Well... I believe that, with the proper upbringing, a child won't be a "high school jock of a cheerleader" or some "'punk' kid."

If a parent is truly a good parent, then he/she would be very supportive... the child will trust him/her... and the parents will have an easier time.

And if the parent is closer to the child, then he/she can talk some sense into with her... and convince her that being a cheerleader or a punk is not worth it.

Not that I know much about parenting. XD

On a slightly unrelated note, I'm asexual so I'd probably adopt kids instead of having my own.


What the...?



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I would give my child a pompous speech that he or she would most likely not understand at the time.

Heehee yes, most likely x3

Who knows, there could be some really smart babies out there that just understand everything from tone

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fe4ever, I'm not particularly inclined to believe you until you yourself have been a parent and dealt with a teenager. Some people just don't want to be parents, aren't fit, and will never be fit for whatever reasons there may be. You're making it sound so "easy", that a teenager is simply going to listen to their parents. Most teenagers DON'T listen to their parents, no matter how good the parents are, simply because that's what teenagers ARE. People who generally don't listen and think they know what's best for them. You need to avoid simplification like this.

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I'm not sure. I'm nowhere near that stage in my life yet (not planning it anyway), so uh. Here's my guess.

*jaw slightly adrop* "Fuck me. It's my child."

Then I'd probably see if he/she grabs my finger then I'll be like "oh shit s/he's real"

So yeah.

I will raise him/her into a fine example of a human being. Naturally.

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fe4ever, I'm not particularly inclined to believe you until you yourself have been a parent and dealt with a teenager. Some people just don't want to be parents, aren't fit, and will never be fit for whatever reasons there may be. You're making it sound so "easy", that a teenager is simply going to listen to their parents. Most teenagers DON'T listen to their parents, no matter how good the parents are, simply because that's what teenagers ARE. People who generally don't listen and think they know what's best for them. You need to avoid simplification like this.

*nod nod*

Which is why I said "not that I know much about parenting"~

You're right, though. Some people are just not meant to be parents... That's definitely true.

And sorry if I was over-simplifying things... I wasn't intending on doing that... I just meant that proper upbringing could solve many potential problems... not that the process would be a simple one... it would more likely be a difficult one... a very difficult one... but a worthwhile one...

I live with two other teenagers... my sister (an absolute monster at times) and my brother (I think... He's the one who thinks he knows the best... =P).

Me? I generally listen to my parents.

Generally. As in most of the time...

But not always, I'll admit...

My mom did say I was pretty good and easy-to-deal-with so far. I still have a bit over three years left as a teenager, but I don't think I'll be getting any worse between 17 and 19... at least, I hope I don't. =P

EDIT: I've dealt with a lot of younger children before, though~ Volunteer work and whatnot... they can be quite a handful... but they're so cute...

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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Seeing as I've had quite a bit of experience baby sitting and looking after my younger cousins when they were little. I think I'd do alright as a parent, I'd be overjoyed to be one as well. As much as I feel I don't deserve that kind of happiness in my life it would be amazing.

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Hey fe4e, it isn't as easy as you think it is, parenting and dealing with a child in that social age group where peer pressure and all that jazz comes into play.

I assure you I speak from actual experience.



Told ya :P

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As far as influencing how one's kid to be a certain way, I'd like to think I could at least give an honest shot at avoiding some things I thought were counterproductive when my parents did them, but part of the whole "sentience" thing is that I'm never going to see all the things they see, or decide what's most rewarding/important for them. I wouldn't want to have a kid all if I wasn't a bit fascinated by the idea of watching somebody grow, and it's not like the way the kid would be at any one point would set in stone how they'd be the next.

I know it's much more complicated once you have actually have the kid taking up physical space around you, but the love I have in my head for children is loving at least the idea of a kid's limitless, surprising, unbreakable potential.

Kids are also a lot smarter than they're given credit for, I think, they just might not have learned every detail I take for granted, or how to communicate in a way that says it all. At least with regard to what's going on in their own head. It can be a bit harder to tell exactly what you're doing to other people when you interact with them unless you have some guidance.

Edited by Rehab
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fe4ever, I'm not particularly inclined to believe you until you yourself have been a parent and dealt with a teenager. Some people just don't want to be parents, aren't fit, and will never be fit for whatever reasons there may be. You're making it sound so "easy", that a teenager is simply going to listen to their parents. Most teenagers DON'T listen to their parents, no matter how good the parents are, simply because that's what teenagers ARE. People who generally don't listen and think they know what's best for them. You need to avoid simplification like this.

You make it sound like not listening is a bad thing. Not to mention one isn't going to ALWAYS listen or NEVER listen.

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I think I'd be too sick and tired to care.

(worse yet, they do to me what they did to my mom, so all I can see is the top of my kid's head)

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I have no idea how I'd react. I can't really envision this at this point in my life.

Mostly because you're infertile, being a clone and all.

But hey, at least you didn't live to die of old age at like forty. So there's that.

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I'd probably be a shitty-ass parent and no child should be subjected to me being their parent

Okay I honestly don't know since I don't have kids but I dont' work well with them I have like no patience whatsoever it might be different if it was my own kid but honestly it's probably best not to subject a child to me it's not fair to the child at all

At least at this stage of my life anyway maybe things'll change in the future but right now i'm kinda spending forever smashing my keyboard and praying that working code comes out and I'd end up being negligent so

I'll just not have a kid

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