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Avatar the Last Airbender Mafia: D4ends 5/2 at 9:30 PM EST


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The bigger problem was that nobody on the mafia team really gave a shit about the game (sorry but it's true). Shinori, Marth, and Kiryn were all largely afk with some weak reads when they were here, and SB did a little better but was still pretty absent. Baldrick tried, but he didn't sub in for a slot that was looking good, and got unlucky with the inspection. Was the set-up townsided? Kind of, Doc + Martyr + BG is a lot of protection to have when the mafia don't have a Hitman. Did it really matter? I don't think so.

I will apologize again to Shinori for what I said near the end of D1. I was trying to get the lynch without having to CC and I got carried away.

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Okay, on the sheet and when I checked it, the roles were like this:

Long Feng: Godfather Hooker

Ty Lee: 2-shot Ninja

Azula: 2-shot Janitor

Ozai: Role Cop

but when you inspected Long Feng (Baldrick), in the night results, scorri forgot about him being Godfather and told you he was mafia instead of town. So in an attempt to make amends, she added the Godfather bit to Ty Lee (Marth)

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Doc + Martyr + BG is a lot of protection to have when the mafia don't have a Hitman.

I was also bulletproof and got a bodyguard shot, not to mention an inspect.

I was also thinking of testing SB's claim N4

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The bigger problem was that nobody on the mafia team really gave a shit about the game (sorry but it's true). Shinori, Marth, and Kiryn were all largely afk with some weak reads when they were here, and SB did a little better but was still pretty absent. Baldrick tried, but he didn't sub in for a slot that was looking good, and got unlucky with the inspection. Was the set-up townsided? Kind of, Doc + Martyr + BG is a lot of protection to have when the mafia don't have a Hitman. Did it really matter? I don't think so.

I will apologize again to Shinori for what I said near the end of D1. I was trying to get the lynch without having to CC and I got carried away.

I was legit busy at first and then when I did get a chance to do some shit it didn't matter cause no matter what effort I put into the game because I was busy for the first like day of the game everyone said I was like just lurking.

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Out of the four, if there are two scum left, I'd go with SB and FTP, if only because Rein seems to be putting in actual effort into this game for the most part

activity is my towntell :(
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So yeah. I had two sets of notes, oops, my bad. However, had Baldrick not flipped out like that, it would have worked slightly better with the shift. As it was, I don't think the game was as townsided as people think it was and I'll have an explaination for that in postgame. Mafia probably could have stood to be slightly stronger, but like I said, explaination later.

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Yay, perfect win record. I was randomly-redirecting town nexus, and that PGO claim scared the heck out of me actually. I didn't want to cause a townie team-kill on my first game. I have a lot to learn, but the game was fun while it lasted -- I'll see if I can't play in another one here in the future.

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alsoactivity is my towntell :(

that explains NSFMM3

also I don't think the game was that townsided either. Mafia really got hurt by losing Shinori D1

Edited by Paperblade
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I was legit busy at first and then when I did get a chance to do some shit it didn't matter cause no matter what effort I put into the game because I was busy for the first like day of the game everyone said I was like just lurking.

Says the guy who was like "I'm gonna go play league bbl"

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Says the guy who was like "I'm gonna go play league bbl"

If I'm not here. If I'm not reading the thread. If I am not currently able to respond to stuff in the game. That classifies as busy.

Especially considering the fact that I was indeed helping a friend with some issues and it had NOTHING to fucking do with league. So let's not try to pull that shit.

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Hey guys avatar Roku(Boron) was Courier. 10$ says so

Dear Boron, you are Roku, town Courier.


You were the Avatar before Aang. During your time alive, you were a wise and merciful person with good intentions. However, as you yourself admit, you were too indecisive, and this led to your death, which prevented you from being unable to prevent the Fire nation from starting their conquest of the world. After your death, in your spirit form, you provided Aang with guidance throughout his quest to master the elements. You have complete faith in Aang and believe that he must be the one to mend the damage done by the Fire nation.

Every night, you may reply to this role PM with Night X: Communicating in the Spirit World with <player>. You may also include a message of up to 300 characters that will be sent anonymously to that player. That player will receive your message at the start of the day phase. They will not be able to respond to it. You may not include your name, but you may include your character name. You are also not allowed to do anything that would break any of the other rules of the game. You may choose a different person every night.

You are aligned with Team Avatar and you win when all threats are eliminated. Your element is Fire.

I messaged BBM, eclipse, and Elie who were my strongest town reads. I also messaged Prims on N0 by random. (Also, that "thing" I couldn't tell you guys in D1 and D2 was that I'd figured out that BBM was the alignment cop.) I asked people to put various things (usually numbers) in their posts so that I knew that my intended target got the message and so I could prove that I was courier if I ever had to.

Also, Elie, you're supposed to be more subtle than that ;/

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Was I not supposed to do that, Manix? ;/

Also, I was going to rage at a certain two people when the game was finally over ... but I have homework so I'll wait until I get raged at first because I seriously think what happened in D2 ruined a good part of the fun I was having in this game for me.

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Yeah, I wouldn't have given SB serious thought until I realized that none of my other scumspects were flipping scum. Although I think I mentioned to Elie in my message whether it's possible SB was scum!PGO. If worse got to worse, I would've volunteered myself to test PGO claim because courier isn't that important :P

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