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False ideas on what's good in FE that we used to have


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- In games with multiple optional paths for unit, choose one based on growths rather than weapon rank and immediate application, e.g. turn Caeda into a Mage!

Does Shadow Dragon have an in-base arena like FE12 does? In FE12, you can and should do something similar with Catria, allowing her to beat the unpromoted-unit Spd cap pretty easily and stockpile some growths for after her promotion by fighting in the arena as a Cav or Archer and then subsequently reclassing to Pegasus for her to do her thing in the upcoming actual level.

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... I actually like Tiny Tina... :\

That's fine with me. She might be the strongest Borderlands character who made this year's contest, tbh... (Face was blown out by Yuri Lowell, Jack couldn't hang with Viewtiful Joe, and Claptrap allowed a character who once got tripled by Rikku to get close to it)

That aside, thinking killer weapons were good in Radiant Dawn was a huge mistake.

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Does Shadow Dragon have an in-base arena like FE12 does? In FE12, you can and should do something similar with Catria, allowing her to beat the unpromoted-unit Spd cap pretty easily and stockpile some growths for after her promotion by fighting in the arena as a Cav or Archer and then subsequently reclassing to Pegasus for her to do her thing in the upcoming actual level.

Nope, no such thing. How much arena can you actually afford in max efficiency FE12? Speaking both in terms of finances and that one mechanic that powers up enemies to brutal levels as you gain subsequent levels.

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Nope, no such thing. How much arena can you actually afford in max efficiency FE12? Speaking both in terms of finances and that one mechanic that powers up enemies to brutal levels as you gain subsequent levels.

If by "max efficiency" you mean the lowest LTC with no concern for reliability, then apparently you need a lot of arena-fights (check out his Merric). If considering the tier-list playstyle--high-ish reliability, low-ish turn-counts--arena use for the purpose you alluded to (beating the unpromoted Spd cap or similar) only really benefits Catria and Caeda (and even then the benefit is small, moreso if the Rainbow Potion is being used), both of whom need only fight like once or twice each. The good-not-great units like Luke and Sirius benefit from occasional arena topping, but I think most of the funds will be spent on stat-boosters and forges.

Edited by Redwall
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I recall back in the day Henry/Maribelle was THE best pairing for Brady. Now it's Lon'qu.

There is actually a miss conception regarding this pairing before Lon'qu become popular

Back in the day, Henry is all about Sorcerer

And then some people started to hype class sets over skills and noticed Henry give Brady Berserker and Thief(for Assassin reclass). Granted not many pairing goes lower following this optimization shift besides say.... Vaike!Gerome(which is now replaced by Vaike triangle), Gregor!Yarne(Gregor is now used on Laurent) etc

And then Lon'qu get the reputation of being the worst father because of poor research and the opinion of one well known dumb min maxer, which is around the time when Brady's reputation goes from "average dude with Galeforce" into "THE BEST CHILD EVER"

Put the two and two together and Lon'qu become a perfect match for Brady

What make it hilarious is the fact that Lon'qu is, in fact, not terrible, but the popularity of Lon'qu!Brady never ceased, which is surprising

On Topic: I always wondered why Archers are considered anywhere near good in GBA FE. Especially FE7, and their 2x multiplier

I actually considers trying 3x Multiplier just to see how it changes the game at times lol

Edited by JSND
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probably doesn't really count as much towards something being "good" but man I really really underestimated how useful terrain could be until I played FE6 HM and now SD H5. I prety much almost forgot about it most of the time in the other games.

I used to always use iron weapons and hoard my steels, silvers and killers. I kind of still do but at least I dont kit units out with iron ALL the time anymore to "save money".

I had a similar approach to terrain ^^

In RD (my first fe) i avoided all terrain (including them healing bushes!) on purpose, because it annoyed me that it reduced my move :D

And i also did (and tbh still do to some extend) save all the "precious weapons" and only used Iron. And also always conserve my statboosetres and vunararies for later. Well ... just like here - or here ^^'

However Awakening is teaching me to be veeeery wasteful with my money and resouces!

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I had a similar approach to terrain ^^

In RD (my first fe) i avoided all terrain (including them healing bushes!) on purpose, because it annoyed me that it reduced my move :D

And i also did (and tbh still do to some extend) save all the "precious weapons" and only used Iron. And also always conserve my statboosetres and vunararies for later. Well ... just like here - or here ^^'

However Awakening is teaching me to be veeeery wasteful with my money and resouces!

Ahahaha. Those comics.

Also, terrain generally wasn't that big a deal in Tellius, particularly compared to the GBA games.

I'm another one who's guilty as charged of mainly using iron (particularly in the GBA games).

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Iron is good when money is limited and atk is superfluous while hit rates could use some work. FE6 is a good example except very few of your units should have "superfluous attack" (the biggest concern is their missing, but when you're equipping a Javelin for enemy phase you know what you're going for).

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Iron is good when money is limited and atk is superfluous while hit rates could use some work. FE6 is a good example except very few of your units should have "superfluous attack" (the biggest concern is their missing, but when you're equipping a Javelin for enemy phase you know what you're going for).

