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One-Shot Mafia Game Thread - Game Over


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Wagon analysis

Shinori > BBM > objection > scorri > bizz

Shinori was the main instigator of the refa wagon, but he wasn't on until it was already rolling.

I still think BBM's logic for voting refa is bad, considering the setup, but I can't see any scum intent in it unless princess is scum.

I don't like what objection said overnight, it feels contrived.


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I agree with Huck- there was also a strange thing I noticed going on with Shinori.

He seemed to be almost exclusively targetting Refa's with his reads/opinions (and from what I saw, he wasn't tossing out much else when it came to reads/feelings on other people), and even when Trollstool was poking/prodding at him, he barely gave it another thought. Seemed pretty unusual given his general reactions that I've seen/heard before when people scrutinize him.

Personally, I can't say that I liked SK's vote on Refa either- the fact that it was SOLEY based on Shinori's vote/logic and only freaked out when Euklyd claimed Restorer just felt really off to me. Likewise, BBM's vote switch to Refa seemed pretty ill-timed and untrustworthy.

It's harder to pinpoint who/which bandwagon the scum were trying to avoid though. BBM and Euklyd were the main two for a while, and then Trollstool's happened. And then Refa's snuck in with less than an hour before time ran out, which had bad news written all over it.

Shinori > Trollstool > BBM > SK > Poly > Euklyd

##Vote Shinori

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Yeah, I jailed Bizz. Probably blocked a kill attempt on her since I am fairly confident that she is town.

I'm stupid and I totally forgot about the duplicate role clause. Blah. I tried changing once I saw Refa's post but my phone kept crashing and then phase ended. >_>

I think I'm inclined to agree with Baldrick on Objection's night post. Objection was voting Refa; why would he be so angry that Refa was lynched? Sure you might be frustrated if someone you think is scum flips town, but mislynches happen and better for them to happen on someone whom you thought was scum than on someone whom you didn't even want to lynch.

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You were roleblocked Bizz? I can guess what happened then since someone claimed jailkeeper...

How did I instigate the Refa wagon exactly? I question his reads and explained how I thought they were weird to me. But okay. You do realize you were one of the only people that said you didn't agree with my thoughts on his reads right? Which honestly just seems weird.

What was wrong with my reads so much that you chose to think that my thoughts were oh so terribly bad? Please explain. And now after the fact that Refa is lynched you state you don't like BBM's logic for voting him. It's honestly coming off like you knew he was going to flip town. Any explanation here?

Also question @ eury: How was I solely focusing on Refa when I was pressuring someone else for most of the phase and only went to Refa who was a secondary scum read after finding out that Euklyd claimed to be a restorer?

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Hmm I don't like Scorri's vote on Refa. At the time she voted, me, Refa, Euklyd, and Trollstool were all tied for 2 votes. She'd been scumreading Trollstool and that was where her vote was. I don't see why she changed to Refa when she had a scumread on one of the wagons.

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Yeah, I knew it.

Guys I am pretty sure BBM is town and that he saved me from the kill. I'm confused as to why scum would target me, though; maybe because it was possible a protect would be on the claimed restorer and I wasn't on anyone's scumreads yesterday.

I'm not entirely sure who I'm going to vote yet, but off of the top of my head my biggest/one of my biggest scumreads might be Objection. I fucked up with Refa yesterday, whoops. I'm going to brb and then read again before I vote which might take an hour or two.

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They probably tried to kill you since nobody made a serious vote against you or spoke out against you the entire D1 that I can recall, which is why I jailed you.

I think for now I'm going to go with ##Vote: Objection.

I reread a bit over the night phase and I don't really feel enthused with my Eclipse case anymore.

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Guys I am pretty sure BBM is town and that he saved me from the kill. I'm confused as to why scum would target me, though; maybe because it was possible a protect would be on the claimed restorer and I wasn't on anyone's scumreads yesterday.

Bolded part, I'm considering is true, so long as what you're saying about being roleblocked is true.

However, I'm not 100% sure if the underlined part IS true. In the sense that, even if a kill attempt was aimed elsewhere, I believe the roleblocking aspect of the jailer still goes into effect. So, unless it was notified to BBM himself or to you, we don't really know for sure- only the ones who sent out the attempted kill would know. That, and the possibility of duplicate roles also can exist, or roles of similar natures- I'm wondering if it's possible for the Mafia side as well to have a role like the roleblocker to use against us.

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I know. But what I'm saying is that, yes, you could've been roleblocked. But that comes with being jailed- there's no saying if you were the actual target of a kill or not, or if BBM ended up inadvertently just roleblocking you as a result of sticking you in jail overnight.

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Well, the only explanations that I can think of for why there might have been no kills are:

I blocked the attempt on Bizz.

I blocked Bizz's attempt on someone else.

There's an unclaimed Doc who blocked the kill.

Someone had a 1-shot BPV got hit.

