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Rate the unit day 20: Nowi


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* Access to Wyvern Rider and early Second Seal turns her into one of the best offensive powerhouses.

* Taguel bases are bad, but Panne bases are good enough, thanks to the Beaststone, allowing her to get the four levels needed to reclass.

* Growth Rates as both a Taguel and a Wyvern Rider are great, especially in the physical department.

* Early join time.

* Both Wyvern Lord and Griffon Rider are good classes for her to be in, meaning she won't get screwed by any of her promotion classes after reclassing.

* Not reliant upon forging to catch up or be good, as a Wyvern Rider.


* Needs the early Second Seal to Wyvern Rider to be able to become such an offensive powerhouse.

* Thief isn't a good class option for Panne.

* Always weak towards weapons that hit the "Beast" weakness.

* Wyvern Rider and promotions are weak to Bows and Wind magic. Panne herself also has low Resistance, which makes magic a bit more dangerous to her.

Like Donnel, Panne's starting class has weak bases. Unlike Donnel, Panne's weapon compensates for this in the Chapter you get her, allowing you to level her up relatively easily up to where you get your first Second Seal, whether through Chapter 8 or through Renown. Once Second Sealed to Wyvern Rider, her stats will be so good that she is able to reliably kill (even with an unforged Bronze Axe) and survive, so long as she doesn't meet magic users (especially wind users), and bow users latter in the game. However, what she gives back to your party in exchange is ultimately so good that she is arguably worth the cost, no matter who her competitors are.

Rating: 9/10

Panne will require a Second Seal to get going, but the entry fee is cheaper than the alternative, and she proves to give back as much as she gets, even with her weaknesses as a Wyvern Rider. As far as units go, you can do worse than Panne. Much worse.

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Ugh, Panne. From the second you see Panne, you know you're looking at a piece of shit. She's so shitty in fact, that she's a goddamned bunny. Since my own style of play is to turtle like all hell and boss abuse, Panne's initial high stats+growths don't matter to me. She practically orkos stuff no problem (what do you expect from a piece of shit). Required second seal is a minor issue, but loltonics and pairups and whatever it is these days that makes stats irrelevant. Basically, she's one of the worst characters in the game.

8/10 -1 bias for being one of the most depthful, complex, and realistic characters in any Fe game ever, 7/10

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Wyvern!Panne is easy to get and just so hilariously good. She hardly even cares about E axes because she will almost never actually need anything stronger than an iron axe. I've even seen her OHKO enemies with a bronze axe. Her defenses are strong enough that she won't really care about bows all that much (until enemies start packing forged silver...) and the right pairups can fix that, not to mention the gazillion statboosters you get in this game. One of personal favorites is pairing her up with a GK for the massive STR/DEF boosts (thus the OHKOing with bronze, and it makes her nigh invincible against physical enemies) and the possibility for 11 or even 13 MOV, which is the highest you can reasonably get before postgame.

Since apparently I can use Anna Shops and Renown awards for these, I'll give her a 9.5. The opportunity cost for her using a second seal is almost nonexistent (oh no now ill only have 80000 gold at the end of the game instead of 82500) and her only real negative is that she doesn't exist the whole time like Avatar does. Add on bias because the possibility for OHKOing with a ladle is pretty lulzy for a 10/10.

If I actually can't take Anna Shops/Renown into consideration, drop the unbiased one down to a 9.

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Panne, at base, is pretty good. Taguel is alright for a couple chapters, but she really wants to reclass to Wyvern Rider as soon as possible. Although lots of people want to take a Second Seal, Panne benefits from a reclass the most. Some problems she may face is the typical flier weaknesses later on, but she's still fairly solid.

Also, I can't believe some people keep her as Taguel.

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Panne is an absolute monstrosity. She joins in Chapter 6 and with the right pair up, doubles and ORKOs thieves and even ORKOs other enemy types with a str tonic. How badass is that? It's trivially easy to get her to level 10 because Taguel Panne is rad. Once she does, it's gg game. Sporting ridiculous growths and bases that makes any other unit cry in shame. She can ORKO stuff with bronze axes. Her offense will always be ridiculous and her defensive capabilities are similar, with a >100 hp growth and 50 def growth. She also gets Deliverer and avoid skills to be more invincible and game trivializing. Absolutely ridiculous unit. One of the best units for Chapter 23 as she can Helswath Validar's area in 2 turns. Requires a second seal, but the payback of this investment is so good, that it might as well be assumed. Also, da bearclaw has terrible opinions.


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thank you constable

Anyway, when Panne first joined I essentially just treated her as a temporary Gaius clone stat-wise, considering that they're similar in so many regards. Yarne has far more potential depending on the father when it comes to the taguel class, because Panne's low attack and defense in that class are rather eh-ish.

Thankfully, throw a second seal her way, nab a wyvern rider and you're good to go with insanely high growth rates and stats. She'll most likely have as much attack and defense as she has speed by the end of it.

Regarding those talking about second seal usages, I'm acting under the impression that we have these rescources and we are able to use them as we please, and that this is the potential of the character in question regarding class lines aswell, so the quantity isn't a big deal to me.

