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It's Time To Duel!!!! Mafia [Game Over]


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And wrt the way I handled GP I very simply thought we at L-2 so I didn't want to put it at L-1 and risk a hammer before she could claim. The claim didn't sway my opinion so I very simply voted for her.

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So that happened.

@Eury: I don't think I explained this very well. But when Poly and you both are suspected scum then its kinda hard to cleae either of you. As it stands you could both be scum and trying to clear each other. Though I doubt you both are. However it is the one thing that jumped out to me the most when I was Re-Reading.

Tbh, I don't even know if I'd consider Poly cleared either. As I said, I don't even know why he chose me or to try and clear me of those who were still alive come N1/incoming D2. Your guess is as good as mine as to why I was chosen.

However, perhaps it was the fact that he wasn't a wagon on D1 (unlike me) and so figured he himself was a fairly townish/null read at the time, and so played it out like town. All in all though, your quips against him choosing me, as opposed to someone cleared as TOWN? Seems pretty weird to me.

That, and you'd think that, if someone is clearly townie, and/or otherwise hasn't done too much, those people are also liable to being picked off by scum early (at least from what I've seen). So why focus on trying to self-clear when you can make more use of an ability in order to scum hunt and scan through other players that you otherwise aren't sure about? That and if you end up targeting someone who ends up being an SK/NK target (ie. that really safe/cleared townie person that may have cleared Poly himself), doesn't that make the night action in itself kiiiiiiiiinda useless/wasted? That's just how I see/feel about it.

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I think we may have a difference in philosophy on this. Why take the risk of getting scum and having them twist your words in OC and get you lynched when you could just have OC with somebody who is likely to be town and have greater insight into their opinions. Also most neighborizers are more than one use so you can go off of a combination of your opinions and search using that. I find there's less risk for the same reward. But apparently my philosophy. And remember suspicion of Poly were raised at the end of day 1.

Also why would SK kill town. The way I see I would go after scum right away. It's safer and makes it easier near endgame.

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And wrt the way I handled GP I very simply thought we at L-2 so I didn't want to put it at L-1 and risk a hammer before she could claim. The claim didn't sway my opinion so I very simply voted for her.

Claim or not, it was clear that you highly suspected her to be scum, so I see no reason as to not put her at L-1. If someone hammered her and she flips townie, yeah, that sucks- but then you can look at the wagon/hammerer and see what can be found. Scum flip, along with the fact that no one else was even really a wagon on D2, just means that the vote was warranted. So why would you be worried about 'risking a hammer' when she was pretty much the only one on the chopping block?

I just find it strange that you wanted to wait for the claim, and that it didn't sway your opinion for the vote- which can make sense. But yet you never commented on said claim, either- which makes it seem like a convenient excuse for you to seem non-committal with your vote/the post before said vote. And along with that, the above point regarding you worrying about the hammer just makes you seem a heck of a lot more self-conscious/wary with your actions/posting. Kinda fishy if you ask me.

I think we may have a difference in philosophy on this. Why take the risk of getting scum and having them twist your words in OC and get you lynched when you could just have OC with somebody who is likely to be town and have greater insight into their opinions. Also most neighborizers are more than one use so you can go off of a combination of your opinions and search using that. I find there's less risk for the same reward. But apparently my philosophy. And remember suspicion of Poly were raised at the end of day 1.

Also why would SK kill town. The way I see I would go after scum right away. It's safer and makes it easier near endgame.

1. Abilities are meant to be utilized to the fullest extent, imo. Doctors/jail keepers act to protect others and keep them alive, role/alliance cops serve to scum hunt harder/more efficiently, roleblockers gimp who the person thinks is the greatest threat to the game, etc. OC ability is no different. Yes, you could pick up scum, a third party, or a townie- who knows! But even so, a smart player will run it like an OC game/conversation, and see what they gain there. Even if they nail scum with OC- the scum may end up slipping up, or otherwise inconsistencies in-thread VS. OC can make it easier for the user of the OC ability to nail them. In addition, town can easily openly converse with others in-thread to let their thoughts be known- it's what most townies do. Scum have their own QT so they're likely to limit their thoughts in-thread at times, or be more selective with it. Imo, there's more to gain in terms of access to information and overall interactions by targeting people who aren't already cleared than solid townies. (So yeah, probs a difference in thought process/logic.)

