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Mafia Headquarters V4


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Actually, my game might not be delayed, depending. I have to make slight alterations to Role PM's because I had issues with the balance of the setup (and I didn't have access to my spreadsheet due to not having office. but openoffice OP), but I can knock those out tonight and do signups tonight/tomorrow. Unless Prims really wants to host, in which case I'll cede to him

edit: would be looking at like, probably 3 hours from now, maybe 4. it'd give me something to do with my night, anyway

edit 2: or whoever might be hosting. i'm too vague on the rulings in regard to hosting because it's been a while

Edited by Curly Brace
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Great, then I can start mafia-ing almost right after I joined the forum!

I might not be used to the players' usernames though cause I noticed from Inception that some players are referred to by names other than their current usernames and I get messed up reading those.

Also, I don't have to post in-character of the theme of the game?

Oh, is there a way to increase the number of posts seen per page? 10 would be quite cumbersome to deal with in a full-blown game. I was fiddling around with the forum settings but could not find such an option.

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Also, I don't have to post in-character of the theme of the game?

Not generally: sometimes some hosts might have you a posting restriction/suggestion with can be a roleplay. it might be a bit hard for the people unaware of the source flavor to roleplay, you know?

Oh, is there a way to increase the number of posts seen per page? 10 would be quite cumbersome to deal with in a full-blown game. I was fiddling around with the forum settings but could not find such an option.

well, it should be 20 posts per page, but as far as I'm aware that can't be changed. rip 40ppp ;-;

edit: if you have any questions about howto mafia and stuff, give a yell. there's stuff in the first few posts of this thread that have stuff to read that could help as well.

Edited by Curly Brace
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Oh thanks!

I have a little bit of mafia experience but it's mostly real life ones. We just go out and catch the players' weird expression and communicative tells.

I've played on the Internet as well but they are quite different (even between sites). I'll probably read a few links to get into the culture of SF Mafia.

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edit: if you have any questions about howto mafia and stuff, give a yell. there's stuff in the first few posts of this thread that have stuff to read that could help as well.

I've played on the Internet as well but they are quite different (even between sites). I'll probably read a few links to get into the culture of SF Mafia.

You may be interested in checking our info dump thread as well.

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My Little Pony; Friendship is Mafia, is now over. Final LYLO victory goes to Mafia (SB as surviving mafia, Refa as lolded mafia).

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My Little Pony; Friendship is Mafia, is now over. Final LYLO victory goes to Mafia (SB as surviving mafia, Refa as lolded mafia).

I read that as "loaded" at first.

Edited by Sangyul
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[1/27/2014 8:02:41 PM] Hiro Protagonist: I'm literally going to die

[1/27/2014 8:04:13 PM] Hiro Protagonist: also if we somehow win i'll actually watch MLP


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Renaming Real Men of Monocle to Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Mafia (15p, Limited OC, cohosting with scorri)

BTW, this is still ready and has been checked (yet, mysteriously, not added to the Queue).

THOUGH, I'm not rushing it.

Also, I will begin having full computer access as of the beginning of next week. My situation has drastically improved over the past two days, and I foresee it continuing to move forward, albeit slowly, as time progresses. Thank you all for your patience!

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I am going to create and host Tyne-Wear Mafia and it will be incredible. Large game probably.

This goes on the large queue (20 players, IIRC), and may contain bastard elements (it's not a bastard game, though).

As has this but I figure it'll be put up later, and there's always comparing timestamps in case of a dispute of order

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i'll deal with it. keep game talk (or related talk) outside the thread to a minimum, if at all

edit: so while i'm here. temp sub for my game will probably be needed. contact me via PM if you want it.

Edited by Curly Brace
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That brings to mind some really interesting RP/flavor opportunities...

I'm all for it, but I don't think someone with my level of experience could play two games concurrently.

My only problem is that I never made a game, so it's bound to suck unless I get a lot of help.

the other problem is that I wanted to play it...

I already have some ideas for it, including roles. I'd make a no-spoilers version with characters ranging from AA1 to AA5 (AAI/GK series included). Yumihiko/Debeste and Athena would be obligatorily included in the game.

The twist is, Dick Gumshoe was the scums all along.

Or working for them, as we know prosecutors are evil

Edited by Rapier
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My only problem is that I never made a game, so it's bound to suck unless I get a lot of help.

Not necessarily. My first setup was probably the best and the ones after have been worse (except for Inception, but that was a joint effort so it doesn't really apply).

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