Anyway 8/10, though 7.5/10 with bias because I dislike her personality a little

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+ Beaststone bonuses help her bases to get her leveled easier

+ Reclass to Wyvern for great offense

+ Good growth rates

- Low resistance makes magic a problem, especially since she won't even be able to counter it in two of her base classes (all three really until she gets weapon rank up) and will be extra weak to wind in her third

- Starts off with low speed

- Thief line won't do much for her besides getting some "just alright" skills and maybe helping her speed at the expense of too much elsewhere

7.5/10 no bias.

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she starts as a taguel, a class with horrible bases stats, yet her bases are probably equal to most of your team when you factor in beaststone bonuses, which is pretty insane. Her growths are just as good if not better, and once she gets handaxes, she's pretty much unstoppable.


Edited by General Horace
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It always baffles me when I remembered that Panne joined in the exact same chapter as Gaius and she is almost the same character as him when it comes to performance. Decent Pair Up bot, with amazing Reclass capability, except while Gaius is forced into 6 Mov FIghter, Panne is capable of becoming a kickass Wyvern Rider

At level 6, it took 4 levels being locked into a decent combat with an amazing Pair Up bonus before you reclass her into Wyvern Rider for a hax stats gain. If done relatively early, she can catch up and wield hammer comes Valm Arc. After that its a nice ride through the whole game with her ridiculous growth rate.

Basically, as a Pair Up fodder, she gives solid stats, as a combat unit, she needs Second Seals to really get anywhere, but she uses it really well. The only problem with Panne is, IMO when she can't reclass quick enough and miss out on the Flier Bias that comes around that timespan. Some issue with Archers from one of the harder chapters and maybe thats it.

Speaking of Promotion, she can promote to Griffon Rider and acquire Deliverer, so should she falls off in her combat capability, she still carried a solid utility role to play with. Or simply go into Wyvern Lord and become a dominant dodge machine.

A solid unit who is a middle line between needing a resource and use it extremely well, or not using a resource and does fine regardless


I'm going with this one. I see what makes Panne great, but I haven't used her all that much yet.

However i'm going to give her -1 bias point. I know she has a reason to mistrust humans, but she just comes of as a jerk in most of her early supports.


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Good pair up bonuses, but she needs an early Second Seal to be really useful, which is in competition. 3.5/10

This is very true. People who just assume Panne should get the second seal because she's Panne aren't thinking things through... That said even as a Taguel she can become a great speed-bot. 4/10

Also ZM: Vaike, Miriel, Gaius, Gregor, Sully, Avatar, (I think I'm missing a few) can all put a second seal to great use.

This line of logic doesn't cut it. Even if you assume for some reason that Panne isn't getting the first Seal, she can still claim the next one and tear through the enemies of this game like useless meatsacks. Why are you assuming that she gets no Seals and has to remain Taguel? Even if you have to run through that frankly unimpressive queue of units who want a seal, a later Wyvern Panne is still better than the arbitrarily low scores you guys gave her. Her growths as a Taguel are still very high, and after a while of casual usage she'd hit the jackpot the second she reclasses.

I don't even care if you guys change your scores, since they're pretty obvious troll votes; just don't bother justifying them with BS.

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They're still very obvious troll votes and shouldn't count though imo.

Considering her only reasonable competition is Sully and there 2 early Second Seals.

Edited by Peekayell
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Holy crap Panne so pro.

She's in a class with dowright terrible class bases, yet her personal bases are some of the best on the team (6 Str/5 Spe/4 Def are pro personal bases and are among the best in the team). The second seal may have a lot of competition, but Panne uses it much better than the rest.

Panne gets: 1 HP/5 Str (+7 if you count Strength+2 skill)/5 Defense/1 move and eventual access to 1-2 range after 15 uses of the bronze axe.

Other competitors for the second seal are:

Vaike: +3 speed +2 HP okay. Still less than Panne gets.

Miriel: Nosferatu is very limited until the Ch.13 shop, with a whopping single Nosferatu tome existing. I guess having Flux, which is stronger than Thunder, is kinda cool, though forging makes it a non issue.

Avatar: At this point, he/she has hit Lv.20 and wants to get more EXP, so I could see it going to them instead (though the Renown Second seal comes around the same time as the Ch.8 seal)

Sully: +1 HP/+1Str/+1Skl/+1 Def/-1 Spe is nothing compared to Panne's hax gains.

Yeah it totally looks like a blowout doesn't it.

When a unit uses a resource this well, I feel it's obvious that it should go to them. Wyvern!Panne breaks this game in such a way that makes FE9!Marcia and FE10!Jill look like small children.


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^ Lol @ people giving her a 4/10 because of "contested" second seals when those contestants mostly suck/don't need it.

I was balancing out all the 9-10s I knew she would get.

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Why does she needs a 2nd Seal so much anyway ?

Her bases and growth are already beastly enough, no matter what class she's in...

Taguel bases absolutely suck, meaning she gets about only positive changes in stats when she Second Seals out of Taguel and into Wyvern Rider. As a Taguel, she is also locked into a 1R weapon which sucks when she goes up against spellcasters, bow users, or people with 1-2R weapons, and gets only 6 movement. As a Wyvern Rider, she can eventually get up to 8 move, and she can eventually use Handaxes and their ilk, which lets her attack at range, without fear for counterattacking, and thanks to her great stat gains, she can make effective use of them too. (Not to mention that Axes are probably the best physical weapon type in the game)

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