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Healer Mafia - D6 ends on Dec. 15 at 8:00 PM HST


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"What the heck?! How did YOU get in here?!"

Dear kirsche,

You are the GEICO gecko. You're happily sitting on their claims, which in turn means that the doctors don't feel like doing their jobs. What do you mean you don't do medical? You do accident insurance, and the host is the only one who knows what the HEMIC toad is! Now stuff it before the host decides to modkill you before the game begins! Ahem. . .

At night, you may do ONE of the following:

- If you reply to your role PM with Night X - Here's your claim, PLAYER, followed by a message that is 300 characters or less, you'll submit the paperwork for PLAYER's claim, along with your custom message. For every three claims you have in play, you gain an extra vote. This shows up in votals! Your custom message will be shown to your target.

- If you reply to your role PM with Night X - DENIED!, you'll gleefully inform all the people with claims that you're not going to cover them. This will seriously depress them and cause them to leave, essentially killing them.

- If you reply to your role PM with Night x - Accepted!, you'll inform everyone with claims that you'll cover them. The medical professionals will be so happy that they'll do their damn jobs for the night, and all kills targeting you will fail.

Note that accepting/denying a claim removes the claim from the target, and that you can't accept/deny claims unless there is at least one in play. If you are lynched while you have two claims or fewer in play, those people with pending claims will be lynched right along with you. Lastly, any attempts to pry into your role PM fails until N3 - you're a gecko, for crying out loud!


You are allied with yourself. You win if you convince these losers that you're their boss (in other words, you need to be the last one standing)

Suddenly, a real snazzy song starts to play:

Prims, who recognizes my taste in music, takes one last look at kirsche's role PM. Oops.

Dear Prims,

You are Fontaine. You're not seen that much, but that's because the students in your school aren't the type to hang out in the nurse's office. You are also a part of Atticus' fan club, and that's ever-so-slightly disturbing.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with Night X - What's this, PLAYER? You will pull up PLAYER's medical records, and if you die during the night/next day phase, you will reveal PLAYER's role PM for all to see.

As your signature card is a monster that changes healing effects to harmful ones, anyone that pries into your role PM will come to the conclusion that you're mafia. Perhaps you can use this to your advantage. . .

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

Dear Elieson,

You are Chopper. You have several different forms, but felt that your small, adorable one would work best. You're here to discuss medical techniques, not wreck things!

During the night, you MUST respond to your role PM with Night X - Shouldn't PLAYER1 talk to PLAYER2 instead? You will convince PLAYER1 to target PLAYER2 instead of who they'd originally target. This only happens on even-number nights, but MUST happen (failure to submit an action will result in a modkill).

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

The file in Prims' hands belongs to none other than kirsche. Good job!

It is now Night 4! End time is unchanged! Also, you're a bunch of jerks for lynching the flavor that my dad came up with!

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Yo! That was something! I'm feeling incredibly good about Manix now, in all honesty I was thinking he might have been scum. My impression is that it was a 14/3/1 set up, and with 2 scum down, he wouldn't have been able to know Prims was primed and make the night kill himself. I have a bad feeling that I'm going to be the next night kill, but I'm not really too sure who to suspect other than Poly. I don't like his claim, but I guess we'll have to see what he says in the morning.

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"There's doctor's in Touhou?"

"Nah, I think the host is lazy."

Dear scorri,

You are Litchi. You do your best to service the Kaka clan, while trying to keep Bang and Taokaka off of your chest (literally). You also try to keep Arakune out of everyone's hair.

Your role changes depending on what night it is:

- During odd-numbered nights, you may reply to your role PM with Night X - PLAYER1 and PLAYER2 go well together! Anything that targets PLAYER1 will ALSO target PLAYER2, and vice versa.

- During even-numbered nights, you may reply to your role PM with Night X - Standing on my staff. You will reflect everything that targets you back to the source. You WILL be affected by whatever targeted you, however. Unfortunately, you won't reflect kills, 'cause you can't reflect stuff if you're a corpse!

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

Unamused at the turn of events, you go about your daily business. Where's Manix?

It is now Day 5! Day 5 ends on December 11 at 5:00 PM HST (reference). Manix has been silenced! He may not post in the thread, but he can still be lynched.

It is potential MYLO!

Edited by eclipse
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Also, Kirsche couldn't have killed Vhaltz since he primed Prims on N2. And Scorri couldn't have redirected any kills to him either, since it was an even night. So we still have an unexplained kill floating around somewhere.

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>BlazBlue flavour

brilliant shit.

Also, I targeted Refa last night and can clear him as town. Had to be sure he wasn't a scum driver.

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You said that you were suspicious that one of Scorri/Shinori were lying. Why'd you target Refa? I know Prims suggested it, but I can't remember you being suspicious of Refa on D4, at all.

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Also, Kirsche couldn't have killed Vhaltz since he primed Prims on N2. And Scorri couldn't have redirected any kills to him either, since it was an even night. So we still have an unexplained kill floating around somewhere.


That means I fucking bussed Vhaltz and Grassbridger and got scum to kill themselves, aw yeah, confirmed town (I don't get why scum would want to kill Grassbridger, but w/e, this is awesome). I do want to reply to all of the things said yesterday that I missed, so give me a little time there.

