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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

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  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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In a maximum stats/statsboosters Metagame, obviously those like Mareeta, Galzus, and Finn would still rule thanks to their superior ability or stats advantage, but the biggest change IMO would be Xavier. Wrath, Big Shield, and Charge seems really amazing on papers

I really like Xavier, but no. He get OHKO by Felgus.

Edited by Nicolas
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I really like Xavier, but no. He get OHKO by Felgus.

Wrath Brave Strike + Best offense + 20% Chance to evade anything. He's one of the most promising character if only because his offense is the best beside Mareeta and Galzus

Felgus is arguably one of the worst character by accounts of not having anything beside Swords(so that at least he can use King Sword)

Edited by JSND
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Wrath Brave Strike + Best offense + 20% Chance to evade anything. He's one of the most promising character if only because his offense is the best beside Mareeta and Galzus

Felgus is arguably one of the worst character by accounts of not having anything beside Swords(so that at least he can use King Sword)

If we are talking about FE5 with statbooster I can see Xavier as very good unit.

And Felgus has not so bad stats and can use blagii sword. If you are sure your opponent use Xavier he can be helpful.

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If we are talking about FE5 with statbooster I can see Xavier as very good unit.

And Felgus has not so bad stats and can use blagii sword. If you are sure your opponent use Xavier he can be helpful.

I forgot Blaggi has SE on Armors lol

Felgus has no skills. Granted we have not tested unskilled char yet so I don't know how well guys with extremely high stats yet no skills would fair. The best example would be Kein

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Sorry lads, work and stuff.

I'll have Mareeta attack Trewd please. With the Mareeta Sword.

I'll post my unit opinions a bit later. The Hezul siblings do seem to be centering the metagame around their skill though.

Edited by Woodshooter
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JSND, a lot of these don't seem viable at all. Halvan for example - Beo Sword's existence just means you can target him with your Delmud and expect to whack him with a crit on counterattack for like 33+ extra damage. Doesn't Wrath affect both hits of a brave attack too? That's dead Halvan, and Delmud is most probably the best Charisma provider in the FE5 metagame.

Espi, I think Draft forum is best sub for us, rather than just General FE

I dunno; I asked if drafters were cool with our battles on that subforum and the response wasn't too enthusiastic. The Link Arena drafts being there (including all topics that get produced in the process) makes a lot of sense though and should go there by default.

I'm gonna ready up. Sorry I was at school. And I think the Japanese version is best.

I'll open the topic for it then since I'm back home already.

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[spoiler=see teams here]

JSND's Team:



Dio's Team:


Turn 11.

advb.png vs. jtrn.png

Dio's Mareeta (Mareeta Sword) attacks JSND's Trewd (Hero Sword)!

15x2 100% hit


Trewd receives 15/58 damage!


Trewd receives 11/58 damage!

Trewd is KO'd!

JSND's Team:              Dio's Team:

Leif: 0/49                Finn: 30/47
Nanna: 0/37               Nanna: 0/37
Delmud: 0/48              Mareeta: 4/46
Finn: 0/47                Delmud: 48/48
Trewd: 0/58               Galzus: 54/54

Dio has won the game! Congratulations!

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The Charisma siblings might take two spots on the team but their bonuses are good. A bit too good even.

I'd suggest next game to have them removed to see if the game would be more interesting. In this game since JSND lost two of his Charisma users quickly, my team could get better percentages for the rest of the game. Then again, having Leaf attack someone with the King Sword and hurting himself in the process really didn't help his case, since that made him a glowing target for me to eliminate ASAP. Leadership stars are minor enough that I don't think they're worth removing. The King Sword can remain too, but I'd suggest players to not reveal who uses it until way later. Keep in mind you don't get bonuses from your own Charisma skill, so it's best used as a support weapon rather than a bonus Hero weapon.

Edited by Woodshooter
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Yeah, the rules are for PoR. The rest of the games don't need too many rules because there's less broken stuff (or maybe not, but we've talked about it enough to know what it is) and there's less complexities like Laguz gauges, etc.

Charisma seems like a big deal because who has the most supports affects the outcome of the matchups as the gap between hit and avo can grow p huge. Losing your Charisma bots early means the endgame will have a big disadvantage for you.

I do wonder if Nanna is really as good as she is though, because if you didn't use her to have some extra support during the first two turns you could add an additional combat unit, like Othin. She's quite good if Leif is on the team, like JSND's, but not so much for a team like Dio's (with only Finn and Delmud having synergy with Nanna). Obviously, Nanna being supported also makes her less likely to die and stop giving supports (an Elite Sword seems like a must too, as otherwise braves 2HKO her before she can counter).

