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Have you ever second-guessed yourself out of the correct answer?


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Let's say you're taking some kind of test, and you look back at one of your answers.

Something about it looks off to you, so you change it.

Then you find out later that you got that question wrong, and your original answer was the right one.

It's simultaneously one of the funniest and most annoying things I've experienced.

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>everyone in topic has same quiz sig


Anyway, yeah, that happens. I go paranoid on tests sometimes.

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Yeah but the resultz ain't

check yaself before ya'etc yaself

Edited by Rehab
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Yeah, I saw. I did try actually. I got tactician. But my sig is too big to fit it in.

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...TOO MANY TIMES TO COUNT. The most frustrating thing in the world. I've also been frequently making the dumb mistake of interpreting the question wrong in my delusional befuddled mind and put down some random obscure answer instead of the obvious one. My astrobiology midterm from last week AND today's stats midterm.

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I've done that countless times. That's why I drank copious amounts of alcohol before taking my last final exam in university. You may laugh, but a little bottled courage helped ease my horrible test anxiety. I only wish I'd started my special test preparation at the beginning of my second year.

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An extreme amount of times. To the point that i usually never double check my multiple choice tests anymore, except to make sure i bubbled in the right letter for scantrons.

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well, not so often, but one flaw like that and i can't be forgiving toward this mistake like forever. Especially dat biology test, where i didn't get perfect score because of it... ugh.

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Yeah, sometimes it's a good idea to just let sleeping dogs lie. Espcially when you don't know the answer in the first place! Of course, on a jolly note, there are times where I do change an answer for the better! Still, it's never fun to get a B when leaving answers alone could have gotten you an A!

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It happens to the best of us :(

When I was in school it was ingrained into us not to go back to check our answers because then you'd want to change something that you probably would have had right! I had to take a couple of standardized tests electronically where you literally could not go back to check your answers, which was a relief in some ways because you couldn't agonize over whether or not to go back and change something. But I think it's good practice to move on and never look back as soon as you mark an answer.

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I've had the opposite experience. Teachers always recommended going back and double-checking everything. I'm not sure if it's ever actually helped.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Once when taking the SAT, I accidentally flipped forward an entire section. So while everyone else worked on section 4, I worked on section 5.

I realized my mistake when we went to the next section, copied all my answers in the section 4 bubbles into section 5, erased them from section 4 and left it blank, and sat around waiting for the next section change. It seemed like the most honest thing to do at that time.

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^ that sucks, at least you can take it more than once....

I rarely second guess, but I always double check. Odds are I have the correct concept but sloppy math.

Edited by Lord Raven
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