And will talk about my night actions after everyone else announces theirs.

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Maybe you did redirect the mafia kill to Vhaltz, but then in that case the SB kill is unexplained. Either way there's an unexplained kill, which means there's also the possibility of you not having directed the mafia kill at all.

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You said that you were suspicious that one of Scorri/Shinori were lying. Why'd you target Refa? I know Prims suggested it, but I can't remember you being suspicious of Refa on D4, at all.

I actually operated on the assumption that Refa was going to drive me onto someone else (since you'd suggested something along those lines to him regardless of my alignment), hence my targeting him.

I'm curious if Shin has an additional part to his role aside from Insomniac, since it seems a bit too weak for this game to have him as just being able to post at night. Since he's confirmed town via Venno, though, can't suspect him.

Regardless, the Scorri flip coupled with Refa being confirmed town means that I'm about 99% sure that Shinori's lying about his role.

##Vote: Shinori

I'll do a bigger reads post in a bit.

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Maybe you did redirect the mafia kill to Vhaltz, but then in that case the SB kill is unexplained. Either way there's an unexplained kill, which means there's also the possibility of you not having directed the mafia kill at all.

SB got a courier message, so I'm pretty sure he was SK kill. So that leaves only one explanation!

Also I think scum is Shinori, one of Manix, BBM. I GUESS Poly could have fakeclaimed Backup but I'm not seeing it, really. It's like, at least two people here (Manix and Shinori, also parenthesisception) stated they wanted to lynch me, so I'd have been a pretty easy mislynch target. Maybe scum was worried about my DRIVE or something, but I'm pretty sure he's town).

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Wait, I forgot I didn't target Shinori (that's why I was holding out on revealing my night actions, but it's kind of pointless lol). Drove Polydeuces and Shin together (basically the idea was, if Polydeuces was scum I thought he'd go for proven town to reduce the number of clears, or on the offchance that he didn't target me he'd still get some useful information...if he targetted Shin I'd turbolynch him :p).

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No, read Kirsche's role PM. He couldn't kill people and prime someone else on the same night. We know he primed Prims on N2; he couldn't have killed SB either. >_>

Backup is super easy to fake and Backup Cop especially. He's kept trying way too hard to get himself in the "townie" list, and he was way too eager to claim Backup Cop when there was no benefit to the town in doing so at all.

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Alright, so here's my reads as of right now, in order of towniest to scummiest:

Poly - ermahgerd best town evah

Refa + Shin - Confirmed town via cop scans. No need to go any further with them as far as reads go.

Kaoz - Can't be a threat to town otherwise we wouldn't be in MYLO (since we can't lynch or target him in any way, otherwise Clipsey's screwing with us).

BBM - I've never liked the idea that he's scummy in this game. I'm looking through his ISO and while his activity is... erratic, I guess... it's not to a point where it feels like he'd be coasting. And his scumhunting logic has been sound, and he's not exactly playing like he would as scum, based upon what I've seen of his scum play.

Manix/Bizz - Partly PoE, but I do have some stuff to go off of. The short-but-frequent posts are kind of an irritation, but not inherently scummy. The Grass deathtunnel on D3 looks bad in hindsight, and the belief that there were two couriers is just... odd, IMO. What point would there be in having two couriers, especially one who's non-town?

Shinori - The roleclaim was odd, but believable at the time since nobody had a damn clue who had what. But now that all the roles are out in the open and claimed, Shinori's claim seems odd since he seems to have not hooked a killer in four nights, despite his claim of being able to hook killers if his target is killed that night.

In addition:

-In post #1270, he says he has no idea why Kirsche is being lynched, then votes him not even eight posts later due to Manix's statement that if there's an ITP, usually the one who notes the existence of it is the ITP themselves. Then, in the very next post after he votes Kirsche, he unvotes him for no apparent reason.

-His reads seem to be all over the place, and are generally unclear aside from the aforementioned post #1270 where he suggests BBM is his highest scumread, then doesn't vote him for... some reason. It makes it seem like he's hopping on the big wagons for no reason, which is kind of bad-looking, especially when he hopped off lynching the ITP right after he put him at L-1.

-After D1, the amount of content he has drops significantly, and only about one or two of his posts after D1 include actual reads. Most of it is discussing his night results (which apparently gave him no useful info, another red flag IMO since he can easily fudge the info he gives us about his results), and then he vanishes again. I don't know if this is an RL thing that effects him, but it still doesn't help.

If Shinori turns out to be town if/when he's lynched, I'm scanning one of BBM or Manix, since they're really the only two who I don't know whether or not they're town based on various things (outside of the aforementioned Shinori).

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tl;dr version:

-Shinori's D4 content especially bugs me

-If he flips town, one of BBM/Manix is scum

>I'm scanning one of the two to confirm this if I make it to N5

Lynch priority ATM is Shinori >>>> Manix = BBM.

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Poly, potential MYLO means that there pretty much have to be 2 scum left, so then who's the second scum?

I think it's Poly + Refa/Manix atm. Can't see Shinori's role being scum when it's just worse than Watcher.

Also I'm stupid; I keep forgetting about Kaoz. I guess he could be a Vig? dunno

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