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Fakeclaim Mafia - Game Over


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It's not scummy, it's antitown. There is a difference. We can't just lynch everyone who suggests we do something that's not totally optimal.

w/e. i think it's scummy and antitown at the same time. add on what i said about his iso and i'm fairly confident in it right now.

hell, @everyone: thoughts on refa?

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I am on phone so much in the way of content isn't happening.

Thanks to my phone being terrible my reads are probably way off base/me misreading so I won't mention most of them, I'm townreading Bizz hard though, I will say that.

If someone could put the points made against me in a single post (preferably quoting anti-me posts) so I can try to answer them that would be great.

Sunday is always a busy day for me and Monday is as well, I hope to get my play going after that when I'm less busy.

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The only thing that bugged me about Refa was that his tone sounded aggressive out of nowhere and his one post could have been read as a very subtle defense for Poly (he also didn't seem like he understood RVS very well)

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i really don't get the point of this post. at all. just because someone doesn't mention a particular scumread in each and every one of their posts, does not mean anything at all. yeah sure, i made a post which wasn't addressed until later, but there could be a multitude of reasons for that.

not to mention it doesn't actually provide anything toward a read itself: does this make via look scummier, or what?

Normally, when my scumreads post something, I make it a point to look at what they say, and then respond to it. You posted something, and got no response, which goes completely against what I do. Whether I use that post again or not will depend on the flow of the game.

Just because I normally spam a lot doesn't mean I like spamming, and I especially hate repeating myself a lot.

Manix for some reason everything you're saying is rubbing me the wrong way and literally every time this happens is when you're scum but there's no way I can push this atm.

It's not like there's three minutes left in the phase. If you want Manix lynched, present a case, because I don't think he's worth lynching at this point. Likewise, if you want ME lynched, then present a case. It's impossible to respond to "vibes" logically.

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here's my problem with it: it's entirely probable that it's a player-based suggestion, which has no bearing on alignment. scummy stuff is scummy. i don't like how you (and paper) just dismiss it for being based around a player.

I'm not dismissing it so much as it's just not pinging me at the moment. I'm not hand waving it away entirely, but I wouldn't vote him on that alone. I mean, does that make sense at all? It's something to keep in mind, but I don't find it vote worthy as it is right now?

now for the really fun part. you explain that people can be voted and stuff for acting like themselves, regardless of alignment, but yet when it comes down to it, you handwave refa being scummy with said suggestions because of "him being refa and new". not a fan.

Again, I'm not hand waving Refa's "scumminess" away. It's just not something I would vote him over for and doesn't worry me nearly as hard at this point. I had issue with how Levity called Weapons an "easy target" for his playstyle, because it sounded like she was saying all votes on him were "easy votes".

I can understand why Refa's suggestions would seem scummy to other players and why it makes other people want to vote him, I'm not arguing that your vote is wrong. Just that I personally wouldn't vote him over it because it doesn't bother me as much.

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As for Refa: I'd like to give him a few more hours to say something. It looks like he was on earlier, but didn't reply (can't tell if that's scum avoiding the topic or he did not have time for his reread).

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I'm not dismissing it so much as it's just not pinging me at the moment. I'm not hand waving it away entirely, but I wouldn't vote him on that alone. I mean, does that make sense at all? It's something to keep in mind, but I don't find it vote worthy as it is right now?

hm. i suppose i can cede that, but the way I read it, did look like a bit of a dismissal. paper's post was probably far more dismissive (and less explained)

Also Boron raises a good point that Manix sort of misrepped the Refa argument

I made my interpretations, and that is that.
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It's not like there's three minutes left in the phase. If you want Manix lynched, present a case, because I don't think he's worth lynching at this point. Likewise, if you want ME lynched, then present a case. It's impossible to respond to "vibes" logically.

I realize this and that's why there's no way I can push either of you guys because I can't really present a logical case that everyone else can follow rn.
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hm. i suppose i can cede that, but the way I read it, did look like a bit of a dismissal. paper's post was probably far more dismissive (and less explained)

I made my interpretations, and that is that.

My fault for not making that clear then. Basically, I don't feel bad enough about what he's done to make me want to place a vote on him, although I can understand why others would disagree with me. However, Refa really needs to get back in here.

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Do you have any other opinions?

As I said earlier I've got a townread on you but I'd like to get a computer for reading stuff properly (I'm not hardcore enough to properly read on phone).

