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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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For some reason I am tonnes better at Lucina than I am with Marth...

Also, I really hate it that Luigi has got that stupid flutter jump from SMB2. I didn't like it then, and I don't like it now.

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I love that Luigi got his leg-kicking jump. It's one of his staple skills. I don't feel it hurts his jumping ability either. In fact, I think he jumps HIGHER now because of it.

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So it seems the Wii U bundle is EB Games exclusive in Canada. Sorry, I've been largely off the internet for 2 weeks.

Do they ship to your house? Or do you have to pick a store to get it sent to?

...And does "Presell" mean pre-order? I feel stupid. >_>;

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Giant wall of MarthFrom this breakdown, it sounds like Lucina is slightly better at smashing and jabbing, while Marth is better at not getting punished. Huh, the more I read about their difference, the more I understand why I don't care for Lucina while I like playing Marth.Would love to see if any sort of breakdown exists between Pit and Dark Pit, too~!

The real take away is that in every conceivable scenario Lucy is noticeably less safe than Marth on a shielding opponent. A poorly positioned Marth (no tip) is still safer than a properly positioned Lucina. Dtilt trapping is more effective with Marth, which is kinda big. FH retreating fair is more effective with Marth, which is also kind of big. The difference between kill potential in a non tipped Marth smash vs a Lucina smash seems to be around 10-15% (according to Shaya, Usmash on Lucy kills at 115% and Marth at ~123 with no DI). But the difference in kill potential with a tipped hit is some big number like 25%+ or something (the same usmash kills at like 86% when tipped). This kind of kills the whole "Lucina doesn't need to worry about spacing" sentiment, as she is literally less safe than Marth in every possible situation for the exact same actions which means she has to worry about spacing that much more compared to Marthipan.

In short, hail to the King, baby.

The difference between Pit and DPit is far, faaaaaar less pronounced as no inherent mechanic was removed or added from Pit to DPit. Heck they are still busting their balls trying to figure out their differences lol. With customs giving them the same arrows, Pit and Pittoo are pretty much 99.95% similar, with only their side specials to differentiate them. But only time will tell.

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are we the same person

Personally, I've been playing 5-10 matches with every character and seeing how they feel. I've also been facing my brother with every character to see who does well

That's actually how I got two of my mains, Yoshi (again Florina) and Sheik

Sheik was one i liked to use in Melee, but the Sheik Wap (fair) was depowered in Brawl and still isnt what it used to be. :(: Game and Watch is creeping into the my mains list. How...

Enough arguing, it's time for learning! I feel like this needs to he shared more publicly since not many people frequent the smash boards (kind of like how not many new FE fans know of this site).

Shaya of Smash Boards did some testing on Marth vs Lucina. Quoting now. Once again, this is not my discovery (disclaimers are important, yo).

things about Marth

That's kind of a big deal. Carry on.

Yo. This is a thing. This is a thing i kinda noticed. Of course the post explains it in like, sciencey ways and mentions things i didnt notice, but yeah. Spacing is like, a thing with Marth and Lucina and i noticed it big time when fighting in an Anon-Smash For Fun match. There was a Lucina in the match and i was the Marth. Its so bizarre i noticed this and all the sudden, HUGE WALL OF MARTH comes forth. I didnt really realize the shielding thing and thats interesting. I just noticed i work better with Marth by putting space between me and my opponent and using his tipper, than i do with Lucy. Wow.

Ganondorf is a frightening ginger.

*non-sequitur thud*

Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf has the most lovely hair. Wish it was an alt.

I KNOW RIGHT?! I need it~

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Enough arguing, it's time for learning! I feel like this needs to he shared more publicly since not many people frequent the smash boards (kind of like how not many new FE fans know of this site).

Shaya of Smash Boards did some testing on Marth vs Lucina. Quoting now. Once again, this is not my discovery (disclaimers are important, yo).