2. Why wouldn't SK kill town? Vig/protection roles/scans/etc. that town can have can be easily just as detrimental, if not moreso of a threat, than dealing with scum. Town's JOB is to find and weed out the scum, so SK's don't necessarily have to keep worrying about the Mafia as much, especially if they're getting knocked down easily enough. Also, town tends to outweigh scum in numbers by a great deal (usually), so it's easier to thin out town as other scum get caught/killed on the side during the Day phases, and having at least one other Mafia player alive that an SK can assume wouldn't target him/her, just means that you can crank out more deaths per night phases than if you were alone as the remaining SK scum. Faster kills, safer game for the SK. (The enemy of my enemy is my friend, so to speak.)

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Does your role allow you to put these in spoilers? I just don't want to continuously scroll down and I've been getting distracted them. Granted I don't have the longest attention span.

And I've been very self conscious all game. It's nothing new. I accept I'll probably be lynched in the next couple days, but I'd rather not have it be because I've done something extremely stupid. That does kinda sound scummy. Whatever not gonna change anything at this point.

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Does your role allow you to put these in spoilers? I just don't want to continuously scroll down and I've been getting distracted them. Granted I don't have the longest attention span.

And I've been very self conscious all game. It's nothing new. I accept I'll probably be lynched in the next couple days, but I'd rather not have it be because I've done something extremely stupid. That does kinda sound scummy. Whatever not gonna change anything at this point.

I've tried it, actually. I don't know if I have to format it in a specific way though, but for some reason my post restriction/format isn't carrying over to them (and would rather not get myself modkilled for the spoiler text not being formatted. x_x)

Blame whoever gave this posting restriction to me in the first place. D:

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It was at first but now not so much. Who ever did this should've just done something silly. Like old timey gentleman. And no it wasnt me. I used used my vouyer card. I think that's how you spell it.

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I can't actually read Eury's posts, my eyes hurt so much! I'm not too sure what's going currently, I still don't like DA BEAR, although I was hoping to hear from him. scorri initially came off fairly tunnely, but her play improved a lot over D2 so I'm relatively content with how she's acting.

In all honesty, Prims, I don't like how you're trying to tempt Poly to blow himself up to kill Shinoriclipse, who I'm not entirely sold on being scum. Sure, if they are scum, it's a relatively good trade, but it's incredibly harmful to town if both are town - something you don't seem to be acknowledging in the slightest. There's also the fact I've been labelled as potential busser, yet none of the votes that followed were even worth a mention, I do appreciate the attention though!

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That's the thing, I don't think Shinoriclipse is town. (Especially after Eury's recent posts, which have me trusting her pretty solidly.)

I wish more people would vote for the mafias instead of just posting words a lot. Where is bearclaw?

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My oh my so much to read. I'm reading everything as ISOs, so expect opinions without knowing the whole picture.

Contrary to Randa's paranoia, I don't really find Poly that scummy? Or well, I feel like his playstyle is not reserved like a scum's style usually would be. Especially how gung ho he was about his vig shot/loverizer whatever he used N1 which still confuses me; the drive(assuming its from scum) makes perfect sense then. This is what happens when you announce your shots in-thread, people. Trying to clear Eury via flavour is a bad move but I don't see scum intent in it.

