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Do you picture people as their avatars?


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Do you picture people as their avatars when you see them around the forums? I don't mean in a literal sense, like visualizing the avatar speaking the post aloud. I'm thinking in a broader sense. For example, when I see Rehab's name, I instantly picture a floating, disembodied head with red hair. And I can't watch Cowboy Bebop anymore without imagining Spike Spiegel as Helios. I literally find myself thinking "Omg, there's Helios!" every once in a while. ._.

Anyway, do you imagine people as their avatars? Or are they trivial and irrelevant to your concept of the person?

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I used to do that a couple of years ago on the forums I went to. I don't do that anymore though. I envision a person based on how they post and possibly their voice if they have a YouTube channel or something.

I am secretly a Dragonite wearing glasses in real life though. Though it's pretty awesome that I'm a dragon and all, there are a lot of inconveniences associated with being one.

Edited by Rawr
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Yes, to a certain extent. I come to associate people by their avatars, so when people change their avatars (and/or usernames) I'm thrown off for a little while. I dunno, I guess I just need some sort of visualisation of a person and an avatar is the closest thing to that. Also, did anyone else think that the OP was talking about our FE13 avatars for a moment?

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I HOPE nobody thinks of my avatar when they think of me. That would be a little strange.

That said, I've had several people assume I'm a girl on the basis that my avatar is, so who knows?

Personally, I associate some people very strongly with images, usually one specific avatar they've held. Not everybody gets that treatment, though, it's sort of random.

Edited by Integrity
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Sometimes. Depends on who it is and what their avatar is and if I have anything better to think of them as.

That said I would have no problems with being associated with my current avatar.

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i generally formulate an appearance for other users based on personality and how they act/what they do

for example i see dondon as a tall male who has a slight slouch, brown hair, green or brown eyes, who is always well dressed and carries a calculator in his shirt pocket most of the time

and thats likely really wrong

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No, not really.

I judge people not by their avatars, but rather, by their writing.

Correct punctuation, grammar, and spelling coupled with consistent capitalization give me a good impression of a person, and is one of the largest factors on how I think of a person.

But that may be just me.

Not that I mind anything not the above. They're just determining factors on how I think of a person.

Edited by FranticforFreeFruityFruit
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Alllllll the damn time. For example, I imagine this guy above me with the annoying name to look like a bunch of fruit slices stacked on each other, and Integrity is forever Severa in my mind, and Severa forever has Integrity's voice.

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If people see me currently as a Derpy Peach [i am a dude after all] I will be a little surprised :P

Maybe I should change my avatar to Jim Raynor

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I am literally Donatello.


On a more serious note, no. With things like Skype & the PICTURE THREAD I tend not to imagine people as their avatars at all.

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It depends on the person. Some people change avys so often it's impossible to associate them with just one image, and some people I've seen RL pics of so obviously not them. Basically if I don't know what they look like IRL, I picture them based on anything consistent about them.

I hope not. What'd I be then, a conjoined twin?

So in your case, to me you're some kind of ... all-powerful ... citrus thing.

:t: <---and sometimes this.

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I HOPE nobody thinks of my avatar when they think of me. That would be a little strange.

That said, I've had several people assume I'm a girl on the basis that my avatar is, so who knows?

Personally, I associate some people very strongly with images, usually one specific avatar they've held. Not everybody gets that treatment, though, it's sort of random.

Sometimes. Depends on who it is and what their avatar is and if I have anything better to think of them as.

That said I would have no problems with being associated with my current avatar.


Or a tomboy that doesn't get enough sleep. So maybe Rehab should be using it? >__>

I'm going to tell you something you, don't want to hear

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