Iron has its uses in GBA games due to slowdown

In games where con isn't a thing, iron's pretty trash

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I remember back when Awakening first came out, especially in Japan, Rally Spectrum was considered the best skill in the game and no one talked about Veteran.

Now we think that Veteran is probably the best skill in Awakening, or at least competes with Galeforce for the top slot. I'd probably say that the only skill better than them is FE4 Pursuit, but that's due to weird mechanics of the game than anything else.

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There is actually a miss conception regarding this pairing before Lon'qu become popular

Back in the day, Henry is all about Sorcerer

And then some people started to hype class sets over skills and noticed Henry give Brady Berserker and Thief(for Assassin reclass). Granted not many pairing goes lower following this optimization shift besides say.... Vaike!Gerome(which is now replaced by Vaike triangle), Gregor!Yarne(Gregor is now used on Laurent) etc

And then Lon'qu get the reputation of being the worst father because of poor research and the opinion of one well known dumb min maxer, which is around the time when Brady's reputation goes from "average dude with Galeforce" into "THE BEST CHILD EVER"

Put the two and two together and Lon'qu become a perfect match for Brady

What make it hilarious is the fact that Lon'qu is, in fact, not terrible, but the popularity of Lon'qu!Brady never ceased, which is surprising

On Topic: I always wondered why Archers are considered anywhere near good in GBA FE. Especially FE7, and their 2x multiplier

I actually considers trying 3x Multiplier just to see how it changes the game at times lol

Oh... so THAT'S what happened.

Lon'qu a terrible father? Lies, lies and more lies. Myrmidon, Thief and Wyvern Rider are amazing. And his speed modifer is pretty stellar.

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You're kidding right

People have overvalued availability since the dawn of time

I've seen tier lists where Lehran was in Mid tier, despite likely being available for like 3 turns maximum. Something about not being around makes him average, so he should be in the most average tier.

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Titania used to have her own tier. Now there are several people (myself included) who don't even consider her as the best unit.

Drafting in just about every game has had huge changes in philosophy.

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Mounted Healer = Best Healer because Mounted

We still believe that.

I recall back in the day Henry/Maribelle was THE best pairing for Brady. Now it's Lon'qu.

Nothing in Awakening can count as "back in the day" yet.

I think caring about supports in the GBA games is the best one to look back on, haha. It was always funny when people tried to hype up a +1 speed support like it would ever actually get somewhere.

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I recall back in the day Henry/Maribelle was THE best pairing for Brady. Now it's Lon'qu.

Weird, cuz i paired Lon'qu and Maribelle this run. Im yet to see the fruits of that union...

Also lol at "back in the day". That was a couple months ago right?

The Jeigan Is Terribad And Eats Your EXP.

This is probably the most notorious misconception in the past fandom. People had Marcus either roflstomping everything while leaving everyone else in the dust, or had Marcus warming the bench to avoid him stealing the EXP from the growth units/lords. Then some middle ground happened where people used Marcus for boss kills and/or utility purposes. Seth and Titania got similar treatment despite them having better growths than guys like Marcus. When the fandom realized that everyone who wasnt the Jeigan got decent EXP creep from regular enemies anyway, they learned their lesson. Theres still people out there who still go "DONT USE THE JEIGAN" instead of saying "Ok, this is how you use the Jeigan."

Oswin Is Amazeballs.

Well he kinda is, but the thing holding him back is his really bad move. People realized that Oswin wasnt as mobile as say everyone with wings or a horse, he dropped a tier. So the whole "use the boots on Oswin" movement disappeared, but around 06, Oswin was god tier.

Super Trainees!

Yeah these suck, but people had this idea back in the day during the heyday of FE8 that the super trainees were awesome despite the terrible con. Glad that one passed.

LTC Is The Only Way To Play.

This passed, thankfully, but there was a knot of the fandom who believed this was the way to be.

Micaiah Sucks.

Mostly gameplay wise before people learned how useful she was for her healing/utility talents. So her squishiness was negated eventually.

I think caring about supports in the GBA games is the best one to look back on, haha. It was always funny when people tried to hype up a +1 speed support like it would ever actually get somewhere.

Oh i remember that. These days, i support in those games for the paired endings, not the mechanics. I remember some arguments about Serra supports. Its like "Do you even know how many turns that costs?!" Even for someone who doesnt care that much for turns, grinding for some supports in the GBA games sucks.

Edited by Ser Dunban
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I remember back when Awakening first came out, especially in Japan, Rally Spectrum was considered the best skill in the game and no one talked about Veteran.

Now we think that Veteran is probably the best skill in Awakening, or at least competes with Galeforce for the top slot. I'd probably say that the only skill better than them is FE4 Pursuit, but that's due to weird mechanics of the game than anything else.

"lightning speed" was pretty well fapped over, moreso than Rally Spectrum imo
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"lightning speed" was pretty well fapped over, moreso than Rally Spectrum imo

SHIPPU JINRAI best skill

i guess another thing i remember was people always taking father picks first in fe4 drafting (now it's pretty much the laylea game)

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