I made that vote change because voting Shinori is kind of dumb at this point.

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So atm my primary scumread is Refa... reasons are basically the same as Manix's... so yeah... despise the lameness of sheeping I'll take that for my vote


##Vote: Refa

Quoted this post with hashtags edited in so that I can find them for votals. Please remember the hashtags in future- they're more important than the bolding since I ctrl+f ## to find votes (which makes Boron's member title very annoying).

Edited by BigBadMarshmallow
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Please remember the hashtags in future- they're more important than the bolding since I ctrl+f ## to find votes (which makes Boron's member title very annoying).

I changed my member title just for you BBM

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The only thing out of Wallcrab is a promise to read more, and a town read that I don't quite agree with (the latter isn't worth voting over). Would like content out of him sooner than later.

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You know, when Eclipse unvoted me she suggested I didn't bother her anymore but still keeps making vague passes about me and I can't tell if she actually thinks I'm scummy or not and it's disconcerting. Manix mentioned that passing comment she made about my read on him and he had a good point on that.

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We've got quite a bit of time until the end of D1. Who said anything about Polydeuces being lynched?

It was an example. I don't think anyone actually seriously voted for him.

Actually @Refa if I publicly announce having any degree of suspicion on anyone, I'm letting everyone know about it and hoping maybe they might take it into consideration depending on the circumstance. If I wanted to only note it down for future reference I'd put it in my private notes. I'm curious as to why this was important for you to know and I'm going to chalk it up to playstyle differences atm but it might be something to think about later.

Well if it was a gut read, there's not much I can go upon because I can't concur/disagree with it. If it's based on Manix's actions, then that's a different story.

If I think that person should be lynched, I will be vote number seven/eight/nine if there's something like two minutes left in the phase. Screw the numbers, I vote where I please.

Question: What happens if two groups have the same number of lynches, at six or above?

I think my claim has to do with how many people are voting whoever gets lynched.

I think my claim works better the less people voting for the said Lynchee.

I think I requested for the sake of my claim so that it would be better for town that there be as little people as possible voting the person who get's lynched.

Thus with you stating that you would refuse to abide by what I asked you effectively weaken my role thus effectively you would be UNHELPFUL.

Also if you were to vote whoever get's lynched then, yes, my claim has plenty to do with your vote.

I don't like this argument, because as I understand it Shinori is advocating for 6 vote maximums. Yet before when I was talking about no lynching, he mentioned that was detrimental to town. But with a 6 vote maximum, it would be pretty easy for anyone to change or create a counter wagon quickly, which seems counterintuitive to his argument. Also, I'm just not seeing the benefits that a 6 vote maximum provide.

Fake Edit: OK, this was before he confirmed his role. Which is um...what exactly is it? Anyone?

Also, I don't like her saying that Weapons is an "easy target to push" because it feels like she's dismissing cases on him as "easy votes". In Kirby mafia, Weapons was scum and there was at least one person who dismissed him as "typical Weapons" until his flip.

Yeah, I believe Weapons style of playing is a null tell at best.

The only thing that bugged me about Refa was that his tone sounded aggressive out of nowhere and his one post could have been read as a very subtle defense for Poly (he also didn't seem like he understood RVS very well)

Really? I never found my tone aggressive but I digress. Also BBM really should prod Poly or something...

Also, scumreads;

Apparently Manix has been getting on my case for not having any real reads (true), but that seems like a flimsy case considering I can name a couple of other people who have the same problem. I'm not familiar with his meta though, and flimsy reasoning is not the exclusive domain of scum, so he's a null read atm.

Peoples' arguments on Grassbridger are based solely on the fact that he pays too much attention to word choice, which seems like over-analyzing it. For me, he's a null read.

I don't really like how Bizz switches stances a lot, but I feel it's more of a playstyle difference and there's nothing else about his posts that strikes me as scummy. Leaning town.

Shinori apparently has a super role which only helps for townies, so...closest thing we have to confirmed town?

WRT to Weapons, I don't like his argument against Boron, and he really hasn't made an effort to read anyone else. Leaning scum.

Bearclaw has been sheeping an awful lot this whole game, which is just what. Leaning scum.

I don't have a problem with any of Boron's arguments so far or get any scum vibe from her posts, so leaning town.

Also I don't really get why people find Eclipse suspicious, since to me it seems like she's putting the most effort into scumhunting, so leaning town there too.

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