That's kind of a big deal. Carry on.

this is rather awesome, but i got a friend who wants to see the actual post itself and i haven't been able to find it on smash boards.

ofcourse knowing what topic on smash boards on which section its on would help

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I have just played an entire 2 minute For Fun match in slow motion. So much for "better netcode". I've had Brawl online matches that have run far more smoothly (and you get the option to pick a stage/play stock matches).

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I have just played an entire 2 minute For Fun match in slow motion. So much for "better netcode". I've had Brawl online matches that have run far more smoothly (and you get the option to pick a stage/play stock matches).

Yeaaaaaaaaaah, I find the online to only be good in 1v1 for glory. Everything else has too much lag going on for me.

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Oh wow. Just started a For Glory teams match and there was an immensely large amount of lag before the timer starts counting. Then the game suddenly starts to run smoothly and someone on the other end calls No Contest before I can even input a command.

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Sheik was one i liked to use in Melee, but the Sheik Wap (fair) was depowered in Brawl and still isnt what it used to be. :(: Game and Watch is creeping into the my mains list. How...

yet again, are we the same person

I like game and watch, but I haven't really tried him too much. Do you think I should try him out?

So also what do you guys use for your custom builds? Generally I give my characters huge attack boosts or speed boosts and then try to mostly even out the other two stats, but I need advice. For DDD, my favorite thing to do is give him +40 attack and defense, leaving him with -30 speed. It makes him a super tank, and it's good with the super armour jet hammer because they'll smash while I'm charging, then I'll hit with jet hammer

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I don't use equips, I just go for different sets of custom moves. I have four custom Ikes, two that are just for fun and two I made for competitiveness.

Hurricane Ike has Tempest, Aether Wave, Paralyzing Counter, and Close Combat.

Rage Ike has Furious Eruption, Aether Drive, Smash Counter, and Close Combat.

Op Ike 1 (short for optimized Ike) has Furious Eruption, Paralyzing Counter, Aether Drive, and Close Combat.

Op Ike 2 has Furious Erupition, Paralyzing Counter, Aether Wave, and Close Combat.

Yeah, I love Close Combat. lol

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So also what do you guys use for your custom builds?

Depends on the character for me: Weaker characters get more attack and defence with slightly reduced speed, while slower characters get more speed and attack with slightly less defence.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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My Marth load out is

Dancing Blade Standard

Dashing Assault (amazing amazing amazing move like wtf)

Dolphin Jump (come back from everywhere)

Edit: Iai counter (I never could spell this damn move, thanks Eclipse) (Successful counters place opponent behind Marth)

Basically, I can go deeeeep for my edge guards and always come back thanks to Dolphin Jump. A success Lai counter close to the edge places the opponent in a had spot. Dashing assault establishes ground dominance. Also got this from the smash boards.

Edited by Ownagepuffs
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(Psst, it's Iai Counter)

I think my best build was giving Fox a lot of attack and some defense, so I have better control over him. I should do this with Sonic, too.

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(Psst, it's Iai Counter)I think my best build was giving Fox a lot of attack and some defense, so I have better control over him. I should do this with Sonic, too.

Thanks for the correction!

I actually stuffed Ike with attack and speed once. Man it felt good. Ike felt like Little Mac with a recovery lol.

I stuffed Sheik with more attack power and some speed to amplify her glass cannon characteristics. That was fun too, she felt even more Ninja-like.

That's pretty much it tho.

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I try to balance my guys when using equips.

Big Gay Pink Yoshi has some Meander stuff on which is why hes never walking. Hes rockin' the Lick of Pain, Regular Egg Roll, Timed Egg Throw, and Crushing Bomb of Pinkness.

Game & Watch is rocking XXL Chef and Efficient Panic. I havent gotten a lot of his customs yet.

Rosalina likes to use Luma Warp and Guardian Luma.

Oh yeah...Palutena has a Counter. I also like Angelic Missile and Explosive Flame.

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