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Mafia Headquarters V4


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Currently structuring a Harry Potter themed mafia. As far as balancing a setup goes this will be my first try so I would appreciate someone willing to help me balance out my initial ideas/co-mod.

I've been thinking of a HP mafia for a while. I'll co-mod.

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It's Time To Duel Mafia is back under planning. Revamped and Rebalanced for your entertainment pleasure.

Currently working on the specifics of the second half of major development. BBM, if you'd like to be a player for this one, that's cool. I've changed enough that you won't be informed on the setup. Manix is working with me on this.

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It's Time To Duel Mafia is back under planning. Revamped and Rebalanced for your entertainment pleasure.

Currently working on the specifics of the second half of major development. BBM, if you'd like to be a player for this one, that's cool. I've changed enough that you won't be informed on the setup. Manix is working with me on this.

Yeah okay. I barely contributed anything to the last one anyways lol.

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Yeah okay. I barely contributed anything to the last one anyways lol.

Works for me.

Also, I should bring up that It's Time To Duel Mafia is slightly experimental, but not bastard. Also, it's not going to be Itemafia, but it will be featuring items cards.

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Works for me.

Also, I should bring up that It's Time To Duel Mafia is slightly experimental, but not bastard. Also, it's not going to be Itemafia, but it will be featuring items cards.

You'd best write a timely postgame, or else. :P:

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FTR I'm out of highschool now thanks to the CHSPE so I pretty much have infinite free time for the mafia shut-in lifestyle until I start college next year.

Maybe I'll even join an OC game.

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I'll be able to join large games again because my schedule this term is pretty great and I get a huge break in the middle of it, thanks trimesters

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Hey hey, guess whose running another game of The Resistance? ...Nobody, currently, is the answer! But well I figured I'd like to change that by running a game of Resistance: Avalon, which is kind of like my long ago promised game of Resistance with Roles. Except it's official and it's been playtested and commercially released (don't worry, it's allowed to be played on forums).

Well anyway since this is just a forum adaptation of a commercial game (which has been done many times before), it shouldn't need any checking for balance, and it can easily take any number from 5-10 (7 is ideal, 6-8 is preferred). But if there's anything you guys would like me to do/finalise before the game just let me know.

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It's Time To Duel Mafia is ready to be added to the queue, FMPOV. Manix can overlook it more if he wants, but I don't think it's going to get much more polished than it already is.

Prepare for madness

Edited by The Protown SK
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So much of both that your hair will transform into a funky fresh geometric shape, guaranteed

I like my hair as it is. I shall stand on the side and make snide comments about everyone else's hair, instead. :P:

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Thinking of making a Soul Calibur mafia, definitely a large game.

Will keep you posted when I come up with the roles.

Run the game you sent me first, so you have an idea of what it's like to host.

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