Shin seems scummy to me. Regardless of the swap to GP from bearclaw(makes a good about how scum!him would be making a bad move if he bussed GP when GP and bear were tied in votes. Makes me wonder if there was any other reason, then.), his content is literally saying people don't have enough content or providing townreads- this is hypocritical when he calls out Prims for wanting Shinoriclipse lynched for similar reasons. There's also rolespec added in but I won't go down there mostly because tis useless to harp on it. I also feel his point on Prims where he doesn't like him tempting Poly to suicide vigging is a weak point against him. Prims even linked his earlier case on Shinori and nothing much had changed, isn't it only sensible to ask for a vigshot on an inactive player who you found scummy?

I think bearclaw is town, especially after his interaction with GP D2. Both of them are relatively new to mafia, I don't think it'd be easy for them to bus each other as scum like the way they argued last phase.

Also, our night action on scorri failed N1. I assume she used another Warp Portal N1, because flavour suggests that we weren't roleblocked N1. Not sure why this wasn't outed yet.

Still reading, kinda trying to figure things out, too much to read lol.

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Also can I have a list of card actions claimed throughout the game? I'm going through so many ISOs and its too hard to figure out who did what when.

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I'm here for, like, a few minutes, and no I don't have time to read all of that (especially Eury's, and whoever did that to her should inherit my monitor for the next day phase). I need to show this pauper Elieson how to run a tournament PROPERLY (if my younger brother dies to a lynch mob, you did it wrong, jerkface). Ahem. . .thanks to the fact that the rules of this duel don't apply to me, I get to see what's in your hands. My lazier half (Shinori) didn't tell me why he targeted Prims on N1, and I chose my N2 target based off of the RNG. I won't say what you guys are holding, but here's something about my N2 target: This person has six cards, with two of them being the same.

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Just posting to say that my activity for the next five days or so is going to be extremely spotty. Eli knows the reasons why. I'm leaving for the airport in about a half hour and don't know when after that I'll get on my laptop before late tonight.

Also I agree with Prims that eclipse/Shinori should claim their N2 target, there's no reason to claim one and not claim the other.

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Elieson "should votals more" Votals:

Shinori/eclipse (2): Polydeuces, prims

Polydeuces (1): randa/Bluedoom

randa/Bluedoom (1): Eurykins

Voteless but hording Star Chips: scorri, kirsche, Shin, Shinori/Eclipse, dragonfang13*

*indicates a call for substitution

With 9 alive, 5 hammers. Day 3 ends in 27 hours, at 2330 CST (11:30pm) on 3/28/14. No Hammer = No Lynch.
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Who're you again Eury, did you claim? Want Eury to answer this.

I don't want to lynch atm because I don't feel like we'd get anything from it and am not really convinced the slot is scum. I'd much rather we lynch

##Vote: Randa

Has your read on Scorri changed since #527? I feel like this post (#527) is kinda wasteful, not reaching any kind of meaningful conclusion. Your case on Poly is bad for the most part ("Why not clear yourself instead of scumhunt" - because scumhunting takes priority over getting other people to believe that you're town. Also Poly claimed vig before N1 so if that was Baldrick's role then that's one lucky ass prediction). In addition to this, poor D1 and everyone conveniently forgetting about you makes you a good vote.

I'm out for now. Slowly getting enthusiasm HYPE.

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Everybody should probably go back and the post were poly actually explains the action. I will quote it when I'm not on my phone so you can be lazy but in the means time I will just quote the phrase from the ISO."Yes I have Pac with her today. I figured if I could clear her then it might prevent a mislynch" it would be great if he had actually been trying to find acum but instead he triesto clear her when he himself isn't in a good standing. It's a poor move that makes no sense when approached from either move. He didn't say he's gaining information about a suspect he tries to just flat put clear her. Town gains nothing from this evil can clear two people. And can you guys actually let poly defend himself instead of doing the work for him.

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Ok, this death tunnel on Poly is getting dumb. The fact that it's basically all Randa's talked about today and for reasons I discussed yesterday, I'm going to


I am going to be trying to get back before phase end, but I cannot make any promises sadly.

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