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Don't drink.

Don't like the smell, and I'm not a huge fan of any of the stuff I have ever had (although that's not much at all). I don't see a lot of reason to branch out.

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I have been drunk enough to lose track of how specifically much I had drunk. EDIT: Best guess right now is like, six shots, two pints of cider and around six to eight bottles of various things, spaced over like ten hours and too much food in the interests of full disclosure

In this state I crossed multiple active roads, at night.

I would say I am about average for tolerance, perhaps slightly above-average. I was really cadbury though when I was on my meds, like, crazy.

Edited by Parrhesia
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My tolerance is almost certainly below average, but I haven't done any testing on it really.

A general drinking session (read: one to two of friday, saturday, sunday night) is generally two to three Guinness or Guinness-weight beers over the course of three hours. Went for three 14%ers in that time once and, uh, never again jesus christ. I keep it light since that incident.

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I rarely drink, and if I ever do, it would be very little (and would probably just be cider or something).

A scottish/irish person who isn't an alcoholic? That must be illegal!

Edited by Tryhard
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Just woke up after a great party at a local music festival. Had to supervise from 20:00 till 01:00, after that partied till 6:30. In the 01:00 - 06:30 timeframe iv'e had.

- 9 Beers

- 2 Goldstrike

- 1 Tequila

- 2 Zubrovka (too lazy to spell right)

- 3 Herbal bitters

- Couple of whiskeys

- 2 More beers

- Plenty of water

I woke up felling absolutely amazing. =]

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What is your alcohol tolerance and how much do you drink in a sitting?

I have absolutely no clue. The times i have drank, i have never counted how much I have had. Mostly because i usually drink whiskey with coke (although i learned it tastes a lot better with sprite) or something. I also don't usually get really drunk though.

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Don't drink.

Don't like taste or smell, and I'm trying to be less violent I need all my inhibitions and logical reasoning intact so I don't go into what I call "hulk mode". I get pissed off really easily but I have pretty good self control while fully functional, but I'd rather not see how bad it goes once my logic goes out the window.

I don't have money to pay for property destruction, for one. And avoiding drinking something I don't even like (bring me my tea instead) is a pretty easy way to go about it.

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Most of my cousin likes to drink, and so does my sis. Come to think of it, theres only about 3 person that did not drink amongst us

Anyway, thanks to that, I have tried drinking a bit and the taste is awful in many ways(its.... bitter?) so I decided to not drink

That and I have some stomache problem

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New question...or two.

What is your alcohol tolerance and how much do you drink in a sitting? For people who don't (regularly) drink (due to reasons of being underage, etc), have you ever drank alcohol and why (i.e. were you experimenting under the supervision of your parents, etc)?

Very low. I used to drink like only one glass or whatever of wine. I guess the most was some Korean wine that I drank too much and ended up throwing up.....in public and in an ex's car. Yeaaaah... But even so, I rather not drink as a personal choice and because it's a terrible idea to while taking antidepressants.

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Haven't gotten drunk. Don't drink.

Tried wine and fireball cinnamon whiskey recently due to my cousins.

Edited by Makaze
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I dunno whether to say high or low tolerance. I got fairly drunk one time when I drank like, 5 beers. And once I had 8 or 9 shots of bourbon and scotch (not sure which one I had more of) and that made me so drunk I went to sleep shortly after. I very rarely indulge in drinking a single glass/shot nowadays, but that's about it.

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i remember actually getting drunk from 1 bottle of smirnoff ice when i was 16. but things have changed. i can now handle 1 bottle of wine and then go to work on the following morning feeling alright.

i don't know. i'm neither a lightweight or a heavy weight

EDIT: i don't know my limit in terms of alcohol but i do remember having a reasonable amount on christmas day. i think i had.

a small glass of champagne

a glass of red wine

2 more small glasses of champagne

1 bottle of san miguel (beer)

1 bacardi and coke

1 bottle of beer that i don't remember the name of

that was a good christmas day

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i drank the rough equivalent of a fifth of vodka in about twenty minutes one time and i have no fucking clue what happened that night. from what i've been told it wasn't pretty

so i guess that's my ceiling

my tolerance is prolly about the highest in my group of friends probably but that doesn't say much tbh since they're all skinny and nerds

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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I go directly from sober to sick, do not pass happy drunk state. My alcohol collection is mostly for cooking - on the rare occasion that I drink sake (about the only thing that doesn't make me instantly queasy), it's one of those tiny cup things ONLY (so. . .let's just say that's my limit).

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I've had Bacardi, Vodka, Wine, and beer, and the most drunk I've ever been was slightly buzzed and even then I felt like shit(low tolerance, ftw).

This was a long time ago though and I hated every single one of them.

But typically, I don't drink, never been "actually" drunk, but I may have to rethink that... too much shit(people) to deal with while sober and thinking properly.

Oh, and some mix(I forget the name) with various alcohols in it... It was so awful, I had quite the poker face

Edited by Soledai
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For people who don't (regularly) drink (due to reasons of being underage, etc), have you ever drank alcohol and why (i.e. were you experimenting under the supervision of your parents, etc)?

Yes, I drink, but only on special occasions.

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I don't get the question.

Do you drink alcohol? Are you old enough to do so? If the answer to the first one is no, then you'll probably have nothing to contribute. If the answer to the second one is no, then you'll learn when you get older.

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