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I do wonder if Nanna is really as good as she is though, because if you didn't use her to have some extra support during the first two turns you could add an additional combat unit, like Othin. She's quite good if Leif is on the team, like JSND's, but not so much for a team like Dio's (with only Finn and Delmud having synergy with Nanna). Obviously, Nanna being supported also makes her less likely to die and stop giving supports (an Elite Sword seems like a must too, as otherwise braves 2HKO her before she can counter).

Yeah I got pretty lucky that Nanna wasn't outright destroyed on his first phase since the outcome would've been very different.

I'm not sure who I would've replaced Nanna with. None of the magic users look terribly interesting despite fun skillsets like Sara or cool weapons like Asvel. Even Eyrios is let down by a terrible Build stat that doesn't let him use heavy swords very well. There's Trewd to negate skills or Shiva if I feel really lucky. Robert would've been a nice case of good chipping too since aside from my Nanna, no one else really used any ranged attacks and he's the only archer solid enough to withstand a round of combat against Hero weapons. Marty can do that too, but his accuracy suffers a bit with that 9 Skill.

Edited by Woodshooter
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Which reminds me.

Now that we've adapted the GBA-style counter for all metagames, how do we deal with weaponry that functions differently depending on the range? Some examples are in order:


1. Ike attacks Shinon at 2-range with the Ragnell. Since Shinon is obliged to counter, does this mean Ike cannot proc Aether on his hit? I'm willing to say "no" ("cannot proc Aether") here.

2. Oscar attacks Ragnell-wielding Ike with the Wishblade. Since players can't choose their range anymore, will it be a point-blank or a ranged attack? Oscar's safety depends on this a lot.

FE5 + others

1. Here you have the magic swords (also applies to some other FE games). If you want to target Res, the attack must be ranged, but it can only be ranged against 1-2 range users + is always ranged against bow-wielders. If you engage a 1-range unit into combat, will you target defence instead? I believe crit is also carried over to ranged magic sword attacks.

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1. Here you have the magic swords (also applies to some other FE games). If you want to target Res, the attack must be ranged, but it can only be ranged against 1-2 range users + is always ranged against bow-wielders. If you engage a 1-range unit into combat, will you target defence instead? I believe crit is also carried over to ranged magic sword attacks.

It's physical damage at 1 Range.

Everything carries over at 2 Range in FE5. Even if the Fire Sword casts Fire, it's still going to be 9 damage instead of 5, unlike in FE4 where the actual spell would be used for everything (I think, but it doesn't matter for this yet).

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I mean, in arena settings, if there's Oswin with a Rex Hasta standing in front of you, can you manually select to attack at 2-range, targeting Res, or will you be obliged to attack at point-blank range and fail to scratch his defence?

I'm raising a question of arena range options (or lack thereof) /rules rather than how magic swords work in-game (they work differently depending on the game, which is not the question).

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In FE7 you attack Resistance actually, so it would be better to attack someone like Oswin with the Light Brand, while a guy like Lucius would petty much laugh at it.

It's been so long since I actually did arena battles in the GBA that I forget about range options, but I'm pretty sure it's something along the lines of "if he can counter, then he will".

If two 1-2 ranges fight each other, I'm positive it's going to be at 1 range.

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I mean, in arena settings, if there's Oswin with a Rex Hasta standing in front of you, can you manually select to attack at 2-range, targeting Res, or will you be obliged to attack at point-blank range and fail to scratch his defence?

I'm raising a question of arena range options (or lack thereof) /rules rather than how magic swords work in-game (they work differently depending on the game, which is not the question).

If Raven with Light Brand/Runesword attacks melee unit, it'll be direct combat.

If Spear Fiora attacks Tomahawk Dart or Elfire Pent, it'll be direct combat.

If Thunder Nino attacks Reinfleche Louise, it'll automatically be indirect combat.

Wich means, Ike hits Shinon at 2 range, which means no Aether, and Oscar risks his life to Aether.

edit: there's not an option to choose what type of combat to face.

Edited by Quintessence
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Yeah, the rules are for PoR. The rest of the games don't need too many rules because there's less broken stuff (or maybe not, but we've talked about it enough to know what it is) and there's less complexities like Laguz gauges, etc.

Well, that answers my question. Time to get the match started!

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Oh right, you get to see what combat is like when the animations are on. I do believe that exhausts it then.

The rules that do carry over from the PoR ones in the OP:

- the 5vs5 stuff

- GBA-style counter

- No boosters (but specific metas exist that do utilise those)

- average stats

- no healing

- no triangle attacks

The item space depends on what game is being simulated, so in case of the GBA titles it's 5 items including stuff like Delphi Shield and Iron Rune.

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