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Mafia Headquarters V4


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Yeah it was loading really slowly for me on my laptop for like two or three days. Then it just stopped loading completely for like two days and I just got it to work again last morning.

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I was thinking of this during School of Hard NOCs- what would people think about a game where editing posts was allowed? Not just for like editing typos and whatnot, but a game where editing actual game content was allowed. What effect would do you guys think that would have on the game?

Don't do this. I can't remember which game it was (one of Clipsey's I think,) but we (scum) won by staying up late and ninja'ing our votes to someone else since there was no rule against editing and I was the only person in the game who noticed.

Edit - Duel Terminal 2.

So the plan is that I change my post from

##Vote: Sho


##Vote: Sho


##Vote: Kay

(Highlight that), and Bal edits a vote for Kay in as well in his earliest post in this day phase, Hika should do the same, but we do this as late as possible into the phase, preferrably around 5 minutes before the phase end(which is in 14 hours, I believe, I'll be pulling an all nighter for it.) This stops Raymond's regular votecount catching us.

Then tonight, send me to kill Domu, Shinori safeguards me, and we lynch Ether, shoot Sho, win.


I guess we should have clarification that non-black text is acceptable for official voting, but after that's out of the way, yes looks good.


I'll allow you guys to edit your vote in, but please use regular text.

Night 8: Send Haze to Kill Rapier

Edited by Haze
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i remember dt2 because it was my first game on the site ever and scum redirected the lynch to me probably <24 hours after i subbed in


Two more things;

1. Prims is a smart, aggressive scumhunter, be careful of him.

2. Someone else may need to send in the item use if I'm not here.


You have 12 minutes if you want to redirect the lynch. Make it snappy!

Day 4 - Lynching Prims instead

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Yeah, if there's a game where editing isn't banned or a role that allows for editing, players should still be unable to edit their votes.

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#yolo put me on the small queue for Politics Mafia (basically the game I described in the General Discussion thread except not called TPP so I won't rain on Marth and Terrador's parade). The idea is fundamentally not really well balanced but it'll be fun. :D:

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Whoever feels like editting the queue or wants to give me powers to edit it because I live for organizing spreadsheets:

Remove Real Men of Monocle (was converted to MLP:FiM Mafia, and that's obviously finished)

Remove It's Time To Duel Mafia (It's well, running as we speak, and it's listed on running games as well as ideas)

I've actually mulled over the idea of an Affinity Mafia (kind of like the Magical Starsign Mafia). Would anyone be opposed to me pursuing that idea for a game build? (NOC 10-12p I'm thinking)

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Finished writing role PMs and a ruleset for Fantasy mafia. Already asked Manix to check it for balance a long time ago, so if the balance is still good I think it's ready to be moved off the ideas list.

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Is any other game going to start up while Elieson's is in progress? I've seen several games being run at a time so I'm not sure how the queues work in SF yet

normally we run two games at a time, but since there's been a general lull in activity, we decided to run one game at a time until the activity problem is solved.

edit: having said that, it's entirely possible for a game to start when ITTD starts winding down, to keep things moving

Edited by Curly Brace
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doing cleanup of the spreadsheet now

Also looking for someone who has played Bravely Default to cohost a mafia gaym of the same name with me

put on ideas list with a note

Looking for a cohost/co planner for Danganronpa mafia

on ideas list. can you confirm who's working on it with you if/when you see this

Remove Real Men of Monocle (was converted to MLP:FiM Mafia, and that's obviously finished)

Remove It's Time To Duel Mafia (It's well, running as we speak, and it's listed on running games as well as ideas)


Finished writing role PMs and a ruleset for Fantasy mafia. Already asked Manix to check it for balance a long time ago, so if the balance is still good I think it's ready to be moved off the ideas list.

rechecking balance after this post, will make appropriate decision in time (and edit the spreadsheet appropriately)

#yolo put me on the small queue for Politics Mafia (basically the game I described in the General Discussion thread except not called TPP so I won't rain on Marth and Terrador's parade). The idea is fundamentally not really well balanced but it'll be fun. :D:

remember what you need to actually be put on the queue

it's on the ideas list for now unless another queue mod approves it

Please put Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Mafia on the ideas list.

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Yeah, the only thing I haven't decided is numbers, though I was thinking something like 11/3. I don't expect it to be balanced but it's mainly a joke game anyways.

Dear USER,

You are a Random Citizen. You have no abilities except your word, vote, and the ability to choose the political system of your country each night. Choose wisely...

You are aligned with ALIGNMENT. You win when all threats to ALIGNMENT are dead.

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