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What is the glitchiest mess you have ever played?


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I don't play many glitchy games, so I would so Sonic Next Gen, but...

I never owned Hamtaro Ham-Hams Unite, so I downloaded a ROM of it. It was the glitchiest mess I had ever played. I love the game, but that ROM completely murdered it.

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Probably Pokemon Red and Blue, as others have said.

It would have been Donkey Kong 64, but they managed to fix a decent number of the glitches in the PAL release (like say the ability to swim through vertical walls...)

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Fallout New Vegas. every 2 hours or so there was a game crashing bug. One of the bugs is my follower just up and died when he entered a new map. This was unnoticed for 2 map loads. And I had to load a saved game file that made me lose two hours worth of progress to get him back. These companies should spend more time bug fixing!

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Superman 64, also if you really know Ocarina of Time you'll find its one of the most unstable N64 games including such amazing things as warping to Ganon as a Kid, finding out the red tunic works on spikes and poison water not just lava etc

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Has anybody even listed a single PC game so far? Pokemon? Mega Man? Even Zelda? They are harmless.

There is a reason that developers already released patches for PC games before Internet access became all that common... well, probably because it was actually possible to patch them.

Aaaaaanyway, the worst of the bunch that I played has to be Gothic 3.

Gothic games had never been all that stable but this installment was just plain broken. You know you are dealing with an unfinished mess of a game when you can see lens flare effects underground.

Human enemies can't fight back as long as you keep button mashing. Even the mighty Xardas can't withstand the might of repeated presses of the attack button. And when dealing with monsters, you can't fight back because they attack too fast to allow the player to take any action in-between. I tried Sword & Shield combat. Didn't work because Shields don't do anything against monsters, melee attacks can be blocked without a shield anyway and blocking arrows drains so much stamina that you are rendered helpless in the blink of an eye. You are way better off using that stamina to run towards those archers.

Crossbows were hilarious too. Unlike bows, you couldn't run when using them. Seems like a fair trade off until you realize that when you get hit while trying to put the weapon away, it will restart the animation. This renders you completely helpless until you are dead or you manage by some miracle to finish the animation somehow without being interrupted. I tried playing a mage afterwards but I stopped that too after I noticed that Fire Rain has an absurdly low range in front of the character but has massive reach behind the character for whatever reason.

Nothing in this game seemed to work. I don't know if the community patches managed to salvage this mess but the mere fact that the community had to spend years trying to fix it is telling about the quality of the software on it's release.

Edited by BrightBow
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Derp. I forgot about Sonic Genesis on the GBA. Which was a very, very shitty rebuild of Sonic 1 on the GBA.

Yes, rebuild. Because Sonic 1 can run just fine on the GBA as Stealth of Sonic Retro had proved with a proof of concept.

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STALKER: a bug nest, a giant bug nest. Name a glitch, it will have it. From minor glitches that you can somewhat ignore to game stopping glitches that make your head explode. You meet glitches every step you make. Thankfully, the 3rd game is actually playable.

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sonic 2006.

my dad got it for me on my birthday.

screw you dad

I'd still argue Sonic Genesis on the GBA is worse, especially the principle of it being a terrible butcher of a good game rather than a game that was bad from its inception.

But arguing which trash is worse is futile.

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