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One-Shot Mafia Game Thread - Game Over


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nvm ninja'd

Eclipse's claiming would make more sense, actually, since any potential sniper only has one shot, and I doubt they'd waste it on Eclipse.

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You literally just explained you Bias to new players. You don't think that SB would make newb scum. Even though this is like a perfect game for a new player to be either scum or town to be frank since it's open set up, small player, and very simple to understand.

OK, I see where you're coming from. Whether or not you agree with my mod meta is one thing, but the only person I used that reasoning for was Princess Trollstool (and honestly, after his recent post, I'm...thinking I may have to rethink that).

And if you have multiple new players as a town read because of that, you appear to be very lazy imo.

This is actually just false. My read on Euklyd stated that he acted in a way that is counterproductive for scum, and my read on Eury was that her wall of text was good, and I didn't feel like she was scum because of it.

Mosey into the FE4 thread and the RP section, and it's apparent that Polydeuces is present. He's not posting in the thread, which I think is THE biggest case against him (never mind Poly's sparse contribution - at least Objection is trying, despite his claimed schedule). . .behavior like that ticks me off, to the point where I'd be willing to policy lynch him (and possibly ban him from future games, because he went actively AWOL in Fakeclaim, too).

OK, I legit didn't notice this. Not sure why you're comparing Polydeuces contribution to Objection, considering at the time of this post, they were on similar levels. But as you've stated yourself, he's exhibited this sort of behavior as town as well, which makes me less suspicious of him than Objection.

The read that I didn't agree with was Refa's read on you, Poly. I think the listposts will be more valuable come D2; for now, they're on the periphery of my reads (and what is up with advertising your town reads, everyone?).

My reasoning is that scum already knows who town is anyways, and I'd like to be as open as to where I'm standing from as possible; however, I can see why others wouldn't want to share their town reads.

eclipse threatening to claim doesn't really mean much one way or the other. It will give us all some interesting info, and maybe generate some discussion, but it's not really a town or scum tell.

For the record, I'm not really viewing it as a pro town/scum action at the moment (also considering that I don't know what eclipse's role is, she might have a legit good reason for wanting to claim it now).

Also Poly's rolespec is just what. Like I'm not sure to think of it as a scumslip or just really bizzare reasoning.

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by weird rolespec I meant weirdly specific

Not really. There's, like, only a handful of scum roles I can think of, and sniper's the most painful in a game like this (one shot only with a small setup), especially if Eclipse isn't, say, a Bulletproof.

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Also, there'd probably be a sniper in a game like this, it seems like too easy of a scum role to fit in here IMO

I didn't say a damn thing about my role, except that it would generate discussion. This is the strangest jump I've seen on a potentially claimed role, ever.

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$5 it was a scumslip imo

gimme yo moneh then

If it helps, I'll claim myself. My role won't matter post-N1 anyway since I'm probably burning my role now.

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Somehow, I doubt that will help the "scumslip" part. If you're mafia, that means that there's a high likelihood that you know all of your buddy's roles; thus, you wouldn't have to be the sniper to slip it. :facepalm:

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Marshmallow and Flan also seem off to me.

I initially picked at Shinori's word choice out because I checked another thread (the kirby one) and he didn't use the word 'honestly' once. I thought he was town but after skimming through it it looks like he was actually scum (correct me if I'm wrong)? I guess that makes my point null and void! Him picking that up now might mean that he's actually town or something. The implication of word choice means something to me, but bleh, who knows! Tenuous at best, no point in keeping my vote on him either way.

##Unvote, ##Vote Marshmallow

roasted please

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Somehow, I doubt that will help the "scumslip" part. If you're mafia, that means that there's a high likelihood that you know all of your buddy's roles; thus, you wouldn't have to be the sniper to slip it. :facepalm:

Except I'm not actually scum doe. I'm just assuming sniper is present.

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Sorry I'm super tired but

1) I think Poly is scummy and I would lynch him regardless but I'm not sold on the Sniper thing being a slip. I can see why his mind might go there immediately after we just had a game with one. I was also theorizing about a Dayvig earlier (although I was thinking more about a town-aligned one).

2) Eclipse, by itself, it's not scummy that you find several people suspicious. It becomes so when you're saying I'm scummy for it. You're drawing a distinction between what I'm doing and what you're doing by saying that I'm just "throwing suspicion around until it sticks" but the only evidence you've shown backing this up is that I have a large amount of scumreads. If there is indeed a distinction between me and you having several suspicions, show more evidence for that. Also, how does it make sense that I'm both tunneling and throwing suspicion around?

3) The reason I haven't said so much about Refa is because I'm very unsure about him. Several of his reads don't make much sense to me, but he still feels just tonally town to me so I haven't pushed it as much as I could have.

4) If mods could get votals up, that'd be nice. I think I might be leading in votes so I should probably claim tomorrow morning before I head to school if that's the case, as I don't expect to be around for phase end.

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loooool, how shameful, I am just naturally not good at this! Marshmallow had enough of a mix of aggressive and defensive going on for me to put my vote on him.

how is this even suspicious?

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Votals 1.3

BBM (3): eclipse, Eurykins, Princess Trollstool

Euklyd (3): Shinori, The Best SK, Polydeuces

eclipse (2): scorri, Euklyd

Objection (1): Refa

Refa (1): Objection

Polydeuces (1): BBM

Not Voting (1): Baldrick

You have a bit over 17 hours left in the phase. Hammer is 7 votes, and is not required.

Edited by Manix
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Hmm, I need to word this better.

The sense I get from you, BBM, is that you're using ANYTHING you can possibly spin as scummy to support your case, while posting a comment or two elsewhere. I think this approach is supremely unhelpful, because it doesn't seem like you're considering "but what if eclipse is town and doing this?"

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You literally just explained you Bias to new players. You don't think that SB would make newb scum. Even though this is like a perfect game for a new player to be either scum or town to be frank since it's open set up, small player, and very simple to understand.

It's open setup?

BBM: Seems intent on taking me out, which seems really stupid considering I evidently suck ass at mafia, as opposed to BSK targeting an actual threat in Euk. Still, he's doing some other scumhunting as well, so I'm not too sure about going town on him yet.

Thanks, you're great too. I'll take what compliments I can get.

4) If mods could get votals up, that'd be nice. I think I might be leading in votes so I should probably claim tomorrow morning before I head to school if that's the case, as I don't expect to be around for phase end.

I was literally about to say this. I'm quite sure I have more votes than you.

PEDIT: or not, we're tied. I think more people would prefer to lynch me than over you and would not support the reverse than the other way around, so I should probably claim in the morning (or later tonight, if necessary).

Anyways Poly is acting really weird, and I would be perfectly open to a Poly lynch at this point, although I think eclipse is pinging me slightly more. Actually I'm not even sure anymore. I'd be fine with either.

Still null on Trollstool. The not-even-a-case could be newbscum grasping so he won't look scummy, or newbtown grasping so that he won't look scummy, so I don't know what to think. I would assume that if he's newbscum his teammates would be able to give better advice, maybe?

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