The mafia idled their kill.

I'm pretty confident in my Bizz townread so I don't think it's #2. #3 and #4 are possible; if a BPV got hit they should probably claim. #5 could make sense as a scum gambit if I were scum and they were trying to give me towncred by idling the kill and pretending I blocked it, but FMPOV obviously this isn't a possibility. Other than that I can't think of any other reasons the mafia would idle their kill.

So the only ones that make sense to me are #1 and #3. Personally, I think #1 is more likely just because that's who I would have killed had I been mafia.

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I don't know if it's 100% true but it's just what I've chosen to assume. There's no point in discussing it more than it really has to because then it's just empty spec.

##Vote: Objection

I'm partial to Shinori because his last post felt really forced and paranoid (and oddly reserved for Shinori's townmenta), but right now I'm happier with Objection and I'll get to why in a sec

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I'm reading what Eury is doing as paranoid/contemplative town right now, since I can see where she's going, but it's probably best not to dwell on it until we DO get more information like a doc/bpv claim or something.

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I'll be back in a bit, but can we stop rolespeccing on mafia kill shenanigans. The most likely scenario is either bizz got saved by the jailkeep or bbm stopped her from killing someone. I myself am more leaning towards she was protected. I highly doubt scum would have idled their kill on Night 1.

That being said I still want some sort of response from baldrick. I'll be busy for a bit, raiding and stuff on a vidya game.

Oh yeah and a vote for now:

##Vote: Objection

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I'm trying to see who seems to be the mostlikely would-be target of last night's kill, or if the Mafia actually idled/passed on killing anyone. (Though no one else seems to be posting atm, so that's not helping matters either). As it'd hopefully give us more insight on the mentality of who'll be next on their priority list.

*And as for what Shinori said:

[Pg. 4-6]

Posts #64-66: First main/real post since the start of the thread/opening post- side comments on Objection and Poly.

Post #95: Vote on Euklyd and talking about his reads/feelings of him.

[This section starts from Pg. 6 up to pg 11 prior to the lynching]

Post #120: Commented about Refa's reads not sitting well with him.

Post #122: Was poking at the wall of text on Refa's reads with his own chunks of text.

Post #124: Post about typos, yay. Nothing wrong here, but also nothing else said about anyone/anything else.

Post #131: More commentary on Refa's reads.

Post #138: One-liner comment to Trollstool's pokes.

Post # 159: One-liner about the Eclipse potential claim.

Post #212: Switching his vote to Refa, with a tiny drabble of BBM and Objection.

Several things struck me as being odd:

1. He was feeling off about Refa since Page 6 and was constantly scrutinizing his posts (and according to Refa, Shinori also was not replying/responding back to some of his replies as well), and yet did NOT set his vote down on Refa until the Euklyd Restorer claim happened, and until The Best SK likewise had voted for Refa. Seems odd to me.

2. He put in drabbles of opinions on: BBM, Objection, only commented on Eclipse's potential claim comment, Trollstool (due to the randomness/posting quirk- and once again, this was not a read on the player himself), and Euklyd.

In essence, he only had said anything in terms of reads on 3 people. Out of 11 others (excluding himself, obviously) here in the thread. Why is that?

Also question @ eury: How was I solely focusing on Refa when I was pressuring someone else for most of the phase and only went to Refa who was a secondary scum read after finding out that Euklyd claimed to be a restorer?

This is why I disagree with Shinori's statement of having his focuses elsewhere throughout the first day phase.

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actually you're gonna have to give me until tomorrow morning, I am heading to bed early because I am falling asleep at the keyboard.

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Hmm, so someone was gunning for Bizz, but BBM saved him?

Shinori's lack of reads is a bit concerning, but I'm not sure if that entails him flipping scum just yet. I'd rather lynch someone else for now.

##Vote: Objection

Eh, I'm going back and forth now between him & Trollstool as my strongest scum read, and I think he's more likely to be scummy than the new guy, who's probably just noobtown.

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That's an impressive number of votes on Objection in a short amount of time. I don't care for Shinori's vote, because he says nothing about why he's even voting. Poly's vote confuses me because of this. When did Objection become a scumread?

As Shinori has votes that he needs to answer for, I'll do this:

##Vote: Polydeuces

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Shinori's lack of reads is a bit concerning, but I'm not sure if that entails him flipping scum just yet. I'd rather lynch someone else for now.

It wasn't just that, but his actions prior to the mislynch during the day phase.


I'm kinda curious- why are you thanking him for not targetting you? (I'm assuming you were referring to his jail keeping ability)

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ugh whatever I give up I like this better ##Unvote ##Vote: Shinori

sleep now will have more to say uin the morning n

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I'm kinda curious- why are you thanking him for not targetting you? (I'm assuming you were referring to his jail keeping ability)

Remember my claim thing ALL the way back in D1? This was because my role HAD to be used on N1.

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